blob: 51e2448b734ea41ab48ce78c54dd16c100f29c9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/intel-i915/hardware-common.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/intel-i915/power.h"
namespace i915 {
class DdiReference;
// On Intel display devices, DDIs (Digital Display Interfaces) contain port
// logic to interface to the DDI physical layer (PHY), which are the physical
// ports in the IO subsystem provided by the hardware.
// This class provides interfaces of the physical layers to display drivers, so
// that the drivers can:
// - `Enable()` / `Disable()` the physical layer of a certain port for display
// use;
// - Query display device availability (`GetPhysicalLayerInfo()`) on the
// physical port.
// A typical DDI Physical Layer can communicate with the port IO subsystem to
// maintain power state of the physical port, configure physical lanes for
// display usage, and query physical device state to report back to the driver.
// On older generations of Intel Display Engine (e.g. Kaby Lake and Skylake),
// the DDI Physical layers are usually automatically configured by the firmware
// and the driver doesn't need to do much to maintain the physical layer state.
// However on newer generations (e.g. Ice Lake, Tiger Lake), drivers must
// initialize the physical layer before using it for display purpose.
// `DdiPhysicalLayer`s are intrusively reference counted. Display Devices can
// hold references to enabled PHYs, and release the reference once the display
// is removed, which finally disable the PHY for power saving when the PHY is
// not referenced by any display.
// The Ref-counting Is *Not* Thread-safe. `DdiPhysicalLayer`s and references to
// `DdiPhysicalLayer`s must be accessed only by a single thread.
// TODO( Currently the intel-i915 driver doesn't fulfill this
// requirement. The threading model of the driver needs to be fixed.
// References:
// Ice Lake:
// - IHD-OS-ICLLP-Vol 12-1.22-Rev 2.0 Pages 333-335 "Digital Display Interface"
// - IHD-OS-ICLLP-Vol 12-1.22-Rev 2.0 Pages 346-360 "Gen11+ TypeC Programming"
// Tiger Lake:
// - IHD-OS-TGL-Vol 12-1.22-Rev 2.0 Pages 390-398 "Digital Display Interface"
// - IHD-OS-TGL-Vol 12-1.22-Rev 2.0 Pages 399-409 "TypeC Programming"
class DdiPhysicalLayer {
enum class DdiType {
// COMBO DDI (DDI A - DDI C) on Tiger Lake
// DDI (DDI A - DDI E) on Skylake / Kaby Lake
// Type-C (Dekel) DDI (DDI TC 1 - DDI TC 6) on Tiger Lake
enum class ConnectionType {
// The DDI has no physical port attached or no display is plugged to the
// port.
// A built-in HDMI or DisplayPort connector is attached to the DDI to
// support a fixed configuration.
// A USB Type-C connector is attached to the DDI and a Type-C device is
// connected using DisplayPort Alternate mode.
// A USB Type-C connector is attached to the DDI and a Type-C device is
// connected using DisplayPort over Thunderbolt mode.
struct PhysicalLayerInfo {
// The type of DDI.
// See definitions of `DdiType` enum class above for valid values.
DdiType ddi_type;
// The type of port / device attached to the DDI.
// If the value is not `kNone`, it means a display device *may* be
// connected. The driver then should use GMBUS (for DVI / HDMI) or DPCD
// registers (for DisplayPort) to determine display availability.
ConnectionType connection_type;
// This is the physical layer's constraint on the connection's lane count.
// There may be other sides (for example, the DisplayPort capability by
// sink device) which could introduce additional constraints.
// The driver must use the *minimum* lane count value so that it fulfills
// all the constraints.
uint8_t max_allowed_dp_lane_count = 0;
fbl::String DebugString() const;
explicit DdiPhysicalLayer(DdiId ddi_id) : ddi_id_(ddi_id) {}
virtual ~DdiPhysicalLayer() = default;
// Copying and moving are not allowed.
