blob: 520940f9fa880c30402414b7717f7d92a8885a12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error};
use argh::FromArgs;
use fidl::endpoints::create_endpoints;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_avrcp::{
self as fidl_avrcp, AttributeRequestOption, BrowseControllerMarker, BrowseControllerProxy,
ControllerEvent, ControllerEventStream, ControllerMarker, ControllerProxy, MediaAttributeId,
Notifications, PeerManagerMarker, PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId, MAX_ATTRIBUTES,
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_avrcp_test::{
BrowseControllerExtMarker, BrowseControllerExtProxy, ControllerExtMarker, ControllerExtProxy,
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_bluetooth::types::PeerId;
use fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol;
use futures::channel::mpsc::{channel, SendError};
use futures::{select, FutureExt, Sink, SinkExt, Stream, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use hex::FromHex;
use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
use rustyline::{CompletionType, Config, EditMode, Editor};
use std::pin::pin;
use std::str::FromStr as _;
use std::thread;
use crate::commands::{avc_match_string, Cmd, CmdHelper, ReplControl};
mod commands;
static PROMPT: &str = "\x1b[34mavrcp>\x1b[0m ";
/// Escape code to clear the pty line on which the cursor is located.
/// Used when evented output is intermingled with the REPL prompt.
static CLEAR_LINE: &str = "\x1b[2K";
/// Define the command line arguments that the tool accepts.
#[argh(description = "Bluetooth AVRCP Controller CLI")]
struct Options {
/// target device id.
#[argh(positional, from_str_fn(peer_id_from_str))]
device: PeerId,
/// Helper to parse `PeerId` from the command line. argh requires the error
/// return type to be a `String`, which is why we couldn't directly use
/// `PeerId::from_str`.
fn peer_id_from_str(s: &str) -> Result<PeerId, String> {
PeerId::from_str(s).map_err(|err| err.to_string())
async fn send_passthrough<'a>(
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() != 1 {
return Ok(format!("usage: {}", Cmd::AvcCommand.cmd_help()));
let cmd = avc_match_string(args[0]);
if cmd.is_none() {
return Err(format_err!("invalid avc command"));
// `args[0]` is the identifier of the peer to connect to
match controller.send_command(cmd.unwrap()).await? {
Ok(_) => Ok(String::from("")),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error sending AVC Command: {:?}", e)),
async fn get_folder_items_with_attrs<'a>(
cmd: Cmd,
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a BrowseControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() < 2 {
return Ok(format!("usage: {}", cmd.cmd_help()));
let start_index = args[0].to_string().parse::<u32>()?;
let end_index = args[1].to_string().parse::<u32>()?;
let attr_request = if args.len() == 3 {
let arg = args[2].to_string();
match arg.as_str() {
"All" => AttributeRequestOption::GetAll(true),
_ => {
let attrs = arg.split(",");
let mut attributes = vec![];
for a in attrs {
let raw_attr = a.parse::<u32>()?;
"Invalid MediaAttributeId value: {:?}. Valid value range is [1 - 8]",
} else {
match cmd {
Cmd::GetVirtualFileSystem => {
match controller.get_file_system_items(start_index, end_index, &attr_request).await? {
Ok(items) => Ok(format!("File system: {:#?}", items)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error fetching file system: {:?}", e)),
Cmd::GetNowPlaying => {
match controller.get_now_playing_items(start_index, end_index, &attr_request).await? {
Ok(items) => Ok(format!("Now playing: {:#?}", items)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error fetching now playing: {:?}", e)),
_ => panic!("get_folder_items_with_attrs should not have been called with {:?}", cmd),
async fn get_media<'a>(
_args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
match controller.get_media_attributes().await? {
Ok(media) => Ok(format!("Media attributes: {:#?}", media)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error fetching media attributes: {:?}", e)),
async fn get_media_player_list<'a>(
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a BrowseControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() != 2 {
return Ok(format!("usage: {}", Cmd::GetMediaPlayerList.cmd_help()));
let start_index = args[0].to_string().parse::<u32>()?;
let end_index = args[1].to_string().parse::<u32>()?;
match controller.get_media_player_items(start_index, end_index).await? {
Ok(players) => Ok(format!("Media players: {:#?}", players)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error fetching media players: {:?}", e)),
async fn get_play_status<'a>(
_args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
match controller.get_play_status().await? {
Ok(status) => Ok(format!("Play status {:#?}", status)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error fetching play status {:?}", e)),
fn parse_pas_ids(ids: Vec<&str>) -> Result<Vec<PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId>, Error> {
let mut attribute_ids = vec![];
for attr_id in ids {
match attr_id {
