blob: 1cea0a8e70bd746ffa95da343066ad80055fd8ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !build_with_native_toolchain
package netstack
import (
zxtime ""
tracingprovider ""
syslog ""
fnetRoutes "fidl/fuchsia/net/routes"
routesAdmin "fidl/fuchsia/net/routes/admin"
packetsocket "fidl/fuchsia/posix/socket/packet"
rawsocket "fidl/fuchsia/posix/socket/raw"
scheduler "fidl/fuchsia/scheduler/deprecated"
glog ""
tcpipstack ""
const (
// stashStoreIdentificationName is the name used to identify this (netstack)
// component to the fuchsia.stash.SecureStore service.
stashStoreIdentificationName = "netstack-stash"
// opaqueIIDSecretKeyName is the name of the key used to access the secret key
// for opaque IIDs from the secure stash store.
opaqueIIDSecretKeyName = "opaque-iid-secret-key"
// dadTransmits is the number of consecutive NDP Neighbor Solicitation
// messages sent while performing Duplicate Address Detection on a IPv6
// tentative address.
// As per RFC 4862 section 5.1, 1 is the default number of messages to send.
dadTransmits = 1
// dadRetransmitTimer is the time between retransmissions of NDP Neighbor
// Solicitation messages to a neighbor.
// As per RFC 4861 section 10, 1s is the default time between retransmissions.
dadRetransmitTimer = time.Second
// maxRtrSolicitations is the maximum number of Router Solicitation messages
// to send when a NIC becomes enabled.
// As per RFC 4861 section 10, 3 is the default number of messages.
maxRtrSolicitations = 3
// rtrSolicitationInterval is the amount of time between sending Router
// Solicitation messages.
// As per RFC 4861 section 10, 4s is the default time between transmissions.
rtrSolicitationInterval = 4 * time.Second
// maxRtrSolicitationDelay is the maximum amount of time to wait before
// sending the first Router Solicitation message.
// As per RFC 4861 section 10, 1s is the default maximum time to wait.
maxRtrSolicitationDelay = time.Second
// autoGenAddressConflictRetries is the maximum number of times to attempt
// SLAAC address regeneration in response to DAD conflicts.
// As per RFC 7217 section, 3 is the default maximum number of retries.
autoGenAddressConflictRetries = 3
// maxTempAddrValidLifetime is the maximum amount of time a temporary SLAAC
// address may be valid for from creation.
// As per RFC 4941 section 5, 7 days is the default max valid lifetime.
maxTempAddrValidLifetime = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
// maxTempAddrPreferredLifetime is the maximum amount of time a temporary
// SLAAC address may be preferred for from creation.
// As per RFC 4941 section 5, 1 day is the default max preferred lifetime.
maxTempAddrPreferredLifetime = 24 * time.Hour
// regenAdvanceDuration is duration before the deprecation of a temporary
// address when a new address will be generated.
// As per RFC 4941 section 5, 5s is the default duration. We make the duration
// the default duration plus the maximum amount of time for an address to
// resolve DAD if all but the last regeneration attempts fail. This is to
// guarantee that if a new address is generated, it will be assigned for at
// least 5s before the original address is deprecated.
regenAdvanceDuration = 5*time.Second + dadTransmits*dadRetransmitTimer*(1+autoGenAddressConflictRetries)
// handleRAs is the configuration for when Router Advertisements should be
// handled.
// We want to handle router advertisements even when operating as a router
// so that we can perform router/prefix discovery and SLAAC.
handleRAs = ipv6.HandlingRAsAlwaysEnabled
type atomicBool struct {
v *atomicbitops.Uint32
// IsBoolFlag implements flag.boolFlag.IsBoolFlag.
// See the flag.Value documentation for more information.
func (*atomicBool) IsBoolFlag() bool {
return true
// Set implements flag.Value.Set.
func (a *atomicBool) Set(s string) error {
v, err := strconv.ParseBool(s)
if err != nil {
return err
var val uint32
if v {
val = 1
return nil
// String implements flag.Value.String.
func (a *atomicBool) String() string {
return strconv.FormatBool(a.v.Load() != 0)
func init() {
// As of this writing the default is 1.
type glogEmitter struct{}
func (*glogEmitter) Emit(depth int, level glog.Level, timestamp time.Time, format string, v ...interface{}) {
switch level {
case glog.Warning:
syslog.Warnf(format, v...)
case glog.Info:
syslog.Infof(format, v...)
case glog.Debug:
syslog.Debugf(format, v...)
