blob: 8798240706702f3bf173364905e8af37e2534d45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mdns.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "network.h"
namespace gigaboot {
namespace {
constexpr uint16_t kMDNSNameAtOffsetFlag = 0xc000;
// Used to allow multiple single-type lambdas in std::visit
// instead of a single lambda with multiple constexpr if branches
template <class... Ts>
struct overload : Ts... {
using Ts::operator()...;
template <class... Ts>
overload(Ts...) -> overload<Ts...>;
// Given a MAC address, return a printable name identifying the device.
// The name will be of the form
// fuchsia-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
// where the X's are the hex digits that make up the device's MAC address.
// The device name is null terminated.
// See
// for the authoritative definition of the device name format.
DeviceName DeviceNameFromMac(MacAddr m) {
DeviceName name;
snprintf(, name.size(), "fuchsia-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x", m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3],
m[4], m[5]);
return name;
} // namespace
constexpr uint16_t kMDNSClassCacheFlush = 1 << 15;
constexpr uint16_t kMDNSClassIn = 1;
bool MdnsPacket::WriteU8(uint8_t c) {
if (payload_end_ == data_.payload.end()) {
return false;
*payload_end_++ = c;
return true;
bool MdnsPacket::WriteU16(uint16_t s) {
if (payload_end_ + sizeof(s) > data_.payload.end()) {
return false;
s = htons(s);
const uint8_t* s_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&s);
payload_end_ = std::copy(s_bytes, s_bytes + sizeof(s), payload_end_);
return true;
bool MdnsPacket::WriteU32(uint32_t l) {
if (payload_end_ + sizeof(l) > data_.payload.end()) {
return false;
l = htonl(l);
const uint8_t* l_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&l);
payload_end_ = std::copy(l_bytes, l_bytes + sizeof(l), payload_end_);
return true;
bool MdnsPacket::WriteBytes(cpp20::span<const uint8_t> bytes) {
if (payload_end_ + bytes.size() > data_.payload.end()) {
return false;
payload_end_ = std::copy(bytes.begin(), bytes.end(), payload_end_);
return true;
bool DnsContext::WriteFQDN(DnsNameSegment& segment, MdnsPacket& packet) {
for (DnsNameSegment* cur = &segment; cur != nullptr; cur = cur->next) {
if (cur->loc) {
return packet.WriteU16(cur->loc | kMDNSNameAtOffsetFlag);
// DNS and mDNS name segments have a maximum length of 63 octets.
// If the two most significant bits are set, that indicates that
// instead of a 1 byte length the field is instead a 2 byte offset.
// We cannot represent a name segment longer than 63 bytes in the serialized
// format, so if we encounter one, signal an error and abort.
if (cur->name.size() > 63) {
return false;
// Cache this segment and its suffixes.
cur->loc = static_cast<uint16_t>(packet.DnsBytesUsed());
// Name segments are stored as a length-data tuple.
if (!packet.WriteU8(static_cast<uint8_t>(cur->name.size())) ||
{reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(cur->, cur->name.size()})) {
return false;
// The root name segment is implicit and has a length of 0;
return packet.WriteU8(0);
bool DnsContext::WriteRecord(zx::duration time_to_live, DnsRecord& record, MdnsPacket& packet) {
if ( == nullptr || !WriteFQDN(*, packet) ||
// Minor hack to make record types self describing.
!packet.WriteU16(std::visit(overload{[](const auto& r) { return r.kType; }}, ||
!packet.WriteU16(record.record_class) ||
!packet.WriteU32(static_cast<uint32_t>(time_to_live.to_secs()))) {
return false;
// Save a spot for the record length.
