blob: f2445a9880874716514c3445eb671599014cbd30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// EFI TCP Wrapper
// These APIs provide a simple wrapper around the EFI TCP protocol, hiding much
// of the complexity around the asynchronous behavior and error handling to
// expose a basic set of accept/read/write/disconnect APIs.
// This API was designed to mesh well with the existing fastboot code, which
// executes as a state machine run in a main loop. For this purpose, the TCP
// callback mechanism isn't used, and instead we expose functions that can be
// polled. General usage will look like this:
// switch (tcp6_func(...)) {
// case TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS: // operation completed successfully
// case TCP6_RESULT_PENDING: // not ready yet, call again next loop
// case TCP6_RESULT_DISCONNECTED: // client disconnected
// case TCP6_RESULT_ERROR: // unexpected error
// }
// Limitations:
// * currently only supports TCP6
// * the device must implement EFI_TCP6_PROTOCOL; we aren't implementing TCP
// here, we're just wrapping an existing driver in a simpler API
// * only supports being the TCP host/server with a single client
// * must have exclusive access to incoming network packets; trying to read
// packets manually from the network will steal TCP packets and cause errors
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <efi/boot-services.h>
#include <efi/protocol/service-binding.h>
#include <efi/protocol/tcp6.h>
#include <efi/types.h>
// This struct is mostly used as an opaque token for callers, they generally
// shouldn't have to use any of the members directly.
typedef struct {
// Save the boot services table so the caller doesn't need to pass it to
// each function.
efi_boot_services* boot_services;
// The binding protocol used to open the server protocol.
efi_handle binding_handle;
efi_service_binding_protocol* binding_protocol;
// The server protocol for accepting new client connections.
efi_handle server_handle;
efi_tcp6_protocol* server_protocol;
efi_tcp6_listen_token server_accept_token;
efi_tcp6_close_token server_close_token;
// The client protocol for talking to a client.
efi_handle client_handle;
efi_tcp6_protocol* client_protocol;
efi_tcp6_close_token client_close_token;
// R/W state. If we ever need to support multiple in-flight reads/writes,
// this could be dynamically allocated instead.
efi_tcp6_receive_data read_data;
const uint8_t* read_end;
efi_tcp6_io_token read_token;
efi_tcp6_transmit_data write_data;
efi_tcp6_io_token write_token;
} tcp6_socket;
typedef enum {
TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS, // The operation completed successfully.
TCP6_RESULT_PENDING, // The operation is still pending, call again later.
TCP6_RESULT_DISCONNECTED, // The operation was cancelled due to disconnect.
TCP6_RESULT_ERROR // The operation completed with an error.
} tcp6_result;
// Opens a TCP6 server socket.
// This uses the first TCP interface it finds; we may need to improve this for
// devices with multiple TCP interfaces
// Call tcp6_close() on this socket when finished.
// Args:
// socket: socket struct to open; must not already be open
// boot_services: EFI boot services table
// address: IP6 address to open the server on
// port: TCP server port to open
// Returns:
tcp6_result tcp6_open(tcp6_socket* socket, efi_boot_services* boot_services,
const efi_ipv6_addr* address, uint16_t port);
// Accepts an incoming TCP client connection.
// Only one TCP client is currently supported at a time. Once a client is
// connected, this cannot be called again until tcp6_disconnect() completes.
// Returns:
tcp6_result tcp6_accept(tcp6_socket* socket);
// Reads bytes from the connected TCP client.
// Only a single in-flight read is supported. |data| and |size| are cached
// when starting a new read, and cannot be changed until the read completes.
// On SUCCESS it is guaranteed that exactly |size| bytes have been read.
// Returns:
tcp6_result tcp6_read(tcp6_socket* socket, void* data, uint32_t size);
// Writes bytes to the connected TCP client.
// Like tcp6_read(), only a single in-flight write is supported. Additionally,
// |data| is not copied internally, so the caller must ensure that it remains
// valid and unchanged while a write is pending.
// On SUCCESS it is guaranteed that exactly |size| bytes have been written.
// Returns:
tcp6_result tcp6_write(tcp6_socket* socket, const void* data, uint32_t size);
// Disconnects the currently connected TCP client.
// This performs a graceful shutdown; any pending TX data is flushed and the
// TCP close handshake is performed before returning TCP6_RESULT_SUCCESS.
// Even if another operation has returned TCP6_RESULT_DISCONNECTED, this still
// needs to be called until it returns SUCCESS to clean up resources before
// attempting to accept the next client.
// No-op if there is no connected TCP client.
// Returns:
tcp6_result tcp6_disconnect(tcp6_socket* socket);
// Closes a TCP socket.
// Automatically calls tcp6_disconnect().
// The given |socket| cannot be reused until this function returns
// Returns:
tcp6_result tcp6_close(tcp6_socket* socket);