blob: 3ccaec1e044e368c98c0a85b0b33de2103fc9331 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gpt.h"
#include <lib/cksum.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include "backends.h"
#include "device_path.h"
#include "partition.h"
#include "src/lib/utf_conversion/utf_conversion.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace gigaboot {
uint64_t EfiGptBlockDevice::GENERATION_ID = 1;
namespace {
bool ValidateHeader(const gpt_header_t &header) {
if (header.magic != GPT_MAGIC || header.size != GPT_HEADER_SIZE ||
header.entries_size != GPT_ENTRY_SIZE || header.entries_count > 256) {
return false;
// The header crc is in the middle of the structure, and
// as per the spec is zeroed before the crc is calculated.
// An easy way to make that calculation without modifying the header
// is to make a copy, zero out its crc, and calculate the checksum on the copy.
gpt_header_t copy(header);
copy.crc32 = 0;
copy.crc32 = crc32(0, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&copy), sizeof(copy));
return copy.crc32 == header.crc32;
gpt_header_t GenerateComplementaryHeader(const gpt_header_t &good) {
gpt_header_t restored(good);
restored.backup = good.current;
restored.current = good.backup;
// This is an unfortunate hack: for every other entry in the header,
// it doesn't matter whether the damaged header is the primary or the backup,
// and similarly for the good header.
restored.entries = (restored.current == 1) ? 2 : restored.last + 1;
restored.crc32 = 0;
restored.crc32 = crc32(0, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&restored), sizeof(restored));
return restored;
} // namespace
FuchsiaFirmwareStorage EfiGptBlockDevice::GenerateStorageOps() {
size_t scratch_size = BlockSize();
if (!storage_scratch_) {
storage_scratch_ = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(scratch_size);
// Make a very large scratch buffer as a possible optimization
// for writing fill chunks from sparse images.
// This is 4 MiB assuming a 4096 byte block size.
size_t fill_usable_size = 1024 * BlockSize();
size_t fill_total_size = fill_usable_size + FUCHSIA_FIRMWARE_STORAGE_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT - 1;
if (!storage_fill_) {
storage_fill_ = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(fill_total_size);
void *fill_buffer = storage_fill_.get();
fill_buffer = std::align(FUCHSIA_FIRMWARE_STORAGE_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT, fill_usable_size, fill_buffer,
return FuchsiaFirmwareStorage{
.block_size = BlockSize(),
.total_blocks = LastBlock() + 1,
.scratch_buffer = storage_scratch_.get(),
.scratch_buffer_size_bytes = scratch_size,
.fill_buffer = fill_buffer,
.fill_buffer_size_bytes = fill_usable_size,
.ctx = this,
.read = RawRead,
.write = RawWrite,
fit::result<efi_status> EfiGptBlockDevice::LoadGptEntries(const gpt_header_t &header) {
if (efi_status status = Read(, header.entries * BlockSize(),
header.entries_size * header.entries_count);
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok();
fit::result<efi_status> EfiGptBlockDevice::Reinitialize() {
std::optional<PartitionMap> res =
if (!res) {
return fit::error(EFI_NOT_FOUND);
fbl::Vector<PartitionMap::PartitionEntry> const &partitions = res.value().partitions();
// Block zero is MBR, block one is GPT base, and a max of 128 entries.
uint64_t const gpt_size = DivideRoundUp((128 * sizeof(gpt_entry_t)), BlockSize());
uint64_t const base_block = 1 + 1 + gpt_size;
uint64_t current_block = base_block;
for (size_t i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) {
gpt_entry_t &entry = entries_[i];
PartitionMap::PartitionEntry const &partition = partitions[i];
entry.first = current_block;
// The 'last' field is inclusive.
entry.last = entry.first + DivideRoundUp(partition.min_size_bytes, BlockSize()) - 1;
memcpy(entry.type, partition.type_guid, sizeof(entry.type));
size_t dst_len = sizeof( / 2;
zx_status_t conv_status =
utf8_to_utf16(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(,, reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(, &dst_len);
if (conv_status != ZX_OK || dst_len > sizeof( {
printf("Failed to convert partition name to utf16, %d, %zu\n", conv_status, dst_len);
// entry.last is inclusive
current_block = entry.last + 1;
// Similar calculation as for base_block: last block is GPT backup header,
// then 128 entries.
uint64_t const last_usable_block = LastBlock() - 1 - gpt_size;
// For real hardware and real backends it is unlikely but not impossible that
// the partition definitions exceed the size of the disk.
if (current_block > last_usable_block) {
return fit::error(EFI_NOT_FOUND);
// There can be at most one partition that is designated to take all remaining
// disk space, and if so specified it is required to be the final partition.
