blob: 57a524a9943d58f30667ce9d775aff8c2338f30b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
namespace amlogic_display {
// TOP MIPI_DSI AML Registers
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SW_RESET (0x00 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_CLK_CNTL (0x01 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_CNTL (0x02 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SUSPEND_CNTL (0x03 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SUSPEND_LINE (0x04 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_SUSPEND_PIX (0x05 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_CNTL (0x06 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_STAT (0x07 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE0 (0x08 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_TE1 (0x09 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS0 (0x0A << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEAS_STAT_VS1 (0x0B << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_INTR_CNTL_STAT (0x0C << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TOP_MEM_PD (0x0D << 2)
// The register definitions here are from the AMLogic A311D datasheet revision
// 08 section "MIPI_DSI". The datasheet specifies that the register
// addresses are relative to 0xff64'4000. Section 8.1 "Memory Map" states that
// this is the base of the MMIO register region labeled "MIPI_DSI_PHY".
#define MIPI_DSI_PHY_CTRL (0x000 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_CHAN_CTRL (0x001 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_CHAN_STS (0x002 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_CLK_TIM (0x003 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_HS_TIM (0x004 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_LP_TIM (0x005 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_ANA_UP_TIM (0x006 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_INIT_TIM (0x007 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_WAKEUP_TIM (0x008 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_LPOK_TIM (0x009 << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_LP_WCHDOG (0x00a << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_ANA_CTRL (0x00b << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_CLK_TIM1 (0x00c << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TURN_WCHDOG (0x00d << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_ULPS_CHECK (0x00e << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TEST_CTRL0 (0x00f << 2)
#define MIPI_DSI_TEST_CTRL1 (0x010 << 2)
// MIPI_DSI_TOP_CNTL Bit definitions
// MIPI_DSI_PHY_CTRL Bit definitions
#define PHY_CTRL_TXDDRCLK_EN (1 << 0)
#define PHY_CTRL_DDRCLKPATH_EN (1 << 7)
#define PHY_CTRL_CLK_DIV_COUNTER (1 << 8)
#define PHY_CTRL_CLK_DIV_EN (1 << 9)
#define PHY_CTRL_BYTECLK_EN (1 << 12)
#define PHY_CTRL_RST_START (31)
#define PHY_CTRL_RST_BITS (1)
#define ANA_UP_TIME (0x100) // from vendor
#define LPOK_TIME (0x7C)
#define ULPS_CHECK_TIME (0x927C)
#define LP_WCHDOG_TIME (0x1000)
#define TURN_WCHDOG_TIME (0x1000)
// Frequency Ranges (in Hz) specific to AmLogic S905D2
inline constexpr int64_t kExternalOscillatorFrequencyHz = int64_t{24} * 1'000 * 1'000;
inline constexpr int64_t kMinVoltageControlledOscillatorFrequencyHz =
int64_t{3} * 1'000 * 1'000 * 1'000;
inline constexpr int64_t kMaxVoltageControlledOscillatorFrequencyHz =
int64_t{6} * 1'000 * 1'000 * 1'000;
inline constexpr int64_t kMaxPixelClockFrequencyHz = int64_t{200} * 1'000 * 1'000;
#define MAX_OD_SEL (3)
#define PLL_FRAC_RANGE (1 << 17)
#define MIPI_DSI_COLOR_24BIT (0x5)
// We currently only support 8 bit mode
// AML PHY Timer Config Values
#define PHY_TMR_LPCLK_CLKHS_TO_LP (0x87)
#define PHY_TMR_LPCLK_CLKLP_TO_HS (0x25)
#define PHY_TMR_HS_TO_LP (0x0332)
#define PHY_TMR_LP_TO_HS (0x0)
#define DPHY_TIMEOUT (200000)
// This defined the number of bytes of the largest packet that can fit in LP mode during
// various regions (VSA, VBP, VFP, VACT).
#define LPCMD_PKT_SIZE (4)
// The following values are based on MIPI D-PHY Spec Version 2.1 Table 14. The
// values defined are recommended values coming from AmLogic.