DnsPayload::iterator size_field = packet.CurrentEnd();
if (!packet.WriteU16(0)) {
return false;
// Take a look at the different structures to determine their fields.
if (!std::visit(overload{
[&](DnsPtrRecord& r) -> bool {
return != nullptr && WriteFQDN(*, packet);
[&](DnsAAAARecord& r) -> bool { return packet.WriteBytes(r.addr); },
[&](DnsSrvRecord& r) -> bool {
return != nullptr && packet.WriteU16(r.priority) &&
packet.WriteU16(r.weight) && packet.WriteU16(r.port) &&
WriteFQDN(*, packet);
}, {
return false;
// Back-patch the record length
uint16_t resource_length =
htons(static_cast<uint16_t>(packet.CurrentEnd() - (size_field + sizeof(uint16_t))));
cpp20::span<const uint8_t> length_bytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&resource_length),
std::copy(length_bytes.begin(), length_bytes.end(), size_field);
return true;
bool DnsContext::WriteRecords(zx::duration time_to_live, MdnsPacket& packet) {
// Clear the loc; name segment compression is path dependent.
for (DnsNameSegment& segment : name_segments_) {
segment.loc = 0;
for (DnsRecord& record : records_) {
if (!WriteRecord(time_to_live, record, packet)) {
return false;
return true;
fit::result<efi_status, cpp20::span<const uint8_t>> MdnsPacket::Serialize(
zx::duration time_to_live) {
if (time_to_live_.has_value() && *time_to_live_ == time_to_live) {
return fit::ok(cpp20::span<const uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&data_),
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&(*payload_end_))));
if (!context_.WriteRecords(time_to_live, *this)) {
return fit::error(EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL);
time_to_live_ = time_to_live;
return fit::ok(Finalize());
cpp20::span<const uint8_t> MdnsPacket::Finalize() {
uint16_t length = htons(static_cast<uint16_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&(*payload_end_)) -
// IP6 length field does NOT include its header,
// UDP length field DOES include its header.
data_.ip6_header.length = length;
data_.udp_header.length = length;
data_.udp_header.checksum = 0;
const uint8_t* end_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&(*payload_end_));
// The UDP checksum calculation uses an IP pseudoheader and the UDP payload.
// There are some intricacies involved in the checksum calculation:
// 1) Assuming a checksum calculation occurs in a single call,
// i.e. there is exactly one carry-over calculation in 1s complement addition,
// the order of the addition doesn't matter.
// Addition is both commutative and associative in 1s complement.
// 2) The entire UDP header and DNS payload are included in the calculation.
// 3) The IPv6 pseudoheader includes the UDP length, next header field, and
// source and destination address. It is zero-padded to fill 40 bytes.
// 4) The memory layout of the packet includes no padding bytes and has all the
// headers and payloads adjacent to each other.
// 5) All together, this means that we can start the calculation with the
// UDP length and UDP next header value, then calculate the checksum over the
// {ip6 src, ip6 dest, udp header, dns payload} as a contiguous array of bytes.
// We don't need to construct the pseudoheader, we just fake it.
cpp20::span<const uint8_t> udp_bytes(const_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
// Add zero-pad bytes to the header, and add the already network-endian length.
uint64_t start = htons(static_cast<uint16_t>(kUdpHdr)) + length;
uint16_t checksum = CalculateChecksum(udp_bytes, start);
data_.udp_header.checksum = (checksum != 0xFFFF) ? ~checksum : checksum;
return cpp20::span<const uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&data_), end_ptr);
MdnsAgent::MdnsAgent(EthernetAgent& eth_agent, efi_system_table* sys)
: eth_agent_(eth_agent),
tx_callback_event_(nullptr) {
// The first poll should always broadcast.
// It's the tx callback's responsibility to set the timer
// to the steady state poll period.
// It's safe to ignore the return value because of the semantics of
// setting the timer to a zero value.
std::ignore = timer_.SetTimer(TimerRelative, zx::sec(0));
auto null_terminator = std::find(device_name_.begin(), device_name_.end(), '\0');
std::string_view id_view(&(*device_name_.begin()), null_terminator - device_name_.begin());
// The name segments and the records should really be passed in on construction,
// but the intended use case for the MDNS agent is sharply limited.
// If that ever becomes a real issue, the two immediate problems to solve are
// 1) plumbing the segments and records through from the caller.
// 2) making a sentinel name value to back patch with the device name.
fbl::Vector<DnsNameSegment> segments({
// 0: local.
.name = "local",
.loc = 0,
// 1: _tcp.local.