// See the comments for GeneratePartitionMap for more details.
if (partitions[partitions.size() - 1].min_size_bytes == SIZE_MAX) {
entries_[entries_.size() - 1].last = last_usable_block;
gpt_header_ = {
.magic = GPT_MAGIC,
.crc32 = 0,
.reserved0 = 0,
.current = 1,
.backup = LastBlock() - 1,
.first = base_block,
.last = last_usable_block,
.entries = 2,
.entries_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(entries_.size()),
.entries_size = GPT_ENTRY_SIZE,
.entries_crc = crc32(0, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(,
entries_.size() * sizeof(gpt_entry_t)),
gpt_header_.crc32 = crc32(0, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&gpt_header_), sizeof(gpt_header_));
// Write everything to disk
if (efi_status status = Write(&gpt_header_, BlockSize(), sizeof(gpt_header_));
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
if (efi_status status = Write(, BlockSize() * gpt_header_.entries,
sizeof(entries_[0]) * entries_.size());
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
gpt_header_t backup = GenerateComplementaryHeader(gpt_header_);
if (efi_status status = Write(&backup, BlockSize() * LastBlock(), sizeof(backup));
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
if (efi_status status = Write(, BlockSize() * backup.entries,
sizeof(entries_[0]) * entries_.size());
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
// Synch our own data with newly written data
for (size_t i = 0; i < partitions.size(); i++) {
memcpy(&utf8_names_[i], partitions[i], partitions[i].name.size());
// Wait until the end to update the generation id
generation_id_ = ++GENERATION_ID;
return fit::ok();
fit::result<efi_status> EfiGptBlockDevice::RestoreFromBackup() {
gpt_header_t backup;
if (efi_status status = Read(&backup, BlockSize() * LastBlock(), sizeof(backup));
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
if (!ValidateHeader(backup)) {
return fit::error(EFI_NOT_FOUND);
if (fit::result res = LoadGptEntries(backup); !res.is_ok()) {
return res;
uint32_t entries_crc =
crc32(0, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(, sizeof(entries_[0]) * entries_.size());
if (entries_crc != backup.entries_crc) {
return fit::error(EFI_NOT_FOUND);
gpt_header_ = GenerateComplementaryHeader(backup);
if (efi_status status = Write(&gpt_header_, BlockSize(), sizeof(gpt_header_));
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
if (efi_status status = Write(, gpt_header_.entries * BlockSize(),
gpt_header_.entries_count * gpt_header_.entries_size);
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok();
fit::result<efi_status, EfiGptBlockDevice> EfiGptBlockDevice::Create(efi_handle device_handle) {
EfiGptBlockDevice ret;
// Open the block IO protocol for this device.
auto block_io = EfiOpenProtocol<efi_block_io_protocol>(device_handle);
if (block_io.is_error()) {
printf("Failed to open block io protocol %s\n", EfiStatusToString(block_io.error_value()));
return fit::error(block_io.error_value());
ret.block_io_protocol_ = std::move(block_io.value());
// Open the disk IO protocol for this device.
auto disk_io = EfiOpenProtocol<efi_disk_io_protocol>(device_handle);
if (disk_io.is_error()) {
printf("Failed to open disk io protocol %s\n", EfiStatusToString(disk_io.error_value()));
return fit::error(disk_io.error_value());
ret.disk_io_protocol_ = std::move(disk_io.value());
return fit::ok(std::move(ret));
fit::result<efi_status> EfiGptBlockDevice::Load() {
// First block is MBR. Read the second block for the GPT header.
if (efi_status status = Read(&gpt_header_, BlockSize(), sizeof(gpt_header_));
status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
// Note: we only read the backup header and entries if the primary is corrupted.
