blob: b4a278e18749ef2b0b5342bc13ed6e2ba0abdd20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! FIDL Worker for the `` suite of protocols.
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::pin::pin;
use async_utils::event::Event;
use either::Either;
use fidl::endpoints::{DiscoverableProtocolMarker as _, ProtocolMarker};
use futures::channel::{mpsc, oneshot};
use futures::future::FusedFuture as _;
use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt as _, TryStream, TryStreamExt as _};
use itertools::Itertools as _;
use log::{debug, error, info, warn};
use net_types::ethernet::Mac;
use net_types::ip::{GenericOverIp, Ip, IpAddr, IpAddress, Ipv4, Ipv6};
use net_types::SpecifiedAddr;
use netstack3_core::device::{DeviceId, EthernetDeviceId, EthernetLinkDevice};
use netstack3_core::error::AddressResolutionFailed;
use netstack3_core::neighbor::{LinkResolutionContext, LinkResolutionResult};
use netstack3_core::routes::{NextHop, ResolvedRoute, WrapBroadcastMarker};
use thiserror::Error;
use {
fidl_fuchsia_net as fnet, fidl_fuchsia_net_routes as fnet_routes,
fidl_fuchsia_net_routes_ext as fnet_routes_ext, fuchsia_zircon as zx,
use crate::bindings::util::{ConversionContext as _, IntoCore as _, IntoFidl as _, ResultExt as _};
use crate::bindings::{routes, BindingsCtx, Ctx, IpExt};
// The maximum number of events a client for the ``
// is allowed to have queued. Clients will be dropped if they exceed this limit.
// Keep this a multiple of `fnet_routes::MAX_EVENTS` (5 is somewhat arbitrary)
// so that we don't artificially truncate the allowed batch size.
const MAX_PENDING_EVENTS: usize = (fnet_routes::MAX_EVENTS * 5) as usize;
impl LinkResolutionContext<EthernetLinkDevice> for BindingsCtx {
type Notifier = LinkResolutionNotifier;
pub(crate) struct LinkResolutionNotifier(oneshot::Sender<Result<Mac, AddressResolutionFailed>>);
impl netstack3_core::neighbor::LinkResolutionNotifier<EthernetLinkDevice>
for LinkResolutionNotifier
type Observer = oneshot::Receiver<Result<Mac, AddressResolutionFailed>>;
fn new() -> (Self, Self::Observer) {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
(Self(tx), rx)
fn notify(self, result: Result<Mac, AddressResolutionFailed>) {
let Self(tx) = self;
tx.send(result).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
error!("link address observer was dropped before resolution completed")
/// Serve the `` protocol.
pub(crate) async fn serve_state(rs: fnet_routes::StateRequestStream, ctx: Ctx) {
rs.try_for_each_concurrent(None, |req| async {
match req {
fnet_routes::StateRequest::Resolve { destination, responder } => {
let result = resolve(destination, ctx.clone()).await;
.send(result.as_ref().map_err(|e| e.into_raw()))
.unwrap_or_log("failed to respond");
fnet_routes::StateRequest::GetRouteTableName { table_id: _, responder: _ } => {
todo!("TODO( Implement for main table");
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!("error serving {}: {:?}", fnet_routes::StateMarker::PROTOCOL_NAME, e))
/// Resolves the route to the given destination address.
/// Returns `Err` if the destination can't be resolved.
async fn resolve(
destination: fnet::IpAddress,
ctx: Ctx,
) -> Result<fnet_routes::Resolved, zx::Status> {
let addr: IpAddr = destination.into_core();
match addr {
IpAddr::V4(addr) => resolve_inner(addr, ctx).await,
IpAddr::V6(addr) => resolve_inner(addr, ctx).await,
/// The inner implementation of [`resolve`] that's generic over `Ip`.
