blob: 57a97ed0d2bf3f6889ffd270b1919e720d5c3215 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "secmem-session.h"
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <safemath/checked_math.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "tee-client-api/tee-client-types.h"
namespace {
// Some secmem-specific marshaling definitions.
enum TeeParamType {
struct TeeCommandParam {
TeeParamType type;
union {
struct {
uint32_t buffer_length;
uint32_t pbuf[1];
} buf; // kTeeParamTypeBuffer
uint32_t u32; // kTeeParamTypeUint32
} param;
// Defined by secmem TA.
enum SecmemCommandIds {
kSecmemCommandIdAllocateSecureMemory = 101,
kSecmemCommandIdProtectMemory = 104,
kSecmemCommandIdUnprotectMemory = 105,
kSecmemCommandIdGetPadding = 107,
kSecmemCommandIdGetVp9HeaderSize = 108,
kSecmemCommandIdGetMemSize = 110,
constexpr uint32_t kProtectionRangeGranularity = 64 * 1024;
constexpr uint32_t kProtectionRangeGranularityMask =
0xFFFFFFFF & ~(kProtectionRangeGranularity - 1);
enum EnableFlags : uint32_t {
// Which sub-command.
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Mask = 0xFu << 0,
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift = 0,
// Disable a currently-enabled range.
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Disable = 0x0u,
// Select a free range and enable it.
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Enable = 0x1u,
// For detecting whether a sub-command exists. If DetectSubCommand itself is the command being
// detected, the meaning of success and failure (for that one call only) are reversed for legacy
// reasons.
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_DetectSubCommand = 0x2u,
// Adjust a currently-enabled range. If the range is adjusted to zero size, the range is
// disabled.
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Adjust = 0x3u,
// This command is equivalent to creating all ranges, then deleting all ranges with
// SkipDeviceSecureModeUpdate set, then explicitly disabling protected mode for each device. But
// with this command, we don't need to allocate 11 * 64KiB of 64KiB-aligned physically-contiguous
// memory just to get these effects to happen.
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_InitTvpForAllRanges = 0x4u,
// This allows us to zero a page-aligned sub-range of a currently-active range, as long as the
// sub-range does not overlap with any other currently-active range. In other words the requested
// zeroing must be fully covered by exactly one active range and not overlap with any other active
// range. The extent of the zeroing is conveyed in the startaddr, size parameters, and must be
// page aligned (in contrast to other commands which must be 64KiB aligned).
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_ZeroSubRange = 0x5u,
// This dumps ranges to debug output, if the firmware has debug output enabled. Else noop.
kEnableFlag_SubCommand_DumpRanges = 0x6u,
// Field indicating which command is being checked for. If checking for DetectSubCommand itself,
// the meaning of success and failure are reversed for legacy reasons.
kEnableFlag_DetectSubCommand_CommandNumber_Mask = 0xFu << 28,
kEnableFlag_DetectSubCommand_CommandNumber_Shift = 28u,
// Enable/Disable protected memory range without modifying device protected mode configuration,
// even if the number of enabled ranges is changing from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. The Adjust command
// never modifies device protected mode configuration.
kEnableFlag_EnableDisable_SkipDeviceSecureModeUpdate = 1u << 31,
// Adjust the start of the range instead of the end of the range.
kEnableFlag_Adjust_RangeAtStart = 1u << 31,
// Adjust the range to be longer instead of shorter.
