blob: d71bee6f30ddafe71c9d35c1572d5c898b893993 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use diagnostics_data::{
BuilderArgs, Data, InspectHandleName, LogsDataBuilder, LogsField, LogsProperty, Severity,
use diagnostics_hierarchy::{DiagnosticsHierarchy, Property};
use fidl_fuchsia_diagnostics::{DataType, Format};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_criterion::criterion::{self, Criterion};
use fuchsia_criterion::FuchsiaCriterion;
use futures::{stream, StreamExt};
use archivist_lib::constants::FORMATTED_CONTENT_CHUNK_SIZE_TARGET;
use archivist_lib::formatter::{JsonPacketSerializer, SerializedVmo};
use std::time::Duration;
fn bench_serialization(b: &mut criterion::Bencher, n: usize, m: usize, format: Format) {
let mut children = vec![];
for i in 0..n {
let mut properties = vec![];
for j in 0..m {
properties.push(Property::Uint(j.to_string(), (5 * i + j) as u64));
children.push(DiagnosticsHierarchy::new(i.to_string(), properties, vec![]));
let data = Data::for_inspect(
"bench", /* moniker */
Some(DiagnosticsHierarchy::new("root", vec![], children)),
1, /* timestamp_nanos */
b.iter(|| {
let _ = criterion::black_box(SerializedVmo::serialize(&data, DataType::Inspect, format));
fn bench_json_packet_serializer(b: &mut criterion::Bencher, total_logs: u64) {
let logs = (0u64..total_logs)
.map(|i| {
LogsDataBuilder::new(BuilderArgs {
component_url: Some(format!(
moniker: format!("moniker-{}", i),
severity: Severity::Info,
timestamp_nanos: (i as i64).into(),
.set_message(format!("Benching #{}", i))
.set_file(format!("bench-{}.rs", i))
.set_line(400 + i)
.set_pid(100 + i)
.set_tid(2000 + i)
.add_key(LogsProperty::Uint(LogsField::Other("id".to_string()), i))
let mut executor = fasync::LocalExecutor::new();
b.iter(|| {
let logs_for_fut = logs.clone();
criterion::black_box(executor.run_singlethreaded(async move {
let mut stream = JsonPacketSerializer::new_without_stats(
while let Some(res) = {
let _ = criterion::black_box(res);
fn main() {
let mut c = FuchsiaCriterion::default();
let internal_c: &mut Criterion = &mut c;
*internal_c = std::mem::take(internal_c)
// The following benchmarks measure the performance of SerializedVmo and JsonPacketSerializer.
// This is fundamental when serializing responses in the archivist.
let mut bench = criterion::Benchmark::new("Formatter/JsonPacketSerializer/5", move |b| {
bench_json_packet_serializer(b, 5);
bench = bench.with_function("Formatter/JsonPacketSerializer/5k", move |b| {
bench_json_packet_serializer(b, 5000);
bench = bench.with_function("Formatter/JsonPacketSerializer/16k", move |b| {
bench_json_packet_serializer(b, 16000);
// Benchmark the time needed to serialize a DiagnosticsData into a SerializedVmo with N children
// and M properties each, for Json and Cbor.
for (format_name, format) in [("JsonString", Format::Json), ("CborData", Format::Cbor)].iter() {
for (size_name, n, m) in
[("5x5", 5, 5), ("10x10", 10, 10), ("100x100", 100, 100), ("1000x500", 1000, 500)]
let label = format!("Formatter/{}/Fill/{}", format_name, size_name);
bench = bench.with_function(&label, move |b| {
bench_serialization(b, *n, *m, *format);
c.bench("fuchsia.archivist", bench);