blob: 670f2f5ecfdd0b36f96660ba3578a8ea22630ba2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "protected_ranges.h"
#include <lib/ddk/debug.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <limits>
#include <random>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
// Output the same way as so we won't get shifted output.
#define LOG(severity, fmt, ...) zxlogf(severity, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DLOG_ENABLED 1
#define DLOG(fmt, ...) LOG(INFO, " test output: " fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DLOG(fmt, ...)
namespace {
using Range = protected_ranges::Range;
using Ranges = protected_ranges::ProtectedRanges::Ranges;
void CheckNoOverlap(const Ranges& ranges) {
std::optional<uint64_t> prev_end;
for (auto& range : ranges) {
auto set_prev_end = fit::defer([&prev_end, &range] { prev_end = {range.end()}; });
if (!prev_end) {
ZX_ASSERT(range.begin() >= prev_end);
ZX_ASSERT(range.length() != 0);
void CheckNoOverlapAndCoalesced(const Ranges& ranges) {
std::optional<uint64_t> prev_end;
for (auto& range : ranges) {
auto set_prev_end = fit::defer([&prev_end, &range] { prev_end = {range.end()}; });
if (!prev_end) {
ZX_ASSERT(range.begin() > prev_end);
ZX_ASSERT(range.length() != 0);
} // namespace
class ProtectedRangesTest : public zxtest::Test, public protected_ranges::ProtectedRangesControl {
class TestRange {
static TestRange Empty() { return TestRange{0, 0}; }
static TestRange BeginLength(uint64_t begin, uint64_t length) {
return TestRange{begin, length};
static TestRange BeginEnd(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end) {
return TestRange{begin, end - begin};
uint64_t begin() const { return begin_; }
uint64_t end() const { return begin_ + length_; }
uint64_t length() const { return length_; }
bool empty() const {
ZX_ASSERT(end() >= begin());
return length_ == 0;
bool operator<(const TestRange& rhs) const {
if (begin_ < rhs.begin_) {
// <
return true;
if (begin_ > rhs.begin_) {
// >
return false;
if (length_ < rhs.length_) {
// <
return true;
if (length_ > rhs.length_) {
// >
return false;
// ==
return false;
TestRange(uint64_t begin, uint64_t length) : begin_(begin), length_(length) {}
uint64_t begin_;
uint64_t length_;
void SetUp() override {
upper_bitmap_.resize(paddr_size_, false);
lower_refcounts_.resize(paddr_size_, 0);
lower_used_bitmap_.resize(paddr_size_, false);
protected_ranges_.emplace(this, /*disable_dynamic=*/false);
void TearDown() override {
void SetMaxRangeCount(uint64_t max_range_count) {
ZX_ASSERT(max_range_count >= 1);
max_range_count_ = max_range_count;
void CheckInterOpInvariants();
void CheckIntraOpInvariants();
void CheckLeaks();
void CheckAligned(const Ranges& ranges);
void AddRandomRange();
void RemoveRandomRange();
TestRange ConvertRangeFrom(const protected_ranges::Range& range) {
return TestRange::BeginLength(range.begin() - paddr_begin_, range.length());
protected_ranges::Range ConvertRangeFrom(const TestRange& range) {
return Range::BeginLength(range.begin() + paddr_begin_, range.length());
// ProtectedRangesControl interface
bool IsDynamic() override;
uint64_t MaxRangeCount() override;
uint64_t GetRangeGranularity() override;
bool HasModProtectedRange() override;
uint64_t GetBase() override;
uint64_t GetSize() override;
void AddProtectedRange(const Range& range) override;
void DelProtectedRange(const Range& range) override;
void ModProtectedRange(const Range& old_range, const Range& new_range) override;
void ZeroProtectedSubRange(bool is_covering_range_explicit, const Range& range) override;
bool UseRange(const Range& range) override;
void UnUseRange(const Range& range) override;
void AddProtectedRangeInternal(const Range& range);
void DelProtectedRangeInternal(const Range& range);
void CheckRangeAdd(const TestRange& range);
void CheckRangeDel(const TestRange& range);
void CheckRangeMod(const TestRange& old_range, const TestRange& new_range);
void Add(const TestRange& range);
void Remove(const TestRange& range);
void IncrementalOptimization();
bool TestRangesOverlap(const TestRange& a, const TestRange& b);
std::optional<protected_ranges::ProtectedRanges> protected_ranges_;
// This limits ranges out the bottom of ProtectedRanges, not ranges in the top.
