blob: 093d918cafcbcecd2cef62cdc26f1a444a7b4d34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-sink-policy.h"
#include <lib/driver/logging/cpp/logger.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-message-objects.h"
namespace usb_pd {
bool SinkPolicyInfo::IsValid() const {
if (min_voltage_mv <= 0) {
return false;
if (max_voltage_mv < min_voltage_mv) {
return false;
if (max_power_mw <= 0) {
return false;
return true;
SinkPolicy::SinkPolicy(const SinkPolicyInfo& policy_info) : policy_info_(policy_info) {
SinkPolicy::~SinkPolicy() = default;
void SinkPolicy::DidReceiveSourceCapabilities(const Message& capabilities) {
// clear() doesn't currently work for elements without a default constructor.
source_capabilities_ = {};
for (uint32_t capability : capabilities.data_objects()) {
namespace {
// `supply_data` must be the first PDO in a USB PD source capabilities list.
void LogSourceAttributes(FixedPowerSupplyData supply_data) {
"Source Attributes: USB suspend %s, "
"unconstrained power: %s, dual role power: %s, power range: %s, "
"usb communication: %s, dual role data: %s",
supply_data.requires_usb_suspend() ? "required" : "not required",
supply_data.has_unconstrained_power() ? "yes" : "no",
supply_data.supports_dual_role_power() ? "yes" : "no",
supply_data.supports_extended_power_range() ? "extended" : "standard",
supply_data.supports_usb_communications() ? "yes" : "no",
supply_data.supports_dual_role_data() ? "yes" : "no");
void LogSourcePowerCapability(PowerData power_data, int power_data_object_index) {
switch (power_data.supply_type()) {
case PowerSupplyType::kFixedSupply: {
FixedPowerSupplyData fixed_supply(power_data);
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Source Capability #%d: Fixed Power - %" PRId32 " mV @ %" PRId32 " mA",
power_data_object_index, fixed_supply.voltage_mv(),
case PowerSupplyType::kBattery: {
BatteryPowerSupplyData battery_supply(power_data);
"Source Capability #%d: Battery - [%" PRId32 " - %" PRId32 "] mV, %" PRId32 " mW",
power_data_object_index, battery_supply.minimum_voltage_mv(),
battery_supply.maximum_voltage_mv(), battery_supply.maximum_power_mw());
case PowerSupplyType::kVariableSupply: {
VariablePowerSupplyData variable_supply(power_data);
"Source Capability #%d: Variable Power - [%" PRId32 " - %" PRId32 "] mV @ %" PRId32
" mA",
power_data_object_index, variable_supply.minimum_voltage_mv(),
variable_supply.maximum_voltage_mv(), variable_supply.maximum_current_ma());
case PowerSupplyType::kAugmentedPowerDataObject:
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Source Capability #%d: Augmented PDO (unsupported) - 0x%08" PRIx32,
power_data_object_index, power_data.bits);
void LogSinkPowerRequestData(PowerRequestData request_data,
cpp20::span<const PowerData> source_capabilities) {
// Casting will not overflow because the position is a 4-bit integer.
int related_source_pdo_position =
"Power Request Attributes: source PDO #%d, power give back: %s, capability mismatch: %s, "
"usb communication: %s, usb suspend: %s, PHY message support: %s, power range: %s",
request_data.supports_power_give_back() ? "supported" : "not supported",
request_data.capability_mismatch() ? "yes" : "no",
request_data.supports_usb_communications() ? "yes" : "no",
request_data.prefers_waiving_usb_suspend() ? "waive asked" : "ok",
request_data.supports_unchunked_extended_messages() ? "extended" : "standard",
request_data.supports_extended_power_range() ? "extended" : "standard");
if (related_source_pdo_position == 0) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Non-standard Power Request: using reserved related source PDO value #0");
// Casting will not overflow because the position is a positive 4-bit integer.
if (static_cast<size_t>(related_source_pdo_position) > source_capabilities.size()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Invalid Power Request: related source PDO value #%d exceeds PDO list size %zu",
related_source_pdo_position, source_capabilities.size());
const PowerData source_power_data = source_capabilities[related_source_pdo_position - 1];
switch (source_power_data.supply_type()) {
case PowerSupplyType::kFixedSupply: {
FixedVariableSupplyPowerRequestData fixed_request(request_data);
FixedPowerSupplyData supply_data(source_power_data);
int64_t operating_power_mw =
(int64_t{supply_data.voltage_mv()} * fixed_request.operating_current_ma()) / 1'000;
int64_t limit_power_mw =
(int64_t{supply_data.voltage_mv()} * fixed_request.limit_current_ma()) / 1'000;
"Fixed Power Request: Operating %" PRId32 " mV @ %" PRId32 " mA => %" PRId64
" mW, "
"Limit %" PRId32 " mV @ %" PRId32 " mA => %" PRId64 " mW",
supply_data.voltage_mv(), fixed_request.operating_current_ma(), operating_power_mw,
supply_data.voltage_mv(), fixed_request.limit_current_ma(), limit_power_mw);
case PowerSupplyType::kVariableSupply: {
FixedVariableSupplyPowerRequestData fixed_request(request_data);
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Variable Power Request: Operating %" PRId32 " mA, Limit %" PRId32 " mA",
fixed_request.operating_current_ma(), fixed_request.limit_current_ma());
case PowerSupplyType::kBattery: {
BatteryPowerRequestData battery_request(request_data);
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Battery Power Request: Operating %" PRId32 " mW, Limit %" PRId32 " mW",
battery_request.operating_power_mw(), battery_request.limit_power_mw());
case PowerSupplyType::kAugmentedPowerDataObject:
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Augmented Power Request: Augmented RDO (unsupported) - 0x%08" PRIx32,
} // namespace
void SinkPolicy::LogSourcePowerCapabilities() {
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Received USB PD source capabilities");
// The cast does not overflow (causing UB) because the maximum vector size is
// `Header::kMaxDataObjectCount`.
