blob: 4560ea762959295641ec1939a59a29bbb4c4a4a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The comments in this file reference the USB Power Delivery Specification,
// downloadable at
// usbpd3.1 is Revision 3.1, Version 1.7, published January 2023.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-defs.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-message-type.h"
namespace usb_pd {
// Type-safe wrapper for USB message ID manipulation.
// For best readability, use the fully-qualified name `usb_pd::MessageId`.
// usbpd3.1 "Message ID"
class MessageId {
// Default-initialized Message IDs start at zero.
MessageId() = default;
// Support explicit casting from uint8_t.
explicit MessageId(uint8_t bits) : bits_(bits) { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(bits < 8); }
// Value type, copying allowed.
MessageId(const MessageId&) = default;
MessageId& operator=(const MessageId&) = default;
// Trivially destructible.
~MessageId() = default;
// Support explicit casting to uint8_t.
explicit operator uint8_t() const { return bits_; }
// In C++20, equality comparison can be defaulted.
bool operator==(const MessageId& other) const { return bits_ == other.bits_; }
bool operator!=(const MessageId& other) const { return bits_ != other.bits_; }
MessageId Next() const {
// Rolling 3-bit counter.
return MessageId((bits_ + 1) % 8);
void Reset() { bits_ = 0; }
uint8_t bits_ = 0;
// Type-safe serialization and de-serialization of USB PD message headers.
// For best readability, use the fully-qualified name `usb_pd::Header`.
// usbpd3.1 "Message Header"
class Header {
// Needed for the following to compile.
uint16_t bits_;
// Needed here for message_id() and set_message_id() to compile.
DEF_SUBFIELD(bits_, 11, 9, message_id_bits);
// Needed here for message_type() and set_message_type() to compile.
DEF_SUBFIELD(bits_, 4, 0, message_type_bits);
// True for extended PD messages. Not handled by this driver.
// usbpd3.1 "Extended"
DEF_SUBBIT(bits_, 15, is_extended);
// Message payload size, in 32-bit objects. Zero (0) for Control messages.
// usbpd3.1 "Number of Data Objects"
DEF_SUBFIELD(bits_, 14, 12, data_object_count);
// Message nonce generated by a 3-bit rolling counter.
// The nonces are unique per-Port. In other words, each side needs to track
// separate rolling counters for transmitted and received messages.
// usbpd3.1 "Message ID"
MessageId message_id() const { return static_cast<MessageId>(message_id_bits()); }
Header& set_message_id(MessageId message_id) {
return set_message_id_bits(static_cast<uint8_t>(message_id));
// The message sender's power role. Only valid for SOP messages.
// The USB PD spec description of this header field prohibits checking the
// field in received messages. In particular, incorrect values don't lead to
// Soft Reset or Hard Reset.
// usbpd3.1 "Port Power Role"
DEF_ENUM_SUBFIELD(bits_, PowerRole, 8, 8, power_role);
// The PD specification revision used by the message sender.
// Source_Capabilities messages have the maximum PD spec revision supported by
// the Source. Request messages have the maximum PD spec revision supported by
// both the Source and Sink.
// The USB PD spec mandates ignoring the revision field in GoodCRC messages.
// usbpd3.1 "Specification Revision"
DEF_ENUM_SUBFIELD(bits_, SpecRevision, 7, 6, spec_revision);
// The message sender's data role. Only valid for SOP messages.
// SOP' and SOP" messages use the underlying bit for the Cable Plug field
// instead. (usbpd3.1
// usbpd3.1 "Port Data Role"
DEF_ENUM_SUBFIELD(bits_, DataRole, 5, 5, data_role);
// Determines the message's type, together with `data_object_count`.
// usbpd3.1 "Message Type"
MessageType message_type() const {
if (data_object_count() != 0) {
const DataMessageType type = static_cast<DataMessageType>(message_type_bits());
return MessageTypeFromDataMessageType(type);
const ControlMessageType type = static_cast<ControlMessageType>(message_type_bits());
return MessageTypeFromControlMessageType(type);
// `data_object_count()` must already be set to a valid value.
Header& set_message_type(MessageType message_type) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((data_object_count() != 0) == IsDataMessageType(message_type));
// The IsDataMessageType() check and branches will be optimized away.
return set_message_type_bits(
? static_cast<uint8_t>(DataMessageTypeFromMessageType(message_type))
: static_cast<uint8_t>(ControlMessageTypeFromMessageType(message_type)));
// The number of data objects is transmitted in a 3-bit field.
static constexpr int kMaxDataObjectCount = 7;
static Header CreateFromBytes(uint8_t byte1, uint8_t byte2) {
uint16_t bits = static_cast<uint16_t>(byte1 | (byte2 << 8));
return Header(bits);
Header(MessageType message_type, uint8_t data_object_count, MessageId message_id,
PowerRole power_role, SpecRevision spec_revision, DataRole data_role) {
// Must be called after `set_data_object_count()`.
// Value type, copying is allowed.
Header(const Header&) = default;
Header& operator=(const Header&) = default;
// Trivially destructible.
~Header() = default;
// Expected usage: std::tie(byte1, byte2) = header.bytes();
std::pair<uint8_t, uint8_t> bytes() const {
return {static_cast<uint8_t>(bits_), static_cast<uint8_t>(bits_ >> 8)};
// The size of the message's payload, in bytes.
int8_t payload_bytes() const {
// The casts and multiplication will not overflow (causing UB) because
// `data_object_count()` is a 3-bit field.
return static_cast<int8_t>(static_cast<int8_t>(data_object_count()) * 4);
// The size of the message, including the header.
int8_t message_bytes() const { return static_cast<int8_t>(2 + payload_bytes()); }
explicit Header(uint16_t bits) : bits_(bits) {}
// Container for a USB PD message.
// For best readability, use the fully-qualified name `usb_pd::Message`.
class Message {
// Message payloads consist of 32-bit data objects.
static constexpr int kMaxPayloadBytes = Header::kMaxDataObjectCount * sizeof(uint32_t);
// Messages have a 2-byte header and the payload.
static constexpr int kMaxMessageBytes = kMaxPayloadBytes + 2;
// Assembles a message from its serialized parts.
Message(Header header, cpp20::span<const uint32_t> data_objects) : header_(header) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(header.data_object_count() <= Header::kMaxDataObjectCount);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(header.data_object_count() == data_objects.size());
std::copy(data_objects.begin(), data_objects.end(), data_objects_.begin());
Message(MessageType message_type, MessageId message_id, PowerRole power_role,
SpecRevision spec_revision, DataRole data_role, cpp20::span<const uint32_t> data_objects)
: header_(message_type, data_objects.size(), message_id, power_role, spec_revision,
data_role) {
std::copy(data_objects.begin(), data_objects.end(), data_objects_.begin());
// Value type, copying is allowed.
Message(const Message& message) = default;
Message& operator=(const Message& message) = default;
// Trivially destructible.
~Message() = default;
Header header() const { return header_; }
Message& set_message_id(MessageId new_message_id) {
return *this;
// The returned span will be empty for control messages.
cpp20::span<const uint32_t> data_objects() const {
return cpp20::span(, header_.data_object_count());
Header header_;
std::array<uint32_t, Header::kMaxDataObjectCount> data_objects_ = {};
} // namespace usb_pd