uint64_t max_range_count_ = 9;
// Must be a power of 2. The default of 4 should cover all the interesting cases without being
// much bigger than necessary to do that.
uint64_t range_granularity_ = 4;
// The default of true is how we run on real devices (at least for now).
bool has_mod_protected_range_ = true;
// Fits in the width of a plausible text window for easier debugging.
uint64_t paddr_size_ = 240;
// Aligned only as well as range_granularity_, but no better.
uint64_t paddr_begin_ = 127 * range_granularity_;
uint64_t max_upper_range_length_ = paddr_size_ / (max_range_count_ / 2);
// Ranges we've fed into ProtectedRanges's AddRange() and DeleteRange(), into the "top" of
// ProtectedRanges.
std::set<TestRange> upper_ranges_;
std::vector<bool> upper_bitmap_;
uint32_t upper_used_ = 0;
// Ranges controlled via ProtectedRangesControl, out the "bottom" of ProtectedRanges, via
// AddProtectedRange(), DelProtectedRange(), and ModProtectedRange().
// lower_ranges_ can have overlap, but won't have exact duplicates.
std::set<TestRange> lower_ranges_;
// Counts how many ranges overlap each block.
std::vector<uint64_t> lower_refcounts_;
// Ranges controlled via ProtectedRangesControl, out the "bottom" of ProtectedRanges, via
// UseRange() and UnUseRange(). The blocks covered by a UseRange() will all be switching from
// false to true, and the blocks covered by an UnUseRange() will all be switching from true to
// false, but UnUseRange() calls are not required to refer to ranges previously added using
// UseRange(); UnUseRange() need only be referring to blocks that are currently used (true).
std::vector<bool> lower_used_bitmap_;
// For generating different sequences of random ranges, but still being able to easily repro any
// failure by putting the uint64_t seed inside the {} here.
static constexpr std::optional<uint64_t> kForcedSeed{};
std::random_device random_device_;
std::uint_fast64_t seed_{kForcedSeed ? *kForcedSeed : random_device_()};
std::mt19937_64 prng_{seed_};
bool sim_fail_ = true;
void ProtectedRangesTest::CheckInterOpInvariants() {
uint64_t upper_used = 0;
for (auto& upper_range : upper_ranges_) {
upper_used += upper_range.length();
ZX_ASSERT(upper_used == upper_used_);
// Every offset of each upper range must be covered by at least one lower range.
for (auto& upper_range : upper_ranges_) {
for (uint64_t i = upper_range.begin(); i < upper_range.end(); ++i) {
ZX_ASSERT(lower_refcounts_[i] >= 1);
// In addition to the intra-op invariants, if we're between upper ops we can assert that we've
// oportunistically coalesced ranges in ranges_, so we don't have any touching ranges in ranges_
// between upper ops.
// Touching is defined as immediately adjacent with no overlap and no gap in between, or
// overlapping.
std::optional<uint64_t> prev_end;
for (auto& lower_range : lower_ranges_) {
ZX_ASSERT(!prev_end || lower_range.begin() > *prev_end);
prev_end = {lower_range.end()};
// required_ranges() is allowed to have overlap
void ProtectedRangesTest::CheckIntraOpInvariants() {
ZX_ASSERT(upper_used_ <= paddr_size_);
ZX_ASSERT(upper_ranges_.size() <= paddr_size_);
// Check self-consistency of "upper" data.
uint64_t prev_end = 0;
uint64_t last_end = 0;
for (auto& upper_range : upper_ranges_) {
if (upper_range.begin() > prev_end) {
for (uint64_t i = prev_end; i < upper_range.begin(); ++i) {
for (uint64_t i = upper_range.begin(); i < upper_range.end(); ++i) {
prev_end = upper_range.end();
ZX_ASSERT(upper_range.end() > last_end);
last_end = upper_range.end();
for (uint64_t i = last_end; i < paddr_size_; ++i) {
// Must always stay under max_range_count_.
ZX_ASSERT(lower_ranges_.size() <= max_range_count_);
// Every lower_range_ must have only used pages from Zircon's point of view.
for (auto& lower_range : lower_ranges_) {
for (uint64_t i = lower_range.begin(); i < lower_range.end(); ++i) {
// Every offset of every lower range must be "used" in the sense of not being loaned to
// Zircon, for the entire lifetime of the lower range.