func InstallThreadProfiles(ctx context.Context, componentCtx *component.Context) {
req, provider, err := scheduler.NewProfileProviderWithCtxInterfaceRequest()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create %s request: %s", req.Name(), err))
go func() {
const handlesPerRead = 1
const bytesPerRead = 1
channel := zx.GetThreadsChannel()
for {
defer func() {
_ = provider.Close()
var handles [handlesPerRead]zx.HandleInfo
var bytes [bytesPerRead]byte
var nb, nh uint32
if err := zxwait.WithRetryContext(ctx, func() error {
var err error
nb, nh, err = channel.ReadEtc(bytes[:], handles[:], 0)
return err
}, *channel.Handle(), zx.SignalChannelReadable, zx.SignalChannelPeerClosed); err != nil {
_ = syslog.Errorf("stopped observing for thread profiles: %s", err)
if nb != bytesPerRead {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected %d bytes in channel message", nb))
if nh != handlesPerRead {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected %d handles in channel message", nh))
handleInfo := handles[0]
threadType := runtime.ThreadType(bytes[0])
threadProfile := func() string {
switch threadType {
case runtime.WorkerThread:
return "fuchsia.netstack.go-worker"
case runtime.SysmonThread:
return "fuchsia.netstack.go-sysmon"
return ""
// Skip if no profile is chosen.
if len(threadProfile) == 0 {
_ = syslog.Infof("no thread profile for thread type %d", threadType)
_ = handleInfo.Handle.Close()
// Retrieve the koid before transferring the handle.
koid := func() string {
info, err := handleInfo.Handle.GetInfoHandleBasic()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", err)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", info.Koid)
// Attempt to install our thread profile.
status, err := provider.SetProfileByRole(ctx, handleInfo.Handle, threadProfile)
if err, ok := err.(*zx.Error); ok {
switch err.Status {
case zx.ErrNotFound, zx.ErrPeerClosed, zx.ErrUnavailable:
_ = syslog.Warnf("connection to %s closed; will not set thread profile %s; FIDL error: %s", req.Name(), threadProfile, err)
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.Errorf("failed to set thread profile %s for koid=%s; FIDL error: %s", threadProfile, koid, err)
if status := zx.Status(status); status != zx.ErrOk {
switch status {
case zx.ErrNotFound:
_ = syslog.Warnf("did not find thread profile %s for koid=%s", threadProfile, koid)
_ = syslog.Errorf("failed to set thread profile %s for koid=%s; rejected with %s", threadProfile, koid, status)
_ = syslog.Debugf("successfully set thread profile for koid=%s to %s", koid, threadProfile)
type config struct {
func Main() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
flags := flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ContinueOnError)
logPackets := atomicBool{v: &sniffer.LogPackets}
flags.Var(&logPackets, "log-packets", "enable packet logging")
logLevel := syslog.InfoLevel
flags.Var(&logLevel, "verbosity", "set the logging verbosity")
var socketStatsTimerPeriod time.Duration
flags.DurationVar(&socketStatsTimerPeriod, "socket-stats-sampling-interval", time.Minute, "set the interval at which socket stats will be sampled")
noOpaqueIID := false
flags.BoolVar(&noOpaqueIID, "no-opaque-iids", false, "disable opaque IIDs")
fastUDP := true
flags.BoolVar(&fastUDP, "fast-udp", true, "enable Fast UDP")
configFile := flags.String("config-data", "/config/data/default.json", "config file to use")
if err := flags.Parse(os.Args[1:]); err != nil {
var config *config
setMaxProcs := func() bool {
b, err := os.ReadFile(*configFile)
if err != nil {
_ = syslog.Warnf("failed to read config data at %s, continuing with defaults", *configFile)
return false
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &config); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to unmarshal JSON from config file: %s", err))
if config.GOMAXPROCS != nil {
prev := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(*config.GOMAXPROCS)
_ = syslog.Infof("set GOMAXPROCS to %d, was %d (NumCPU = %d)", *config.GOMAXPROCS, prev, runtime.NumCPU())
return true
return false
if !setMaxProcs {
_ = syslog.Infof("override for GOMAXPROCS not provided, leaving as default (NumCPU = %d)", runtime.NumCPU())
componentCtx := component.NewContextFromStartupInfo()
req, logSink, err := logger.NewLogSinkWithCtxInterfaceRequest()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create syslog request: %s", err))
options := syslog.LogInitOptions{
LogLevel: logLevel,
options.LogSink = logSink
options.MinSeverityForFileAndLineInfo = logLevel
options.Tags = []string{"netstack"}
l, err := syslog.NewLogger(options)
if err != nil {
log.SetOutput(&syslog.Writer{Logger: l})
// This routine may log; start it after initializing syslog.
