blob: e226657064b5d0e8f681a4956109f1a40e7ea556 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/fusb302-fifos.h"
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.i2c/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/driver/logging/cpp/logger.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/arena.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <fbl/string_buffer.h>
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/registers.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-defs.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-message-type.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-message.h"
namespace fusb302 {
Fusb302Fifos::Fusb302Fifos(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_i2c::Device>& i2c_channel)
: i2c_(i2c_channel) {}
"Move non-trivial destructors outside the header");
zx::result<std::optional<usb_pd::Message>> Fusb302Fifos::ReadReceivedMessage() {
auto status1 = Status1Reg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
if (status1.rx_empty()) {
return zx::ok(std::nullopt);
// Every message has an SOP token and a header.
uint8_t message_start_bytes[3];
zx::result<> result = FifoI2cRead(message_start_bytes);
if (result.is_error()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to read packet start from Fifos register: %s", result.status_string());
return result.take_error();
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Received SOP token and header bytes - 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x",
message_start_bytes[0], message_start_bytes[1], message_start_bytes[2]);
const ReceiveTokenType token_type = FifosReg::AsReceiveTokenType(message_start_bytes[0]);
if (token_type == ReceiveTokenType::kUndocumented) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Receive FIFO produced undocumented SOP token: 0x%02x", message_start_bytes[0]);
// TODO(costan): Flush the RX queue?
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INTERNAL);
usb_pd::Header header =
usb_pd::Header::CreateFromBytes(message_start_bytes[1], message_start_bytes[2]);
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Received header - %s, %d data objects, message ID: %" PRIu8 ", extended: %s ",
usb_pd::MessageTypeToString(header.message_type()), header.data_object_count(),
static_cast<uint8_t>(header.message_id()), header.is_extended() ? "yes" : "no");
// Read the data objects and CRC.
static constexpr int kCrcSize = 4;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(header.data_object_count() <= usb_pd::Header::kMaxDataObjectCount);
// The CRC size matches the data object size.
std::array<uint32_t, usb_pd::Message::kMaxPayloadBytes + 1> data_objects;
int16_t payload_size = header.payload_bytes();
int16_t payload_plus_crc_size = static_cast<int16_t>(payload_size + kCrcSize);
result = FifoI2cRead(
cpp20::span(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(, payload_plus_crc_size));
if (result.is_error()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to read packet data from Fifos register: %s", result.status_string());
return result.take_error();
if (fdf::Logger::GlobalInstance()->GetSeverity() <= FUCHSIA_LOG_TRACE) {
static constexpr int kMaxStringSize = usb_pd::Header::kMaxDataObjectCount * 11;
fbl::StringBuffer<kMaxStringSize> data_objects_string;
for (size_t i = 0; i < header.data_object_count(); ++i) {
data_objects_string.AppendPrintf("0x%08x ", data_objects[i]);
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Received %d data objects - %s", header.data_object_count(),
// The CRC was already checked by the PD layer in the FUSB302. We ignore it
// after logging (in case it aids debugging).
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Received CRC - 0x%08x", data_objects[header.data_object_count()]);
return zx::ok(
usb_pd::Message(header, cpp20::span(, header.data_object_count())));
zx::result<> Fusb302Fifos::FifoI2cRead(cpp20::span<uint8_t> read_output) {
uint8_t i2c_address = static_cast<uint8_t>(FifosReg::Get().addr());
fidl::Arena arena;
fidl::VectorView<fuchsia_hardware_i2c::wire::Transaction> transactions(arena, 2);
transactions[0] = fuchsia_hardware_i2c::wire::Transaction::Builder(arena)
arena, fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>::FromExternal(&i2c_address, 1)))
transactions[1] =
auto response = fidl::WireCall(i2c_)->Transfer(transactions);
if (!response.ok()) {
return zx::error_result(response.status());
if (response.value().is_error()) {
return zx::error_result(response.value().error_value());
if (response.value().value()->read_data.count() != 1) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "I2C Read request succeeded, but returned an incorrect item count");
return zx::error_result(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
if (response.value().value()->read_data[0].count() != read_output.size()) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "I2C Read request succeeded, but returned an incorrect byte count");
return zx::error_result(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
std::copy(response->value()->read_data[0].begin(), response->value()->read_data[0].end(),
return zx::ok();
namespace {
// Counts the bytes needed by FUSB302's transmitter FIFO to send a message.
size_t SerializedMessageSize(const usb_pd::Message& message) {
// Overhead: 4 tokens for ordered set, packet data token, CRC token, end of packet token.
return message.header().message_bytes() + 7;
// Writes the bytes needed by FUSB302's transmitter FIFO to send a message.
void SerializeMessage(const usb_pd::Message& message, cpp20::span<uint8_t> output_bytes) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(output_bytes.size() == SerializedMessageSize(message));
// SOP (Start of Packet) ordered set.