ZX_ASSERT(lower_range.begin() % range_granularity_ == 0);
ZX_ASSERT(lower_range.end() % range_granularity_ == 0);
// All begin() and end() in required_ranges_ are required to be range_granularity_ aligned.
const auto& required_ranges = protected_ranges_->required_ranges();
for (auto iter = required_ranges.begin(); iter != required_ranges.end(); ++iter) {
const Range& a = *iter;
ZX_ASSERT(a.begin() % range_granularity_ == 0);
ZX_ASSERT(a.length() % range_granularity_ == 0);
// For required_ranges_, for any items a, b adjacent to each other in sorted order, we know that
// (a.begin() <= b.begin()) == (a.end() <= b.end()). Assert this here.
if (protected_ranges_->required_ranges().size() >= 2) {
const auto& required_ranges = protected_ranges_->required_ranges();
auto end = required_ranges.end();
for (auto iter = required_ranges.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
const Range& a = *iter;
auto b_iter = iter;
const Range& b = *b_iter;
// This allows for a restricted degree of overlap, but not ranges that completely "cross" each
// other. Anotehr way of saying this is if one were to subtract any range from any other
// range in the set, the result would only ever be 0 or 1 ranges, never 2. This is a
// less-restrictive check than the constraint the actual ranges in required_ranges_ will
// satisfy.
ZX_ASSERT((a.begin() <= b.begin()) == (a.end() <= b.end()));
// In addition, when overlap exists, it is limited to exactly range_granularity_ in size.
ZX_ASSERT(a.end() <= b.begin() || a.end() - b.begin() == range_granularity_);
void ProtectedRangesTest::CheckLeaks() {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < paddr_size_; ++i) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < paddr_size_; ++i) {
ZX_ASSERT(lower_refcounts_[i] == 0);
void ProtectedRangesTest::CheckAligned(const Ranges& ranges) {
for (auto& range : ranges) {
ZX_ASSERT(range.begin() % range_granularity_ == 0);
ZX_ASSERT(range.length() % range_granularity_ == 0);
void ProtectedRangesTest::AddRandomRange() {
// For begin, pick a random offset among the offsets that are not presently used.
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> begin_distribution(0, paddr_size_ - upper_used_ - 1);
uint64_t target_offset_within_unused = begin_distribution(prng_);
// Find the actual offset that corresponds to the offset_within_unused'th unused offset.
uint64_t offset_within_unused = 0;
uint64_t begin = paddr_size_;
// If paddr_size_ were huge, we could use a rope-like data structure with tracking of original
// offset as well as the offset within free space, but paddr_size_ isn't huge, and doesn't need
// to be huge to cover all the relevant cases.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < paddr_size_; ++i) {
if (upper_bitmap_[i]) {
if (offset_within_unused == target_offset_within_unused) {
begin = i;
ZX_ASSERT(begin < paddr_size_);
auto next_begin_iter = upper_ranges_.lower_bound(TestRange::BeginLength(begin, 0));
uint64_t last_valid_end = paddr_size_;
if (next_begin_iter != upper_ranges_.end()) {
// Even though we used lower_bound() instead of upper_bound(), we still know that the range with
// begin() >= begin will have begin() > begin because we know there's no range overlapping with
// begin.
ZX_ASSERT(begin < next_begin_iter->begin());
last_valid_end = next_begin_iter->begin();
if (last_valid_end - begin > max_upper_range_length_) {
last_valid_end = begin + max_upper_range_length_;
// For length, we need 1 to the highest possible end which lands at next_begin->begin(); any
// larger and we'd intersect with the next range.