// x100 multiplier to ensure proper ui value
#define UI_X_100 (100)
// Time that the transmitter continues to send HS clock after the last associated Data Lane
// has transitioned to LP Mode. Interval is defined as the period from the end of HS-Trail
// to the beginning of CLK-TRAIL (>60+52*ui)
#define DPHY_TIME_CLK_POST(ui) (DPHY_TIME_CLK_TRAIL + 52 * (ui) + 10 * UI_X_100)
// Time that the HS clock shall be driven by the transmitter prior to any associated Data Lane
// beginning the transition from LP to HS mode. (>8*ui)
#define DPHY_TIME_CLK_PRE(ui) (10 * (ui))
// Time that the transmitter drives the Clock Lane LP-00 Line state immediately
// before the HS-0 Line state starting the HS transmission (38, 95)
#define DPHY_TIME_CLK_PREPARE (6650) // (((38+95)/2) * UI_X_100)
// Time that the transmitter drives the HS-0 state after the last payload clock bit of a
// HS transmission burst (>=60ns)
#define DPHY_TIME_CLK_TRAIL (60 * UI_X_100)
// CLK-PREPARE + time the transmitter drives the HS-0 state prior to starting the Clock (> 300)
#define DPHY_TIME_CLK_ZERO(ui) (300 * UI_X_100 - DPHY_TIME_CLK_PREPARE + 10 * UI_X_100)
// Transmitted time internal from the start of HS-TRAIL or CLK-TRAIL to start of
// LP-11 state following a HS burst
#define DPHY_TIME_EOT(ui) (105 * UI_X_100 + 12 * (ui))
// Time that the transmitter drives the LP-11 following a HS burst (>100ns)
#define DPHY_TIME_HS_EXIT (100 * UI_X_100)
// Time that the transmitter drives the Data Lane LP-00 Line state immediately
// before the HS-0 Line state starting the HS transmission (40+4*ui, 85+6*ui)
#define DPHY_TIME_HS_PREPARE(ui) (((40 + 85) * UI_X_100 + (4 + 6) * (ui)) / 2)
// HS_PREPARE + time that the transmitter drives the HS-0 state prior to transmitting
// the Sync sequence (>145+10*ui)
#define DPHY_TIME_HS_ZERO(ui) (145 * UI_X_100 + 10 * (ui) - DPHY_TIME_HS_PREPARE(ui))
// Time that the transmitter drives the flipped differential state after last
// payload data bit of a HS transmission burst max(n*8*ui, 60+n*4*ui) <n = 1>
#define DPHY_TIME_HS_TRAIL(ui) (std::max((8 * (ui)), (60 * UI_X_100 + 4 * (ui))))
// >100us
#define DPHY_TIME_INIT (110 * UI_X_100 * 1000)
// TX length of any LP state should be >50ns according to MIPI D-PHY Spec
#define DPHY_TIME_LP_LPX (100 * UI_X_100)
// Time that the new transmitter drives the Bridge state (LP-00) after
// accepting control during a Link Trunaround (5*lpx)
// Time that the transmitter drives the Bridge state (LP-00) before releasing
// control during a Link Turnaround (4*lpx)
// Time that the new transmitter waits after the LP-10 state before transmitting
// the Bridge state (LP-00) during a Link Turnaround (lpx, 2*lpx)
// Time that a transmitter drives a Mark-1 state prior to a Stop state in order to initiate an
// exit from ULPS >1ms
#define DPHY_TIME_WAKEUP (1020 * UI_X_100 * 1000)
// LP TX escape mode should be >100ns --> TODO(payamm): Where is this coming from?
#define DPHY_TIME_LP_TESC (250 * UI_X_100)
// MIPI DSI/VENC Color Format Definitions
#define MIPI_DSI_VENC_COLOR_24B (0x1)
// This structure holds the parameters used to program VPU LCD interface
struct LcdTiming {
uint32_t vid_pixel_on;
uint32_t vid_line_on;
uint32_t hs_hs_addr;
uint32_t hs_he_addr;
uint32_t vs_hs_addr;
uint32_t vs_he_addr;
uint32_t vs_vs_addr;
uint32_t vs_ve_addr;
// This structure holds the calculated pll values based on desired pixel clock
// TODO( Unify the PLL configuration logic for
// HDMI and MIPI-DSI output.
struct HdmiPllConfigForMipiDsi {
// Output frequency of the HDMI PLL.
int64_t pll_frequency_hz;
// Calculated bitrate of the D-PHY lane on the high speed mode.
int64_t dphy_data_lane_bits_per_second;
// pll parameters
uint32_t pll_multiplier_integer;
uint32_t pll_multiplier_fraction;
uint32_t pll_divider;
int64_t pll_voltage_controlled_oscillator_output_frequency_hz;
uint32_t output_divider1_selection;
uint32_t output_divider2_selection;
uint32_t output_divider3_selection;
// divisor parameters
uint32_t clock_factor;
} // namespace amlogic_display