blob: ea218622dbb9ba79c5fd1bb0afe7a4e0ef5d0c9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/fusb302-controls.h"
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.i2c/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/driver/logging/cpp/logger.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/fusb302-sensors.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/registers.h"
#include "src/devices/power/drivers/fusb302/usb-pd-defs.h"
namespace fusb302 {
Fusb302Controls::Fusb302Controls(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_hardware_i2c::Device>& i2c_channel,
Fusb302Sensors& sensors, inspect::Node root_node)
: i2c_(i2c_channel),
wired_cc_pin_(&root_node_, "WiredCCPin", usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch::kNone),
power_role_(&root_node_, "PowerRole", usb_pd::PowerRole::kSink),
data_role_(&root_node_, "DataRole", usb_pd::DataRole::kUpstreamFacingPort),
spec_revision_(&root_node_, "SpecRevision", usb_pd::SpecRevision::kRev2) {}
Fusb302Controls::~Fusb302Controls() = default;
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::ResetIntoPowerRoleDiscovery() {
FDF_LOG(TRACE, "Configuring for hardware power role discovery");
sensors_.SetConfiguration(power_role_.get(), wired_cc_pin_.get());
zx::result<> result = PushStateToSwitchBlocks();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
result = PushStateToBmcPhyConfig();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
result = PushStateToPowerWells();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
result = PushStateToPdProtocolConfig();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
// Must be done after everything else is configured.
return PushStateToPowerRoleDetectionControl();
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::ConfigureAllRoles(usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch wired_cc_pin,
usb_pd::PowerRole power_role,
usb_pd::DataRole data_role,
usb_pd::SpecRevision spec_revision) {
FDF_LOG(DEBUG, "New Type C Port state: power role %s, Config Channel on %s",
sensors_.SetConfiguration(power_role, wired_cc_pin);
// Must be done first, so the hardware power role detection doesn't interfere
// with our settings.
zx::result<> result = PushStateToPowerRoleDetectionControl();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
// We don't use read-modify-write operations to act on Reset.
zx_status_t status = ResetReg::Get().FromValue(0).set_pd_reset(true).WriteTo(i2c_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Failed to write Reset register: %s", zx_status_get_string(status));
return zx::error(status);
result = PushStateToSwitchBlocks();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
result = PushStateToBmcPhyConfig();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error();
result = PushStateToPowerWells();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
result = PushStateToPdProtocolConfig();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
return zx::ok();
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::PushStateToPowerRoleDetectionControl() {
return Control2Reg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](Control2Reg& control2) {
// TODO(costan): Detection mode should be configurable.
const Fusb302RoleDetectionMode power_role_detection_mode =
if (control2.mode() != power_role_detection_mode) {
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Changing automated power role detection mode from %s to %s",
const bool automated_power_role_detection_enabled =
(wired_cc_pin_.get() == usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch::kNone);
if (control2.toggle() != automated_power_role_detection_enabled) {
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Changing automated power role detection from %s to %s",
control2.toggle() ? "true" : "false",
automated_power_role_detection_enabled ? "true" : "false");
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::PushStateToSwitchBlocks() {
const usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch wired_pin_switch = wired_cc_pin_.get();
// `kNone` means that we're configuring for power role detection, which mostly
// means following Table 4 in the Rev 5 datasheet.
// Table 4 in the Rev 5 datasheet only demands that none of the CC pins is
// connected to VCONN. We set SWITCHES0 to the reset value, which accomplishes
// this requirement. The reset value has the additional benefit that it
// advertises the Sink power role, so we'll remain powered throughout the
// detection process.
const usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinId wired_pin_id =
(wired_pin_switch == usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch::kNone)
? usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinId::kCc1
: ConfigChannelPinIdFromSwitch(wired_pin_switch);
const usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinId other_pin_id = ConfigChannelPinIdFromInverse(wired_pin_id);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG((wired_pin_switch != usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch::kNone) ||
power_role_.get() == usb_pd::PowerRole::kSink,
"The power role must be set to Sink during power role detection");
const SwitchBlockConfig wired_pin_connection = (power_role_.get() == usb_pd::PowerRole::kSource)
? SwitchBlockConfig::kPullUp
: SwitchBlockConfig::kPullDown;
const SwitchBlockConfig other_pin_connection = (power_role_.get() == usb_pd::PowerRole::kSource)
? SwitchBlockConfig::kConnectorVoltage
: SwitchBlockConfig::kPullDown;
return Switches0Reg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](Switches0Reg& switches0) {
if (switches0.SwitchBlockConfigFor(wired_pin_id) != wired_pin_connection) {
FDF_LOG(WARNING, "Changing %s pin connection from %s of %s",
if (switches0.SwitchBlockConfigFor(other_pin_id) != other_pin_connection) {
FDF_LOG(WARNING, "Changing %s pin connection from %s to %s",
if (switches0.MeasureBlockInput() != wired_pin_switch) {
FDF_LOG(WARNING, "Changing measure block input from %s to %s",
switches0.SetSwitchBlockConfig(wired_pin_id, wired_pin_connection)
.SetSwitchBlockConfig(other_pin_id, other_pin_connection)
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::PushStateToBmcPhyConfig() {
return Switches1Reg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](Switches1Reg& switches1) {
const usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch wired_pin_switch = wired_cc_pin_.get();
if (switches1.BmcPhyConnection() != wired_pin_switch) {
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Changing BMC PHY CC pin connection from %s to %s",
const usb_pd::PowerRole power_role = power_role_.get();
if (switches1.power_role() != power_role) {
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Changing GoodCRC header field 'Power Role' from %s to %s",
const usb_pd::DataRole data_role = data_role_.get();
if (switches1.data_role() != data_role) {
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Changing GoodCRC header field 'Data Role' from %s to %s",
usb_pd::DataRoleToString(switches1.data_role()), usb_pd::DataRoleToString(data_role));
// Having the FUSB302 auto-reply with GoodCRC is necessary to meet the USB
// PD timing requirements summarized below. The driver cannot send the
// GoodCRC reply fast enough to avoid a Hard Reset, at least on Fuchsia,
// during startup.
