blob: 8ccf4cdc747d12af947cfde3c160f15f86b9a984 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.driver.framework/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "src/devices/bin/driver_manager/composite_node_spec/composite_manager_bridge.h"
namespace driver_manager {
struct CompositeNodeAndDriver {
fuchsia_driver_framework::wire::CompositeDriverInfo driver;
DeviceOrNode node;
struct BindSpecResult {
fidl::VectorView<fuchsia_driver_framework::wire::CompositeParent> bound_composite_parents;
std::vector<CompositeNodeAndDriver> completed_node_and_drivers;
// This class is responsible for managing composite node specs. It keeps track of the specs
// and their matching composite driver and nodes. CompositeNodeSpecManager is owned by a
// CompositeManagerBridge and must be outlived by it.
class CompositeNodeSpecManager {
using CompositeNodeSpecMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<CompositeNodeSpec>>;
explicit CompositeNodeSpecManager(CompositeManagerBridge* bridge);
// Adds a composite node spec to the driver index. If it's successfully added, then the
// CompositeNodeSpecManager stores the composite node spec in a map. After that, it sends a call
// to CompositeManagerBridge to bind all unbound devices.
fit::result<fuchsia_driver_framework::CompositeNodeSpecError> AddSpec(
fuchsia_driver_framework::wire::CompositeNodeSpec fidl_spec,
std::unique_ptr<CompositeNodeSpec> spec);
// Binds the device to the spec parents it was matched to. If |enable_multibind| is false,
// CompositeNodeSpecManager will only bind the device to the first unbound parent. Depending
// on the implementation, completed_node_and_drivers will return an empty vector or a list of
// completed CompositeNodeAndDrivers.
zx::result<BindSpecResult> BindParentSpec(
fidl::AnyArena& arena,
fidl::VectorView<fuchsia_driver_framework::wire::CompositeParent> composite_parents,
const DeviceOrNode& device_or_node, bool enable_multibind = false);
void Rebind(std::string spec_name, std::optional<std::string> restart_driver_url_suffix,
fit::callback<void(zx::result<>)> rebind_spec_completer);
std::vector<fuchsia_driver_development::wire::CompositeNodeInfo> GetCompositeInfo(
fidl::AnyArena& arena) const;
// Exposed for testing only.
const CompositeNodeSpecMap& specs() const { return specs_; }
void OnRequestRebindComplete(std::string spec_name,
fit::callback<void(zx::result<>)> rebind_spec_completer);
// Contains all composite node specs. This maps the name to a CompositeNodeSpec object.
CompositeNodeSpecMap specs_;
// The owner of CompositeNodeSpecManager. CompositeManagerBridge must outlive
// CompositeNodeSpecManager.
CompositeManagerBridge* bridge_;
} // namespace driver_manager