blob: 97ee6c924b8beb935351ca8e47a14e45d34d5e00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.pci/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/pciroot/c/banjo.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/pciroot/cpp/banjo.h>
#include <lib/ddk/device.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspector.h>
#include <lib/mmio/mmio.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/zx/interrupt.h>
#include <lib/zx/msi.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/port.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <ddktl/fidl.h>
#include <ddktl/protocol/empty-protocol.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include "lib/inspect/cpp/vmo/types.h"
#include "src/devices/bus/drivers/pci/bus_device_interface.h"
#include "src/devices/bus/drivers/pci/config.h"
#include "src/devices/bus/drivers/pci/device.h"
#include "src/devices/bus/drivers/pci/root.h"
namespace pci {
// The length of time to count interrupts before rolling over.
constexpr const zx_time_t kLegacyNoAckPeriod = ZX_SEC(1);
// The max number of interrupts that can be seen before disabling the device
// function's interrupt generation when in PCI_INTERRUPT_MODE_LEGACY_NOACK.
constexpr const uint64_t kMaxIrqsPerNoAckPeriod = 512;
// An entry corresponding to a place in the topology to scan. Use to allow for
// DFS traversal of the bus topology while keeping track of nodes upstream.
struct BusScanEntry {
pci_bdf_t bdf;
UpstreamNode* upstream;
// A list of pci::Device which share the same legacy IRQ and are configured to use legacy irqs.
using SharedIrqList = fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedList<pci::Device*, SharedIrqListTag>;
struct SharedVector {
zx::interrupt interrupt;
SharedIrqList list;
using LegacyIrqs = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, pci_legacy_irq>;
// A map of vector -> SharedVector for use in handling interrupts.
using SharedIrqMap = std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<SharedVector>>;
namespace PciFidl = fuchsia_hardware_pci;
class BusInspect {
inline static const inspect::StringReference kBus = inspect::StringReference("Bus");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kDevices = inspect::StringReference("Devices");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kAcpiDevices =
inspect::StringReference("acpi devices");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kName = inspect::StringReference("name");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kBusStart = inspect::StringReference("bus start");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kBusEnd = inspect::StringReference("bus end");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kSegmentGroup =
inspect::StringReference("segment group");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kEcam = inspect::StringReference("ecam");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kVectors = inspect::StringReference("vectors");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kIrqRoutingEntries =
inspect::StringReference("irq routing entries");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kPortDeviceId =
inspect::StringReference("port device id");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kPortFunctionId =
inspect::StringReference("port function id");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kDeviceId = inspect::StringReference("device id");
inline static const inspect::StringReference kPins = inspect::StringReference("pins");
// A tree of all pci Device objects in the bus topology.
using DeviceTree =
fbl::WAVLTree<pci_bdf_t, fbl::RefPtr<pci::Device>, pci::Device::KeyTraitsSortByBdf>;
class Bus;
using PciBusType = ddk::Device<Bus, ddk::Messageable<PciFidl::Bus>::Mixin>;
class Bus : public PciBusType,
public ddk::EmptyProtocol<ZX_PROTOCOL_PCI>,
public BusDeviceInterface,
public BusInspect {
static zx_status_t Create(zx_device_t* parent);
Bus(zx_device_t* parent, const pciroot_protocol_t* pciroot, const pci_platform_info_t info,
std::optional<fdf::MmioBuffer> ecam)
: PciBusType(parent), // fulfills the DDK mixins
ecam_(std::move(ecam)) {}
~Bus() override;
// Map an ecam VMO for Bus and Config use.