// USB PD spec Section 6.6.1 "CRCReceiveTime" gives us 195 us (tTransmit)
// or 1 ms (tReceive) to start transmitting GoodCRC after receiving a
// message, or we face a Soft Reset. Section 6.8.1 "Soft Reset and Protocol
// Error" states that Soft Resets are upgraded to Hard Resets if they occur
// during a voltage transition. Section "PE_SRC_Transition_Supply
// State" implies that the transition state includes the Accept and PS_RDY
// messages.
// In our experiments, Type C ports and power supplies do follow this
// interpretation of the spec. So, failing to acknowledge Accept or PS_RDY
// with GoodCRC within 1ms leads to a Hard Reset.
// On the flip side, once the hardware auto-replies, Section 6.6.2 "Sender
// Response Timer" gives us 15 ms (tSenderResponse) / 30 ms
// (tReceiverResponse) to start transmitting replies to messages such as
// Source_Capabilities.
const bool generate_good_crc_replies =
wired_pin_switch != usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch::kNone;
if (switches1.auto_crc() != generate_good_crc_replies) {
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Changing 'Generate GoodCRC replies' from %s to %s",
switches1.auto_crc() ? "true" : "false",
generate_good_crc_replies ? "true" : "false");
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::PushStateToPowerWells() {
// Table 4 in the Rev 5 datasheet states that power wells 1-3 are needed for
// automated power role detection. We need power well 4 enabled to reply to PD
// messages once we have a Config Channel connection.
// TOOD(costan): We can receive without well 4. Can we modulate it on TX?
const bool oscillator_powered_on = true;
return PowerReg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](PowerReg& power) {
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::PushStateToPdProtocolConfig() {
// We support two configurations: power role discovery, and PD communications
// from a known Type C port configuration. Our power role discovery
// configuration follows the guidelines in Table 4 of the Rev 5 datasheet, but
// we also set all other documented configuration fields.
const bool power_role_discovery = wired_cc_pin_.get() == usb_pd::ConfigChannelPinSwitch::kNone;
const bool bmc_phy_enabled = !power_role_discovery;
// When we support host mode, the pull-up in the host role (last value) should
// become configurable,
const Control0Reg::PullUpCurrent pull_up_current =
power_role_discovery ? Control0Reg::PullUpCurrent::kUsbStandard_80uA
: (power_role_.get() == usb_pd::PowerRole::kSink
? Control0Reg::PullUpCurrent::kNone
: Control0Reg::PullUpCurrent::kUsbStandard_80uA);
// Table 4 only demands that the pull-up current source is set to Standard USB
// power, and that interrupts are enabled. We use the reset configuration in
// power role discovery, and we kick off a Rx (receiver) FIFO flush if we're
// preparing for PD communication.
zx::result<> result = Control0Reg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](Control0Reg& control0) {
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
// This register is not mentioned in Table 4. We use the reset configuration
// in power role discovery, and we kick off a Rx (receiver) FIFO flush if
// we're preparing for PD communication.
result = Control1Reg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](Control1Reg& control1) {
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
// This register is not mentioned in Table 4. We use the reset configuration,
// but enable re-transmission on GoodCRC timeout.
result = Control3Reg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](Control3Reg& control3) {
const bool retry_sending_on_good_crc_timeout = true;
if (control3.auto_retry() != retry_sending_on_good_crc_timeout) {
FDF_LOG(INFO, "Changing 'Retry sending on GoodCRC timeout' from %s to %s",
control3.auto_retry() ? "true" : "false",
retry_sending_on_good_crc_timeout ? "true" : "false");
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
// This register is not mentioned in Table 4. We set it here because it
// configures power role discovery. In particular, we don't want the discovery
// process to conclude we're attached to an Audio Accessory.
result = Control4Reg::ReadModifyWrite(
i2c_, [&](Control4Reg& control4) { control4.set_tog_exit_aud(false); });
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
// Table 4 only demands that the measure block is set up to measure CC pins,
// as opposed to VBUS. We reduce the state space by setting the reference
// voltage to 2.05 V, which is recommended by Table 5 for distinguishing
// between Source terminations.
result = MeasureReg::ReadModifyWrite(i2c_, [&](MeasureReg& measure) {
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
if (bmc_phy_enabled) {
result = WaitForTransmitQueueFlush();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
result = WaitForReceiveQueueFlush();
if (result.is_error()) {
return result;
return zx::ok();
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::WaitForTransmitQueueFlush() {
for (int retry_count = 0; retry_count < 10; ++retry_count) {
if (!Control0Reg::ReadFrom(i2c_).tx_flush()) {
return zx::ok();
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Timed out waiting for the transmit queue to flush");
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT);
zx::result<> Fusb302Controls::WaitForReceiveQueueFlush() {
for (int retry_count = 0; retry_count < 10; ++retry_count) {
if (!Control1Reg::ReadFrom(i2c_).rx_flush()) {
return zx::ok();
FDF_LOG(ERROR, "Timed out waiting for the receive queue to flush");
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT);
} // namespace fusb302