// usbpd3.1 "Start of Packet Sequence (SOP)"
output_bytes[0] = TransmitToken::kSync1;
output_bytes[1] = TransmitToken::kSync1;
output_bytes[2] = TransmitToken::kSync1;
output_bytes[3] = TransmitToken::kSync2;
// Data marker and packet header.
output_bytes[4] = TransmitToken::PacketData(message.header().message_bytes());
std::tie(output_bytes[5], output_bytes[6]) = message.header().bytes();
// Data objects.
// The cast will not overflow (causing UB) because the maximum message size is
// less than 100 bytes.
const int32_t message_payload_bytes = static_cast<int32_t>(message.data_objects().size_bytes());
std::memcpy(&output_bytes[7], message.data_objects().data(), message_payload_bytes);
// Packet trailer - CRC, EOP, transmitter power management.
output_bytes[7 + message_payload_bytes] = TransmitToken::kInsertCrc;
output_bytes[8 + message_payload_bytes] = TransmitToken::kEop;
} // namespace
zx::result<> Fusb302Fifos::TransmitMessage(const usb_pd::Message& main_message) {
static constexpr size_t kI2cHeaderSize = 1;
static constexpr size_t kMaxMessageSerializedSize = 7 + usb_pd::Message::kMaxMessageBytes;
static constexpr size_t kTransmitterOnOffSize = 2;
uint8_t i2c_write_bytes[kI2cHeaderSize + kMaxMessageSerializedSize + kTransmitterOnOffSize];
i2c_write_bytes[0] = FifosReg::Get().addr();
size_t i2c_write_offset = kI2cHeaderSize;
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Transmitting header - %s, %d data objects, message ID: %" PRIu8 ", extended: %s ",
main_message.header().is_extended() ? "yes" : "no");
if (fdf::Logger::GlobalInstance()->GetSeverity() <= FUCHSIA_LOG_TRACE) {
static constexpr int kMaxStringSize = usb_pd::Header::kMaxDataObjectCount * 11;
fbl::StringBuffer<kMaxStringSize> data_objects_string;
for (size_t i = 0; i < main_message.header().data_object_count(); ++i) {
data_objects_string.AppendPrintf("0x%08x ", main_message.data_objects()[i]);
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Transmitting %d data objects - %s", main_message.header().data_object_count(),
const size_t message_size = SerializedMessageSize(main_message);
cpp20::span<uint8_t>(&i2c_write_bytes[i2c_write_offset], message_size));
i2c_write_offset += message_size;
i2c_write_bytes[i2c_write_offset] = TransmitToken::kTxOff;
i2c_write_bytes[i2c_write_offset + 1] = TransmitToken::kTxOn;
i2c_write_offset += 2;
if (fdf::Logger::GlobalInstance()->GetSeverity() <= FUCHSIA_LOG_TRACE) {
static constexpr int kMaxStringSize = sizeof(i2c_write_bytes) * 3;
fbl::StringBuffer<kMaxStringSize> fifo_bytes_string;
for (size_t i = 0; i < i2c_write_offset; ++i) {
fifo_bytes_string.AppendPrintf("%02x ", i2c_write_bytes[i]);
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "I2C write bytes - %s", fifo_bytes_string.c_str());
zx::result<> result = FifoI2cWrite(cpp20::span(i2c_write_bytes, i2c_write_offset));
if (result.is_error()) {
auto control0 = Control0Reg::ReadFrom(i2c_);
zx_status_t status = control0.set_tx_flush(true).WriteTo(i2c_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to flush Transmitter FIFO after I/O error: %s",
return result;
zx::result<> Fusb302Fifos::FifoI2cWrite(cpp20::span<uint8_t> i2c_write_bytes) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(i2c_write_bytes[0] == FifosReg::Get().addr());
// Experiments show that we may get I2C timeouts if we try to write to the
// transmitter FIFO when the BMC PHY is already transmitting a message.
// FUSB302 drivers that use automated GoodCRC replies don't need this
// check, because they never transmit two messages back-to-back.
while (!Status1Reg::ReadFrom(i2c_).tx_empty()) {
// Make sure we're not transmitting at the same time as the port partner.
// This check needs to happen after any FDF_LOG().
// FUSB302 drivers that use automated GoodCRC replies don't need this check,
// because they only use the transmitter FIFO when it's clearly their turn to
// transfer. GoodCRC replies can overlap with retransmission attempts.
while (Status0Reg::ReadFrom(i2c_).activity()) {
auto write_data =
fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>::FromExternal(, i2c_write_bytes.size());
fidl::Arena arena;
fidl::VectorView<fuchsia_hardware_i2c::wire::Transaction> transactions(arena, 1);
transactions[0] =
.data_transfer(fuchsia_hardware_i2c::wire::DataTransfer::WithWriteData(arena, write_data))
auto response = fidl::WireCall(i2c_)->Transfer(transactions);
if (!response.ok()) {
return zx::error_result(response.status());
if (response.value().is_error()) {
return zx::error_result(response.value().error_value());
return zx::ok();
} // namespace fusb302