blob: bd7712f92d23c6db1b99aec0257d640faf27f468 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use fuchsia_async::{self as fasync};
use fuchsia_component_test::{RealmBuilder, RealmInstance};
use fuchsia_driver_test::{DriverTestRealmBuilder, DriverTestRealmInstance};
use {
fidl_fuchsia_driver_development as fdd, fidl_fuchsia_driver_framework as fdf,
fidl_fuchsia_driver_registrar as fdr, fidl_fuchsia_driver_test as fdt,
// Note: The component manifest name is the same for FAKE_DRIVER_URL and EPHEMERAL_FAKE_DRIVER_URL
// One is in bootfs, the other is through a package url.
// This is because we can't have an in-tree driver not be in bootfs.
// In this test the ephemeral one is still being resolved through the package resolver and going
// through the register flow when we call the register api.
// Unfortunately this means that we can't test whether we can load the new driver using
// bind_all_unbound_nodes.
// Whatever the bind rules on the fake driver are will be identical to the one in bootfs
// and if there is a device that would bind to it, it would bind to the bootfs one first.
const SAMPLE_DRIVER_URL: &str = "fuchsia-boot:///dtr#meta/";
const PARENT_DRIVER_URL: &str = "fuchsia-boot:///dtr#meta/";
const FAKE_DRIVER_URL: &str = "fuchsia-boot:///dtr#meta/";
async fn set_up_test_driver_realm(
) -> Result<(RealmInstance, fdd::ManagerProxy, fdr::DriverRegistrarProxy)> {
let builder = RealmBuilder::new().await?;
let instance =;
let mut realm_args = fdt::RealmArgs::default();
// DriverTestRealm attempts to bind the .so of test-parent-sys if not explicitly requested otherwise.
realm_args.root_driver = Some(ROOT_DRIVER_URL.to_owned());
let driver_dev = instance.root.connect_to_protocol_at_exposed_dir::<fdd::ManagerMarker>()?;
let driver_registar =
// Make sure we wait until all the drivers are bound before returning.
let dev = instance.driver_test_realm_connect_to_dev()?;
device_watcher::recursive_wait(&dev, "sys/test/sample_driver").await?;
Ok((instance, driver_dev, driver_registar))
fn send_get_driver_info_request(
service: &fdd::ManagerProxy,
driver_filter: &[String],
) -> Result<fdd::DriverInfoIteratorProxy> {
let (iterator, iterator_server) =
.get_driver_info(driver_filter, iterator_server)
.context("FIDL call to get driver info failed")?;
async fn get_driver_info(
service: &fdd::ManagerProxy,
driver_filter: &[String],
) -> Result<Vec<fdf::DriverInfo>> {
let iterator = send_get_driver_info_request(service, driver_filter)?;
let mut driver_infos = Vec::new();
loop {
let mut driver_info =
iterator.get_next().await.context("FIDL call to get driver info failed")?;
if driver_info.len() == 0 {
driver_infos.append(&mut driver_info)
fn assert_contains_driver_url(driver_infos: &Vec<fdf::DriverInfo>, expected_driver_url: &str) {
.find(|driver_info| driver_info.url.as_ref().expect("Missing device URL")
== expected_driver_url)
async fn test_register_driver() -> Result<()> {
let (_instance, driver_dev, driver_registrar) = set_up_test_driver_realm().await?;
let driver_infos = get_driver_info(&driver_dev, &[]).await?;
// Before register we should have 3 drivers, the ones in bootfs.
assert_eq!(driver_infos.len(), 3);
assert_contains_driver_url(&driver_infos, SAMPLE_DRIVER_URL);
assert_contains_driver_url(&driver_infos, PARENT_DRIVER_URL);
assert_contains_driver_url(&driver_infos, FAKE_DRIVER_URL);
// Register the driver through a package url.
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to call register driver: {}", e))?
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to register driver with err: {}", e))?;
// Now we should have 4 drivers, the original 3, plus the new ephemeral one.
let driver_infos = get_driver_info(&driver_dev, &[]).await?;
assert_eq!(driver_infos.len(), 4);
assert_contains_driver_url(&driver_infos, SAMPLE_DRIVER_URL);
assert_contains_driver_url(&driver_infos, PARENT_DRIVER_URL);
assert_contains_driver_url(&driver_infos, FAKE_DRIVER_URL);
assert_contains_driver_url(&driver_infos, EPHEMERAL_FAKE_DRIVER_URL);