InstallThreadProfiles(ctx, componentCtx)
_ = syslog.Infof("starting...")
var opaqueIIDOpts ipv6.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions
if !noOpaqueIID {
secretKeyForOpaqueIID, err := getSecretKeyForOpaqueIID(componentCtx)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get secret key for opaque IIDs: %s", err))
opaqueIIDOpts = ipv6.OpaqueInterfaceIdentifierOptions{
NICNameFromID: func(nicID tcpip.NICID, nicName string) string {
// As of writing, Netstack creates NICs with names so we return the name
// the NIC was created with. Just in case, we have a default NIC name
// format for NICs that were not created with a name.
if nicName != "" {
return nicName
return fmt.Sprintf("opaqueIIDNIC%d", nicID)
SecretKey: secretKeyForOpaqueIID,
tempIIDSeed, err := newSecretKey(header.IIDSize)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to get temp IID seed: %s", err))
ndpDisp := newNDPDispatcher()
nudDisp := newNudDispatcher()
dadConfigs := tcpipstack.DADConfigurations{
DupAddrDetectTransmits: dadTransmits,
RetransmitTimer: dadRetransmitTimer,
stk := tcpipstack.New(tcpipstack.Options{
NetworkProtocols: []tcpipstack.NetworkProtocolFactory{
DADConfigs: dadConfigs,
IGMP: ipv4.IGMPOptions{
Enabled: true,
DADConfigs: dadConfigs,
NDPConfigs: ipv6.NDPConfigurations{
MaxRtrSolicitations: maxRtrSolicitations,
RtrSolicitationInterval: rtrSolicitationInterval,
MaxRtrSolicitationDelay: maxRtrSolicitationDelay,
HandleRAs: handleRAs,
DiscoverDefaultRouters: true,
DiscoverMoreSpecificRoutes: true,
DiscoverOnLinkPrefixes: true,
AutoGenGlobalAddresses: true,
AutoGenAddressConflictRetries: autoGenAddressConflictRetries,
AutoGenTempGlobalAddresses: true,
MaxTempAddrValidLifetime: maxTempAddrValidLifetime,
MaxTempAddrPreferredLifetime: maxTempAddrPreferredLifetime,
RegenAdvanceDuration: regenAdvanceDuration,
AutoGenLinkLocal: true,
NDPDisp: ndpDisp,
OpaqueIIDOpts: opaqueIIDOpts,
TempIIDSeed: tempIIDSeed,
MLD: ipv6.MLDOptions{
Enabled: true,
TransportProtocols: []tcpipstack.TransportProtocolFactory{
HandleLocal: true,
NUDDisp: nudDisp,
RawFactory: &raw.EndpointFactory{},
AllowPacketEndpointWrite: true,
Clock: &zxtime.Clock{},
delayEnabled := tcpip.TCPDelayEnabled(true)
sackEnabled := tcpip.TCPSACKEnabled(true)
moderateReceiveBufferOption := tcpip.TCPModerateReceiveBufferOption(true)
for _, opt := range []tcpip.SettableTransportProtocolOption{
} {
if err := stk.SetTransportProtocolOption(tcp.ProtocolNumber, opt); err != nil {
syslog.Fatalf("SetTransportProtocolOption(%d, %#v) failed: %s", tcp.ProtocolNumber, opt, err)
f := filter.New(stk, &filterNicInfoProvider{stack: stk})
interfaceEventChan := make(chan interfaceEvent)
interfacesWatcherChan := make(chan interfaceWatcherRequest)
fidlInterfaceWatcherStats := &fidlInterfaceWatcherStats{}
go interfaceWatcherEventLoop(ctx, interfaceEventChan, interfacesWatcherChan, fidlInterfaceWatcherStats)
interruptChan := make(chan routeInterrupt, maxPendingInterrupts)
fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics := &fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics{}
go routesWatcherEventLoop(ctx, interruptChan, fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics)
ns := &Netstack{
interfaceEventChan: interfaceEventChan,
routeTable: routes.NewRouteTableWithOnChangeCallback(
func(c routes.RoutingTableChange) {
interruptChan <- &routingTableChange{c}
dnsConfig: dns.MakeServersConfig(stk.Clock()),
stack: stk,
stats: stats{Stats: stk.Stats()},
nicRemovedHandlers: []NICRemovedHandler{&ndpDisp.dynamicAddressSourceTracker, f},
featureFlags: featureFlags{enableFastUDP: fastUDP},
fastUDPStatus := "disabled"
if fastUDP {
fastUDPStatus = "enabled"
_ = syslog.Infof("fast UDP is %s", fastUDPStatus)
nudDisp.ns = ns
ndpDisp.ns = ns
filter.AddOutgoingService(componentCtx, f)
if err := ns.addLoopback(); err != nil {
syslog.Fatalf("loopback: %s", err)
// Handle all of the already-enqueued NDP events so that DAD
// completion for ::1 is observed. This ensures that clients
// to the interface watcher are guaranteed to observe ::1 in
// the Existing event rather than as a separate Changed event.
