blob: ce3cc123473773caa11512044a0e301fb14f3200 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.gpio/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/mmio/mmio-buffer.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/lcd.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/mipi-phy.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/amlogic-display/panel-config.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/designware-dsi/dsi-host-controller.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/driver-framework-migration-utils/namespace/namespace.h"
namespace amlogic_display {
class DsiHost {
// Factory method intended for production use.
// This method doesn't modify hardware state in any way, and is thus safe to
// use when adopting a device that was initialized by the bootloader.
// `parent` provides all resources needed to drive the DSI host hardware.
// `panel_config` must be non-null and must outlive the `DsiHost` instance.
// Returns a non-null pointer to the DsiHost instance on success.
static zx::result<std::unique_ptr<DsiHost>> Create(display::Namespace& incoming,
uint32_t panel_type,
const PanelConfig* panel_config);
// Production code should prefer using the `Create()` factory method.
// `panel_config` must be non-null and must outlive the `DsiHost` instance.
// `mipi_dsi_top_mmio` is the MIPI-DSI top-level control MMIO register
// region. It must be a valid MMIO buffer.
// `hhi_mmio` is the HHI (HIU) MMIO register region. It must be a valid
// MMIO buffer.
// `lcd_reset_gpio` is the LCD RESET GPIO pin and must be valid.
// `designware_dsi_host_controller` must not be nullptr.
// `lcd` must not be nullptr. It may depend on `designware_dsi_host_controller`.
// `phy` must not be nullptr. It may depend on `designware_dsi_host_controller`.
explicit DsiHost(
uint32_t panel_type, const PanelConfig* panel_config, fdf::MmioBuffer mipi_dsi_top_mmio,
fdf::MmioBuffer hhi_mmio, fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_gpio::Gpio> lcd_reset_gpio,
std::unique_ptr<designware_dsi::DsiHostController> designware_dsi_host_controller,
std::unique_ptr<Lcd> lcd, std::unique_ptr<MipiPhy> phy, bool enabled);
~DsiHost() = default;
DsiHost(const DsiHost&) = delete;
DsiHost& operator=(const DsiHost&) = delete;
DsiHost(DsiHost&&) = delete;
DsiHost& operator=(DsiHost&&) = delete;
// This function sets up mipi dsi interface. It includes both DWC and AmLogic blocks
// The DesignWare setup could technically be moved to the dw_mipi_dsi driver. However,
// given the highly configurable nature of this block, we'd have to provide a lot of
// information to the generic driver. Therefore, it's just simpler to configure it here
// `dphy_data_lane_bits_per_second` is the bit transmission rate on each
// D-PHY data lane.
zx::result<> Enable(int64_t dphy_data_lane_bits_per_second);
// This function will turn off DSI Host. It is a "best-effort" function. We will attempt
// to shutdown whatever we can. Error during shutdown path is ignored and function proceeds
// with shutting down.
void Disable();
void Dump();
uint32_t panel_type() const { return panel_type_; }
void PhyEnable();
void PhyDisable();
// Configures the MIPI DSI Host controller (transmitter) hardware for video
// data transmission.
// `dphy_data_lane_bits_per_second` is the bit transmission rate on each
// D-PHY data lane.
zx::result<> ConfigureDsiHostController(int64_t dphy_data_lane_bits_per_second);
// Performs the Amlogic-specific power operation sequence.
// The Amlogic-specific power operations are defined in the Amlogic MIPI DSI
// Panel Tuning User Guide, Version 0.1 (Google internal), Section 2.4.10
// "Power on/off step", pages 16-17.
// `power_on` is called for each command of type Signal.
zx::result<> PerformPowerOpSequence(cpp20::span<const PowerOp> power_ops,
fit::callback<zx::result<>()> power_on);
fdf::MmioBuffer mipi_dsi_top_mmio_;
fdf::MmioBuffer hhi_mmio_;
fidl::WireSyncClient<fuchsia_hardware_gpio::Gpio> lcd_reset_gpio_;
uint32_t panel_type_;
const PanelConfig& panel_config_;
bool enabled_ = false;
// Must outlive `lcd_` and `phy_`.
std::unique_ptr<designware_dsi::DsiHostController> designware_dsi_host_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<Lcd> lcd_;
std::unique_ptr<MipiPhy> phy_;
} // namespace amlogic_display