.name = "_tcp",
.loc = 0,
// 2: _fastboot._tcp.local.
.name = "_fastboot",
.loc = 0,
// 3: <nodename>._fastboot._tcp.local.
.name = id_view,
.loc = 0,
// 4: <nodename>.local.
.name = id_view,
.loc = 0,
// Set links after initial setup.
// Note: it's safe to move `segments` because the elements don't move.
// Don't do anything on `segments` that invalidates iterators,
// or that will invalidate the `next` links.
segments[0].next = nullptr;
segments[1].next = &segments[0];
segments[2].next = &segments[1];
segments[3].next = &segments[2];
segments[4].next = &segments[0];
DnsNameSegment* fastboot_ptr_name = &segments[2];
DnsNameSegment* fastboot_service_name = &segments[3];
DnsNameSegment* mdns_nodename_local = &segments[4];
fbl::Vector<DnsRecord> records({
.name = fastboot_ptr_name,
.record_class = kMDNSClassCacheFlush | kMDNSClassIn,
.data = DnsPtrRecord{fastboot_service_name},
.name = fastboot_service_name,
.record_class = kMDNSClassCacheFlush | kMDNSClassIn,
.data =
.priority = 0,
.weight = 0,
.port = kFbServerPort,
.target = mdns_nodename_local,
.name = mdns_nodename_local,
.record_class = kMDNSClassCacheFlush | kMDNSClassIn,
.data =
DnsHeader header = {
.id = htons(0),
.flags = htons(kMdnsFlagQueryResponse | kMdnsFlagAuthoritative),
.question_count = htons(0),
.answer_count = htons(1),
.authority_count = htons(0),
.additional_count = htons(2),
packet_ = std::make_unique<MdnsPacket>(LocalIp6AddrFromMac(eth_agent_.Addr()), header,
std::move(segments), std::move(records));
fit::result<efi_status, efi_event> MdnsAgent::LazySetup() {
// We want the agent to reset the timer only AFTER successful transmission.
// Note: this looks unsafe because the callback event may be signaled asynchronously
// after transmission. This seemingly leaves a hole where the agent
// and its timer are destructed and then the callback fires.
// However, the event is destructed as part of the agent's destruction,
// and that deregisters it from all notify lists.
auto callback_fn = [](efi_event event, void* context) EFIAPI {
Timer* t = reinterpret_cast<Timer*>(context);
std::ignore = t->SetTimer(TimerRelative, kMdnsPollPeriod);
efi_event event;
if (efi_status res = gEfiSystemTable->BootServices->CreateEvent(EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK,
callback_fn, &timer_, &event);
res != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(res);
return fit::ok(event);
fit::result<efi_status> MdnsAgent::Poll() {
if (timer_.CheckTimer() != Timer::Status::kReady) {
return fit::ok();
if (!tx_callback_event_) {
auto res = LazySetup();
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.take_error();
tx_callback_event_ = res.value();
auto res = packet_->Serialize(MdnsAgent::kMdnsTtl);
if (res.is_error()) {
return res.take_error();
return eth_agent_.SendV6LocalFrame(kEthMdnsDestAddr, res.value(), tx_callback_event_, &token_);
MdnsAgent::~MdnsAgent() {
// Don't do anything if we destruct before successfully polling.
if (tx_callback_event_) {
auto res = packet_->Serialize(zx::sec(0));
if (res.is_ok()) {
// Name invalidation is done on a best effort basis.
// There isn't anything we can do if the call fails.
std::ignore =
eth_agent_.SendV6LocalFrame(kEthMdnsDestAddr, res.value(), tx_callback_event_, &token_);
// Note: this looks unsafe because the underlying Transmit call in SendV6LocalFrame
// signals the callback event after transmission, and transmission is asynchronous.
// It turns out it is perfectly valid to pass a closed event as the callback;
// Transmit only returns an error if the event is null, and the transmit can
// still complete successfully. The saved status WILL be an error, however,
// since the event is no longer valid. This is not a problem.
// We don't want to reset the timer in any case, as this is the final
// transmission.
} // namespace gigaboot