"1" => attribute_ids.push(PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId::Equalizer),
"2" => attribute_ids.push(PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId::RepeatStatusMode),
"3" => attribute_ids.push(PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId::ShuffleMode),
"4" => attribute_ids.push(PlayerApplicationSettingAttributeId::ScanMode),
_ => return Err(format_err!("Invalid attribute id.")),
async fn get_player_application_settings<'a>(
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() > MAX_ATTRIBUTES as usize {
return Ok(format!("usage: {}", Cmd::GetPlayerApplicationSettings.cmd_help()));
let ids = match parse_pas_ids(args.to_vec()) {
Ok(ids) => ids,
Err(_) => return Err(format_err!("Invalid id in args {:?}", args)),
let get_pas_fut = controller.get_player_application_settings(&ids);
match get_pas_fut.await? {
Ok(settings) => Ok(format!("Player application setting attribute value: {:#?}", settings)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error fetching player application attributes: {:?}", e)),
async fn set_player_application_settings<'a>(
_args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
// Send canned response to AVRCP with Equalizer off.
let mut settings = fidl_avrcp::PlayerApplicationSettings::default();
settings.equalizer = Some(fidl_avrcp::Equalizer::Off);
match controller.set_player_application_settings(&settings).await? {
Ok(set_settings) => Ok(format!("Set settings with: {:?}", set_settings)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error in set settings {:?}", e)),
async fn get_events_supported<'a>(
_args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerExtProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
match controller.get_events_supported().await? {
Ok(events) => Ok(format!("Supported events: {:#?}", events)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error fetching supported events: {:?}", e)),
async fn send_raw_vendor<'a>(
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerExtProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() < 2 {
return Err(format_err!("usage: {}", Cmd::SendRawVendorCommand.cmd_help()));
match parse_raw_packet(args) {
Ok((pdu_id, buf)) => {
eprintln!("Sending {:#?}", buf);
match controller.send_raw_vendor_dependent_command(pdu_id, &buf).await? {
Ok(response) => Ok(format!("response: {:#?}", response)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error sending raw dependent command: {:?}", e)),
Err(message) => Err(format_err!("{:?}", message)),
fn parse_raw_packet(args: &[&str]) -> Result<(u8, Vec<u8>), String> {
let pdu_id;
if args[0].starts_with("0x") || args[0].starts_with("0X") {
if let Ok(hex) = Vec::from_hex(&args[0][2..]) {
if hex.len() < 1 {
return Err(format!("invalid pdu_id {}", args[0]));
pdu_id = hex[0];
} else {
return Err(format!("invalid pdu_id {}", args[0]));
} else {
if let Ok(b) = args[0].parse::<u8>() {
pdu_id = b;
} else {
return Err(format!("invalid pdu_id {}", args[0]));
let byte_string = args[1..].join(" ").replace(",", " ");
let bytes = byte_string.split(" ");
let mut buf = vec![];
for b in bytes {
let b = b.trim();
if b.eq("") {
} else if b.starts_with("0x") || b.starts_with("0X") {
if let Ok(hex) = Vec::from_hex(&b[2..]) {
} else {
return Err(format!("invalid hex string at {}", b));
} else {
if let Ok(hex) = Vec::from_hex(&b[..]) {
} else {
return Err(format!("invalid hex string at {}", b));
Ok((pdu_id, buf))
async fn set_volume<'a>(
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() != 1 {
return Ok(format!("usage: {}", Cmd::SetVolume.cmd_help()));
let volume = if let Ok(val) = args[0].parse::<u8>() {
if val > 127 {
return Err(format_err!("invalid volume range {}", args[0]));
} else {
return Err(format_err!("unable to parse volume {}", args[0]));
match controller.set_absolute_volume(volume).await? {
Ok(set_volume) => Ok(format!("Volume set to: {:?}", set_volume)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error setting volume: {:?}", e)),
async fn change_path<'a>(
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a BrowseControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() < 1 {
return Ok(format!("usage: {}", Cmd::ChangePath.cmd_help()));
let path = match args[0] {
".." | "up" => fidl_avrcp::Path::Parent(fidl_avrcp::Parent {}),
uid => {
let folder_uid = uid.to_string().parse::<u64>()?;
match controller.change_path(&path).await? {
Ok(num_of_items) => {
Ok(format!("Changed path successfully. Current directory has {:?} items", num_of_items))
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Failed to change path: {:?}", e)),
async fn play_item<'a>(
cmd: Cmd,
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a BrowseControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() != 1 {
return Ok(format!("usage: {}", cmd.cmd_help()));
let uid = args[0].parse::<u64>()?;
let command = match cmd {
Cmd::PlayVirtualFileSystem => controller.play_file_system_item(uid),
Cmd::PlayNowPlaying => controller.play_now_playing_item(uid),
_ => panic!("play_item should not have been called with {:?}", cmd),
.map(|_| "Successfully played item".to_string())
.map_err(|e| format_err!("Error playing item: {:?}", e))?)
