blob: c60533e2e01d5a0d8f43d738d72cfdcc2233c810 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package ffx
import (
const (
type FfxInstance struct {
outputDir string
// If true, outputDir should be cleaned up
// when FfxInstance is closed.
iOwnOutputDir bool
mu struct {
isClosed bool
// Options for creating an FfxInstance.
type FfxInstanceOptions struct {
// The Target for invocations of FFXInstance.RunWithTarget().
// Empty string means no target is specified.
Target string
// The directory in which the isolated FFX config and daemon socket for this
// instance should live. Empty string means that a random temp dir should be
// created, and removed on FfxInstance.Close().
TestOutputDir string
// The path to the ffx binary. Empty string means that the default ffx
// binary in the host out directory will be used.
FfxBinPath string
// GetFfxPath returns the absolute path to the ffx binary.
func GetFfxPath() (string, error) {
hostToolsDir, err := util.GetHostToolsDirectory()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("GetHostToolsDirectory() = %w", err)
return filepath.Join(hostToolsDir, "ffx"), nil
// NewFfxInstance returns a ffxutil.FFXInstance that executes against a
// QemuInstance running on the same machine.
func NewFfxInstance(
ctx context.Context,
options FfxInstanceOptions,
) (*FfxInstance, error) {
ffx := options.FfxBinPath
if ffx == "" {
path, err := GetFfxPath()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getFfxPath() = %w", err)
ffx = path
fmt.Printf("os.Environ() = %s\n", os.Environ())
wrapperFfxInstance := FfxInstance{outputDir: options.TestOutputDir}
if wrapperFfxInstance.outputDir == "" {
dir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "ffx-instance-dir-*")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"os.MkdirTemp(\"\", \"ffx-instance-dir-*\") = %w",
wrapperFfxInstance.outputDir = dir
wrapperFfxInstance.iOwnOutputDir = true
// Configure the ssh keys to be created in the ffx instance dir
sshKey := filepath.Join(wrapperFfxInstance.outputDir, "ssh_keys", "ssh_private_key")
sshAuthKey := filepath.Join(wrapperFfxInstance.outputDir, "ssh_keys", "ssh_auth_keys")
sdkRoot := filepath.Join(wrapperFfxInstance.outputDir, "sdk")
if err := os.MkdirAll(sdkRoot, fs.FileMode(PERM_USER_READ_WRITE_EXECUTE)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"os.MkdirAll(%q, _) = %w",
sdkManifestFilePath := filepath.Join(sdkRoot, ffxutil.SDKManifestPath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(sdkManifestFilePath), fs.FileMode(PERM_USER_READ_WRITE_EXECUTE)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"os.MkdirAll(%q, _) = %w",
hostOutDir, err := util.GetHostOutDirectory()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("util.GetHostOutDirectory() = %w", err)
// We need to give FFX an SDK manifest that tells it where the `symbolizer`
// tool is as required by `ffx log`.
// While the easiest thing to do would be to just point it at the root build
// directory and tell it to use the real in-tree SDK there, this makes it
// possible to have it work at desk without having it work in infra due to
// differences in whether the SDK is "ambiently available" to a host test.
// To make it easier to debug this the same way at-desk and in infra runs, we
// instead create our own SDK definition in a temporary directory that
// explicitly lists all the tools we're making use of. That way we can be sure
// that we've provided all the right dependencies via `host_test_data`.
// Most of this manifest JSON is cargo-culted from a very similar thing that
// the FFX self-tests do in src/developer/ffx/plugins/self-test/src/
// (as of commit 6e7a16d197a7d3b3a40d4110394e38bdf51092de).
if err := jsonutil.WriteToFile(sdkManifestFilePath, map[string]any{
"atoms": []map[string]any{
"category": "partner",
"deps": []string{},
"files": []map[string]any{
"destination": "tools/x64/symbolizer",
"source": filepath.Join(hostOutDir, "symbolizer"),
"destination": "tools/x64/symbolizer-meta.json",
"source": filepath.Join(hostOutDir, "gen/tools/symbolizer/sdk.meta.json"),
"gn-label": "//tools/symbolizer:sdk(//build/toolchain:host_x64)",
"id": "sdk://tools/x64/symbolizer",
"meta": "tools/x64/symbolizer-meta.json",
"plasa": []string{},
"type": "host_tool",
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
ffxInstance, err :=
// "dir" is the current directory of any subprocesses spun off by the
// FFXInstance.
/* dir= */
// NewFFXInstance automatically inherits the current process's
// os.Environ(), so we don't need to pass it in here.
/* env= */
/* target= */ options.Target,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ffxutil.NewFFXInstance(..) = %w", err)
wrapperFfxInstance.FFXInstance = ffxInstance
if err := wrapperFfxInstance.SetLogLevel(ctx, ffxutil.Warn); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrapperFfxInstance.SetLogLevel(%q) = %w", ffxutil.Warn, err)
cfgs := map[string]string{
"sdk.root": sdkRoot,
"sdk.type": "in-tree",
"": sshAuthKey,
for key, value := range cfgs {
if err := wrapperFfxInstance.ConfigSet(ctx, key, value); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"wrapperFfxInstance.ConfigSet(_, %q, %q) = %w",
fmt.Printf("====== Choosing FFX target: %s ======\n", options.Target)
return &wrapperFfxInstance, nil
func (f *FfxInstance) IsClosed() bool {
func (f *FfxInstance) Close() error {
defer = true
err := f.Stop()
if f.iOwnOutputDir {
err = errors.Join(err, os.RemoveAll(f.outputDir))
if errors.Is(err, context.DeadlineExceeded) {
// ffxutil sometimes returns a context.DeadlineExceeded error when stopping an FFXInstance when
// the ffx daemon takes too long to shut down. This isn't really an actionable error, so it
// makes sense to swallow it here.
return nil
return err
const ffxIsolateDirKey = "FFX_ISOLATE_DIR="
func (f *FfxInstance) FfxIsolateDir() (string, error) {
for _, envPair := range f.Env() {
if strings.HasPrefix(envPair, ffxIsolateDirKey) {
return envPair[len(ffxIsolateDirKey):], nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("no FFX_ISOLATE_DIR in (%#v).Env()", f)
func (ffxInstance *FfxInstance) WaitUntilTargetIsAccessible(
ctx context.Context,
nodename string,
) error {
if err := ffxInstance.TargetWait(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Error while doing `ffx -t %s target wait`: %w",
return nil
// CreateStdoutStderrTempFiles creates new files within the FfxInstance's output directory to write
// ffx's stdout and stderr to, returning the stdout and stderr files. The caller has
// responsibility for closing the os.Files returned.
func (f *FfxInstance) CreateStdoutStderrTempFiles() (*os.File, *os.File, error) {
stdout, err := ioutil.TempFile(f.outputDir, "ffx-stdout-*.log")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
stderr, err := ioutil.TempFile(f.outputDir, "ffx-stderr-*.log")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Join(err, stdout.Close())
f.SetStdoutStderr(stdout, stderr)
return stdout, stderr, nil