#[netstack3_core::context_ip_bounds(A::Version, BindingsCtx)]
async fn resolve_inner<A: IpAddress>(
destination: A,
mut ctx: Ctx,
) -> Result<fnet_routes::Resolved, zx::Status>
A::Version: IpExt,
let sanitized_dst = SpecifiedAddr::new(destination)
.map(|dst| {
|netstack3_core::socket::AddrIsMappedError {}| zx::Status::ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE,
let ResolvedRoute { device, src_addr, local_delivery_device: _, next_hop } =
match ctx.api().routes::<A::Version>().resolve_route(sanitized_dst) {
Err(e) => {
info!("Resolve failed for {}, {:?}", destination, e);
return Err(zx::Status::ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE);
Ok(resolved_route) => resolved_route,
let (next_hop_addr, next_hop_type) = match next_hop {
NextHop::RemoteAsNeighbor => {
(SpecifiedAddr::new(destination), Either::Left(fnet_routes::Resolved::Direct))
NextHop::Broadcast(marker) => {
<A::Version as Ip>::map_ip::<_, ()>(
|WrapBroadcastMarker(())| (),
|WrapBroadcastMarker(never)| match never {},
(SpecifiedAddr::new(destination), Either::Left(fnet_routes::Resolved::Direct))
NextHop::Gateway(gateway) => (Some(gateway), Either::Right(fnet_routes::Resolved::Gateway)),
let remote_mac = match &device {
DeviceId::Loopback(_device) => None,
DeviceId::Ethernet(device) => {
if let Some(addr) = next_hop_addr {
Some(resolve_ethernet_link_addr(&mut ctx, device, &addr).await?)
} else {
warn!("Cannot attempt Ethernet link resolution for the unspecified address.");
return Err(zx::Status::ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE);
DeviceId::PureIp(_device) => None,
let destination = {
let address =
next_hop_addr.map_or(A::Version::UNSPECIFIED_ADDRESS, |a| *a).to_ip_addr().into_fidl();
let source_address = src_addr.addr().to_ip_addr().into_fidl();
let mac =|mac| mac.into_fidl());
let interface_id = ctx.bindings_ctx().get_binding_id(device);
fnet_routes::Destination {
address: Some(address),
interface_id: Some(interface_id.get()),
source_address: Some(source_address),
Ok(either::for_both!(next_hop_type, f => f(destination)))
/// Performs link-layer resolution of the remote IP Address on the given device.
#[netstack3_core::context_ip_bounds(A::Version, BindingsCtx)]
async fn resolve_ethernet_link_addr<A: IpAddress>(
ctx: &mut Ctx,
device: &EthernetDeviceId<BindingsCtx>,
remote: &SpecifiedAddr<A>,
) -> Result<Mac, zx::Status>
A::Version: IpExt,
match ctx.api().neighbor::<A::Version, EthernetLinkDevice>().resolve_link_addr(device, remote) {
LinkResolutionResult::Resolved(mac) => Ok(mac),
LinkResolutionResult::Pending(observer) => observer
.expect("core must send link resolution result before dropping notifier")
.map_err(|AddressResolutionFailed| zx::Status::ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE),
/// Serve the `` protocol.
pub(crate) async fn serve_state_v4(
rs: fnet_routes::StateV4RequestStream,
dispatcher: &RouteUpdateDispatcher<Ipv4>,
) {
rs.try_for_each_concurrent(None, |req| match req {
fnet_routes::StateV4Request::GetWatcherV4 { options, watcher, control_handle: _ } => {
serve_watcher::<Ipv4>(watcher, options.into(), dispatcher).map(|result| {
Ok(result.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
warn!("error serving {}: {:?}", fnet_routes::WatcherV4Marker::DEBUG_NAME, e)
fnet_routes::StateV4Request::GetRuleWatcherV4 {
options: _,
watcher: _,
control_handle: _,
} => {
todo!("TODO( Implement rules watcher");
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
warn!("error serving {}: {:?}", fnet_routes::StateV4Marker::PROTOCOL_NAME, e)
/// Serve the `` protocol.
pub(crate) async fn serve_state_v6(
rs: fnet_routes::StateV6RequestStream,
dispatcher: &RouteUpdateDispatcher<Ipv6>,
) {
rs.try_for_each_concurrent(None, |req| match req {
fnet_routes::StateV6Request::GetWatcherV6 { options, watcher, control_handle: _ } => {
serve_watcher::<Ipv6>(watcher, options.into(), dispatcher).map(|result| {
Ok(result.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
warn!("error serving {}: {:?}", fnet_routes::WatcherV6Marker::DEBUG_NAME, e)
fnet_routes::StateV6Request::GetRuleWatcherV6 {
options: _,
watcher: _,
control_handle: _,
} => {
todo!("TODO( Implement rules watcher");
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
warn!("error serving {}: {:?}", fnet_routes::StateV6Marker::PROTOCOL_NAME, e)
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
enum ServeWatcherError {
#[error("the request stream contained a FIDL error")]
#[error("a FIDL error was encountered while sending the response")]
#[error("the client called `Watch` while a previous call was already pending")]
#[error("the client was canceled")]
// Serve a single client of the `WatcherV4` or `WatcherV6` protocol.