// This leaves a potential hole where the backup gets silently corrupted
// and this isn't caught until we need to use it to restore the primary,
// in which case both headers are corrupted.
// The alternative would be to always read both headers and
// potentially restore the backup from the primary.
// This slows down boot in the common case where everything is fine;
// it is arguably better to leave this task to a post-boot daemon.
if (!ValidateHeader(gpt_header_)) {
auto res = RestoreFromBackup();
if (!res.is_ok()) {
return res;
} else {
if (auto res = LoadGptEntries(gpt_header_); res.is_error()) {
return res;
uint32_t entries_crc = crc32(0, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(,
sizeof(entries_[0]) * entries_.size());
if (entries_crc != gpt_header_.entries_crc) {
auto res = RestoreFromBackup();
if (!res.is_ok()) {
return res;
// At this point we know we have valid primary and backup header and entries on disk
// and our in memory copies are synched with data on disk.
for (size_t i = 0; i < gpt_header_.entries_count; i++) {
size_t dst_len = utf8_names_[i].size();
zx_status_t conv_status =
utf16_to_utf8(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(entries_[i].name), GPT_NAME_LEN / 2,
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(utf8_names_[i].data()), &dst_len);
if (conv_status != ZX_OK || dst_len > utf8_names_[i].size()) {
printf("Failed to convert partition name to utf8, %d, %zu\n", conv_status, dst_len);
return fit::error(EFI_UNSUPPORTED);
// Wait until the end to update the generation id
// so that it never spuriously matches.
generation_id_ = GENERATION_ID;
return fit::ok();
efi_status EfiGptBlockDevice::Read(void *buffer, size_t offset, size_t length) {
// According to UEFI specification chapter 13.7, disk-io protocol allows unaligned access.
// Thus we don't check block alignment.
return disk_io_protocol_->ReadDisk(disk_io_protocol_.get(), block_io_protocol_->Media->MediaId,
offset, length, buffer);
efi_status EfiGptBlockDevice::Write(const void *data, size_t offset, size_t length) {
// According to UEFI specification chapter 13.7, disk-io protocol allows unaligned access.
// Thus we don't check block alignment.
efi_status status = EFI_SUCCESS;
// TODO(b/327226483): remove the write breakup after DiskIO Protocol write bug is fixed.
constexpr size_t kGiB = 1 << 30;
for (size_t count = length / kGiB; count != 0; count--) {
status = disk_io_protocol_->WriteDisk(disk_io_protocol_.get(),
block_io_protocol_->Media->MediaId, offset, kGiB, data);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
printf("%s @ %d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, EfiStatusToString(status));
return status;
data = static_cast<const uint8_t *>(data) + kGiB;
offset += kGiB;
length = length % kGiB;
if (length) {
// TODO(b/327226483): this is the only necessary statement after UEFI bug is fixed.
