blob: 802e900e06bbe7e857381e90352505f7bbdd7ce4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context as _};
use async_utils::stream::FlattenUnorderedExt as _;
use component_events::events::{self};
use fidl::endpoints::Proxy as _;
use fidl::endpoints::{ControlHandle as _, RequestStream as _};
use fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent;
use fidl_fuchsia_component_runner as frunner;
use fidl_fuchsia_data as fdata;
use fidl_fuchsia_io as fio;
use fidl_fuchsia_netemul as fnetemul;
use fidl_fuchsia_sys2 as fsys2;
use fidl_fuchsia_test as ftest;
use fuchsia_component::client::{
connect_to_named_protocol_at_dir_root, connect_to_protocol_at_dir_root,
use fuchsia_component::server::{ServiceFs, ServiceFsDir};
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::{FutureExt as _, StreamExt as _, TryStreamExt as _};
use tracing::{error, info, warn};
mod config;
async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let mut fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
let _: &mut ServiceFsDir<'_, _> =
fs.dir("svc").add_fidl_service(|s: frunner::ComponentRunnerRequestStream| s);
let _: &mut ServiceFs<_> = fs.take_and_serve_directory_handle()?;
.map(|r| r.context("error reading request stream"))
.for_each_concurrent(None, |r| async {
r.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("error handling component runner requests: {:?}", e));
// Performs any necessary test setup, such as reading the specified virtual
// network configuration and configuring it, and, if successful, returns a
// handle to its network environment, along with the '/svc' directory from the
// test root's namespace.
async fn test_setup(
program: fdata::Dictionary,
namespace: Vec<frunner::ComponentNamespaceEntry>,
) -> Result<(config::NetworkEnvironment, fio::DirectoryProxy), anyhow::Error> {
// Retrieve the '/svc' directory from the test root's namespace, so that we
// can:
// - access the `fuchsia.test/Suite` protocol from the test driver
// - access any netstacks that need to be configured
// - use the `fuchsia.sys2/LifecycleController` for the test root to start
// non-test components once test setup is complete
let svc_dir = namespace
.find_map(|frunner::ComponentNamespaceEntry { path, directory, .. }| {
(|path| path == "/svc").unwrap_or(false)).then(|| directory)
.context("/svc directory not in namespace")?
.context("directory field not set for /svc namespace entry")?
.context("client end into proxy")?;
let lifecycle_controller =
.context("connect to LifecycleController protocol")?;
let network_environment = config::Config::load_from_program(program)
.context("retrieving and parsing network configuration")?
|name| {
&svc_dir, &name,
.context("connect to protocol")
.context("configuring networking environment")?;
Ok((network_environment, svc_dir))
async fn handle_runner_request(
request: frunner::ComponentRunnerRequest,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
match request {
frunner::ComponentRunnerRequest::Start { start_info, controller, control_handle: _ } => {
let frunner::ComponentStartInfo { resolved_url, program, ns, outgoing_dir, .. } =
let resolved_url = resolved_url.context("component URL missing from start info")?;
let program = program.context("program missing from start info")?;
let namespace = ns.context("namespace missing from start info")?;
let outgoing_dir =
outgoing_dir.context("outgoing directory missing from start info")?;
let mut fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
let (
// Keep around the handles to the virtual networks and endpoints we created, so
// that they're not cleaned up before test execution is complete.
) = match test_setup(program, namespace).await {
Ok((env, svc_dir)) => {
// Retrieve the component event stream from the test root so we can observe its
// `destroyed` lifecycle event. The test root will only be destroyed once all
// its child components have stopped.
let connection =
.context("connect to protocol")?;
.context("wait for event subscription to complete")?;
let mut event_stream = events::EventStream::new(connection);
let test_stopped_fut = async move {
.wait::<events::Destroyed>(&mut event_stream)
// Proxy `fuchsia.test/Suite` requests at the test root's outgoing directory,
// where the test manager will expect to be able to access it, to the '/svc'
// directory in the test root's namespace, where the protocol was routed from
// the test driver.
// TODO( Use Proxy::into_client_end when available.
let svc_dir = std::sync::Arc::new(fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd::new(
svc_dir.into_channel().expect("proxy into channel").into_zx_channel(),
let _: &mut ServiceFsDir<'_, _> =
fs.dir("svc").add_proxy_service_to::<ftest::SuiteMarker, ()>(svc_dir);
(Some(env), Some(test_stopped_fut), zx::Status::OK)
Err(e) => {
error!("failed to set up test {}: {:?}", resolved_url, e);
// The runner could just bail when test setup fails, and in doing so, close both
// the `fuchsia.test/Suite` channel to test_manager and the component controller
// channel to component_manager. However, this would lead to a race between
// component shutdown and test failure.
// To synchronize these processes, continue to serve `fuchsia.test/Suite`
// (closing incoming request channels) until the runner receives a Stop request
// from component_manager, then shut down the component.
// TODO( communicate the invalid component
// configuration to the test manager (via an epitaph, for example), rather than
// just closing the `fuchsia.test/Suite` protocol.
let _: &mut ServiceFsDir<'_, _> =
fs.dir("svc").add_fidl_service(|stream: ftest::SuiteRequestStream| {
zx::Status::from_raw(fcomponent::Error::InstanceCannotStart as i32),
let serve_test_suite = fs
.context("serve connection on test component's outgoing dir")?
let mut request_stream =
controller.into_stream().context("server end into request stream")?;
let request = futures::select! {
() = serve_test_suite.fuse() => panic!("service fs closed unexpectedly"),
request = request_stream.try_next() => request,
// If the component manager sent a stop or kill request (or dropped the client
// end of the component controller channel), clean up any resources and, if the
// client end wasn't dropped, signal that component execution has finished by
// closing the channel with an epitaph.
if let Some(request) = request.context("receive request")? {
let control_handle = match request {
frunner::ComponentControllerRequest::Stop { control_handle } => {
info!("received stop request for component {}", resolved_url);
frunner::ComponentControllerRequest::Kill { control_handle } => {
info!("received kill request for component {}", resolved_url);
// TODO( remove this once
// `ControlHandle::shutdown_with_epitaph` actually closes the underlying
// channel.
} else {
warn!("component manager dropped client end of component controller channel");
if let Some(fut) = test_stopped_fut {
// Wait until we observe the test root's `destroyed` event to drop the handle to
// the network environment, so that we are ensured the entire test realm has
// completed orderly shutdown by the time we are removing interfaces. This
// prevents spurious test failures from the virtual network being torn down
// while some components in the test realm may still be running.
match fut.await {
Ok(destroyed_event) => {
let events::DestroyedPayload {} = destroyed_event
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("error on component destroyed event: {:?}", e))?;
Err(e) => {
// Errors are sometimes expected because when the event stream subscriber
// (in this case, the test root) is destroyed, component manager will close
// the event stream, in which case we expect PEER_CLOSED.
// TODO( PEER_CLOSED is not enough to between normal
// channel closure that happens on component destruction and an internal
// error in component manager that caused the channel to close
// unexpectedly. Ideally, it should be possible to precisely check whether
// the component was destroyed without error.
warn!("Missed destroy event: {}", e);