blob: 56fb7fb8977cd803ee2378ca9c3eaea72e37d23b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/mmio/mmio-buffer.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/intel-i915/ddi-physical-layer.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/intel-i915/hardware-common.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/intel-i915/igd.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/intel-i915/power.h"
namespace i915 {
class DdiManager;
// An RAII helper class for lifetime management of intrusively refcounted DDI
// Physical Interfaces.
// A typical usage scenario of `DdiReference` is a `DisplayDevice` owning
// `DdiReference` to keep the DDI physical layer enabled when the display is on,
// and destroying the `DdiReference` to release ownership of the PHY when
// tearing down the display, which will finally turn off the PHY once all the
// display devices are removed.
// Note that since `DdiPhysicalLayer` is not thread-safe, all the
// `DdiPhysicalLayer`s and `DdiReference`s should be created, accessed and
// destroyed by only one single thread.
class DdiReference {
// Null reference.
// Reference to a `phy` owned and managed by `manager`.
explicit DdiReference(DdiPhysicalLayer* phy);
// Not copyable.
DdiReference(const DdiReference&) = delete;
DdiReference& operator=(const DdiReference&) = delete;
// Moveable.
DdiReference(DdiReference&& rhs) noexcept;
DdiReference& operator=(DdiReference&& rhs) noexcept;
bool IsNull() const { return phy_ == nullptr; }
explicit operator bool() const { return !IsNull(); }
// This forwards return value of `DdiPhysicalLayer::GetPhysicalLayerInfo()`.
// Callers should only call this on a non-null `DdiReference` object.
DdiPhysicalLayer::PhysicalLayerInfo GetPhysicalLayerInfo() const;
DdiPhysicalLayer* phy_ = nullptr;
// The DDI Manager stores all DDI PHY instances and creates references to
// ref-counted DDI physical layer instances for DisplayDevice.
// This class cannot be instantiated by itself. Platforms (e.g. Skylake / Tiger
// Lake) must inherit from this class to create platform-specific `DdiManager`
// instances.
class DdiManager {
// Try to create a `DdiReference` (a reference to DDI physical layer
// interface) for `ddi`.
// Callers must guarantee that `ddi` is invalid on the Display Engine and
// corresponds to a valid physical port on the board.
// Returns a null `DdiReference` if the physical layer of `ddi` cannot be
// enabled. Otherwise, it returns a `DdiReference` to the enabled DDI physical
// interface.
DdiReference GetDdiReference(DdiId ddi_id);
using DdiIdToPhyMap = std::unordered_map<DdiId, std::unique_ptr<DdiPhysicalLayer>>;
// Made protected so that this class cannot be instantiated by itself.
DdiManager() = default;
const DdiIdToPhyMap& ddi_map() const { return ddi_map_; }
DdiIdToPhyMap& ddi_map() { return ddi_map_; }
DdiIdToPhyMap ddi_map_;
// Instantiation of DDI Manager on Skylake / Kaby Lake.
class DdiManagerSkylake : public DdiManager {
// Instantiation of DDI Manager on Tiger Lake.
class DdiManagerTigerLake : public DdiManager {
explicit DdiManagerTigerLake(Controller* controller);
// Used for testing only.
// Tests can use this class to inject all the classes used to create DDI PHY
// instances.
DdiManagerTigerLake(Power* power, fdf::MmioBuffer* mmio_space, const IgdOpRegion& igd_opregion);
} // namespace i915