blob: 74638724753eb251430368f6097e314e0f7dd005 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::Result;
use fuchsia_component_test::RealmBuilder;
use fuchsia_driver_test::{DriverTestRealmBuilder, DriverTestRealmInstance};
use {fidl_fuchsia_driver_test as fdt, fuchsia_async as fasync, fuchsia_zircon as zx};
// This test checks for a very specific bug in the compat driver, where
// adding devices would fail if it was in the same driver in the same driver host,
// even if those two drivers had different instances.
async fn test_adding_children() -> Result<()> {
// Create the RealmBuilder.
let builder = RealmBuilder::new().await?;
// Build the Realm.
let instance =;
// Start DriverTestRealm
let args = fdt::RealmArgs {
root_driver: Some("fuchsia-boot:///dtr#meta/".to_string()),
// Connect to our root-a/leaf driver.
let dev = instance.driver_test_realm_connect_to_dev()?;
let driver =
// Make sure we can add a child.
let response = driver.add_child("child").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, zx::Status::OK.into_raw());
// Connect to our root-b/leaf driver.
let dev = instance.driver_test_realm_connect_to_dev()?;
let driver =
// Make sure we can add a child with the *same name* that we added
// to root-a/leaf.
let response = driver.add_child("child").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, zx::Status::OK.into_raw());
// Check that both children are in /dev/.
device_watcher::recursive_wait(&dev, "sys/test/root-a/leaf/child").await?;
device_watcher::recursive_wait(&dev, "sys/test/root-b/leaf/child").await?;
// This test checks that a driver shares globals with the same driver in
// the same driver host.
async fn test_sharing_globals() -> Result<()> {
// Create the RealmBuilder.
let builder = RealmBuilder::new().await?;
// Build the Realm.
let instance =;
// Start DriverTestRealm
let args = fdt::RealmArgs {
root_driver: Some("fuchsia-boot:///#meta/".to_string()),
// Connect to our root-a/leaf driver.
let dev = instance.driver_test_realm_connect_to_dev()?;
let driver =
// Our global should be 0, and we are incrementing it to 1.
let counter = driver.global_counter().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(counter, 0);
// Connect to our root-b/leaf driver.
let dev = instance.driver_test_realm_connect_to_dev()?;
let driver =
// Our global should be 1 (since root-a incremented it).
let counter = driver.global_counter().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(counter, 1);