async fn serve_watcher<I: fnet_routes_ext::FidlRouteIpExt>(
server_end: fidl::endpoints::ServerEnd<I::WatcherMarker>,
fnet_routes_ext::WatcherOptions { table_interest }: fnet_routes_ext::WatcherOptions,
RouteUpdateDispatcher(dispatcher): &RouteUpdateDispatcher<I>,
) -> Result<(), ServeWatcherError> {
let client_interest = match table_interest {
Some(fnet_routes::TableInterest::Main(fnet_routes::Main)) => {
ClientInterest::Only { table_id: routes::main_table_id::<I>().into() }
Some(fnet_routes::TableInterest::Only(table_id)) => ClientInterest::Only { table_id },
Some(fnet_routes::TableInterest::All(fnet_routes::All)) | None => ClientInterest::All,
Some(fnet_routes::TableInterest::__SourceBreaking { unknown_ordinal }) => {
return Err(ServeWatcherError::ErrorInStream(fidl::Error::UnknownOrdinal {
ordinal: unknown_ordinal,
protocol_name: <I::WatcherMarker as ProtocolMarker>::DEBUG_NAME,
let mut watcher = {
let mut dispatcher = dispatcher.lock().await;
let request_stream =
server_end.into_stream().expect("failed to acquire request_stream from server_end");
let canceled_fut = watcher.canceled.wait();
let result = {
let mut request_stream = request_stream.map_err(ServeWatcherError::ErrorInStream).fuse();
let mut canceled_fut = pin!(canceled_fut);
let mut pending_watch_request = futures::future::OptionFuture::default();
loop {
pending_watch_request = futures::select! {
request = request_stream.try_next() => match request {
Ok(Some(req)) => if pending_watch_request.is_terminated() {
// Convince the compiler that we're not holding on to a
// borrow of watcher.
// Old request is terminated, accept this new one.
Some( |events| (req, events))).into()
} else {
break Err(ServeWatcherError::PreviousPendingWatch);
Ok(None) => break Ok(()),
Err(e) => break Err(e),
r = pending_watch_request => {
let (request, events) = r.expect("OptionFuture is not selected if empty");
match respond_to_watch_request(request, events) {
Ok(()) => None.into(),
Err(e) => break Err(ServeWatcherError::FailedToRespond(e)),
() = canceled_fut => break Err(ServeWatcherError::Canceled),
let mut dispatcher = dispatcher.lock().await;
// Responds to a single `Watch` request with the given batch of events.
fn respond_to_watch_request<I: fnet_routes_ext::FidlRouteIpExt>(
req: <<I::WatcherMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::RequestStream as TryStream>::Ok,
events: Vec<fnet_routes_ext::Event<I>>,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
#[generic_over_ip(I, Ip)]
struct Inputs<I: fnet_routes_ext::FidlRouteIpExt> {
<<I::WatcherMarker as fidl::endpoints::ProtocolMarker>::RequestStream as TryStream>::Ok,
events: Vec<fnet_routes_ext::Event<I>>,
let result = I::map_ip_in::<Inputs<I>, _>(
Inputs { req, events },
|Inputs { req, events }| match req {
fnet_routes::WatcherV4Request::Watch { responder } => {
let events = events
.map(|event| {
event.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|e| match e {
fnet_routes_ext::NetTypeConversionError::UnknownUnionVariant(msg) => {
panic!("tried to send an event with Unknown enum variant: {}", msg)
|Inputs { req, events }| match req {
fnet_routes::WatcherV6Request::Watch { responder } => {
let events = events
.map(|event| {
event.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|e| match e {
fnet_routes_ext::NetTypeConversionError::UnknownUnionVariant(msg) => {
panic!("tried to send an event with Unknown enum variant: {}", msg)
// An update to the routing table.
pub(crate) enum RoutingTableUpdate<I: Ip> {
// Consumes updates to the system routing table and dispatches them to clients
// of the `{4,6}` protocols.
