blob: 87066fd1eebcb0e1ed8dc3b9eaa06d2d1b2ae16b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/fusb302-signals.h"
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.i2c/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/driver/logging/cpp/logger.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/fusb302-fifos.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/fusb302-protocol.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/fusb302-sensors.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/registers.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-message-type.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-message.h"
namespace fusb302 {
Fusb302Signals::Fusb302Signals(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_i2c::Device>& i2c_channel,
Fusb302Sensors& sensors, Fusb302Protocol& protocol)
: i2c_(i2c_channel),
goodcrc_interrupts_enabled_(protocol.UsesHardwareAcceleratedGoodCrcNotifications()) {}
"Move non-trivial destructors outside the header");
HardwareStateChanges Fusb302Signals::ServiceInterrupts() {
HardwareStateChanges changes = {};
// Read interrupts
auto interrupt = InterruptReg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
auto interrupt_a = InterruptAReg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
auto interrupt_b = InterruptBReg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
FDF_LOG(DEBUG, "Servicing interrupts: Interrupt 0x%02x, InterruptA 0x%02x, InterruptB 0x%02x",
interrupt.reg_value(), interrupt_a.reg_value(), interrupt_b.reg_value());
if (interrupt.i_vbusok()) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Interrupt: VBUS power good voltage comparator changed");
if (sensors_.UpdateComparatorsResult()) {
changes.port_state_changed = true;
if (interrupt.i_comp_chng()) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Interrupt: variable voltage comparator output changed");
if (sensors_.UpdateComparatorsResult()) {
changes.port_state_changed = true;
if (interrupt.i_bc_lvl()) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Interrupt: fixed CC voltage comparators output changed");
if (sensors_.UpdateComparatorsResult()) {
changes.port_state_changed = true;
if (interrupt_a.i_togdone()) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Interrupt: hardware power role detection finished");
if (sensors_.UpdatePowerRoleDetectionResult()) {
changes.port_state_changed = true;
if (interrupt.i_crc_chk()) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Interrupt: received PD message (correct CRC)");
[[maybe_unused]] zx::result<> result = protocol_.DrainReceiveFifo();
// This interrupt must be processed after the receive interrupt, so the PD
// protocol layer learns it doesn't need to send a GoodCRC anymore.
if (interrupt_b.i_gcrcsent()) {
if (protocol_.UsesHardwareAcceleratedGoodCrcNotifications()) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Interrupt: sent hardware-generated GoodCRC");
} else {
FDF_LOG(WARNING, "Interrupt: sent hardware-generated GoodCRC - unexpected and ignored");
// Normalize Soft Reset messages to Soft Reset interrupts.
if (protocol_.HasUnreadMessage()) {
// Soft Reset messages cause all previously received messages to be
// dropped. So, if we receive a Soft Reset, it must be the first message
// in the queue.
if (protocol_.FirstUnreadMessage().header().message_type() == usb_pd::MessageType::kSoftReset) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Converting Soft Reset received message to soft reset notice");
changes.received_reset = true;
[[maybe_unused]] zx::result<> result = protocol_.MarkMessageAsRead();
if (interrupt_a.i_hardrst()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Interrupt: received a Hard Reset ordered set. We'll lose power soon!");
changes.received_reset = true;
if (interrupt_a.i_retryfail()) {
"Interrupt: timed out waiting for GoodCRC. Cable or host missing USB PD support?");
// Log errors that shouldn't happen.
if (interrupt.i_alert()) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Interrupt: PHY error");
auto status1 = Status1Reg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "PHY error: TX queue %s, RX queue %s", status1.tx_full() ? "full" : "ok",
status1.rx_full() ? "full" : "ok");
if (interrupt.i_collision()) {
"BMC PHY discarded transmission due to CC activity. PD collision avoidance failed.");
if (interrupt_a.i_ocp_temp()) {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Interrupt: thermal alert");
auto status1 = Status1Reg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Thermal alert! Junction temperature %s, VCONN over-protection %s",
status1.ovrtemp() ? "too high" : "ok", status1.ocp() ? "tripped" : "ok");
if (interrupt_a.i_hardsent()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Interrupt: transmitted a Hard Reset ordered set. We'll lose power soon!");
return changes;
zx::result<> Fusb302Signals::InitInterruptUnit() {
// The interrupts enabled here must be kept in sync with the interrupts
// serviced in `ServiceInterrupts()`.
zx_status_t status = MaskReg::FromAllInterruptsMasked()
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to write Mask register: %s", zx_status_get_string(status));
return zx::error(status);
// Experiments with a FUSB302BMPX indicate that the "GoodCRC received" and
// "Soft Reset received" interrupts are redundant with processing GoodCRC
// messages in the Rx (receive) FIFO. We have to process the Rx FIFO for other
// messages, so we don't use these interrupts.
status = MaskAReg::FromAllInterruptsMasked()
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to write MaskA register: %s", zx_status_get_string(status));
return zx::error(status);
zx::result<> result = MaskBReg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](MaskBReg& mask_b) {
if (result.is_error()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to write MaskB register: %s", result.status_string());
return result;
// Clear any old interrupt requests.
[[maybe_unused]] auto interrupts = InterruptReg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
[[maybe_unused]] auto interrupts_a = InterruptAReg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
[[maybe_unused]] auto interrupts_b = InterruptBReg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
return zx::ok();
} // namespace fusb302