DdiPhysicalLayer(const DdiPhysicalLayer&) = delete;
DdiPhysicalLayer& operator=(const DdiPhysicalLayer&) = delete;
DdiPhysicalLayer(DdiPhysicalLayer&&) = delete;
DdiPhysicalLayer& operator=(DdiPhysicalLayer&&) = delete;
DdiId ddi_id() const { return ddi_id_; }
// Indicates whether the DDI PHY is already enabled.
virtual bool IsEnabled() const = 0;
// Indicates whether the DDI PHY is in a healthy state to be enabled.
// Drivers must not `Enable()` a DDI or use it for display if `IsHealthy()`
// returns false.
virtual bool IsHealthy() const = 0;
// Enables the physical layer of the DDI.
// Returns true if the DDI PHY is enabled successfully, otherwise returns
// false.
// This method is idempotent; if a DDI PHY is already enabled when this
// function is called, the method will not change the hardware state.
virtual bool Enable() = 0;
// Disables the physical layer of the DDI.
// Returns true if the DDI PHY is disabled successfully, otherwise returns
// false.
// This method is idempotent; if a DDI PHY is already disabled when this
// function is called, the method will not change the hardware state.
virtual bool Disable() = 0;
virtual PhysicalLayerInfo GetPhysicalLayerInfo() const = 0;
friend class DdiReference;
// Adds a reference to an enabled PHY.
void AddRef();
// Releases a reference to this object. This will disable the PHY once the
// last reference is released.
void Release();
DdiId ddi_id_;
// The ref-counting is *not* thread-safe.
int ref_count_ = 0;
// Instantiation of DDI Physical Layer (DDI A-E) on Skylake / Kaby Lake.
class DdiSkylake : public DdiPhysicalLayer {
explicit DdiSkylake(DdiId ddi_id) : DdiPhysicalLayer(ddi_id) {}
~DdiSkylake() override = default;
// DdiPhysicalLayer overrides:
bool IsEnabled() const override { return enabled_; }
bool IsHealthy() const override { return true; }
bool Enable() override;
bool Disable() override;
PhysicalLayerInfo GetPhysicalLayerInfo() const override;
bool enabled_ = false;
// Tiger Lake's Combo DDIs (DDI A-C).
// Combo DDIs support both high-voltage display standards (DisplayPort, HDMI)
// suitable for long backplanes (cables connected to external monitors) and
// as low-voltage standards (Embedded DisplayPort, MIPI D-PHY) used for shorter
// backplanes (PCB traces and short internal cables).
// Each combo DDI is connected to a specific port type at device manufacturing
// time. The connectivity information is recorded in the VBT (Video BIOS
// Table). The display driver (us) is responsible for configuring the DDI to
// reflect this information.
class ComboDdiTigerLake : public DdiPhysicalLayer {
explicit ComboDdiTigerLake(DdiId ddi_id, fdf::MmioBuffer* mmio_space);
~ComboDdiTigerLake() override = default;
// DdiPhysicalLayer overrides:
bool IsEnabled() const override { return enabled_; }
bool IsHealthy() const override { return true; }
bool Enable() override;
bool Disable() override;
PhysicalLayerInfo GetPhysicalLayerInfo() const override;
// Combo PHYs must be initialized before being enabled.
// TODO( Create an initialization API in the base class.
bool Initialize();
// Combo PHYs must be un-initialized before entering the DC9 sleep state.
// TODO( Create an initialization API in the base class.
bool Deinitialize();
bool enabled_ = false;
fdf::MmioBuffer* const mmio_space_ = nullptr;
// Instantiation of Type-C DDI Physical Layer (DDI TC 1-6) on Tiger Lake.
class TypeCDdiTigerLake : public DdiPhysicalLayer {
TypeCDdiTigerLake(DdiId ddi_id, Power* power, fdf::MmioBuffer* mmio_space, bool is_static_port);
~TypeCDdiTigerLake() override;
// The DDI PHY initialization process contains multiple steps and can be
// described as a linear finite state machine (FSM).