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct RouteUpdateDispatcher<I: Ip>(
// The inner representation of a `RouteUpdateDispatcher` holding state for the
// given IP protocol.
struct RouteUpdateDispatcherInner<I: Ip> {
// The set of currently installed routes.
routes: HashSet<fnet_routes_ext::InstalledRoute<I>>,
// The list of currently connected clients.
clients: Vec<RoutesWatcherSink<I>>,
// The error type returned by `RouteUpdateDispatcher.notify()`.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum RouteUpdateNotifyError<I: Ip> {
// `notify` was called with `RoutingTableUpdate::RouteAdded` for a route
// that already exists.
// `notify` was called with `RoutingTableUpdate::RouteRemoved` for a route
// that does not exist.
impl<I: Ip> RouteUpdateDispatcherInner<I> {
// Notify this `RouteUpdateDispatcher` of an update to the routing table.
// The update will be dispatched to all active watcher clients.
fn notify(&mut self, update: RoutingTableUpdate<I>) -> Result<(), RouteUpdateNotifyError<I>> {
let RouteUpdateDispatcherInner { routes, clients } = self;
let event = match update {
RoutingTableUpdate::RouteAdded(route) => {
if routes.insert(route.clone()) {
} else {
return Err(RouteUpdateNotifyError::AlreadyExists(route));
RoutingTableUpdate::RouteRemoved(route) => {
if routes.remove(&route) {
} else {
return Err(RouteUpdateNotifyError::NotFound(route));
for client in clients {
// Register a new client with this `RouteUpdateDispatcher`.
fn connect_new_client(&mut self, client_interest: ClientInterest) -> RoutesWatcher<I> {
let RouteUpdateDispatcherInner { routes, clients } = self;
let (watcher, sink) =
RoutesWatcher::new_with_existing_routes(routes.iter().cloned(), client_interest);
// Disconnect the given watcher from this `RouteUpdateDispatcher`.
fn disconnect_client(&mut self, watcher: RoutesWatcher<I>) {
let RouteUpdateDispatcherInner { routes: _, clients } = self;
let (idx, _): (usize, &RoutesWatcherSink<I>) = clients
.filter(|(_idx, client)| client.is_connected_to(&watcher))
.expect("expected exactly one sink");
let _: RoutesWatcherSink<I> = clients.swap_remove(idx);
impl<I: Ip> RouteUpdateDispatcher<I> {
pub(crate) async fn notify(
update: RoutingTableUpdate<I>,
) -> Result<(), RouteUpdateNotifyError<I>> {
let Self(inner) = self;
/// The tables the client is interested in.
enum ClientInterest {
/// The client is interested in updates across all tables.
/// The client only want updates on the specific table.
/// The table ID is a scalar instead of [`TableId`] because we don't perform
/// validation but only filtering.
Only { table_id: u32 },
impl ClientInterest {
fn has_interest_in<I: Ip>(&self, event: &fnet_routes_ext::Event<I>) -> bool {
match event {
fnet_routes_ext::Event::Unknown | fnet_routes_ext::Event::Idle => true,
| fnet_routes_ext::Event::Added(installed_route)
| fnet_routes_ext::Event::Removed(installed_route) => match self {
ClientInterest::All => true,
ClientInterest::Only { table_id } => installed_route.table_id == *table_id,
// Consumes events for a single client of the
// `{4,6}` protocols.
struct RoutesWatcherSink<I: Ip> {
// The sink with which to send routing changes to this client.
sink: mpsc::Sender<fnet_routes_ext::Event<I>>,
// The mechanism with which to cancel the client.
cancel: Event,
// What table is this client interested in.
interest: ClientInterest,
impl<I: Ip> RoutesWatcherSink<I> {
// Send this [`RoutesWatcherSink`] a new event.
fn send(&mut self, event: fnet_routes_ext::Event<I>) {
let interested = self.interest.has_interest_in(&event);
if !interested {
"The client for sink {:?} is not interested in this event {:?}, skipping",
self, event
self.sink.try_send(event).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
if e.is_full() {
if self.cancel.signal() {
"too many unconsumed events (the client may not be \
calling Watch frequently enough): {}",
} else {
panic!("unexpected error trying to send: {:?}", e)
// Returns `true` if this sink forwards events to the given watcher.
fn is_connected_to(&self, watcher: &RoutesWatcher<I>) -> bool {
// An implementation of the `{4,6}` protocols for
// a single client.
struct RoutesWatcher<I: Ip> {
// The `Existing` + `Idle` events for this client, capturing all of the
// routes that existed at the time it was instantiated.