status = disk_io_protocol_->WriteDisk(disk_io_protocol_.get(),
block_io_protocol_->Media->MediaId, offset, length, data);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
printf("%s @ %d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, EfiStatusToString(status));
return status;
bool EfiGptBlockDevice::RawRead(void *ctx, size_t block_offset, size_t blocks_count, void *dest) {
EfiGptBlockDevice *device = reinterpret_cast<EfiGptBlockDevice *>(ctx);
size_t offset = block_offset * device->BlockSize();
size_t length = blocks_count * device->BlockSize();
return device->Read(dest, offset, length) == EFI_SUCCESS;
bool EfiGptBlockDevice::RawWrite(void *ctx, size_t block_offset, size_t blocks_count,
const void *src) {
EfiGptBlockDevice *device = reinterpret_cast<EfiGptBlockDevice *>(ctx);
size_t offset = block_offset * device->BlockSize();
size_t length = blocks_count * device->BlockSize();
return device->Write(src, offset, length) == EFI_SUCCESS;
const gpt_entry_t *EfiGptBlockDevice::FindPartition(std::string_view name) {
if (generation_id_ != GENERATION_ID) {
if (!Load().is_ok()) {
return nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < utf8_names_.size(); i++) {
gpt_entry_t const &entry = entries_[i];
if (entry.first != 0 && entry.last != 0 && name == utf8_names_[i].data()) {
return &entry;
return nullptr;
fit::result<efi_status, size_t> EfiGptBlockDevice::CheckAndGetPartitionAccessRangeInStorage(
std::string_view name, size_t offset, size_t length) {
const gpt_entry_t *entry = FindPartition(name);
if (!entry) {
return fit::error(EFI_NOT_FOUND);
size_t block_size = BlockSize();
size_t abs_offset = entry->first * block_size + offset;
if (abs_offset + length > (entry->last + 1) * block_size) {
return fit::error(EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER);
return fit::ok(abs_offset);
fit::result<efi_status> EfiGptBlockDevice::ReadPartition(std::string_view name, size_t offset,
size_t length, void *out) {
auto res = CheckAndGetPartitionAccessRangeInStorage(name, offset, length);
if (res.is_error()) {
printf("ReadPartition: failed while checking and getting read range for partition '%.*s': %s\n",
static_cast<int>(name.length()),, EfiStatusToString(res.error_value()));
return fit::error(res.error_value());
efi_status status = Read(out, res.value(), length);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok();
fit::result<efi_status> EfiGptBlockDevice::WritePartition(std::string_view name, const void *data,
size_t offset, size_t length) {
auto res = CheckAndGetPartitionAccessRangeInStorage(name, offset, length);
if (res.is_error()) {
printf("WritePartition: failed while checking and getting write range %s\n",
return fit::error(res.error_value());
efi_status status = Write(data, res.value(), length);
if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok();
cpp20::span<const std::array<char, GPT_NAME_LEN / 2>> EfiGptBlockDevice::ListPartitionNames()
const {
auto last_partition = std::find_if(utf8_names_.begin(), utf8_names_.end(),
[](const auto &p) { return p.front() == '\0'; });
return cpp20::span(utf8_names_.begin(), last_partition);
// TODO( The function currently only finds the storage devie that hosts
// the currently running image. This can be a problem when booting from USB. Add support to handle
// the USB case.
fit::result<efi_status, EfiGptBlockDevice> FindEfiGptDevice() {
auto image_device_path = EfiOpenProtocol<efi_device_path_protocol>(gEfiLoadedImage->DeviceHandle);
if (image_device_path.is_error()) {
printf("Failed to open device path protocol %s\n",
return fit::error{image_device_path.error_value()};
// Find all handles that support block io protocols.
auto block_io_supported_handles = EfiLocateHandleBufferByProtocol<efi_block_io_protocol>();
if (block_io_supported_handles.is_error()) {
printf("Failed to locate handles supporting block io protocol\n");
return fit::error(block_io_supported_handles.error_value());
// Scan all handles and find the one from which the currently running image comes.
// This is done by checking if they share common device path prefix.
for (auto handle : block_io_supported_handles->AsSpan()) {
auto block_io = EfiOpenProtocol<efi_block_io_protocol>(handle);
if (block_io.is_error()) {
printf("Failed to open block io protocol\n");
return fit::error(block_io.error_value());
// Skip logical partition blocks and non present devices.
efi_block_io_protocol *bio = block_io.value().get();
if (bio->Media->LogicalPartition || !bio->Media->MediaPresent) {
// Check device path prefix match.
auto device_path = EfiOpenProtocol<efi_device_path_protocol>(handle);
if (device_path.is_error()) {
printf("Failed to create device path protocol\n");
return fit::error(device_path.error_value());
if (EfiDevicePathNode::StartsWith(image_device_path.value().get(), device_path.value().get())) {
// Open the disk io protocol
auto efi_gpt_device = EfiGptBlockDevice::Create(handle);
if (efi_gpt_device.is_error()) {
printf("Failed to create GPT device\n");
return fit::error(efi_gpt_device.error_value());
return fit::ok(std::move(efi_gpt_device.value()));
printf("No matching block device found\n");
return fit::error{EFI_NOT_FOUND};
} // namespace gigaboot