for {
event := func() ndpEvent {
if len( == 0 {
return nil
if event == nil {
dnsWatchers := newDnsServerWatcherCollection(ns.dnsConfig.GetServersCacheAndChannel)
if err := tracingprovider.Create(componentCtx); err != nil {
syslog.Warnf("could not create a trace provider: %s", err)
// Trace manager can not be running, or not available in the namespace. We can continue.
// The node at /root/fuchsia.inspect.Health is important for testing purposes
// as it's the only node that is common to both NS2 and NS3.
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("root", &component.DirectoryWrapper{
Directory: &inspectDirectory{
asService: (&inspectImpl{
inner: &rootInspectImpl{
name: "root",
health: healthInspectImpl{
name: "fuchsia.inspect.Health",
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("configuration", &component.DirectoryWrapper{
Directory: &inspectDirectory{
asService: (&inspectImpl{
inner: &configInspectImpl{
name: "Runtime Configuration Flags",
logPackets: &logPackets,
logLevel: logLevel,
socketStatsTimerPeriod: socketStatsTimerPeriod,
noOpaqueIID: noOpaqueIID,
fastUDP: fastUDP,
config: configDataInspectImpl{
name: "config-data",
file: *configFile,
data: config,
numCPU: runtime.NumCPU(),
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("counters", &component.DirectoryWrapper{
Directory: &inspectDirectory{
asService: (&inspectImpl{
inner: &networkingStatCountersInspectImpl{
statCounterInspectImpl: statCounterInspectImpl{
name: "Networking Stat Counters",
value: reflect.ValueOf(&ns.stats).Elem(),
ns: ns,
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("interfaces", &component.DirectoryWrapper{
Directory: &inspectDirectory{
// asService is late-bound so that each call retrieves fresh NIC info.
asService: func() *component.Service {
return (&inspectImpl{
inner: &nicInfoMapInspectImpl{value: ns.getIfStateInfo(stk.NICInfo())},
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("fidlStats", &component.DirectoryWrapper{
Directory: &inspectDirectory{
asService: (&inspectImpl{
inner: &fidlStatsInspectImpl{
name: "Networking FIDL Protocol Stats",
fidlInterfaceWatcherStats: fidlInterfaceWatcherStats,
fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics: fidlRoutesWatcherMetrics,
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("sockets", &component.DirectoryWrapper{
Directory: &inspectDirectory{
asService: (&inspectImpl{
inner: &socketInfoMapInspectImpl{
value: &ns.endpoints,
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("routes", &component.DirectoryWrapper{
Directory: &inspectDirectory{
// asService is late-bound so that each call retrieves fresh routing table info.
asService: func() *component.Service {
return (&inspectImpl{
inner: &routingTableInspectImpl{value: ns.GetExtendedRouteTable()},
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("memstats", &component.DirectoryWrapper{
Directory: &inspectDirectory{
// asService is late-bound so that each call retrieves fresh stats.
asService: func() *component.Service {
return (&inspectImpl{
inner: &memstatsInspectImpl{},
// Minimal support for the inspect VMO format allows our profile protos to be
// picked up by bug reports.