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> length_distribution(1, last_valid_end - begin);
uint64_t length = length_distribution(prng_);
const auto random_range = TestRange::BeginLength(begin, length);
void ProtectedRangesTest::RemoveRandomRange() {
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> which_used_distribution(0, upper_used_ - 1);
uint64_t target_which_used = which_used_distribution(prng_);
uint64_t which_used = 0;
uint64_t to_remove_offset = paddr_size_;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < paddr_size_; ++i) {
if (!upper_bitmap_[i]) {
if (which_used == target_which_used) {
to_remove_offset = i;
ZX_ASSERT(to_remove_offset < paddr_size_);
auto to_remove_iter = upper_ranges_.upper_bound(
TestRange::BeginLength(to_remove_offset, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()));
ZX_ASSERT(to_remove_iter != upper_ranges_.begin());
TestRange to_remove = *to_remove_iter;
void ProtectedRangesTest::Add(const TestRange& range) {
ZX_ASSERT(range.begin() < paddr_size_);
ZX_ASSERT(range.end() <= paddr_size_);
bool add_result = protected_ranges_->AddRange(ConvertRangeFrom(range));
if (!add_result) {
for (uint64_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
upper_bitmap_[i] = true;
upper_used_ += range.length();
void ProtectedRangesTest::Remove(const TestRange& range) {
ZX_ASSERT(range.begin() < paddr_size_);
ZX_ASSERT(range.end() <= paddr_size_);
for (uint64_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
upper_bitmap_[i] = false;
ZX_ASSERT(upper_used_ >= range.length());
upper_used_ -= range.length();
bool ProtectedRangesTest::IsDynamic() { return true; }
uint64_t ProtectedRangesTest::MaxRangeCount() { return max_range_count_; }
uint64_t ProtectedRangesTest::GetRangeGranularity() { return range_granularity_; }
bool ProtectedRangesTest::HasModProtectedRange() { return has_mod_protected_range_; }
uint64_t ProtectedRangesTest::GetBase() { return paddr_begin_; }
uint64_t ProtectedRangesTest::GetSize() { return paddr_size_; }
void ProtectedRangesTest::AddProtectedRange(const protected_ranges::Range& range) {
void ProtectedRangesTest::AddProtectedRangeInternal(const protected_ranges::Range& range) {
TestRange test_range = ConvertRangeFrom(range);
for (uint64_t i = test_range.begin(); i < test_range.end(); ++i) {
void ProtectedRangesTest::DelProtectedRange(const Range& range) {
void ProtectedRangesTest::DelProtectedRangeInternal(const Range& range) {
TestRange test_range = ConvertRangeFrom(range);
size_t erase_result = lower_ranges_.erase(test_range);
ZX_ASSERT(erase_result == 1);
for (uint64_t i = test_range.begin(); i != test_range.end(); ++i) {
void ProtectedRangesTest::ModProtectedRange(const Range& old_range, const Range& new_range) {
TestRange test_old = ConvertRangeFrom(old_range);
TestRange test_new = ConvertRangeFrom(new_range);
CheckRangeMod(test_old, test_new);
// We add before we delete because the logical delete can only disrupt ongoing DMA if there's any
// zeroing needed, and zeroing is not needed for the portion that overlaps with the "after" range.
// We intentionally don't verify the lower range count at this point, because the add/del here is
// a test implementation detail. This add/del would not be performed on real HW supporting a real
// ModProtectedRange().
void ProtectedRangesTest::ZeroProtectedSubRange(bool is_covering_range_explicit,
const protected_ranges::Range& range) {
TestRange test_range = ConvertRangeFrom(range);
auto covering_range_lower = lower_ranges_.upper_bound(
TestRange::BeginLength(test_range.begin(), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()));
if (covering_range_lower != lower_ranges_.begin()) {
ZX_ASSERT(covering_range_lower->end() >= test_range.end());
ZX_ASSERT(covering_range_lower->begin() <= test_range.begin());
for (auto iter = lower_ranges_.begin(); iter != lower_ranges_.end(); ++iter) {
if (iter == covering_range_lower) {
if (iter->end() <= test_range.begin()) {
if (iter->begin() >= test_range.end()) {
"ZeroProtectedSubRange() called on range that overlaps more than one protected "
"range (lower)");
bool ProtectedRangesTest::UseRange(const protected_ranges::Range& range) {
if (sim_fail_) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> sim_fail_distribution(0, 99);
uint32_t sim_fail_roll = sim_fail_distribution(prng_);
if (sim_fail_roll < 5) {
return false;
const TestRange test_range = ConvertRangeFrom(range);
for (uint64_t i = test_range.begin(); i < test_range.end(); ++i) {
lower_used_bitmap_[i] = true;
return true;
void ProtectedRangesTest::UnUseRange(const protected_ranges::Range& range) {
const TestRange test_range = ConvertRangeFrom(range);
for (uint64_t i = test_range.begin(); i != test_range.end(); ++i) {
lower_used_bitmap_[i] = false;
void ProtectedRangesTest::CheckRangeAdd(const TestRange& range) {
for (uint64_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
// Used in the not-loaned-to-zircon sense.
