blob: 2eaea873266dac16f274e2b137398d88fd3d8434 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sysmem2.internal;
using fuchsia.sysmem;
using fuchsia.sysmem2;
using zx;
// Sysmem serves CombinedBufferCollectionToken to back both
// fuchsia.sysmem.BufferCollectionToken and
// fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollectionToken. We do this to keep the sysmem(1) and
// sysmem2 token client interfaces separate, while also avoiding any need for
// pointless token conversion messages / channel replacements.
// This applies to sysmem(1) and sysmem2 tokens (from a client's point of view).
// We may revisit how we do this if we end up adding a third token protocol that
// has stateful aspects that differ more from how sysmem(1) and sysmem2 tokens
// work (for example).
// It might be nice if there were a way in FIDL to compose two protocols with
// same-named messages, but (understandably) that's not presently supported in
// any way (that I know of) other than the message-by-message way below. The
// logical intent here is this (with fictitious attribute to (pretend to) avoid
// the name conflicts that occur if one actually tries to fidlgen this):
// protocol CombinedBufferCollectionToken {
// @message-name-disambiguator(prefix="", suffix="V1")
// compose fuchsia.sysmem.BufferCollectionToken;
// @message-name-disambiguator(prefix="", suffix="V2")
// compose fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollectionToken;
// Instead, we'll keep this in sync manually (at least for now):
const MAX_COUNT_DUPLICATES_V1 uint32 = 64;
const MAX_COUNT_DUPLICATES_V2 uint32 = 64;
open protocol CombinedBufferCollectionToken {
// fuchsia.sysmem/Node, with de-conflicted names:
strict SyncV1() -> ();
strict CloseV1();
strict SetNameV1(struct {
priority uint32;
name string:64;
strict SetDebugClientInfoV1(struct {
name string:64;
id uint64;
strict SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineV1(struct {
deadline zx.Time;
strict SetVerboseLoggingV1();
strict GetNodeRefV1() -> (resource struct {
node_ref zx.Handle:EVENT;
strict IsAlternateForV1(resource struct {
node_ref zx.Handle:EVENT;
}) -> (struct {
is_alternate bool;
}) error zx.Status;
// fuchsia.sysmem/BufferCollectionToken, with de-conflicted names:
// Still handled, for clients that haven't been re-built yet.
strict DeprecatedSyncV1() -> ();
// Still handled, for clients that haven't been re-built yet.
strict DeprecatedCloseV1();
// Still handled, for clients that haven't been re-built yet.
strict DeprecatedSetNameV1(struct {
priority uint32;
name string:64;
// Still handled, for clients that haven't been re-built yet.
strict DeprecatedSetDebugClientInfoV1(struct {
name string:64;
id uint64;
// Still handled, for clients that haven't been re-built yet.
strict DeprecatedSetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineV1(struct {
deadline zx.Time;
strict DuplicateSyncV1(struct {
rights_attenuation_masks vector<zx.Rights>:MAX_COUNT_DUPLICATES_V1;
}) -> (resource struct {
tokens vector<client_end:fuchsia.sysmem.BufferCollectionToken>:MAX_COUNT_DUPLICATES_V1;
strict DuplicateV1(resource struct {
rights_attenuation_mask uint32;
token_request server_end:fuchsia.sysmem.BufferCollectionToken;
strict SetDispensableV1();
strict CreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupV1(resource struct {
group_request server_end:fuchsia.sysmem.BufferCollectionTokenGroup;
// fuchsia.sysmem2/Node, with de-conflicted names:
flexible SyncV2() -> ();
flexible ReleaseV2();
flexible SetNameV2(table {
1: priority uint32;
2: name string:64;
flexible SetDebugClientInfoV2(table {
1: name string:fuchsia.sysmem2.MAX_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH;
2: id uint64;
flexible SetDebugTimeoutLogDeadlineV2(table {
1: deadline zx.Time;
flexible SetVerboseLoggingV2();
flexible GetNodeRefV2() -> (resource table {
1: node_ref zx.Handle:EVENT;
flexible IsAlternateForV2(resource table {
1: node_ref zx.Handle:EVENT;
}) -> (table {
1: is_alternate bool;
}) error zx.Status;
flexible GetBufferCollectionIdV2() -> (table {
1: buffer_collection_id uint64;
flexible SetWeakV2();
flexible SetWeakOkV2(resource table {
1: for_child_nodes_also bool;
// fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken, with de-conflicted names:
flexible DuplicateSyncV2(table {
1: rights_attenuation_masks vector<zx.Rights>:MAX_COUNT_DUPLICATES_V2;
}) -> (resource table {
1: tokens vector<client_end:fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollectionToken>:MAX_COUNT_DUPLICATES_V2;
flexible DuplicateV2(resource table {
1: rights_attenuation_mask zx.Rights;
2: token_request server_end:fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollectionToken;
flexible SetDispensableV2();
flexible CreateBufferCollectionTokenGroupV2(resource table {
1: group_request server_end:fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollectionTokenGroup;
// For BufferCollection and BufferCollectionTokenGroup, we don't do a combined server. For some
// templates we use this stand-in to avoid extra template specializations where they're not really
// needed. This is not part of the API or SDK, it just creates some helpful generated code.
open protocol EmptyCombinedServerEnd {};