static zx::result<fdf::MmioBuffer> MapEcam(zx::vmo ecam_vmo);
zx_status_t Initialize() __TA_EXCLUDES(devices_lock_);
// Bus Device Interface implementation
zx_status_t LinkDevice(fbl::RefPtr<pci::Device> device) __TA_EXCLUDES(devices_lock_) final;
zx_status_t UnlinkDevice(pci::Device* device) __TA_EXCLUDES(devices_lock_) final;
zx_status_t AllocateMsi(uint32_t count, zx::msi* msi) __TA_EXCLUDES(devices_lock_) final;
zx_status_t GetBti(const pci::Device* device, uint32_t index, zx::bti* bti)
__TA_EXCLUDES(devices_lock_) final;
zx_status_t AddToSharedIrqList(pci::Device* device, uint32_t vector)
__TA_EXCLUDES(devices_lock_) final;
zx_status_t RemoveFromSharedIrqList(pci::Device* device, uint32_t vector)
__TA_EXCLUDES(devices_lock_) final;
// All methods related to the fuchsia.hardware.pci service and the DDK.
void DdkRelease() { delete this; }
void GetDevices(GetDevicesCompleter::Sync& completer) final;
void GetHostBridgeInfo(GetHostBridgeInfoCompleter::Sync& completer) final;
void ReadBar(ReadBarRequestView request, ReadBarCompleter::Sync& completer) final;
zx::vmo GetInspectVmo() { return inspector_.DuplicateVmo(); }
// These are used by the derived TestBus class.
fbl::Mutex* devices_lock() __TA_RETURN_CAPABILITY(devices_lock_) { return &devices_lock_; }
pci::DeviceTree& devices() { return devices_; }
SharedIrqMap& shared_irqs() { return shared_irqs_; }
LegacyIrqs& legacy_irqs() { return legacy_irqs_; }
// Map an ecam VMO for Bus and Config use.
zx_status_t MapEcam();
// Creates a Config object for accessing the config space of the device at |bdf|.
zx_status_t MakeConfig(pci_bdf_t bdf, std::unique_ptr<Config>* config);
// Scan all buses downstream from the root within the start and end
// bus values given to the Bus driver through Pciroot.
zx_status_t ScanDownstream();
ddk::PcirootProtocolClient& pciroot() { return pciroot_; }
// Scan a specific bus
void ScanBus(BusScanEntry entry, std::list<BusScanEntry>* scan_list);
// Returns true if a given BDF is present in the list of devices provided by
// the platform to us that use the ACPI fragment.
bool DeviceHasAcpi(pci_bdf_t bdf);
// Creates interrupts corresponding to legacy IRQ vectors and configures devices accordingly.
zx_status_t ConfigureLegacyIrqs() __TA_EXCLUDES(devices_lock_);
// Creates and binds interrupts to the irq port and sets up Shared IRQ handler lists.
zx_status_t SetUpLegacyIrqHandlers() __TA_REQUIRES(devices_lock_);
static void LegacyIrqWorker(const zx::port& port, fbl::Mutex* lock, SharedIrqMap* shared_irq_map);
// Creates and starts the legacy IRQ worker thread.
void StartIrqWorker();
// Queues a packet informing the IRQ worker that it should exit.
zx_status_t StopIrqWorker();
// Diagnostic methods
void InspectInit();
void InspectRecordPlatformInformation();
// members
ddk::PcirootProtocolClient pciroot_;
const pci_platform_info_t info_;
std::optional<fdf::MmioBuffer> ecam_;
cpp20::span<const pci_legacy_irq> irqs_{};
cpp20::span<const pci_bdf_t> acpi_devices_{};
cpp20::span<const pci_irq_routing_entry_t> irq_routing_entries_{};
// All devices hang off of this Bus's root port.
std::unique_ptr<PciRoot> root_;
fbl::Mutex devices_lock_;
// A port all legacy IRQs are bound to.
zx::port legacy_irq_port_;
std::optional<std::thread> irq_thread_;
// All devices downstream of this bus are held here. Devices are keyed by
// BDF so they will not experience any collisions.
pci::DeviceTree devices_ __TA_GUARDED(devices_lock_);
// A map of lists of devices corresponding to a give vector, keyed by vector.
LegacyIrqs legacy_irqs_;
SharedIrqMap shared_irqs_ __TA_GUARDED(devices_lock_);
// Diagnostics.
inspect::Inspector inspector_;
inspect::Node bus_node_;
inspect::Node devices_node_;
inspect::StringArray acpi_node_;
zx_status_t pci_bus_bind(void* ctx, zx_device_t* parent);
} // namespace pci