kEnableFlag_Adjust_RangeLonger = 1u << 30,
// The adjustment size is 64 KiB << (value * 2)
kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_Mask = 0x3u << 28,
kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_Shift = 28u,
kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_Coefficient = 64u * 1024,
kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_ExponentMultiplier = 2u,
kEnableFlag_ZeroSubRange_IsCoveringRangeExplicit = 1u << 31,
zx::vmo CreateVmo(uint64_t size) {
zx::vmo vmo;
zx_status_t status = zx::vmo::create(size, /*options=*/0, &vmo);
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
return vmo;
fpromise::result<fuchsia::tee::Buffer> CreateCommandBuffer(const std::vector<uint8_t>& contents) {
zx::vmo vmo = CreateVmo(static_cast<uint64_t>(contents.size()));
zx_status_t status = vmo.write(, /*offset=*/0, contents.size());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LOG(ERROR, "Failed to write to command buffer VMO - status: %d", status);
return fpromise::error();
fuchsia::tee::Buffer buffer;
return fpromise::ok(std::move(buffer));
fuchsia::tee::Value CreateReturnCodeParameter() {
fuchsia::tee::Value value;
return value;
fpromise::result<fuchsia::tee::Buffer> GetCommandBuffer(
std::vector<fuchsia::tee::Parameter>* parameter_set) {
constexpr size_t kParamBufferIndex = 0;
if (!parameter_set->at(kParamBufferIndex).is_buffer()) {
return fpromise::error();
fuchsia::tee::Buffer& buffer = parameter_set->at(kParamBufferIndex).buffer();
if (!buffer.has_vmo() || !buffer.has_size() || !buffer.has_offset() || !buffer.has_direction()) {
return fpromise::error();
if (buffer.offset() >= buffer.size()) {
return fpromise::error();
return fpromise::ok(std::move(buffer));
bool IsExpectedSecmemCommandResult(const fuchsia::tee::OpResult& result) {
return result.has_parameter_set() && result.parameter_set().size() == 4 &&
result.has_return_code() && result.has_return_origin();
} // namespace
fpromise::result<SecmemSession, fuchsia::tee::ApplicationSyncPtr> SecmemSession::TryOpen(
fuchsia::tee::ApplicationSyncPtr tee_connection) {
if (!tee_connection.is_bound()) {
return fpromise::error(std::move(tee_connection));
fuchsia::tee::OpResult result;
uint32_t session_id = 0;
auto params = std::vector<fuchsia::tee::Parameter>();
if (zx_status_t status = tee_connection->OpenSession2(std::move(params), &session_id, &result);
status != ZX_OK) {
LOG(ERROR, "OpenSession channel call failed - status: %d", status);
return fpromise::error(std::move(tee_connection));
if (!result.has_return_code() || !result.has_return_origin()) {
LOG(ERROR, "OpenSession returned with result codes missing");
return fpromise::error(std::move(tee_connection));
if (result.return_code() != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING, "OpenSession to secmem failed - TEEC_Result: %" PRIx64 ", origin: %" PRIu32 ".",
result.return_code(), static_cast<uint32_t>(result.return_origin()));
return fpromise::error(std::move(tee_connection));
return fpromise::ok(SecmemSession{session_id, std::move(tee_connection)});
SecmemSession::~SecmemSession() {
if (tee_connection_.is_bound()) {
void SecmemSession::PackUint32Parameter(uint32_t value, std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer) {
TeeCommandParam param;
param.type = kTeeParamTypeUint32;
param.param.u32 = value;
auto param_begin = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&param);
auto param_end = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&param) + (sizeof(param) / sizeof(uint8_t));
const size_t new_buf_size = fbl::round_up(buffer->size() + sizeof(param), kParameterAlignment);
buffer->insert(buffer->end(), param_begin, param_end);
if (buffer->size() < new_buf_size) {
std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(*buffer), new_buf_size - buffer->size(), 0);
TEEC_Result SecmemSession::InvokeSecmemCommand(uint32_t command,
std::vector<uint8_t>* cmd_buffer_vec) {
if (!tee_connection_.is_bound()) {
// The first parameter is where all of Amlogic's custom parameters are packed.
fuchsia::tee::Buffer in_cmd_buffer;
if (auto in_cmd_buffer_result = CreateCommandBuffer(*cmd_buffer_vec);
in_cmd_buffer_result.is_ok()) {
in_cmd_buffer = in_cmd_buffer_result.take_value();
} else {
constexpr size_t kNumParams = 4;
auto params = std::vector<fuchsia::tee::Parameter>();
fuchsia::tee::OpResult result;
if (zx_status_t status =
tee_connection_->InvokeCommand(session_id_, command, std::move(params), &result);
status != ZX_OK) {
LOG(ERROR, "InvokeCommand channel call failed - status: %d", status);
if (!IsExpectedSecmemCommandResult(result)) {
LOG(ERROR, "InvokeCommand returned with unexpected OpResult");
fuchsia::tee::Buffer out_cmd_buffer;
if (auto out_cmd_buffer_result = GetCommandBuffer(result.mutable_parameter_set());
out_cmd_buffer_result.is_ok()) {
out_cmd_buffer = out_cmd_buffer_result.take_value();
} else {
LOG(ERROR, "Secmem command returned with unexpected command buffer parameter");
// Ensure that `cmd_buffer_vec` is of the appropriate size
cmd_buffer_vec->resize(out_cmd_buffer.size() - out_cmd_buffer.offset(), /*val=*/0);
// Read output into provided `cmd_buffer_vec`
if (zx_status_t status =
out_cmd_buffer.vmo().read(cmd_buffer_vec->data(), out_cmd_buffer.offset(),
out_cmd_buffer.size() - out_cmd_buffer.offset());
status != ZX_OK) {
LOG(ERROR, "Failed to read parameters from VMO - status: %d", status);
if (result.return_code() != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
// Inability to talk to the TA or similar.