ZX_ASSERT(lower_ranges_.find(range) == lower_ranges_.end());
void ProtectedRangesTest::CheckRangeDel(const TestRange& range) {
// Still needs to be used in not-loaned-to-zircon sense at time of deletion.
for (uint64_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
if (lower_ranges_.find(range) == lower_ranges_.end()) {
DLOG("range - begin(): %" PRIu64 " end(): %" PRIu64, range.begin(), range.end());
for (auto lower_range : lower_ranges_) {
DLOG("lower_range - begin(): %" PRIu64 " end(): %" PRIu64, lower_range.begin(),
DLOG("range is missing?");
ZX_ASSERT(lower_ranges_.find(range) != lower_ranges_.end());
bool found_any_needed_zeroing = false;
for (uint64_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
ZX_ASSERT(lower_refcounts_[i] >= 1);
if (lower_refcounts_[i] == 1) {
found_any_needed_zeroing = true;
// Deletion of a lower range must not overlap any current upper ranges unless the lower range is
// completely covered by other lower ranges. We've already upper-deleted any range that led to
// the current DelProtectedRange() or ModProtectedRange().
// In the case of ModProtectedRange(), the entire "before" lower range is permitted to experience
// disruption of any ongoing DMA, iff any portion of the range being shortened is not covered by
// some other range or covered by the overlap between the old_range and new_range of the
// ModProtectedRange().
if (found_any_needed_zeroing) {
for (uint64_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
// If this fires, it means an upper range is having its ongoing DMA disrupted (virtually,
// during this test run).
for (uint64_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
// FW only supports zeroing any part of the range when no part of the range is overlapping
// with any other range.
ZX_ASSERT(lower_refcounts_[i] == 1);
void ProtectedRangesTest::CheckRangeMod(const TestRange& old_range, const TestRange& new_range) {
ZX_ASSERT(TestRangesOverlap(old_range, new_range));
ZX_ASSERT((old_range.begin() == new_range.begin()) || (old_range.end() == new_range.end()));
if (new_range.length() < old_range.length()) {
TestRange removing = TestRange::Empty();
if (old_range.begin() == new_range.begin()) {
removing = TestRange::BeginEnd(new_range.end(), old_range.end());
} else {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(old_range.end() == new_range.end());
removing = TestRange::BeginEnd(old_range.begin(), new_range.begin());
bool found_any_needed_zeroing = false;
for (uint64_t i = removing.begin(); i != removing.end(); ++i) {
ZX_ASSERT(lower_refcounts_[i] >= 1);
if (lower_refcounts_[i] == 1) {
found_any_needed_zeroing = true;
if (found_any_needed_zeroing) {
// Check that we never shorten a range such that zeroing is required and the range overlaps
// another lower range, as we don't want to require FW to support that.
for (uint64_t i = old_range.begin(); i != old_range.end(); ++i) {
ZX_ASSERT(lower_refcounts_[i] == 1);
// The rest of the checking of CheckRangeMod() is handled by CheckRangeAdd() and CheckRangeDel(),
// since the test implementation uses those to back ModProtectionRange() (in a way that doesn't
// penalize the code under test for using an extra range).
void ProtectedRangesTest::IncrementalOptimization() {
bool ProtectedRangesTest::TestRangesOverlap(const TestRange& a, const TestRange& b) {
if (a.end() <= b.begin()) {
return false;
if (b.end() <= a.begin()) {
return false;
return true;
// This is "mini" stress in the sense that we don't run it for a huge amount of time in CQ, and in
// the sense that it's a unit test, not hooked to the rest of sysmem, aml-securemem, TEE, BL32, HW.
// However, given the single-threaded nature of sysmem, this unit test should do a good job finding
// any cases that we're handling completely wrong. This test is not intended to require big updates
// if we change which ranges we choose to fix up first for optimization reasons, so this test does
// not check if the intended optimizations are doing what's expected, only that incremental
// optimization does complete without endlessly requesting more calls, and that invariants stay
// true for every step. In other words, this test is checking for a functionally correct
// implementation, but not necessarily an optimizing implementation. We can use other less-random
// unit tests to cover the specific optimizations we want to validate one by one.
TEST_F(ProtectedRangesTest, MiniStress) {
// Setup() called CheckInvariants().
