blob: dbb4e8920da647c7a695d2df22c30bff0b2237fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "secure_vmo_read_tester.h"
SecureVmoReadTester::SecureVmoReadTester(zx::vmo secure_vmo_to_delete)
: secure_vmo_to_delete_(std::move(secure_vmo_to_delete)),
unowned_secure_vmo_(secure_vmo_to_delete_) {
SecureVmoReadTester::SecureVmoReadTester(zx::unowned_vmo unowned_secure_vmo)
: unowned_secure_vmo_(std::move(unowned_secure_vmo)) {
void SecureVmoReadTester::Init() {
// We need a child VMAR so we can clean up robustly without relying on a fault
// to occur at location where a VMO was recently mapped but which
// theoretically something else could be mapped unless we're specific with a
// VMAR that isn't letting something else get mapped there yet.
zx_vaddr_t child_vaddr;
zx_system_get_page_size(), &child_vmar_, &child_vaddr));
uint64_t vmo_size;
EXPECT_EQ(vmo_size % zx_system_get_page_size(), 0);
uint64_t vmo_offset =
(distribution_(prng_) % (vmo_size / zx_system_get_page_size())) * zx_system_get_page_size();
uintptr_t map_addr_raw;
0, *unowned_secure_vmo_, vmo_offset, zx_system_get_page_size(),
map_addr_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(map_addr_raw);
EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(child_vaddr), map_addr_);
// No data should be in CPU cache for a secure VMO; no fault should happen here.
EXPECT_OK(unowned_secure_vmo_->op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN_INVALIDATE, vmo_offset,
zx_system_get_page_size(), nullptr, 0));
// But currently the read doesn't visibly fault while the vaddr is mapped to
// a secure page. Instead the read gets stuck and doesn't complete (perhaps
// internally faulting from kernel's point of view). While that's not ideal,
// we can check that the thread doing the reading doesn't get anything from
// the read while mapped to a secure page, and then let the thread fault
// normally by unmapping the secure VMO.
let_die_thread_ = std::thread([this] {
is_let_die_started_ = true;
// Ensure is_read_from_secure_attempted_ becomes true before we start
// waiting. This just increases the likelihood that we wait long enough
// for the read itself to potentially execute (expected to fault instead).
while (!is_read_from_secure_attempted_) {
// Wait 10ms for the read attempt to succeed; the read attempt should not
// succeed. The read attempt may fail immediately or may get stuck. It's
// possible we might very occasionally not wait long enough for the read
// to have actually started - if that occurs the test will "pass" without
// having actually attempted the read.
// Let thread running fn die if it hasn't already (if it got stuck, let it
// no longer be stuck).
// By removing ZX_VM_PERM_READ, if the read is stuck, the read will cause a
// process-visible fault instead. We don't zx_vmar_unmap() here because the
// syscall docs aren't completely clear on whether zx_vmar_unmap() might
// make the vaddr page available for other uses.
child_vmar_.protect(0, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(map_addr_), zx_system_get_page_size()));
while (!is_let_die_started_) {
SecureVmoReadTester::~SecureVmoReadTester() {
if (let_die_thread_.joinable()) {
bool SecureVmoReadTester::IsReadFromSecureAThing() {
return is_read_from_secure_a_thing_;
void SecureVmoReadTester::AttemptReadFromSecure(bool expect_read_success) {
is_read_from_secure_attempted_ = true;
// This attempt to read from a vaddr that's mapped to a secure paddr won't succeed. For now the
// read gets stuck while mapped to secure memory, and then faults when we've unmapped the VMO.
// This address is in a child VMAR so we know nothing else will be getting mapped to the vaddr.
// The loop is mainly for the benefit of debugging/fixing the test should the very first write,
// flush, read not force and fence a fault.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < zx_system_get_page_size(); ++i) {
map_addr_[i] = 0xF0;
EXPECT_OK(zx_cache_flush((const void*)&map_addr_[i], 1,
uint8_t value = map_addr_[i];
// Despite the flush above often causing the fault to be sync, sometimes the fault doesn't
// happen but we read zero. For now, only complain if we read back something other than zero.
if (value != 0) {
is_read_from_secure_a_thing_ = true;
constexpr bool kDumpPageContents = false;
if (!expect_read_success && kDumpPageContents) {
if (i % 64 == 0) {
printf("%08x: ", i);
printf("%02x ", value);
if ((i + 1) % 64 == 0) {
if (!expect_read_success) {
// If we made it through the whole page without faulting, yet only read zero, consider that
// success in the sense that we weren't able to read anything in secure memory. Cause the thead
// to "die" here on purpose so the test can pass. This is not the typical case, but can happen
// at least on sherlock. Typically we fault during the write, flush, read of byte 0 above.
ZX_PANIC("didn't fault, but also didn't read non-zero, so pretend to fault");