return static_cast<TEEC_Result>(result.return_code());
// The "result.return_code()" is sortof a transport-level return code if something goes wrong
// communicating with the TA. The actual secmem TA return code is in params[3].a.
return static_cast<TEEC_Result>(result.parameter_set()[3].value().a());
fpromise::result<uint32_t> SecmemSession::UnpackUint32Parameter(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer,
size_t* offset_in_out) {
size_t offset = *offset_in_out;
if (offset + sizeof(TeeCommandParam) > buffer.size()) {
return fpromise::error();
const uint8_t* param_addr = + offset;
auto param = reinterpret_cast<const TeeCommandParam*>(param_addr);
if (param->type != kTeeParamTypeUint32) {
LOG(ERROR, "Received unexpected param type");
return fpromise::error();
offset += sizeof(TeeCommandParam);
*offset_in_out = fbl::round_up(offset, kParameterAlignment);
return fpromise::ok(param->param.u32);
TEEC_Result SecmemSession::InvokeProtectMemory(uint32_t start, uint32_t length,
uint32_t enable_flags) {
std::vector<uint8_t> cmd_buffer;
// Reserve room for 4 parameters.
cmd_buffer.reserve(kParameterAlignment * 4);
PackUint32Parameter(kSecmemCommandIdProtectMemory, &cmd_buffer);
PackUint32Parameter(enable_flags, &cmd_buffer);
// count of regions must be 1-4 inclusive
constexpr uint32_t kRegionNum = 1;
PackUint32Parameter(kRegionNum, &cmd_buffer);
PackUint32Parameter(start, &cmd_buffer);
PackUint32Parameter(length, &cmd_buffer);
TEEC_Result result = InvokeSecmemCommand(kSecmemCommandIdProtectMemory, &cmd_buffer);
return result;
bool SecmemSession::DetectIsAdjustAndSkipDeviceSecureModeUpdateAvailable() {
// If Adjust is available, then so is SkipDeviceSecureModeUpdate, so we only need to detect if
// Adjust is available.
// We don't expect to be running with back-version firmware in any normal situation, but we need
// to be sure that in abnormal situations we don't cause problems getting back to a normal
// situation asap, so we accommodate running on back-version firmware by detecting if we're
// missing new-version firmware, and if so, disabling dynamic protected contiguous memory
// management.
if (is_detect_called_) {
return is_adjust_known_available_;
is_detect_called_ = true;
// In the TEE, if the firmware doesn't have DetectSubCommand, this will result in an enabled HW
// protection range that has a last block address < first block address, which covers zero 64 KiB
// blocks. In addition, due to legacy firmware side-effects of creating a memory protection range
// this will modify per-device protected mode config, and then change those back as we unwind from
// discovering that we're running on legacy firmware somehow, temporarily.
uint32_t start = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() & kProtectionRangeGranularityMask;
// This can't be zero or the TEE will reject the request. If we find we're on older-version
// firmware (and only if we're on older-version firmware), we clean up the phantom block to regain
// use of all the HW protection ranges.
// Current-version firmware only requires this value to be non-zero, but otherwise ignores the
// value (when using DetectSubCommand).
uint32_t length = 0u - 1u;
uint32_t enable_flags = 0;
static_assert(kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift == 0);
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_DetectSubCommand << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_DetectSubCommand
<< kEnableFlag_DetectSubCommand_CommandNumber_Shift;
TEEC_Result detect_is_detect_available_result = InvokeProtectMemory(start, length, enable_flags);
// The sense of success/failure is flipped here, for legacy reasons.
bool is_detect_available = (detect_is_detect_available_result == TEEC_ERROR_GENERIC);
LOG(INFO, "is_detect_available: %d detect_is_detect_available_result: 0x%x", is_detect_available,
if (!is_detect_available) {
LOG(INFO, "!is_detect_available");
enable_flags = 0;
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Disable << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(enable_flags == 0);
TEEC_Result cleanup_result = InvokeProtectMemory(start, length, enable_flags);
// This isn't verifying much since older firmware doesn't plumb status from very far down, but
// we should see TEEC_SUCCESS here.
