blob: 066c81732068f43feb98ed82e1506135a9c69f50 [file] [log] [blame]
select: {
session_startup_timestamps: [
eval: {
most_recent_startup_timestamp: "Fold(Fn([a, b], Max(a, b)), session_startup_timestamps, 0)",
// Detect runs every 8 minutes and we want to catch the session startup as soon as possible
// to make sure the snapshot logs cover it.
is_recent_startup: "most_recent_startup_timestamp > (Now() - Minutes(15))",
num_session_restarts: "Count(session_startup_timestamps) - 1",
act: {
session_restart: {
type: "Snapshot",
trigger: "And(is_recent_startup, num_session_restarts > 0)",
// We still only file at most a snapshot an hour, the minimum for Detect.
repeat: "Hours(1)",
signature: "session-restart",
test: {
recent_session_restart: {
yes: [
now: "Minutes(20)",
values: {
session_startup_timestamps: [
6e10, // initial session startup.
6e11, // 600s is less than 15min ago from 20min.
no_recent_session_restart: {
no: [
now: "Hours(1)",
values: {
session_startup_timestamps: [
6e10, // initial session startup.
6e11, // 600s is way more than 15min ago from 1h.
no_session_restart: {
no: [
now: "Hours(1)",
values: {
session_startup_timestamps: [
6e10, // initial session startup.
no_session_startup: {
no: [
now: "Hours(1)",
values: {
session_startup_timestamps: [],