// NB: storing this as an `IntoIter` makes `watch` easier to implement.
<std::vec::Vec<fnet_routes_ext::Event<I>> as std::iter::IntoIterator>::IntoIter,
// The receiver of routing changes for this client.
receiver: mpsc::Receiver<fnet_routes_ext::Event<I>>,
// The mechanism to observe that this client has been canceled.
canceled: Event,
impl<I: Ip> RoutesWatcher<I> {
// Creates a new `RoutesWatcher` with the given existing routes.
fn new_with_existing_routes<R: Iterator<Item = fnet_routes_ext::InstalledRoute<I>>>(
routes: R,
interest: ClientInterest,
) -> (Self, RoutesWatcherSink<I>) {
let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::channel(MAX_PENDING_EVENTS);
let cancel = Event::new();
RoutesWatcher {
existing_events: routes
.filter(|event| interest.has_interest_in(event))
receiver: receiver,
canceled: cancel.clone(),
RoutesWatcherSink { sink: sender, cancel, interest },
// Watch returns the currently available events (up to
// [`fnet_routes::MAX_EVENTS`]). This call will block if there are no
// available events.
fn watch(
&mut self,
) -> impl futures::Future<Output = Vec<fnet_routes_ext::Event<I>>> + Unpin + '_ {
let RoutesWatcher { existing_events, receiver, canceled: _ } = self;
// Note: `ready_chunks` blocks until at least 1 event is ready.
.map(|(r, _ready_chunks)| r.expect("underlying event stream unexpectedly ended"))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use ip_test_macro::ip_test;
use net_declare::{net_subnet_v4, net_subnet_v6};
fn arbitrary_route_on_interface<I: Ip>(interface: u64) -> fnet_routes_ext::InstalledRoute<I> {
fnet_routes_ext::InstalledRoute {
route: fnet_routes_ext::Route {
destination: I::map_ip(
|()| net_subnet_v4!(""),
|()| net_subnet_v6!("fe80::/64"),
action: fnet_routes_ext::RouteAction::Forward(fnet_routes_ext::RouteTarget {
outbound_interface: interface,
next_hop: None,
properties: fnet_routes_ext::RouteProperties {
specified_properties: fnet_routes_ext::SpecifiedRouteProperties {
metric: fnet_routes::SpecifiedMetric::ExplicitMetric(0),
effective_properties: fnet_routes_ext::EffectiveRouteProperties { metric: 0 },
table_id: 0,
// Tests that `RouteUpdateDispatcher` returns an error when it receives a
// `RouteRemoved` update for a non-existent route.
fn dispatcher_fails_to_remove_non_existent<I: Ip>() {
let route = arbitrary_route_on_interface::<I>(1);
// Tests that `RouteUpdateDispatcher` returns an error when it receives an
// `AddRoute` update for an already existing route.
fn dispatcher_fails_to_add_existing<I: Ip>() {
let mut dispatcher = RouteUpdateDispatcherInner::default();
let route = arbitrary_route_on_interface::<I>(1);
assert_eq!(dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteAdded(route)), Ok(()));
// Tests the basic functionality of the `RouteUpdateDispatcher`,
// `RouteWatcherSink`, and `RouteWatcher`.
fn notify_dispatch_watch<I: Ip>() {
let mut dispatcher = RouteUpdateDispatcherInner::default();
// Add a new watcher and verify there are no existing routes.
let mut watcher1 = dispatcher.connect_new_client(ClientInterest::All);
assert_eq!(, [fnet_routes_ext::Event::<I>::Idle]);
// Add a route and verify that the watcher is notified.
let route = arbitrary_route_on_interface(1);
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteAdded(route)).expect("failed to notify");
// Connect a second watcher and verify it sees the route as `Existing`.
let mut watcher2 = dispatcher.connect_new_client(ClientInterest::All);
[fnet_routes_ext::Event::Existing(route), fnet_routes_ext::Event::<I>::Idle]
// Remove the route and verify both watchers are notified.
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteRemoved(route)).expect("failed to notify");
// Disconnect the first client, and verify the second client is still
// able to be notified.