ZX_ASSERT(cleanup_result == TEEC_SUCCESS);
return false;
// Now we know that the DetectSubCommand sub-command exists. At this point we could just return
// true, since we know that DetectSubCommand existing implies Adjust existing, but in the interest
// of establishing a pattern, we go ahead and detect whether Adjust exists explicitly here.
enable_flags = 0;
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_DetectSubCommand << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Adjust << kEnableFlag_DetectSubCommand_CommandNumber_Shift;
// We just need start, length that both aren't zero; the specific non-zero values don't matter.
TEEC_Result detect_is_adjust_available_result = InvokeProtectMemory(start, length, enable_flags);
is_adjust_known_available_ = (detect_is_adjust_available_result == TEEC_SUCCESS);
// For this particular sub-command, we know this will be true given that detect is available. For
// potential future-added sub-commands, we won't be able to have a similar assert.
enable_flags = 0;
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_DetectSubCommand << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_InitTvpForAllRanges
<< kEnableFlag_DetectSubCommand_CommandNumber_Shift;
// We just need start, length that both aren't zero; the specific non-zero values don't matter.
TEEC_Result detect_is_init_tvp_available_result =
InvokeProtectMemory(start, length, enable_flags);
bool is_init_tvp_available = (detect_is_init_tvp_available_result == TEEC_SUCCESS);
// For this particular sub-command, we know this will be true given that detect is available. For
// potential future-added sub-commands, we won't be able to have a similar assert.
enable_flags = 0;
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_InitTvpForAllRanges << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
// The start and length both need to be non-zero, but otherwise are ignored for this sub-command.
TEEC_Result enable_result = InvokeProtectMemory(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, enable_flags);
ZX_ASSERT(enable_result == TEEC_SUCCESS);
return is_adjust_known_available_;
// Defer figuring out max_range_count_ until first request to protect a range, at which point we'll
// have a big contiguous chunk to use for detection. Then use AdjustRange() to detect whether a
// range was really created.
uint32_t SecmemSession::GetMaxClientUsableProtectedRangeCount(uint64_t phys_base,
uint64_t size_bytes) {
// Only called once during early init.
// As needed, we can create a separate earlier properties query to get this alignment before the
// phys range is allocated. At the moment, sysmem just knows.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(phys_base % kProtectionRangeGranularity == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(size_bytes % kProtectionRangeGranularity == 0);
is_get_max_client_usable_protected_range_count_called_ = true;
if (!is_adjust_known_available_) {
LOG(INFO, "!is_adjust_known_available_");
return 1;
uint32_t create_enable_flags = 0;
create_enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Enable << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
create_enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_EnableDisable_SkipDeviceSecureModeUpdate;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(phys_base <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
uint32_t start_0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(phys_base);
// We create each range at 128KiB, then adjust the size to 64KiB by shortening at the end. We do
// this because the create doesn't report failure from the FW (legacy behavior) even if the number
// of REE-usable HW protection ranges is exhausted, while adjust does return failure.
constexpr uint32_t kStartingLength = 2 * kProtectionRangeGranularity;
constexpr uint32_t kHoldLength = kProtectionRangeGranularity;
uint32_t adjust_flags = 0;
adjust_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Adjust << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
// at_start is already 0
// longer is already 0
// we want 64KiB and the exponent is already 0
uint32_t range_ordinal = 0;
for (range_ordinal = 0;; ++range_ordinal) {
if (start_0 + range_ordinal * kHoldLength + kStartingLength > phys_base + size_bytes) {
LOG(INFO, "range count capped due to size of secure heap (unexpected)");
TEEC_Result create_result = InvokeProtectMemory(start_0 + range_ordinal * kHoldLength,
kStartingLength, create_enable_flags);
if (create_result != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
LOG(INFO, "FW changed to ever report failure from HW protection range create? - result: 0x%x",
TEEC_Result adjust_result =
InvokeProtectMemory(start_0 + range_ordinal * kHoldLength, kStartingLength, adjust_flags);
if (adjust_result != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
// Normal when we've run out of REE-usable ranges, so don't log anything here.