// To extract these serialized protos from inspect.json, jq can be used:
// cat iquery.json | \
// jq '.[] | select(.path | contains("/pprof/")) | .contents.root.pprof.goroutine[4:]' | \
// xargs echo | base64 --decode > goroutine
componentCtx.OutgoingService.AddDiagnostics("pprof", pprof.NewNode())
// Periodically request that the persistence service save counters. This,
// along with persisted logs, makes it easier to debug connectivity issues
// before a reboot.
startPersistClient(ctx, componentCtx, stk.Clock())
stub := verify.NetstackVerifierWithCtxStub{Impl: &verifier{}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(verify.NetstackVerifierName, "%s", err)
return nil
tokenV4, err := zx.NewEvent(0 /* options */)
if err != nil {
panic("cannot initialize a zircon event")
stubV4 := routesAdmin.RouteTableV4WithCtxStub{
Impl: &routesAdminRouteTableV4Impl{
routesAdminMainRouteTable: routesAdminMainRouteTable{
tableId: v4MainTableId,
token: tokenV4,
ns: ns,
tokenV6, err := zx.NewEvent(0 /* options */)
if err != nil {
panic("cannot initialize a zircon event")
stubV6 := routesAdmin.RouteTableV6WithCtxStub{
Impl: &routesAdminRouteTableV6Impl{
routesAdminMainRouteTable: routesAdminMainRouteTable{
tableId: v6MainTableId,
token: tokenV6,
ns: ns,
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stubV4, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.ErrorTf(routesAdmin.RouteTableV4Name, "%s", err)
return nil
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stubV6, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.ErrorTf(routesAdmin.RouteTableV6Name, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := stack.StackWithCtxStub{Impl: &stackImpl{
ns: ns,
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(stack.StackName, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := stack.LogWithCtxStub{Impl: &logImpl{
logPackets: &sniffer.LogPackets,
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(stack.LogName, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := socket.ProviderWithCtxStub{Impl: &providerImpl{ns: ns}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(socket.ProviderName, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := rawsocket.ProviderWithCtxStub{Impl: &rawProviderImpl{ns: ns}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(rawsocket.ProviderName, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := packetsocket.ProviderWithCtxStub{Impl: &packetProviderImpl{ns: ns}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(packetsocket.ProviderName, "%s", err)
return nil
resolveImpl := resolveImpl{
stack: ns.stack,
stub := fnetRoutes.StateWithCtxStub{Impl: &resolveImpl}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(fnetRoutes.StateName, "%s", err)
return nil
getWatcherImpl := getWatcherImpl{
interruptChan: interruptChan,
stub_v4 := fnetRoutes.StateV4WithCtxStub{Impl: &getWatcherImpl}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub_v4, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(fnetRoutes.StateV4Name, "%s", err)
return nil
stub_v6 := fnetRoutes.StateV6WithCtxStub{Impl: &getWatcherImpl}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub_v6, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(fnetRoutes.StateV6Name, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := interfaces.StateWithCtxStub{Impl: &interfaceStateImpl{watcherChan: interfacesWatcherChan}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(interfaces.StateName, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := admin.InstallerWithCtxStub{Impl: &interfacesAdminInstallerImpl{ns: ns}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(admin.InstallerName, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := debug.InterfacesWithCtxStub{Impl: &debugInterfacesImpl{ns: ns}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(debug.InterfacesName, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := root.InterfacesWithCtxStub{Impl: &rootInterfacesImpl{ns: ns}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(debug.InterfacesName, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := root.RoutesV4WithCtxStub{Impl: &rootRoutesV4Impl{ns: ns}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(root.RoutesV4Name, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := root.RoutesV6WithCtxStub{Impl: &rootRoutesV6Impl{ns: ns}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(root.RoutesV6Name, "%s", err)
return nil
stub := debug.DiagnosticsWithCtxStub{Impl: &debugDiagnosticsImpl{}}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &stub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(debug.DiagnosticsName, "%s", err)
return nil
impl := newNeighborImpl(stk)
viewStub := neighbor.ViewWithCtxStub{Impl: impl}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &viewStub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(neighbor.ViewName, "%s", err)
return nil
controllerStub := neighbor.ControllerWithCtxStub{Impl: impl}
func(ctx context.Context, c zx.Channel) error {
go component.Serve(ctx, &controllerStub, c, component.ServeOptions{
OnError: func(err error) {
_ = syslog.WarnTf(neighbor.ControllerName, "%s", err)
return nil
go impl.observeEvents(
addMulticastIpv4RoutingTableControllerService(componentCtx, ns.stack)
addMulticastIpv6RoutingTableControllerService(componentCtx, ns.stack)
// newSecretKey returns a new secret key.
func newSecretKey(keyLen int) ([]byte, error) {
secretKey := make([]byte, keyLen)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, secretKey); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to populate a new secret key of %d bytes: %s", keyLen, err)
return secretKey, nil
// newSecretKeyForOpaqueIID returns a new secret key for opaque IID generation.