const int32_t capabilities_count = static_cast<int32_t>(source_capabilities_.size());
if (source_capabilities_.empty()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "USB PD SourceCapabilities message has no capabilities (empty PDO list)!");
const PowerData first_power_data = source_capabilities_.front();
if (first_power_data.supply_type() == PowerSupplyType::kFixedSupply) {
} else {
FDF_LOG(WARNING, "Non-standard USB PD source! First capability must be Fixed Power");
for (int i = 0; i < capabilities_count; ++i) {
LogSourcePowerCapability(source_capabilities_[i], i + 1);
// A score for how well a power source offering suits our sink's needs.
struct SinkPolicy::PowerDataSuitability {
int32_t power_mw = 0;
int32_t voltage_mv = 0;
bool operator<(const PowerDataSuitability& rhs) const {
if (power_mw != rhs.power_mw) {
return power_mw < rhs.power_mw;
// Prefer the lowest voltage that hits a power goal.
return voltage_mv > rhs.voltage_mv;
PowerRequestData SinkPolicy::GetPowerRequest() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(source_capabilities_.size() != 0,
"DidReceiveSourceCapabilities() not called");
PowerDataSuitability best_suitability;
std::optional<PowerRequestData> best_request_data;
// The cast does not overflow (causing UB) because the maximum vector size is
// `Header::kMaxDataObjectCount`.
const int32_t capabilities_count = static_cast<int32_t>(source_capabilities_.size());
for (int32_t i = 0; i < capabilities_count; ++i) {
const int32_t position = i + 1;
const PowerData power_data = source_capabilities_[i];
switch (power_data.supply_type()) {
case PowerSupplyType::kFixedSupply: {
auto [request_data, suitability] =
ScoreFixedPower(FixedPowerSupplyData(power_data), position);
if (best_suitability < suitability) {
best_suitability = suitability;
best_request_data = request_data;
FDF_LOG(DEBUG, "Skipping unsupported power type %" PRIu8,
// We call value() unconditionally on the std::optional, because usbpd3.1
// guarantees that we'll find at least one suitable source.
PowerRequestData final_result = SetCommonRequestFields(best_request_data.value());
LogSinkPowerRequestData(final_result, source_capabilities_);
return final_result;
cpp20::span<const uint32_t> SinkPolicy::GetSinkCapabilities() const { return sink_capabilities_; }
void SinkPolicy::PopulateSinkCapabilities() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(sink_capabilities_.empty(), "PopulateSinkCapabilities() already called");
// Fixed Supply PDOs must come first in a Capabilities message.
static constexpr int32_t kVoltagesMv[] = {5'000, 9'000, 10'1000, 12'000, 15'000, 20'000};
for (int32_t voltage_mv : kVoltagesMv) {
if (voltage_mv < policy_info_.min_voltage_mv || voltage_mv > policy_info_.max_voltage_mv) {
const int32_t max_power_uw = policy_info_.max_power_mw * 1'000;
// Using ceiling division to get an upper bound on the power consumption.
const int32_t current_ma = (max_power_uw + voltage_mv - 1) / voltage_mv;
SinkFixedPowerSupplyData fixed_supply;
// The first PDO must be a Fixed Supply PDO with vSafe5V.
const PowerData first_power_data(sink_capabilities_[0]);
const SinkFixedPowerSupplyData first_fixed_supply(first_power_data);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_fixed_supply.voltage_mv() == 5'000);
sink_capabilities_[0] = static_cast<uint32_t>(SetAdditionalInformation(first_fixed_supply));
std::pair<PowerRequestData, SinkPolicy::PowerDataSuitability> SinkPolicy::ScoreFixedPower(
FixedPowerSupplyData power_data, int32_t data_position) const {
auto request_data = FixedVariableSupplyPowerRequestData::CreateForPosition(data_position);
int32_t voltage_mv = power_data.voltage_mv();
if (voltage_mv < policy_info_.min_voltage_mv || voltage_mv > policy_info_.max_voltage_mv) {
return {request_data, {}};
const int32_t max_power_uw = policy_info_.max_power_mw * 1'000;
// We use ceiling division because the requested current must be an upper
// bound for the actual consumption.
int32_t requested_current_ma =
std::min((max_power_uw + voltage_mv - 1) / voltage_mv, power_data.maximum_current_ma());
// The multiplication does not overflow (causing UB) because the result is at
// most 523,264,500 uV. Due to the USB PD format, `voltage_mv` is at most
// 51,150 mV, and `requested_current_ma` is at most 10,230 mA.
const int32_t power_uw = (requested_current_ma * voltage_mv);
// The requested power may be slightly higher than the maximum consumption,
// due to the ceiling division above. We don't want this rounding error to
// favor a higher voltage over a lower voltage, so we fix it up here.
const int32_t power_mw = std::min(power_uw / 1'000, policy_info_.max_power_mw);
PowerDataSuitability suitability = {.power_mw = power_mw, .voltage_mv = voltage_mv};
return {request_data, suitability};
SinkFixedPowerSupplyData SinkPolicy::SetAdditionalInformation(
SinkFixedPowerSupplyData fixed_power) const {
return fixed_power;
PowerRequestData SinkPolicy::SetCommonRequestFields(PowerRequestData request) const {
return request;
} // namespace usb_pd