blob: c9dacf7953bad7f1e933965492ad44896c29a751 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device as fidl_wlan_dev, fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme as fidl_wlan_sme,
stream::{FuturesUnordered, StreamExt, TryStreamExt},
std::{convert::Infallible, pin::pin, sync::Arc},
tracing::{error, info},
use crate::{device_watch, inspect, watchable_map::WatchableMap};
/// Iface's PHY information.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct PhyOwnership {
// Iface's global PHY ID.
pub phy_id: u16,
// Local ID assigned by this iface's PHY.
pub phy_assigned_id: u16,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct NewIface {
// Global, unique iface ID.
pub id: u16,
// Information about this iface's PHY.
pub phy_ownership: PhyOwnership,
// The handle for connecting channels to this iface's SME.
pub generic_sme: fidl_wlan_sme::GenericSmeProxy,
// The lazy inspect node populated by this ifaces USME.
pub inspect_node: Option<std::sync::Arc<fuchsia_inspect::LazyNode>>,
// The VMO backing the inspect node.
pub inspect_vmo: Option<std::sync::Arc<fuchsia_zircon::Vmo>>,
pub struct PhyDevice {
pub proxy: fidl_wlan_dev::PhyProxy,
pub device_path: String,
pub struct IfaceDevice {
pub phy_ownership: PhyOwnership,
pub generic_sme: fidl_wlan_sme::GenericSmeProxy,
// TODO( Remove or explain #[allow(dead_code)].
pub inspect_node: Option<std::sync::Arc<fuchsia_inspect::LazyNode>>,
// TODO( Remove or explain #[allow(dead_code)].
pub inspect_vmo: Option<std::sync::Arc<fuchsia_zircon::Vmo>>,
pub type PhyMap = WatchableMap<u16, PhyDevice>;
pub type IfaceMap = WatchableMap<u16, IfaceDevice>;
/// Handles newly-discovered PHYs.
/// When new PHYs are discovered, the `device_watch` module produces a `NewPhyDevice`. This struct
/// contains a PHY id, proxy, and path.
pub async fn serve_phys(
phys: Arc<PhyMap>,
inspect_tree: Arc<inspect::WlanMonitorTree>,
device_directory: &str,
) -> Result<Infallible, Error> {
let new_phys = device_watch::watch_phy_devices(device_directory)?.fuse();
let mut new_phys = pin!(new_phys);
let mut active_phys = FuturesUnordered::new();
loop {
select! {
new_phy = => match new_phy {
None => return Err(format_err!("new phy stream unexpectedly finished")),
Some(Err(e)) => return Err(format_err!("new phy stream returned an error: {}", e)),
Some(Ok(new_phy)) => {
let fut = serve_phy(&phys, new_phy, inspect_tree.clone());
() = active_phys.select_next_some() => {},
/// Handles the lifetime of discovered PHY devices.
/// `serve_phy` takes newly discovered PHY devices and inserts them into a `WatchableMap`.
/// `serve_phy` then waits for the PHY device to be removed from the system. When the PHY is
/// removed, `serve_phy` removes the device from the `WatchableMap`.
/// The `WatchableMap` produces events when elements are added to or removed from it. These events
/// are consumed by another future that manages the `DeviceWatcher` protocol and notifies API
/// clients of PHY addition or removal.
async fn serve_phy(
phys: &PhyMap,
new_phy: device_watch::NewPhyDevice,
inspect_tree: Arc<inspect::WlanMonitorTree>,
) {
let msg = format!("new phy #{}: {}",, new_phy.device_path);
info!("{}", msg);
inspect_log!(inspect_tree.device_events.lock(), msg: msg);
let id =;
// Take the event stream from the PHY proxy so that it can be monitored. An event produced by
// this stream indicates that the PHY has been removed from the system.
let event_stream = new_phy.proxy.take_event_stream();
// Insert the newly discovered device into the `WatchableMap`. This will trigger the watchable
// map to produce an event so that the `DeviceWatcher` service can produce an update for API
// consumers.
phys.insert(id, PhyDevice { proxy: new_phy.proxy, device_path: new_phy.device_path });
// The event stream's production of an event indicates that the PHY has been removed from the
// system. Remove the PHY from the `WatchableMap`. This will result in the `WatchableMap`
// producing a removal event which will trigger the `DeviceWatcher` service to send a
// notification to API consumers.
let r = event_stream.map_ok(|_| ()).try_collect::<()>().await;
if let Err(e) = r {
let msg = format!("error reading from FIDL channel of phy #{}: {}", id, e);
error!("{}", msg);
inspect_log!(inspect_tree.device_events.lock(), msg: msg);
info!("phy removed: #{}", id);
inspect_log!(inspect_tree.device_events.lock(), msg: format!("phy removed: #{}", id));
mod tests {
use {
fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_inspect::{Inspector, InspectorConfig},
wlan_common::{assert_variant, test_utils::ExpectWithin},
fn test_serve_phys_exits_when_watching_devices_fails() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (phys, _phy_events) = PhyMap::new();
let phys = Arc::new(phys);
let inspector = Inspector::new(InspectorConfig::default().size(inspect::VMO_SIZE_BYTES));
let inspect_tree = Arc::new(inspect::WlanMonitorTree::new(inspector));
let fut = serve_phys(phys.clone(), inspect_tree, "/wrong/path");
let mut fut = pin!(fut);
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut), Poll::Ready(Err(_)));
fn test_serve_phy_adds_and_removes_phy() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (phys, mut phy_events) = PhyMap::new();
let phys = Arc::new(phys);
let inspector = Inspector::new(InspectorConfig::default().size(inspect::VMO_SIZE_BYTES));
let inspect_tree = Arc::new(inspect::WlanMonitorTree::new(inspector));
let (phy_proxy, phy_server) =
create_proxy::<fidl_wlan_dev::PhyMarker>().expect("failed to create PHY proxy");
let new_phy = device_watch::NewPhyDevice {
id: 0,
proxy: phy_proxy,
device_path: String::from("/test/path"),
let fut = serve_phy(&phys, new_phy, inspect_tree);
let mut fut = pin!(fut);
// Run the PHY service to pick up the new PHY.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut), Poll::Pending);
match exec.run_until_stalled(
&mut phy_events
.expect_within(60.seconds(), "phy_watcher did not observe device addition"),
) {
Poll::Ready(Some(event)) => match event {
watchable_map::MapEvent::KeyInserted(key) => {
assert_eq!(key, 0)
_ => panic!("unexpected watcher event"),
Poll::Ready(None) => panic!("watcher events ended unexpectedly"),
Poll::Pending => panic!("no pending watcher events"),
// Now drop the other end of the PHY and observe that the PHY is removed from the map.
assert_variant!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut), Poll::Ready(()));
match exec.run_until_stalled(
&mut phy_events
.expect_within(60.seconds(), "phy_watcher did not observe device removal"),
) {
Poll::Ready(Some(event)) => match event {
watchable_map::MapEvent::KeyRemoved(key) => {
assert_eq!(key, 0)
_ => panic!("unexpected watcher event"),
Poll::Ready(None) => panic!("watcher events ended unexpectedly"),
Poll::Pending => panic!("no pending watcher events"),