blob: a27233457599df33c5de5223c5263292af14f91a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.device.manager/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fidl/fuchsia.process.lifecycle/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/component/incoming/cpp/protocol.h>
#include <lib/component/outgoing/cpp/outgoing_directory.h>
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <lib/zx/resource.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <list>
#include "src/devices/bin/driver_manager/shutdown/node_remover.h"
namespace driver_manager {
using fuchsia_device_manager::SystemPowerState;
// Theory of operation of ShutdownManager:
// There are a number of ways shutdown can be initiated:
// - The process could be terminated, resulting in a signal from the Lifecycle channel
// - The administrator interface could signal UnregisterSystemStorageForShutdown, or
// SuspendWithoutExit
// - Any of the fidl connections could be dropped
// These events can cause one of two stages of the driver shutdown to be triggered:
// Package Shutdown: The shutdown manager signals the node_remover to shut down all package
// drivers; ie: drivers that depend on storage and fshost.
// Boot/All Shutdown: The shutdown manager signals the node_remover to shut down all drivers.
// When the node_remover signals it has completed removing the package drivers,
// The Shutdown Manager will transition to kPackageStopped. If something has signaled the
// Shutdown Manager to shutdown the boot drivers in that time, the shutdown manager will
// transition to shutting down boot drivers immediately after the package drivers are removed.
// Otherwise, the Shutdown Manager will wait for an invocation of SignalBootShutdown before
// shutting down boot drivers.
// Either way, when boot drivers are fully shutdown, the Shutdown Manager will signal the
// system to stop in some manner, dictated by what is returned by `GetSystemPowerState`.
// The default state, which is invoked if there is some error, is REBOOT.
// Any errors in the shutdown process are logged, but ulimately do not stop the shutdown.
// The ShutdownManager is not thread safe. It assumes that all channels will be dispatched
// on the same single threaded dispatcher, and that all callbacks will also be called on
// that same thread.
class ShutdownManager : public fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_device_manager::Administrator>,
public fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_process_lifecycle::Lifecycle> {
enum class State : uint32_t {
// The system is running, nothing is being stopped.
kRunning = 0u,
// The devices whose's drivers live in storage are stopped or in the middle of being
// stopped.
kPackageStopping = 1u,
// Package drivers have been stopped, but we haven't started shutting down boot drivers yet.
kPackageStopped = 2u,
// The entire system is in the middle of being stopped.
kBootStopping = 3u,
// The entire system is stopped.
kStopped = 4u,
ShutdownManager(NodeRemover* node_remover, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
void Publish(component::OutgoingDirectory& outgoing);
// Called by the node_remover when it finishes removing drivers in storage.
// Should only be called when in state: kPackageStopping.
// This function will transition the state to State::kBootStopping.
void OnPackageShutdownComplete();
// Called by the node_remover when it finishes removing boot drivers.
// Should only be called when in state: kBootStopping.
// This function will transition the state to State::kStopped.
void OnBootShutdownComplete();
// Signal state for when devfs and fshost are shutdown.
class Lifecycle : public fidl::WireServer<fuchsia_process_lifecycle::Lifecycle> {
explicit Lifecycle(fit::callback<void(fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>)> on_stop)
: on_stop_(std::move(on_stop)) {}
void Stop(StopCompleter::Sync& completer) override {
on_stop_([completer = completer.ToAsync()](zx_status_t status) mutable {
fit::callback<void(fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>)> on_stop_;
// All external shutdown signals ultimately call either `SignalBootShutdown` or
// `SignalPackageShutdown`. These two functions interact with the `ShutdownManager` state
// machine and signal the node_remover to remove nodes.
// SignalPackageShutdown interacts with the `ShutdownManager` state machine thusly:
// State: | Action
// ---------------------------------------------
// kRunning: | Transition to kPackageStopping.
// | Signal the nove_remover to remove package drivers.
// | Add callback to list to be called when all package drivers are removed
// kPackageStopping | Add callback to list to be called when all package drivers are removed
// All other states | Immediately call callback
void SignalPackageShutdown(fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)> cb);
// When the shutdown manager receives the SignalBootShutdown:
// State: | Action
// ---------------------------------------------
// kRunning or | Transition to kBootStopping.
// kPackageStopped | Signal the nove_remover to remove all drivers.
// | Add callback to list to be called when all drivers are removed
// kPackageStopping | Add callback to list to be called when all drivers are removed
// | Set flag so that when the packages are fully removed, we will
// | continue to remove the boot drivers
// kBootStopping | Add callback to list to be called when all drivers are removed
// All other states | Immediately call callback
void SignalBootShutdown(fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)> cb);
// fuchsia.device.manager/Administrator interface
// TODO( Remove this API.
// This is a temporary API until DriverManager can ensure that base drivers
// will be shut down automatically before fshost exits. This will happen
// once drivers-as-components is implemented.
// In the meantime, this API should only be called by fshost, and it must
// be called before fshost exits. This function iterates over the devices
// and suspends any device whose driver lives in storage. This API must be
// called by fshost before it shuts down. Otherwise the devices that live
// in storage may page fault as it access memory that should be provided by
// the exited fshost. This function will not return until the devices are
// suspended. If there are no devices that live in storage, this function
// will immediatetly return.
void UnregisterSystemStorageForShutdown(
UnregisterSystemStorageForShutdownCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
// Tell DriverManager to go through the suspend process, but don't exit
// afterwards. This is used in tests to check that suspend works correctly.
void SuspendWithoutExit(SuspendWithoutExitCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
// fuchsia.process.lifecycle/Lifecycle interface
// The process must clean up its state in preparation for termination, and
// must close the channel hosting the `Lifecycle` protocol when it is
// ready to be terminated. The process should exit after it completes its
// cleanup. At the discretion of the system the process may be terminated
// before it closes the `Lifecycle` channel.
void Stop(StopCompleter::Sync& completer) override;
// Execute the shutdown strategy set in shutdown_system_state_.
// This should be done after all attempts at shutting down drivers has been made.
void SystemExecute();
// Called when one of our connections is dropped.
void OnUnbound(const char* connection, fidl::UnbindInfo info);
// The driver runner should always be valid while the shutdown manager exists.
// TODO( ensure that this pointer is valid
NodeRemover* node_remover_;
// Tracks when the devfs component is stopped by component manager. We shutdown all drivers upon
// receiving this signal.
Lifecycle devfs_lifecycle_;
// Tracks when the devfs-with-pkg component is stopped by component manager. We shutdown all
// packaged drivers upon receiving this signal.
Lifecycle devfs_with_pkg_lifecycle_;
fidl::ServerBindingGroup<fuchsia_device_manager::Administrator> admin_bindings_;
fidl::ServerBindingGroup<fuchsia_process_lifecycle::Lifecycle> lifecycle_bindings_;
std::list<fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>> package_shutdown_complete_callbacks_;
std::list<fit::callback<void(zx_status_t)>> boot_shutdown_complete_callbacks_;
State shutdown_state_ = State::kRunning;
// After package shutdown completes, wait for separate boot shutdown signal
bool received_boot_shutdown_signal_ = false;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
zx::resource mexec_resource_, power_resource_;
// Tracks if we received a stop signal from the fuchsia_process_lifecycle::Lifecycle channel.
bool lifecycle_stop_ = false;
} // namespace driver_manager