DLOG("seed: %" PRIx64, seed_);
constexpr uint64_t kIterations = 10000;
constexpr uint64_t kPickOpEnd = 100;
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> distribution(0, kPickOpEnd);
for (uint64_t iteration_ordinal = 0; iteration_ordinal < kIterations; ++iteration_ordinal) {
if (iteration_ordinal % 1000 == 0) {
DLOG("iteration_ordinal: %" PRIu64, iteration_ordinal);
uint32_t pick_op = distribution(prng_) % kPickOpEnd;
switch (pick_op) {
case 0 ... 39: {
ZX_ASSERT(upper_used_ <= paddr_size_);
if (upper_used_ == paddr_size_) {
case 40 ... 79: {
if (upper_ranges_.empty()) {
case 80 ... 99: {
// This intentionally sometimes causes StepTowardOptimalRanges() to be called extra times,
// which is allowed.
default: {
// Impossible, assuming above case labels cover all the possible values.
ZX_PANIC("The case label ranges don't cover all possible values?");
while (!upper_ranges_.empty()) {
// TearDown() will call CheckInvariants(); CheckLeaks().
// The conditions for this bug didn't tend to come up when adding/removing ranges entirely randomly,
// so we repro / regression test here directly.
TEST_F(ProtectedRangesTest, Repro105541) {
sim_fail_ = false;
// We need to create a situation where a goal range spans across current ranges, so that the
// current ranges are not deleted when their corresponding requested ranges are deleted, since
// StepTowardOptimalRangesInternal(false) won't delete a current range that's covered by a goal
// range, even if the current range has no corresponding requested range(s). We need to avoid
// causing the goal range to split during this, which means we have to make sure the gap left
// even after deletion of spanned/covered current ranges is still smaller than other gaps left
// uncovered by goal ranges.
// We need to then do an AddRange() with begin < covered range B.begin(), so that the "previous"
// range will be range A (prior to B), but the AddRange() needs to end > B.end(), so that
// extending A will need to adjust A.end() to be larger than B.end() (which it won't, if the bug
// still exists or comes back after being fixed).
// In addition, current ranges need to be separated by gaps to avoid coalescing getting in the
// way.
// In addition, max current ranges need to exist continuously during part of this setup, to avoid
// the covering range getting split during range deletion.
// Hypothetically we could hit this in MiniStress, but the conditions and sequencing are demanding
// enough that MiniStress doesn't tend to actually hit the bug. It's not clear how even
// coverage-based fuzzing would be induced to hit the bug either, unfortunately.
// After setup:
// goal ranges:
// 0000000......1......2......3...... etc
// (note 6 dots vs. 5 interior 0s)
// current ranges (and aligned requested ranges):
// etc
// (however, some current ranges after the first grouping will be spanned due to max current range
// count)
// Then, we'll delete requested range 2 (but range 2 won't be deleted if the bug still exists),
// and create a range that starts just after 1 and ends just before 3 (and after 2). If the bug
// is still present, the new current range will end at the end of 2 instead of just before 3,
// which will break when we try to ZeroProtectedSubRange().
// Setup
// The first 4, positionally.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
Add(TestRange::BeginLength(2 * i * range_granularity_, range_granularity_));
// -2 is 1 held in reserve by, 1 because (positionally) first 4 above act as a
// goal range
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < max_range_count_ - 2; ++i) {
if (i != 0) {
// temp
Add(TestRange::BeginLength((7 + 7 * i) * range_granularity_, 6 * range_granularity_));
Add(TestRange::BeginLength((7 + 6 + 7 * i) * range_granularity_, range_granularity_));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3 * max_range_count_; ++i) {
// Goal ranges and current ranges:
// etc
// Remove temp ranges to get goal ranges to cover the first group of 4 instead.
for (uint64_t i = 1; i < max_range_count_ - 2; ++i) {
Remove(TestRange::BeginLength((7 + 7 * i) * range_granularity_, 6 * range_granularity_));
// Intentionally don't do IncrementalOptimization() here.
// Goal ranges:
// 0000000......4......5......6...... etc
// Current ranges:
// or similar
// Delete requested range 2.
Remove(TestRange::BeginLength(4 * range_granularity_, range_granularity_));
// Create requested range beginning just after 1, and ending just before 3. If the bug is present
// then the requested range 2 is currently gone but current range 2 is still present.
Add(TestRange::BeginLength(3 * range_granularity_, 3 * range_granularity_));
// If we didn't just ZX_ASSERT() in ZeroProtectedSubRange(), then the bug is gone.
while (!upper_ranges_.empty()) {
// TearDown() will call CheckInvariants(); CheckLeaks().