uint32_t range_count = range_ordinal;
LOG(INFO, "range_count: %u", range_count);
uint32_t disable_flags = 0;
disable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Disable << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
disable_flags |= kEnableFlag_EnableDisable_SkipDeviceSecureModeUpdate;
for (range_ordinal = 0; range_ordinal < range_count; ++range_ordinal) {
TEEC_Result disable_result =
InvokeProtectMemory(start_0 + range_ordinal * kHoldLength, kHoldLength, disable_flags);
// The FW never reports a failure from disable (legacy behavior). If this assert does fire,
// this process will exit, and sysmem will exit, and the device will reboot.
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(disable_result == TEEC_SUCCESS, "disable_result: 0x%x", disable_result);
return range_count;
TEEC_Result SecmemSession::ProtectMemoryRange(uint32_t start, uint32_t length,
bool is_enable_protection) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start % kProtectionRangeGranularity == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length % kProtectionRangeGranularity == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length != 0);
uint32_t enable_flags = 0;
static_assert(kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift == 0);
if (is_enable_protection) {
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Enable << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
} else {
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Disable << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
if (is_adjust_known_available_) {
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_EnableDisable_SkipDeviceSecureModeUpdate;
return InvokeProtectMemory(start, length, enable_flags);
TEEC_Result SecmemSession::AdjustMemoryRange(uint32_t start, uint32_t length,
uint32_t adjustment_magnitude, bool at_start,
bool longer) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start % kProtectionRangeGranularity == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length % kProtectionRangeGranularity == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length != 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(adjustment_magnitude % kProtectionRangeGranularity == 0);
// The available choices here are 64KiB, 256KiB, 1MiB, 4MiB. We don't want to zero too much per
// call since that could have us in the TEE long enough to cause trouble with scheduling.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxZeroingSizeInSingleCall = 1024u * 1024u;
uint32_t enable_flags_base = 0;
static_assert(kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift == 0);
enable_flags_base |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Adjust << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
if (at_start) {
enable_flags_base |= kEnableFlag_Adjust_RangeAtStart;
if (longer) {
enable_flags_base |= kEnableFlag_Adjust_RangeLonger;
uint32_t adjustment_todo = adjustment_magnitude;
while (adjustment_todo != 0) {
uint32_t enable_flags = enable_flags_base;
uint32_t magnitude = 0;
int32_t value;
for (value = (kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_Mask >> kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_Shift); value >= 0;
--value) {
magnitude = kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_Coefficient
<< (value * kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_ExponentMultiplier);
if (magnitude <= adjustment_todo && (longer || magnitude <= kMaxZeroingSizeInSingleCall)) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(magnitude != 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(magnitude <= adjustment_todo);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(value >= 0 && static_cast<uint32_t>(value) <= (kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_Mask >>
uint32_t to_adjust_this_time_magnitude = magnitude;
uint32_t to_adjust_this_time_value = value;
enable_flags |= (to_adjust_this_time_value << kEnableFlag_Adjust_Size_Shift);
TEEC_Result adjust_result = InvokeProtectMemory(start, length, enable_flags);
if (adjust_result != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
"InvokeProtectMemory (adjust) failed - start: 0x%x length: 0x%x enable_flags: 0x%x "
"adjust_result: %x",
start, length, enable_flags, adjust_result);
if (adjustment_todo != adjustment_magnitude) {
// If this fails after making a partial adjustment, we don't have a way to report the actual
// current range to the layers above. In addition, this call to the TEE should _never_
// fail, and the fact that it has failed is good evidence that the TEE has gotten into a
// broken state, which for security reasons is good justification for doing a hard reboot to
// get back to a functional TEE. We really can't be having range shortening or range
// deletion failing; that just can't really work from the user's point of view even if we
// could report the actual current range back to sysmem in this path.
