blob: 4e3953228b6d0860257d2e22d686853ebf6bd06d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! IPv6 Router Solicitation as defined by [RFC 4861 section 6.3.7].
//! [RFC 4861 section 6.3.7]:
use core::{num::NonZeroU8, time::Duration};
use net_types::{ip::Ipv6Addr, UnicastAddr};
use packet::{EitherSerializer, EmptyBuf, InnerPacketBuilder as _, Serializer};
use packet_formats::icmp::ndp::{
options::NdpOptionBuilder, OptionSequenceBuilder, RouterSolicitation,
use rand::Rng as _;
use crate::{
CoreTimerContext, HandleableTimer, RngContext, TimerBindingsTypes, TimerContext,
device::{self, AnyDevice, DeviceIdContext, WeakId as _},
/// Amount of time to wait after sending `MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS` Router
/// Solicitation messages before determining that there are no routers on the
/// link for the purpose of IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration if no
/// Router Advertisement messages have been received as defined in [RFC 4861
/// section 10].
/// This parameter is also used when a host sends its initial Router
/// Solicitation message, as per [RFC 4861 section 6.3.7]. Before a node sends
/// an initial solicitation, it SHOULD delay the transmission for a random
/// amount of time between 0 and `MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY`. This serves to
/// alleviate congestion when many hosts start up on a link at the same time.
/// [RFC 4861 section 10]:
/// [RFC 4861 section 6.3.7]:
pub(crate) const MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
/// Minimum duration between router solicitation messages as defined in [RFC
/// 4861 section 10].
/// [RFC 4861 section 10]:
pub(crate) const RTR_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(4);
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct RsTimerId<D: device::WeakId> {
device_id: D,
impl<D: device::WeakId> RsTimerId<D> {
pub(super) fn device_id(&self) -> &D {
let Self { device_id } = self;
pub(crate) fn new(device_id: D) -> Self {
Self { device_id }
/// A device's router solicitation state.
pub struct RsState<BT: RsBindingsTypes> {
remaining: Option<NonZeroU8>,
timer: BT::Timer,
impl<BC: RsBindingsTypes + TimerContext> RsState<BC> {
pub fn new<D: device::WeakId, CC: CoreTimerContext<RsTimerId<D>, BC>>(
bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
device_id: D,
) -> Self {
Self { remaining: None, timer: CC::new_timer(bindings_ctx, RsTimerId { device_id }) }
/// The execution context for router solicitation.
pub(super) trait RsContext<BC: RsBindingsTypes>: DeviceIdContext<AnyDevice> {
/// A link-layer address.
type LinkLayerAddr: AsRef<[u8]>;
/// Calls the callback with a mutable reference to the router solicitation
/// state and the maximum number of router solications to send.
fn with_rs_state_mut_and_max<O, F: FnOnce(&mut RsState<BC>, Option<NonZeroU8>) -> O>(
&mut self,
device_id: &Self::DeviceId,
cb: F,
) -> O;
/// Calls the callback with a mutable reference to the router solicitation
/// state.
fn with_rs_state_mut<F: FnOnce(&mut RsState<BC>)>(
&mut self,
device_id: &Self::DeviceId,
cb: F,
) {
self.with_rs_state_mut_and_max(device_id, |state, _max| cb(state))
/// Gets the device's link-layer address bytes, if the device supports
/// link-layer addressing.
fn get_link_layer_addr_bytes(
&mut self,
device_id: &Self::DeviceId,
) -> Option<Self::LinkLayerAddr>;
/// Sends an NDP Router Solicitation to the local-link.
/// The callback is called with a source address suitable for an outgoing
/// router solicitation message and returns the message body.
fn send_rs_packet<
S: Serializer<Buffer = EmptyBuf> + MaybeTransportPacket,
F: FnOnce(Option<UnicastAddr<Ipv6Addr>>) -> S,
&mut self,
bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
device_id: &Self::DeviceId,
message: RouterSolicitation,
body: F,
) -> Result<(), S>;
/// The bindings types for router solicitation.
pub trait RsBindingsTypes: TimerBindingsTypes {}
impl<BT> RsBindingsTypes for BT where BT: TimerBindingsTypes {}
/// The bindings execution context for router solicitation.
pub trait RsBindingsContext: RngContext + TimerContext {}
impl<BC> RsBindingsContext for BC where BC: RngContext + TimerContext {}
/// An implementation of Router Solicitation.
pub trait RsHandler<BC>:
DeviceIdContext<AnyDevice> + TimerHandler<BC, RsTimerId<Self::WeakDeviceId>>
/// Starts router solicitation.
fn start_router_solicitation(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC, device_id: &Self::DeviceId);
/// Stops router solicitation.