async fn set_browsed_player<'a>(
args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a BrowseControllerProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
if args.len() != 1 {
return Ok(format!("usage: {}", Cmd::SetVolume.cmd_help()));
let player_id = args[0].to_string().parse::<u16>()?;
match controller.set_browsed_player(player_id).await? {
Ok(_) => Ok(format!("Browsed player set to: {:?}", player_id)),
Err(e) => Err(format_err!("Error setting browsed player: {:?}", e)),
async fn is_connected<'a>(
_args: &'a [&'a str],
controller: &'a ControllerExtProxy,
browse_controller: &'a BrowseControllerExtProxy,
) -> Result<String, Error> {
let mut s = Vec::new();
match controller.is_connected().await {
Ok(status) => s.push(format!("Is control connected: {}", status)),
Err(e) => return Err(format_err!("Error checking control connection status: {:?}", e)),
match browse_controller.is_connected().await {
Ok(status) => s.push(format!("Is browse connected: {}", status)),
Err(e) => return Err(format_err!("Error checking browse connection status: {:?}", e)),
Ok(s.iter().fold("".to_owned(), |msg, m| format!("{}\n{}", msg, m)))
/// Handle a single raw input command from a user and indicate whether the command should
/// result in continuation or breaking of the read evaluate print loop.
async fn handle_cmd<'a>(
controller: &'a ControllerProxy,
test_controller: &'a ControllerExtProxy,
browse_controller: &'a BrowseControllerProxy,
test_browse_controller: &'a BrowseControllerExtProxy,
line: String,
) -> Result<ReplControl, Error> {
let components: Vec<_> = line.trim().split_whitespace().collect();
if let Some((raw_cmd, args)) = components.split_first() {
let cmd = raw_cmd.parse();
let res = match cmd {
Ok(Cmd::AvcCommand) => send_passthrough(args, &controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::ChangePath) => change_path(args, &browse_controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::GetVirtualFileSystem) => {
get_folder_items_with_attrs(Cmd::GetVirtualFileSystem, args, &browse_controller)
Ok(Cmd::GetMediaAttributes) => get_media(args, &controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::GetMediaPlayerList) => get_media_player_list(args, &browse_controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::GetNowPlaying) => {
get_folder_items_with_attrs(Cmd::GetNowPlaying, args, &browse_controller).await
Ok(Cmd::GetPlayStatus) => get_play_status(args, &controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::GetPlayerApplicationSettings) => {
get_player_application_settings(args, &controller).await
Ok(Cmd::PlayVirtualFileSystem) => {
play_item(Cmd::PlayVirtualFileSystem, args, &browse_controller).await
Ok(Cmd::PlayNowPlaying) => {
play_item(Cmd::PlayNowPlaying, args, &browse_controller).await
Ok(Cmd::SetPlayerApplicationSettings) => {
set_player_application_settings(args, &controller).await
Ok(Cmd::SendRawVendorCommand) => send_raw_vendor(args, &test_controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::SupportedEvents) => get_events_supported(args, &test_controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::SetVolume) => set_volume(args, &controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::SetBrowsedPlayer) => set_browsed_player(args, &browse_controller).await,
Ok(Cmd::IsConnected) => {
is_connected(args, &test_controller, &test_browse_controller).await
Ok(Cmd::Help) => Ok(Cmd::help_msg().to_string()),
Ok(Cmd::Exit) | Ok(Cmd::Quit) => return Ok(ReplControl::Break),
Err(_) => Ok(format!("\"{}\" is not a valid command", raw_cmd)),
if res != "" {
println!("{}", res);
/// Generates a rustyline `Editor` in a separate thread to manage user input. This input is returned
/// as a `Stream` of lines entered by the user.
/// The thread exits and the `Stream` is exhausted when an error occurs on stdin or the user
/// sends a ctrl-c or ctrl-d sequence.
/// Because rustyline shares control over output to the screen with other parts of the system, a
/// `Sink` is passed to the caller to send acknowledgements that a command has been processed and
/// that rustyline should handle the next line of input.
fn cmd_stream() -> (impl Stream<Item = String>, impl Sink<(), Error = SendError>) {
// Editor thread and command processing thread must be synchronized so that output
// is printed in the correct order.
let (mut cmd_sender, cmd_receiver) = channel(512);
let (ack_sender, mut ack_receiver) = channel(512);
let _ = thread::spawn(move || -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut exec = fasync::LocalExecutor::new();
let fut = async {
let config = Config::builder()
let mut rl: Editor<CmdHelper> = Editor::with_config(config);
loop {
let readline = rl.readline(PROMPT);
match readline {
Ok(line) => {
Err(ReadlineError::Eof) | Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => {
return Ok(());
Err(e) => {
println!("Error: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
// wait until processing thread is finished evaluating the last command
// before running the next loop in the repl
if {
return Ok(());
(cmd_receiver, ack_sender)
async fn controller_listener(
controller: &ControllerProxy,
mut stream: ControllerEventStream,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(evt) = stream.try_next().await? {
print!("{}", CLEAR_LINE);
match evt {
ControllerEvent::OnNotification { timestamp, notification } => {
if let Some(value) = notification.pos {
println!("Pos event: {:?} {:?}", timestamp, value);
} else if let Some(value) = notification.status {
println!("Status event: {:?} {:?}", timestamp, value);
} else if let Some(value) = notification.track_id {
println!("Track event: {:?} {:?}", timestamp, value);
} else if let Some(value) = notification.volume {
println!("Volume event: {:?} {:?}", timestamp, value);
} else {
println!("Other event: {:?} {:?}", timestamp, notification);
/// REPL execution
async fn run_repl<'a>(
controller: &'a ControllerProxy,
test_controller: &'a ControllerExtProxy,
browse_controller: &'a BrowseControllerProxy,
test_browse_controller: &'a BrowseControllerExtProxy,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// `cmd_stream` blocks on input in a separate thread and passes commands and acks back to
// the main thread via async channels.
let (mut commands, mut acks) = cmd_stream();
loop {
if let Some(cmd) = {
match handle_cmd(
Ok(ReplControl::Continue) => {}
Ok(ReplControl::Break) => {
Err(e) => {
println!("Error handling command: {}", e);
} else {
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let opt: Options = argh::from_env();
let device_id = opt.device;
// Connect to test controller service first so we fail early if it's not available.
let test_avrcp_svc = connect_to_protocol::<PeerManagerExtMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to Bluetooth Test AVRCP interface")?;
// Create a channel for our Request<TestController> to live
let (t_client, t_server) = create_endpoints::<ControllerExtMarker>();
let _status = test_avrcp_svc.get_controller_for_target(&device_id.into(), t_server).await?;
"Test controller obtained to device \"{device}\" AVRCP remote target service",
device = &device_id,
// Create a channel for our Request<TestBrowseController> to live
let (tb_client, tb_server) = create_endpoints::<BrowseControllerExtMarker>();
let _status =
test_avrcp_svc.get_browse_controller_for_target(&device_id.into(), tb_server).await?;
"Test browse controller obtained to device \"{device}\" AVRCP remote target service",
device = &device_id,
// Connect to avrcp controller service.
let avrcp_svc = connect_to_protocol::<PeerManagerMarker>()
.context("Failed to connect to Bluetooth AVRCP interface")?;
// Create a channel for our Request<Controller> to live
let (c_client, c_server) = create_endpoints::<ControllerMarker>();
let _status = avrcp_svc.get_controller_for_target(&device_id.into(), c_server).await?;
"Controller obtained to device \"{device}\" AVRCP remote target service",
device = &device_id,
// Create a channel for our Request<Controller> to live
let (bc_client, bc_server) = create_endpoints::<BrowseControllerMarker>();
let _status = avrcp_svc.get_browse_controller_for_target(&device_id.into(), bc_server).await?;
"Browse controller obtained to device \"{device}\" AVRCP remote target service",
device = &device_id,
// setup repl
let controller = c_client.into_proxy().expect("error obtaining controller client proxy");
let test_controller =
t_client.into_proxy().expect("error obtaining test controller client proxy");
let browse_controller =
bc_client.into_proxy().expect("error obtaining browse controller client proxy");
let test_browse_controller =
tb_client.into_proxy().expect("error obtaining test browse controller client proxy");
let evt_stream = controller.clone().take_event_stream();
// set controller event filter to ones we support.
let _ = controller.set_notification_filter(
| Notifications::TRACK
| Notifications::TRACK_POS
| Notifications::VOLUME,
let event_fut = controller_listener(&controller, evt_stream).fuse();
let repl_fut =
run_repl(&controller, &test_controller, &browse_controller, &test_browse_controller).fuse();
let mut event_fut = pin!(event_fut);
let mut repl_fut = pin!(repl_fut);
// These futures should only return when something fails.
select! {
result = event_fut => {
"Service connection returned {status:?}", status = result);
_ = repl_fut => {}
mod tests {
use super::*;
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use fidl::endpoints::create_proxy;
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_01() {
assert_eq!(parse_raw_packet(&["0x40", "0xaaaa"]), Ok((0x40, vec![0xaa, 0xaa])));
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_02() {
assert_eq!(parse_raw_packet(&["0x40", "0xaa", "0xaa"]), Ok((0x40, vec![0xaa, 0xaa])));
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_03() {
parse_raw_packet(&["0x40", "0xAa", "0XaA", "0x1234"]),
Ok((0x40, vec![0xaa, 0xaa, 0x12, 0x34]))
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_04() {
parse_raw_packet(&["40", "0xaa", "0xaa", "0x1234"]),
Ok((40, vec![0xaa, 0xaa, 0x12, 0x34]))
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_05() {
parse_raw_packet(&["40", "aa", "aa", "1234"]),
Ok((40, vec![0xaa, 0xaa, 0x12, 0x34]))
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_06() {
assert_eq!(parse_raw_packet(&["40", "aa,aa,1234"]), Ok((40, vec![0xaa, 0xaa, 0x12, 0x34])));
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_07() {
parse_raw_packet(&["40", "0xaa, 0xaa, 0x1234"]),
Ok((40, vec![0xaa, 0xaa, 0x12, 0x34]))
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_08_err_pdu_overflow() {
parse_raw_packet(&["300", "0xaa, 0xaa, 0x1234"]),
Err("invalid pdu_id 300".to_string())
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_09_err_invalid_hex_long() {
parse_raw_packet(&["40", "0xzz, 0xaa, 0x1234"]),
Err("invalid hex string at 0xzz".to_string())
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_10_err_invalid_hex_short() {
parse_raw_packet(&["40", "zz, 0xaa, 0xqqqq"]),
Err("invalid hex string at zz".to_string())
fn test_raw_packet_parsing_11_err_invalid_hex() {
parse_raw_packet(&["40", "ab, 0xaa, 0xqqqq"]),
Err("invalid hex string at 0xqqqq".to_string())
fn test_parse_pas_id_success() {
let ids = vec!["1", "2", "3"];
let result = parse_pas_ids(ids);
let result = result.unwrap();
fn test_parse_pas_id_error() {
let ids = vec!["fake", "id", "1"];
let result = parse_pas_ids(ids);
fn test_parse_pas_id_invalid_id_error() {
let ids = vec!["1", "2", "5"];
let result = parse_pas_ids(ids);
/// Tests a set_volume command with no input args does not result in error.
/// Instead, a help message should be returned.
async fn test_set_volume_no_args() {
let (proxy, _stream) = create_proxy::<ControllerMarker>().expect("Creation should work");
let args = [];
let res = set_volume(&args, &proxy).await;
Ok(m) if m.contains("usage")