ZX_PANIC("AdjustMemoryRange() failed - adjust_result: 0x%x", adjust_result);
return adjust_result;
uint32_t old_start = start;
uint32_t old_length = length;
adjustment_todo -= to_adjust_this_time_magnitude;
// We adjust the parameters so we can refer to the newly-adjusted range next iteration.
if (longer) {
length += to_adjust_this_time_magnitude;
if (at_start) {
start -= to_adjust_this_time_magnitude;
} else {
length -= to_adjust_this_time_magnitude;
if (at_start) {
start += to_adjust_this_time_magnitude;
uint32_t old_end = old_start + old_length;
uint32_t new_end = start + length;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start == old_start || new_end == old_end);
TEEC_Result SecmemSession::ZeroSubRange(bool is_covering_range_explicit, uint32_t start,
uint32_t length) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(start % zx_system_get_page_size() == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length % zx_system_get_page_size() == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(length != 0);
// We're not restricted by the TEE API here but it's good to avoid zeroing too much in one call
// to the TEE.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxZeroingSizeInSingleCall = 1024u * 1024u;
uint32_t enable_flags = 0;
static_assert(kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift == 0);
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_ZeroSubRange << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
if (is_covering_range_explicit) {
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_ZeroSubRange_IsCoveringRangeExplicit;
uint32_t end = start + length;
uint32_t todo_this_time;
for (uint32_t iter = start; iter != end; iter += todo_this_time) {
todo_this_time = std::min(end - iter, kMaxZeroingSizeInSingleCall);
TEEC_Result zero_result = InvokeProtectMemory(iter, todo_this_time, enable_flags);
if (zero_result != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
"InvokeProtectMemory() (zero) failed - start: 0x%x length: 0x%x enable_flags: 0x%x", iter,
todo_this_time, enable_flags);
return zero_result;
void SecmemSession::DumpRanges() {
uint32_t enable_flags = 0;
static_assert(kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift == 0);
enable_flags |= kEnableFlag_SubCommand_DumpRanges << kEnableFlag_SubCommand_Shift;
TEEC_Result dump_result = InvokeProtectMemory(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, enable_flags);
if (dump_result != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING, "InvokeProtectMemory() (dump ranges) failed - dump_result: %d", dump_result);
ZX_ASSERT(dump_result == TEEC_SUCCESS);
// done
TEEC_Result SecmemSession::AllocateSecureMemory(uint32_t* start, uint32_t* length) {
// First, ask secmem TA for the max size of VDEC, then allocate that size.
std::vector<uint8_t> cmd_buffer;
// Reserve room for 4 parameters.
cmd_buffer.reserve(kParameterAlignment * 4);
// kSecmemCommandIdGetMemSize command first
PackUint32Parameter(kSecmemCommandIdGetMemSize, &cmd_buffer);
TEEC_Result tee_status = InvokeSecmemCommand(kSecmemCommandIdGetMemSize, &cmd_buffer);
if (tee_status != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR, "kSecmemCommandIdGetMemSize failed - TEEC_Result: %" PRIx32, tee_status);
return tee_status;
size_t output_offset = 0;
fpromise::result<uint32_t> max_vdec_size_result =
UnpackUint32Parameter(cmd_buffer, &output_offset);
if (!max_vdec_size_result.is_ok()) {
LOG(ERROR, "UnpackUint32Parameter() after kSecmemCommandIdGetMemSize failed");
// Reset for new command: kSecmemCommandIdAllocateSecureMemory.
PackUint32Parameter(kSecmemCommandIdAllocateSecureMemory, &cmd_buffer);
// ignored
constexpr uint32_t kDbgLevel = 0;
PackUint32Parameter(kDbgLevel, &cmd_buffer);
// We can pass false for is_vp9, even if later when we do
// kSecmemCommandIdGetVp9HeaderSize we start at exactly one AMLV header length
// into a page to avoid one frame/sub-frame being copied.
constexpr auto kIsVp9 = static_cast<uint32_t>(false); // 0
PackUint32Parameter(kIsVp9, &cmd_buffer);
PackUint32Parameter(max_vdec_size_result.value(), &cmd_buffer);
tee_status = InvokeSecmemCommand(kSecmemCommandIdAllocateSecureMemory, &cmd_buffer);
if (tee_status != TEEC_SUCCESS) {
LOG(ERROR, "kSecmemCommandIdAllocateSecureMemory failed - TEEC_Result: %" PRIx32, tee_status);
return tee_status;
output_offset = 0;
fpromise::result<uint32_t> vdec_paddr_result = UnpackUint32Parameter(cmd_buffer, &output_offset);
if (!vdec_paddr_result.is_ok()) {
LOG(ERROR, "UnpackUint32Parameter() after kSecmemCommandIdAllocateSecureMemory failed");
*start = vdec_paddr_result.value();
*length = max_vdec_size_result.value();