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteAdded(route)).expect("failed to notify");
// Tests that a `RouteWatcher` is canceled if it exceeds
// `MAX_PENDING_EVENTS` in its queue.
fn cancel_watcher_with_too_many_pending_events<I: Ip>() {
// Helper function to drain the watcher of a specific number of events,
// which may be spread across multiple batches of size
// `fnet_routes::MAX_EVENTS`.
fn drain_watcher<I: Ip>(watcher: &mut RoutesWatcher<I>, num_required_events: usize) {
let mut num_observed_events = 0;
while num_observed_events < num_required_events {
num_observed_events +=
assert_eq!(num_observed_events, num_required_events);
let mut dispatcher = RouteUpdateDispatcherInner::default();
// `Existing` routes shouldn't count against the client's quota.
// Exceed the quota, and then verify new clients can still connect.
// Note that `EXCESS` is 2, because mpsc::channel implicitly adds +1 to
// the buffer size for every connected sender (and the dispatcher holds
// a sender).
const EXCESS: usize = 2;
for i in 0..TOO_MANY_EVENTS {
let route = arbitrary_route_on_interface::<I>(i.try_into().unwrap());
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteAdded(route)).expect("failed to notify");
let mut watcher1 = dispatcher.connect_new_client(ClientInterest::All);
let mut watcher2 = dispatcher.connect_new_client(ClientInterest::All);
assert_eq!(watcher1.canceled.wait().now_or_never(), None);
assert_eq!(watcher2.canceled.wait().now_or_never(), None);
// Drain all of the `Existing` events (and +1 for the `Idle` event).
drain_watcher(&mut watcher1, TOO_MANY_EVENTS + 1);
drain_watcher(&mut watcher2, TOO_MANY_EVENTS + 1);
// Generate `TOO_MANY_EVENTS`, consuming the excess on `watcher1` but
// not on `watcher2`; `watcher2` should be canceled.
for i in 0..EXCESS {
assert_eq!(watcher1.canceled.wait().now_or_never(), None);
assert_eq!(watcher2.canceled.wait().now_or_never(), None);
let route = arbitrary_route_on_interface::<I>(i.try_into().unwrap());
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteRemoved(route)).expect("failed to notify");
drain_watcher(&mut watcher1, EXCESS);
assert_eq!(watcher1.canceled.wait().now_or_never(), None);
assert_eq!(watcher2.canceled.wait().now_or_never(), None);
let route = arbitrary_route_on_interface::<I>(i.try_into().unwrap());
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteRemoved(route)).expect("failed to notify");
assert_eq!(watcher1.canceled.wait().now_or_never(), None);
assert_eq!(watcher2.canceled.wait().now_or_never(), Some(()));
fn watcher_respects_interest<I: Ip>() {
let mut dispatcher = RouteUpdateDispatcherInner::default();
let main_table_id = routes::main_table_id::<I>();
let other_table_id ="no next ID");
let main_route = fnet_routes_ext::InstalledRoute {
table_id: main_table_id.into(),
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteAdded(main_route)).expect("failed to notify");
let other_route = fnet_routes_ext::InstalledRoute {
table_id: other_table_id.into(),
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteAdded(other_route)).expect("failed to notify");
let mut all_watcher = dispatcher.connect_new_client(ClientInterest::All);
let mut main_watcher = dispatcher.connect_new_client(ClientInterest::Only {
table_id: routes::main_table_id::<I>().into(),
let mut other_watcher =
dispatcher.connect_new_client(ClientInterest::Only { table_id: other_table_id.into() });
// They can get out of order because installed routes are stored in
// HashSet.
] => {
[*installed_1, *installed_2]
), HashSet::from_iter([main_route, other_route]));
[fnet_routes_ext::Event::Existing(main_route), fnet_routes_ext::Event::<I>::Idle]
[fnet_routes_ext::Event::Existing(other_route), fnet_routes_ext::Event::<I>::Idle]
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteRemoved(main_route)).expect("failed to notify");
dispatcher.notify(RoutingTableUpdate::RouteRemoved(other_route)).expect("failed to notify");
// For a watcher interested in all tables, it should observe all route
// changes in all tables.
// For a watcher interested in only the main table, it should observe
// route changes in only the main table.
// For a watcher interested in only the other table, it should observe
// route changes in only the other table.