blob: ac8ba8d20c91f270b900ef853f1375bec907370d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace power_sensor {
struct Ina231Metadata {
enum Mode : uint16_t {
kModeShuntAndBusContinuous = 0b111,
enum ConversionTime : uint16_t {
kConversionTime332us = 0b010,
enum Averages : uint16_t {
kAverages1024 = 0b111,
enum Alert : uint16_t {
kAlertNone = 0,
kAlertBusUnderVoltage = 1 << 12,
uint16_t mode;
uint16_t shunt_voltage_conversion_time;
uint16_t bus_voltage_conversion_time;
uint16_t averages;
// May not be zero.
uint64_t shunt_resistance_microohm;
// Resolution is 1250 uV regardless of other settings. Only used if alert is not kAlertNone.
uint64_t bus_voltage_limit_microvolt;
uint16_t alert;
uint32_t power_sensor_domain;
} // namespace power_sensor