blob: d6ea48f2b51db578ab4447ae33f64b13bec8caaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include "network.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace gigaboot {
struct DnsHeader {
uint16_t id;
uint16_t flags;
uint16_t question_count;
uint16_t answer_count;
uint16_t authority_count;
uint16_t additional_count;
static_assert(sizeof(DnsHeader) == 12);
// The ethernet header is implicitly added, but its length still counts towards the payload.
// That header has three fields: source MAC, destination MAC, and 2 octet ethertype.
// Each protocol layer header also counts towards the maximum.
constexpr size_t kDnsMaxPayload = kEthMTU - kMacAddrLen - kMacAddrLen - sizeof(uint16_t) -
sizeof(Ip6Header) - sizeof(UdpHeader) - sizeof(DnsHeader);
using DnsPayload = std::array<uint8_t, kDnsMaxPayload>;
constexpr Ip6Addr kIpV6MdnsDestAddr = {
0xFF, 0x02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFB,
constexpr MacAddr kEthMdnsDestAddr = MulticastMacFromIp6(kIpV6MdnsDestAddr);
constexpr uint16_t kMdnsFlagQueryResponse = 0x8000;
constexpr uint16_t kMdnsFlagAuthoritative = 0x400;
constexpr uint16_t kFbServerPort = 5554;
constexpr uint16_t kMdnsPort = 5353;
constexpr size_t kDeviceIdMaxLen = 24;
using DeviceName = std::array<char, kDeviceIdMaxLen>;
// DNS (and mDNS) names are defined using a graph structure a little like an inverted tree: there
// are many entry leaves, and at each higher layer the `next` segment aggregates leaves feeding
// inwards. The "root" of the tree is an implicit, empty string. It can be replaced with a null
// `next` in the graph representation. DNS queries use a simple length+string representation for
// serializing each name segment. The length field is 1 octet and has a maximum value of 63, or
// 0b00111111. The root is indicated with a length of zero. Joining dots are implicit.
// Example representation for
// DnsNameSegment example[] = {
// {.name = "able", .loc = 0, .next = &example[1]},
// {.name = "baker", .loc = 0, .next = &example[2]},
// {.name = "charlie", .loc = 0, .next = &example[3]},
// {.name = "com", .loc = 0, .next = nullptr},
// };
// DnsNameSegment* server = &example[0];
// Which serializes to
// 4 a b l e 5 b a k e r 7 c h a r l i e 3 c o m 0
// If the two most significant bits of the serialized length are set, then the length
// is instead a two octet offset field within the DNS payload describing the
// continuation of the fully qualified domain name.
// i.e. deserialization might look something like this
// uint8_t length = *reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
// if(length =< 63){
// // Uncompressed string segment
// } else if (length & 0xC0){
// uint16_t offset = ntohs(*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(ptr)) & ~0xC000;
// length = *reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(payload + offset);
// } else {
// // error, inconsistent length.
// }
// The DnsNameSegment `loc` is then specific to a serialized DNS payload.
// It depends on what names were previously serialized in the payload and in what order.
// The `loc` field is cleared at the beginning of serialization
// and is set as part of serialization.
struct DnsNameSegment {
std::string_view name;
uint16_t loc;
DnsNameSegment* next;
struct DnsPtrRecord {
constexpr static uint16_t kType = 12;
DnsNameSegment* name;
struct DnsAAAARecord {
constexpr static uint16_t kType = 28;
Ip6Addr addr;
struct DnsSrvRecord {
constexpr static uint16_t kType = 33;
uint16_t priority;
uint16_t weight;
uint16_t port;
DnsNameSegment* target;
struct DnsRecord {
DnsNameSegment* name;
uint16_t record_class;
// Note: any additional DNS record types added MUST define a kType constant
// and MUST be added to the the types in the `data_` variant.
std::variant<DnsPtrRecord, DnsAAAARecord, DnsSrvRecord> data;
// Forward declaration.
class MdnsPacket;
class DnsContext {
// Context for DNS serialization.
// This class owns name segments and records.
// Name segments are modified as part of serialization due to DNS name compression,
// and records hold pointers to name segments.
// This class Wraps up that data so that structures are modified in a consistent manner
// that preserves invariants.
DnsContext(fbl::Vector<DnsNameSegment> segments, fbl::Vector<DnsRecord> records)
: name_segments_(std::move(segments)), records_(std::move(records)) {}
// Serialize all owned mdns records to the packet.
// Returns true if the packet had sufficient free space and the write succeeded, false otherwise.
bool WriteRecords(zx::duration time_to_live, MdnsPacket& packet);
// Serialize a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) to the packet.
// Returns true if the packet had sufficient free space and the write succeeded, false otherwise.
bool WriteFQDN(DnsNameSegment& segment, MdnsPacket& packet);
// Serialize an mdns record to the packet.
// Returns true if the packet was not full and the write succeeded, false otherwise.
bool WriteRecord(zx::duration time_to_live, DnsRecord& record, MdnsPacket& packet);
fbl::Vector<DnsNameSegment> name_segments_;
fbl::Vector<DnsRecord> records_;
class MdnsPacket {
MdnsPacket(const Ip6Addr& src,
const DnsHeader& dns_header,
fbl::Vector<DnsNameSegment> segments,
fbl::Vector<DnsRecord> records)
: data_{
// Don't set the header size on construction.