/// Does nothing if router solicitaiton is not being performed
fn stop_router_solicitation(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC, device_id: &Self::DeviceId);
impl<BC: RsBindingsContext, CC: RsContext<BC>> RsHandler<BC> for CC {
fn start_router_solicitation(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC, device_id: &Self::DeviceId) {
self.with_rs_state_mut_and_max(device_id, |state, max| {
let RsState { remaining, timer } = state;
*remaining = max;
match remaining {
None => {}
Some(_) => {
// As per RFC 4861 section 6.3.7, delay the first transmission for a
// random amount of time between 0 and `MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY` to
// alleviate congestion when many hosts start up on a link at the same
// time.
let delay = bindings_ctx
.gen_range(Duration::new(0, 0)..MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY);
assert_eq!(bindings_ctx.schedule_timer(delay, timer), None);
fn stop_router_solicitation(&mut self, bindings_ctx: &mut BC, device_id: &Self::DeviceId) {
self.with_rs_state_mut(device_id, |state| {
let _: Option<BC::Instant> = bindings_ctx.cancel_timer(&mut state.timer);
impl<BC: RsBindingsContext, CC: RsContext<BC>> HandleableTimer<CC, BC>
for RsTimerId<CC::WeakDeviceId>
fn handle(self, core_ctx: &mut CC, bindings_ctx: &mut BC) {
let Self { device_id } = self;
if let Some(device_id) = device_id.upgrade() {
do_router_solicitation(core_ctx, bindings_ctx, &device_id)
/// Solicit routers once and schedule next message.
fn do_router_solicitation<BC: RsBindingsContext, CC: RsContext<BC>>(
core_ctx: &mut CC,
bindings_ctx: &mut BC,
device_id: &CC::DeviceId,
) {
let src_ll = core_ctx.get_link_layer_addr_bytes(device_id);
// TODO( Either panic or guarantee that this error
// can't happen statically.
let _: Result<(), _> =
core_ctx.send_rs_packet(bindings_ctx, device_id, RouterSolicitation::default(), |src_ip| {
// As per RFC 4861 section 4.1,
// Valid Options:
// Source link-layer address The link-layer address of the
// sender, if known. MUST NOT be included if the
// Source Address is the unspecified address.
// Otherwise, it SHOULD be included on link
// layers that have addresses.
src_ip.map_or(EitherSerializer::A(EmptyBuf), |UnicastAddr { .. }| {
core_ctx.with_rs_state_mut(device_id, |RsState { remaining, timer }| {
*remaining = NonZeroU8::new(
.expect("should only send a router solicitations when at least one is remaining")
- 1,
match *remaining {
None => {}
Some(NonZeroU8 { .. }) => {
assert_eq!(bindings_ctx.schedule_timer(RTR_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL, timer), None);
mod tests {
use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
use net_declare::net_ip_v6;
use netstack3_base::IntoCoreTimerCtx;
use packet_formats::icmp::ndp::{options::NdpOption, Options};
use test_case::test_case;
use super::*;
use crate::{
testutil::{FakeBindingsCtx, FakeCoreCtx, FakeCtx, FakeTimerCtxExt as _},
InstantContext as _, SendFrameContext as _,
device::testutil::{FakeDeviceId, FakeWeakDeviceId},
struct FakeRsContext {
max_router_solicitations: Option<NonZeroU8>,
rs_state: RsState<FakeBindingsCtxImpl>,
source_address: Option<UnicastAddr<Ipv6Addr>>,
link_layer_bytes: Option<Vec<u8>>,
ip_device_id_ctx: FakeIpDeviceIdCtx<FakeDeviceId>,
impl AsRef<FakeIpDeviceIdCtx<FakeDeviceId>> for FakeRsContext {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &FakeIpDeviceIdCtx<FakeDeviceId> {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct RsMessageMeta {
message: RouterSolicitation,
type FakeCoreCtxImpl = FakeCoreCtx<FakeRsContext, RsMessageMeta, FakeDeviceId>;
type FakeBindingsCtxImpl =
FakeBindingsCtx<RsTimerId<FakeWeakDeviceId<FakeDeviceId>>, (), (), ()>;
impl RsContext<FakeBindingsCtxImpl> for FakeCoreCtxImpl {
type LinkLayerAddr = Vec<u8>;
fn with_rs_state_mut_and_max<
F: FnOnce(&mut RsState<FakeBindingsCtxImpl>, Option<NonZeroU8>) -> O,
&mut self,
&FakeDeviceId: &FakeDeviceId,
cb: F,
) -> O {
let FakeRsContext { max_router_solicitations, rs_state, .. } = self.get_mut();
cb(rs_state, *max_router_solicitations)