// - For a successful initialization process, it starts from "Uninitialized"
// and ends at "Initialized".
// Uninitialized
// |
// v
// Intermediate State 1
// |
// v
// Intermediate State 2
// |
// ...
// |
// v
// Initialized
// - For a failed initialization process, it starts from "Uninitialized",
// transitioning to intermediate steps until initialization fails, and then
// traverses back to "Uninitialized" (if deinitialization succeeds,
// otherwise it will stop at the first failed deinitialization step) along
// the reversed direction.
// Uninitialized
// | ^
// v |
// Intermediate State 1
// | ^
// v |
// Intermediate State 2 (init failed)
// or
// Uninitialized
// |
// v
// Intermediate State 1 (deinit failed)
// | ^
// v |
// Intermediate State 2 (failed)
// - For deinitialization process, it starts from "Initialized" and ends at
// "Uninitialized" (if it succeeds) or the first intermediate state it
// failed at.
// Uninitialized
// ^
// |
// Intermediate State 1
// ^
// |
// ...
// |
// Intermediate State N-1
// ^
// |
// Intermediate State N
// ^
// |
// Initialized
// All the valid states, including "Uninitialized", "Initialized", and all
// intermediate states will be defined in this class.
enum class InitializationPhase : int;
// DdiPhysicalLayer overrides:
bool IsEnabled() const override;
bool IsHealthy() const override;
bool Enable() override;
bool Disable() override;
PhysicalLayerInfo GetPhysicalLayerInfo() const override { return physical_layer_info_; }
// Helper method to read `PhysicalLayerInfo` directly from hardware registers.
// Caller must guarantee that this is only called when the Type-C
// microcontroller is ready.
PhysicalLayerInfo ReadPhysicalLayerInfo() const;
// Advance the FSM in the "enable" direction (towards "Initialized") for one
// step.
// The return value indicates whether the "enable" FSM should continue
// running.
// Returns false if and only if
// - The FSM is already at the terminal state (Initialized), or
// - The step taken fails.
// This public interface should be only used by tests.
bool AdvanceEnableFsm();
// Advance the FSM in the "disable" direction (towards "Uninitialized") for
// one step.
// The return value indicates whether the "disable" FSM should continue
// running.
// Returns false if and only if
// - The FSM is already at the terminal state (Uninitialized), or
// - The step taken fails.
// This public interface should be only used by tests.
bool AdvanceDisableFsm();
const InitializationPhase& GetInitializationPhaseForTesting() const {
return initialization_phase_;
void SetInitializationPhaseForTesting(InitializationPhase initialization_phase) {
initialization_phase_ = initialization_phase;
// Default physical layer state when there is no display plugged in.
PhysicalLayerInfo DefaultPhysicalLayerInfo() const {
return PhysicalLayerInfo{
.ddi_type = DdiType::kTypeC,
.connection_type = is_static_port_ ? ConnectionType::kBuiltIn : ConnectionType::kNone,
.max_allowed_dp_lane_count = static_cast<uint8_t>(is_static_port_ ? 4 : 0),
bool SetAuxIoPower(bool target_enabled) const;
bool SetPhySafeModeDisabled(bool target_disabled) const;
bool BlockTypeCColdPowerState();
bool UnblockTypeCColdPowerState();
Power* power_ = nullptr;
fdf::MmioBuffer* mmio_space_ = nullptr;
// On device initialization, this stands for the last initialization step that
// was attempted. This step might not have completed successfully.
// On device deinitialization, this stands for the last initialization step
// that has not yet been reverted successfully (i.e., the revert step might
// not have happened yet, or the revert step has just failed).
InitializationPhase initialization_phase_;
bool is_static_port_ = false;
PhysicalLayerInfo physical_layer_info_;
} // namespace i915