// It will be backpatched when the packet is serialized.
{0, kUdpHdr, src, kIpV6MdnsDestAddr},
// Don't set the header size or checksum on construction.
// They will be backpatched when the packet is serialized.
{htons(kMdnsPort), htons(kMdnsPort), 0, 0},
// Zero-initialize the payload for safety.
context_(std::move(segments), std::move(records)) {}
// Lazily serialize the packet using the passed in time to live value.
// Return a span describing the serialized packet on success, EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL on error.
fit::result<efi_status, cpp20::span<const uint8_t>> Serialize(zx::duration time_to_live);
// Reset the payload end pointer and cached time-to-live.
// Does NOT blank the payload contents and does NOT reset any headers.
void ResetPayload() {
time_to_live_ = std::nullopt;
payload_end_ = data_.payload.begin();
friend DnsContext;
// Calculate payload lengths and update corresponding headers.
// Update the UDP checksum.
// Returns a span on the contiguous span of bytes that is the
// serialized representation of the packet.
cpp20::span<const uint8_t> Finalize();
DnsPayload::iterator CurrentEnd() const { return payload_end_; }
// Return the number of bytes currently used by DNS.
// Includes the DNS header and any data written.
size_t DnsBytesUsed() const {
return payload_end_ - data_.payload.begin() + sizeof(data_.dns_header);
// If the DNS payload isn't full, write a byte and update the end iterator.
// Return true if the payload wasn't full and the write succeeded, false otherwise.
bool WriteU8(uint8_t c);
// If the DNS payload isn't full, convert s to network byte order,
// write it to the payload, and update the end iterator.
// Return true if the payload wasn't full and the write succeeded, false otherwise.
bool WriteU16(uint16_t s);
// If the DNS payload isn't full, convert l to network byte order,
// write it to the payload, and update the end iterator.
// Return true if the payload wasn't full and the write succeeded, false otherwise.
bool WriteU32(uint32_t l);
// Write a stream of bytes to the payload.
// Return true if the payload wasn't full and the write succeeded, false otherwise.
bool WriteBytes(cpp20::span<const uint8_t> b);
// Inner container for the serialized data.
// The headers don't need complicated logic to set up, for the most part.
// The only complicated setup involves back-patching payload sizes
// (which requires serializing the DNS records first)
// and calculating the UDP checksum
// (which requires all other data to be serialized).
// Keep this structure separate so that we can verify its properties
// using static assertions.
// These properties are necessary for efficient, memcpy based serialization.
struct Data {
Ip6Header ip6_header;
UdpHeader udp_header;
DnsHeader dns_header;
DnsPayload payload;
static_assert(sizeof(Data) == kEthMTU - sizeof(MacAddr) - sizeof(MacAddr) - sizeof(uint16_t),
"DNS packet size not equal to ethernet MTU");
static_assert(sizeof(Data) ==
sizeof(Ip6Header) + sizeof(UdpHeader) + sizeof(DnsHeader) + sizeof(DnsPayload),
"DNS packet is not densely packed, cannot serialize naively");
"DNS packet data is not standard layout: cannot serialize naively");
Data data_;
// The current end of `data.payload`.
// The span returned by `Finalize` or `Serialize` has a start of `data` and an end of
// `payload_end_`.
DnsPayload::iterator payload_end_;
// Cached value of the last used time-to-live.
// If the cache is empty or the previous used value
// doesn't match the proposed TTL, we need to reserialize the entire packet.
std::optional<zx::duration> time_to_live_;
// Holds more complicated, non-serialized data.
DnsContext context_;
class MdnsAgent {
static constexpr zx::duration kMdnsPollPeriod = zx::sec(10);
static constexpr zx::duration kMdnsTtl = zx::sec(120);
// Can't move or copy due to the timer.
MdnsAgent(EthernetAgent& eth_agent, efi_system_table* sys);
// If the poll timer has expired, send a broadcast mDNS packet describing this host and its
// fastboot services. Does nothing if the timer has not expired.
// Returns fit::ok on success (or if the timer hasn't expired).
// Can return an error if
// *) Lazy initialization has failed.
// *) Packet serialization has failed.
// *) Transmission has failed.
fit::result<efi_status> Poll();
const DeviceName& DeviceName() const { return device_name_; }
// Lazily create the transmission callback.
// The transmission callback is responsible for resetting the poll timer after
// transmission has completed.
// Returns an error if the callback event initialization failed.
fit::result<efi_status, efi_event> LazySetup();
EthernetAgent& eth_agent_;
::gigaboot::DeviceName device_name_;
Timer timer_;
// The completion token is passed to SendV6Frame and needs to outlive the call.
efi_managed_network_sync_completion_token token_;
std::unique_ptr<MdnsPacket> packet_;
// Set these attributes lazily so that the constructor doesn't need to handle
// error cases.
efi_event tx_callback_event_;
} // namespace gigaboot