fn get_link_layer_addr_bytes(&mut self, &FakeDeviceId: &FakeDeviceId) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let FakeRsContext { link_layer_bytes, .. } = self.get_ref();
fn send_rs_packet<
S: Serializer<Buffer = EmptyBuf>,
F: FnOnce(Option<UnicastAddr<Ipv6Addr>>) -> S,
&mut self,
bindings_ctx: &mut FakeBindingsCtxImpl,
&FakeDeviceId: &FakeDeviceId,
message: RouterSolicitation,
body: F,
) -> Result<(), S> {
let FakeRsContext { source_address, .. } = self.get_ref();
self.send_frame(bindings_ctx, RsMessageMeta { message }, body(*source_address))
const RS_TIMER_ID: RsTimerId<FakeWeakDeviceId<FakeDeviceId>> =
RsTimerId { device_id: FakeWeakDeviceId(FakeDeviceId) };
fn stop_router_solicitation() {
let FakeCtx { mut core_ctx, mut bindings_ctx } =
FakeCtx::with_default_bindings_ctx(|bindings_ctx| {
FakeCoreCtxImpl::with_state(FakeRsContext {
max_router_solicitations: NonZeroU8::new(1),
rs_state: RsState::new::<_, IntoCoreTimerCtx>(
source_address: None,
link_layer_bytes: None,
ip_device_id_ctx: Default::default(),
RsHandler::start_router_solicitation(&mut core_ctx, &mut bindings_ctx, &FakeDeviceId);
let now =;
.assert_timers_installed_range([(RS_TIMER_ID, now..=now + MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY)]);
RsHandler::stop_router_solicitation(&mut core_ctx, &mut bindings_ctx, &FakeDeviceId);
assert_eq!(core_ctx.frames(), &[][..]);
const SOURCE_ADDRESS: UnicastAddr<Ipv6Addr> =
unsafe { UnicastAddr::new_unchecked(net_ip_v6!("fe80::1")) };
#[test_case(0, None, None, None; "disabled")]
#[test_case(1, None, None, None; "once_without_source_address_or_link_layer_option")]
None; "once_with_source_address_and_without_link_layer_option")]
Some(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
None; "once_without_source_address_and_with_mac_address_source_link_layer_option")]
Some(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
Some(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); "once_with_source_address_and_mac_address_source_link_layer_option")]
Some(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
Some(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]); "once_with_source_address_and_short_address_source_link_layer_option")]
Some(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]),
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
]); "once_with_source_address_and_long_address_source_link_layer_option")]
fn perform_router_solicitation(
max_router_solicitations: u8,
source_address: Option<UnicastAddr<Ipv6Addr>>,
link_layer_bytes: Option<Vec<u8>>,
expected_sll_bytes: Option<&[u8]>,
) {
let FakeCtx { mut core_ctx, mut bindings_ctx } =
FakeCtx::with_default_bindings_ctx(|bindings_ctx| {
FakeCoreCtxImpl::with_state(FakeRsContext {
max_router_solicitations: NonZeroU8::new(max_router_solicitations),
rs_state: RsState::new::<_, IntoCoreTimerCtx>(
ip_device_id_ctx: Default::default(),
RsHandler::start_router_solicitation(&mut core_ctx, &mut bindings_ctx, &FakeDeviceId);
assert_eq!(core_ctx.frames(), &[][..]);
let mut duration = MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY;
for i in 0..max_router_solicitations {
NonZeroU8::new(max_router_solicitations - i)
let now =;
.assert_timers_installed_range([(RS_TIMER_ID, now..=now + duration)]);
assert_eq!(bindings_ctx.trigger_next_timer(&mut core_ctx), Some(RS_TIMER_ID));
let frames = core_ctx.frames();
assert_eq!(frames.len(), usize::from(i + 1), "frames = {:?}", frames);
let (RsMessageMeta { message }, frame) =
frames.last().expect("should have transmitted a frame");
assert_eq!(*message, RouterSolicitation::default());
let options = Options::parse(&frame[..]).expect("parse NDP options");
let sll_bytes = options.iter().find_map(|o| match o {
NdpOption::SourceLinkLayerAddress(a) => Some(a),
o => panic!("unexpected NDP option = {:?}", o),
assert_eq!(sll_bytes, expected_sll_bytes);
assert_eq!(core_ctx.get_ref().rs_state.remaining, None);
let frames = core_ctx.frames();
assert_eq!(frames.len(), usize::from(max_router_solicitations), "frames = {:?}", frames);