blob: 13f914e315db224771b07d7829c5bb36a213601e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.sysmem/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/sequence_checker.h>
#include <lib/fdf/dispatcher.h>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <tee-client-api/tee_client_api.h>
#include "secmem-session.h"
// This class is thread-unsafe and must be used from a synchronized dispatcher.
// The dispatcher thread for this class must be separate from the ddk_dispatcher_thread_ so that
// TEEC_* calls made by the |SysmemSecureMemServer| can be served by the fdf dispatcher without
// deadlock.
class SysmemSecureMemServer : public fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_sysmem::SecureMem> {
using SecureMemServerOnUnbound = fit::callback<void(bool is_success)>;
// |dispatcher| must be the current dispatcher of the thread creating this object.
SysmemSecureMemServer(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, zx::channel tee_client_channel);
~SysmemSecureMemServer() override;
void Bind(fidl::ServerEnd<fuchsia_sysmem::SecureMem> sysmem_secure_mem_server,
SecureMemServerOnUnbound secure_mem_server_on_unbound);
void Unbind();
// fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_sysmem::SecureMem> impl
void GetPhysicalSecureHeaps(GetPhysicalSecureHeapsCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void GetPhysicalSecureHeapProperties(
GetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesRequestView request,
GetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void AddSecureHeapPhysicalRange(AddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequestView request,
AddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRange(
DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequestView request,
DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRange(
ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeRequestView request,
ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
void ZeroSubRange(ZeroSubRangeRequestView request,
ZeroSubRangeCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
// We might want to extract the Range class into a lib used by aml-securemem and sysmem instead of
// using very similar code.
class Range {
Range(const Range& to_copy) = default;
Range& operator=(const Range& to_copy) = default;
static Range BeginLength(uint64_t begin, uint64_t length) { return Range{begin, length}; }
static Range BeginEnd(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end) { return Range{begin, end - begin}; }
uint64_t begin() const { return begin_; }
uint64_t end() const { return begin_ + length_; }
uint64_t length() const { return length_; }
bool empty() const { return end() <= begin(); }
explicit Range(uint64_t begin, uint64_t length) : begin_(begin), length_(length) {}
uint64_t begin_;
uint64_t length_;
class CompareRangeByBegin {
bool operator()(const Range& left, const Range& right) const {
// Non-empty is required.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(left.begin() != left.end());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(right.begin() != right.end());
if (left.begin() < right.begin()) {
// <
return true;
if (left.begin() > right.begin()) {
// >
return false;
if (left.end() < right.end()) {
// <
return true;
if (left.end() > right.end()) {
// >
return false;
// ==
return false;
using Ranges = std::set<Range, CompareRangeByBegin>;
bool TrySetupSecmemSession();
void OnUnbound(bool is_success);
zx_status_t GetPhysicalSecureHeapsInternal(
fidl::AnyArena* allocator, fuchsia_sysmem::wire::SecureHeapsAndRanges* heaps_and_ranges);
zx_status_t GetPhysicalSecureHeapPropertiesInternal(
const fuchsia_sysmem::wire::SecureHeapAndRange& entire_heap, fidl::AnyArena& allocator,
fuchsia_sysmem::wire::SecureHeapProperties* properties);
zx_status_t AddSecureHeapPhysicalRangeInternal(
fuchsia_sysmem::wire::SecureHeapAndRange heap_range);
zx_status_t DeleteSecureHeapPhysicalRangeInternal(
fuchsia_sysmem::wire::SecureHeapAndRange heap_range);
zx_status_t ModifySecureHeapPhysicalRangeInternal(
fuchsia_sysmem::wire::SecureHeapAndRangeModification range_modification);
zx_status_t ZeroSubRangeInternal(bool is_covering_range_explicit,
fuchsia_sysmem::wire::SecureHeapAndRange heap_range);
// Call secmem TA to setup the one physical secure heap that's configured by the TEE Controller.
zx_status_t SetupVdec(uint64_t* physical_address, uint64_t* size_bytes);
// Call secmem TA to setup the one physical secure heap that's configured by sysmem.
zx_status_t ProtectMemoryRange(uint64_t physical_address, uint64_t size_bytes, bool enable);
zx_status_t AdjustMemoryRange(uint64_t physical_address, size_t size_bytes,
uint32_t adjustment_magnitude, bool at_start, bool longer);
zx_status_t ZeroSubRangeIncrementally(bool is_covering_range_explicit, uint64_t physical_address,
size_t size_bytes);
static bool IsOverlap(const Range& a, const Range& b);
static std::pair<Range, Range> SubtractRanges(const Range& a, const Range& b);
async_dispatcher_t* const dispatcher_;
fuchsia::tee::ApplicationSyncPtr tee_connection_ = {};
SecureMemServerOnUnbound secure_mem_server_on_unbound_;
bool is_get_physical_secure_heaps_called_ = {};
bool is_dynamic_checked_ = {};
bool is_dynamic_ = {};
uint32_t max_range_count_ = 0;
// We try to open a SecmemSession once. If that fails, we remember the status and
// EnsureSecmemSession() will return that status without trying Init() again.
bool has_attempted_secmem_session_connection_ __TA_GUARDED(checker_) = false;
std::optional<SecmemSession> secmem_session_ __TA_GUARDED(checker_) = std::nullopt;
Ranges ranges_ __TA_GUARDED(checker_);
std::optional<fidl::ServerBinding<fuchsia_sysmem::SecureMem>> binding_;
async::synchronization_checker checker_;