func newSecretKeyForOpaqueIID() ([]byte, error) {
return newSecretKey(header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes)
// getSecretKeyForOpaqueIID gets a secret key for opaque IID generation from the
// secure stash store service, or attempts to create one. If the stash service
// is unavailable, a temporary secret key will be returned.
func getSecretKeyForOpaqueIID(componentCtx *component.Context) ([]byte, error) {
syslog.VLogf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "getting or creating secret key for opaque IID from secure stash store")
// Connect to the secure stash store service.
storeReq, store, err := stash.NewSecureStoreWithCtxInterfaceRequest()
if err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("could not create the request to connect to the %s service: %s", stash.SecureStoreName, err)
return newSecretKeyForOpaqueIID()
defer func() {
_ = store.Close()
// Use our secure stash.
if err := store.Identify(context.Background(), stashStoreIdentificationName); err != nil {
syslog.Warnf("failed to identify as %s to the secure stash store: %s", stashStoreIdentificationName, err)
return newSecretKeyForOpaqueIID()
storeAccessorReq, storeAccessor, err := stash.NewStoreAccessorWithCtxInterfaceRequest()
if err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("could not create the secure stash store accessor request: %s", err)
return newSecretKeyForOpaqueIID()
defer func() {
_ = storeAccessor.Close()
if err := store.CreateAccessor(context.Background(), false /* readOnly */, storeAccessorReq); err != nil {
syslog.Warnf("failed to create accessor to the secure stash store: %s", err)
return newSecretKeyForOpaqueIID()
// Attempt to get the existing secret key.
opaqueIIDSecretKeyValue, err := storeAccessor.GetValue(context.Background(), opaqueIIDSecretKeyName)
if err != nil {
syslog.Warnf("failed to get opaque IID secret key from secure stash store: %s", err)
return newSecretKeyForOpaqueIID()
// If a key exists, make sure it is valid before returning it.
// The value should be stored as a base64 encoded string.
// We use a string because stash.Value.Bytesval uses a fuchsia.mem.Buffer
// which uses a VMO (which uses memory in page size increments). This is
// wasteful as the key only uses 16 bytes. We base64 encode the string
// because stash.Value.Stringval expects an ascii string; the store returns an
// error when flushing the store with a stash.Value.Stringval of raw bytes.
if opaqueIIDSecretKeyValue != nil && opaqueIIDSecretKeyValue.Which() == stash.ValueStringval {
syslog.VLogf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "found a secret key for opaque IIDs in the secure stash store")
if secretKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(opaqueIIDSecretKeyValue.Stringval); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("failed to decode the secret key string: %s", err)
} else if l := len(secretKey); l != header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes {
syslog.Errorf("invalid secret key for opaque IIDs; got length = %d, want = %d", l, header.OpaqueIIDSecretKeyMinBytes)
} else {
syslog.VLogf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "using existing secret key for opaque IIDs")
return secretKey, nil
// Generate a new secret key as we either do not have one or the one we have
// is invalid.
syslog.VLogf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "generating a new secret key for opaque IIDs")
secretKey, err := newSecretKeyForOpaqueIID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Store the newly generated key to the secure stash store as a base64
// encoded string.
if err := storeAccessor.SetValue(context.Background(), opaqueIIDSecretKeyName, stash.ValueWithStringval(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(secretKey))); err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("failed to set newly created secret key for opaque IID to secure stash store: %s", err)
return secretKey, nil
flushResp, err := storeAccessor.Flush(context.Background())
if err != nil {
syslog.Errorf("failed to flush secure stash store with updated secret key for opaque IID: %s", err)
return secretKey, nil
switch w := flushResp.Which(); w {
case stash.StoreAccessorFlushResultErr:
syslog.Errorf("got error response when flushing secure stash store with updated secret key for opaque IID: %s", flushResp.Err)
return secretKey, nil
case stash.StoreAccessorFlushResultResponse:
syslog.VLogf(syslog.DebugVerbosity, "saved newly generated secret key for opaque IIDs to secure stash store")
return secretKey, nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected store accessor flush result type: %d", w))
var _ verify.NetstackVerifierWithCtx = (*verifier)(nil)
type verifier struct{}
func (*verifier) Verify(fidl.Context, verify.VerifyOptions) (verify.VerifierVerifyResult, error) {
// Wait an arbitrary amount of time; if we didn't crash, we're probably healthy.
<-time.After(15 * time.Second)
return verify.VerifierVerifyResultWithResponse(verify.VerifierVerifyResponse{}), nil