blob: dcfab6eaeb23090f4121373090af68573137bef6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <string_view>
#include <efi/types.h>
#include <efi/variable/variable.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
namespace gigaboot {
inline std::u16string_view ToU16StringView(const fbl::Vector<char16_t>& v) {
return std::u16string_view(, v.size());
// Helper wrapper class for EFI C API
// Contains EFI variables related logic at the moment.
// More convenient interface for following functions:
// EfiGetNextVariableName()
// EfiGetVariable()
// QueryVariableInfo()
// Provides C++ style container wrapper for VariableName iteration
// E.g:
// EfiVariables efi_variables;
// for (const auto& variable_id : efi_variables) {
// if (!variable_id.IsValid()) {
// return false;
// }
// // do something with variable_id
// }
class EfiVariables {
virtual ~EfiVariables() = default;
struct EfiVariableInfo {
uint64_t max_var_storage_size;
uint64_t remaining_var_storage_size;
uint64_t max_var_size;
bool operator==(const EfiVariableInfo&) const noexcept;
bool operator!=(const EfiVariableInfo&) const noexcept;
virtual fit::result<efi_status, EfiVariableInfo> EfiQueryVariableInfo() const;
virtual fit::result<efi_status, efi::VariableValue> EfiGetVariable(
const efi::VariableId& variable_id) const;
// Search for GUID for VariableName
// Returns:
// `efi_guid` on success
// or
// EFI_NOT_FOUND if there are no Variables with provided name were found
// EFI_ABORTED on any other error
// EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER if there were multiple variables with the same name were found
virtual fit::result<efi_status, efi_guid> GetGuid(std::u16string_view var_name);
class iterator {
friend EfiVariables;
using value_type = efi::VariableId;
using reference = value_type&;
using pointer = value_type*;
using difference_type = std::size_t;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
explicit iterator(EfiVariables* container) : container_(container) {}
value_type operator*() const { return variable_id_; }
value_type* operator->() { return &variable_id_; }
bool operator==(const iterator& other) const;
bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const;
iterator& operator++();
iterator operator++(int);
value_type variable_id_;
// Flag for end() iterator
bool is_end_ = false;
// Flag for tracking errors while iterating
bool has_failed_ = false;
// Parent container reference
EfiVariables* container_;
iterator begin() {
iterator it(this);
return ++it;
iterator end() {
iterator it(this);
it.is_end_ = true;
return it;
// Provides next `variable_id` that goes after input one.
// If there are no more variables left returns EFI_NOT_FOUND.
// Making it virtual to make it mockable for tests.
virtual fit::result<efi_status> EfiGetNextVariableName(efi::VariableId& variable_id) const;
fbl::Vector<char16_t> ToVector(std::u16string_view str);
} // namespace gigaboot