blob: 5b0dcd8b45e680d879d7196f797df0551d86c0d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! A Netstack3 worker to serve API requests.
use fidl::endpoints::{ProtocolMarker as _, ServerEnd};
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_network as fhardware_network;
use fidl_fuchsia_net_debug as fnet_debug;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::{SinkExt as _, StreamExt as _, TryStreamExt as _};
use tracing::{debug, error, warn};
use crate::bindings::{devices::BindingId, DeviceIdExt as _, DeviceSpecificInfo};
// Serve a stream of API requests for a single
// channel (e.g. a single client connection).
pub(crate) async fn serve_interfaces(
bindings_ctx: &crate::bindings::BindingsCtx,
rs: fnet_debug::InterfacesRequestStream,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
debug!(protocol = fnet_debug::InterfacesMarker::DEBUG_NAME, "serving");
rs.try_for_each(|req| async {
match req {
fnet_debug::InterfacesRequest::GetPort { id, port, control_handle: _ } => {
handle_get_port(bindings_ctx, id, port);
fn handle_get_port(
bindings_ctx: &crate::bindings::BindingsCtx,
interface_id: u64,
port: ServerEnd<fhardware_network::PortMarker>,
) {
let core_id = BindingId::new(interface_id).and_then(|id| bindings_ctx.devices.get_core_id(id));
let port_handler =
core_id.as_ref().ok_or(zx::Status::NOT_FOUND).map(|core_id| core_id.external_state());
let port_handler = port_handler.as_ref().map_err(Clone::clone).and_then(|state| match state {
DeviceSpecificInfo::Loopback(_) => Err(zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED),
DeviceSpecificInfo::Ethernet(info) => Ok(&info.netdevice.handler),
DeviceSpecificInfo::PureIp(info) => Ok(&info.netdevice.handler),
match port_handler {
Ok(port_handler) => port_handler.connect_port(port).unwrap_or_else(
|e: netdevice_client::Error| warn!(err = ?e, "failed to connect to port"),
Err(epitaph) => {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| warn!(err = ?e, "failed to send epitaph"));
struct DiagnosticsInner {
thread: std::thread::JoinHandle<()>,
sender: futures::channel::mpsc::Sender<ServerEnd<fnet_debug::DiagnosticsMarker>>,
impl DiagnosticsInner {
fn new() -> Self {
let (sender, mut receiver) =
let thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
let mut executor = fuchsia_async::LocalExecutor::new();
let fut = async move {
let mut futures = futures::stream::FuturesUnordered::new();
loop {
let result = futures::select! {
s = => s,
n = => {
// We don't care if FuturesUnordered
// finished, we might push more data into it
// later.
match result {
Some(rs) => {
rs.into_stream().expect("failed to create request stream"),
None => {
// When the receiver ends we want to stop
// serving all streams.
Self { sender, thread }
/// Offers a server implementation of `` that
/// serves all requests in a dedicated thread, so diagnostics can be provided
/// even if the main stack's executor is blocked.
pub(crate) struct DiagnosticsHandler {
inner: once_cell::sync::OnceCell<DiagnosticsInner>,
impl Drop for DiagnosticsHandler {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let Self { inner } = self;
if let Some(DiagnosticsInner { thread, sender }) = inner.take() {
// Drop the sender so the receiver side on the worker thread will
// terminate.
thread.join().expect("failed to join diagnostics thread");
impl DiagnosticsHandler {
pub(crate) async fn serve_diagnostics(
server_end: ServerEnd<fnet_debug::DiagnosticsMarker>,
) {
let Self { inner } = self;
let mut sender = {
let DiagnosticsInner { sender, thread: _ } = inner.get_or_init(DiagnosticsInner::new);
// Clone the sender, we don't have mutable access to it behind the
// cell.
sender.send(server_end).await.expect("sender was orphaned unexpectedly");
async fn serve_request_stream(rs: fnet_debug::DiagnosticsRequestStream) {
rs.try_for_each(|req| {
futures::future::ready(match req {
fnet_debug::DiagnosticsRequest::LogDebugInfoToSyslog { responder } => {
"Requesting stack trace to logs as requested by {}, this is not a crash.",
fnet_debug::DiagnosticsRequest::GetProcessHandleForInspection { responder } => {
let process = fuchsia_runtime::process_self()
.duplicate(zx::Rights::INSPECT | zx::Rights::TRANSFER)
.expect("duplicate process handle");
.unwrap_or_else(|e: fidl::Error| error!(err = ?e, "error operating diagnostics stream"));
mod tests {
use super::DiagnosticsHandler;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::StreamExt as _;
use test_case::test_case;
// DiagnosticsHandler has a nontrivial Drop path that isn't really exercised
// in integration tests. This gets us some coverage.
#[test_case(0; "empty")]
#[test_case(3; "multiple")]
async fn drop_diagnostics_handler(streams: usize) {
let handler = DiagnosticsHandler::default();
// Attach channels.
let channels = {
let handler = &handler;
futures::stream::repeat_with(|| fidl::endpoints::create_endpoints())
.then(|(client, server)| async move {
// Dropping the handler should stop the alternative executor and join
// the thread.
for channel in channels {
let signals =
fuchsia_async::OnSignals::new(&channel, zx::Signals::CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED).await;
assert_eq!(signals, Ok(zx::Signals::CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED));