blob: 55e69199facc12f8e083f404ea924432729394d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! An interface for interacting with the `fuchsia.bluetooth.bredr.Profile` protocol.
//! This interface provides convenience methods to register service searches and advertisements
//! using the `Profile` protocol and includes a Stream implementation which can be polled to
//! receive Profile API updates.
//! ### Example Usage:
//! // Connect to the `f.b.bredr.Profile` protocol.
//! let profile_svc = fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol::<ProfileMarker>()?;
//! // Create a new `ProfileClient` by registering an advertisement. Register searches.
//! let svc_defs = vec![..];
//! let channel_params = ChannelParameters { .. };
//! let mut profile_client = ProfileClient::advertise(profile_svc, &svc_defs, channel_params)?;
//! profile_client.add_search(..)?;
//! profile_client.add_search(..)?;
//! // Listen for events from the ProfileClient stream implementation.
//! while let Some(event) = {
//! match event {
//! ProfileEvent::PeerConnected { .. } => {} // Do something
//! ProfileEvent::SearchResult { .. } => {} // Do something
//! }
//! }
use fidl::client::QueryResponseFut;
use fidl::endpoints::create_request_stream;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_bredr as bredr;
use fuchsia_bluetooth::types::{Channel, PeerId};
use futures::stream::{FusedStream, Stream, StreamExt};
use futures::task::{Context, Poll, Waker};
use futures::FutureExt;
use std::pin::Pin;
use tracing::trace;
/// Error type used by this library.
mod error;
pub use crate::error::Error;
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
pub enum ProfileEvent {
/// A peer has connected.
PeerConnected { id: PeerId, protocol: Vec<bredr::ProtocolDescriptor>, channel: Channel },
/// A peer matched one of the search results that was started.
SearchResult {
id: PeerId,
protocol: Option<Vec<bredr::ProtocolDescriptor>>,
attributes: Vec<bredr::Attribute>,
impl ProfileEvent {
pub fn peer_id(&self) -> PeerId {
match self {
Self::PeerConnected { id, .. } => *id,
Self::SearchResult { id, .. } => *id,
impl TryFrom<bredr::SearchResultsRequest> for ProfileEvent {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(value: bredr::SearchResultsRequest) -> Result<Self> {
let bredr::SearchResultsRequest::ServiceFound { peer_id, protocol, attributes, responder } =
else {
return Err(Error::search_result(fidl::Error::Invalid));
let id: PeerId = peer_id.into();
trace!(%id, ?protocol, ?attributes, "Profile Search Result");
Ok(ProfileEvent::SearchResult { id, protocol, attributes })
impl TryFrom<bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequest> for ProfileEvent {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(value: bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequest) -> Result<Self> {
let bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequest::Connected { peer_id, channel, protocol, .. } = value
else {
return Err(Error::connection_receiver(fidl::Error::Invalid));
let id = peer_id.into();
let channel = channel.try_into().map_err(Error::connection_receiver)?;
trace!(%id, ?protocol, "Incoming connection");
Ok(ProfileEvent::PeerConnected { id, channel, protocol })
/// Provides an interface to interact with the `fuchsia.bluetooth.bredr.Profile` protocol.
/// Currently, this implementation supports a single advertisement and multiple searches.
/// Search result events can be returned for any of the registered services. In the case of
/// multiple registered searches, consider using the `profile::find_service_class`
/// function in the `fuchsia_bluetooth` crate to identify the Service Class of the returned event.
/// The `ProfileClient` is typically used as a stream of ConnectionReceiver connection requests
/// and SearchResults events. The stream is considered terminated if the advertisement (if set)
/// has terminated, the ConnectionReceiver stream associated with the advertisement has terminated,
/// or if _any_ of the registered searches have terminated.
/// For information about the Profile API, see the [FIDL Docs](//sdk/fidl/fuchsia.bluetooth.bredr/profile.fidl).
pub struct ProfileClient {
/// The proxy that is used to start new searches and advertise.
proxy: bredr::ProfileProxy,
/// The result for the advertisement.
advertisement: Option<QueryResponseFut<bredr::ProfileAdvertiseResult>>,
connection_receiver: Option<bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequestStream>,
/// The registered results from the search streams. Polled in order.
searches: Vec<bredr::SearchResultsRequestStream>,
/// This waker will be woken if a new search is added.
stream_waker: Option<Waker>,
/// True once any of the searches, or the advertisement, have completed.
terminated: bool,
impl ProfileClient {
/// Create a new Profile that doesn't advertise any services.
pub fn new(proxy: bredr::ProfileProxy) -> Self {
Self {
advertisement: None,
connection_receiver: None,
searches: Vec::new(),
stream_waker: None,
terminated: false,
/// Create a new Profile that advertises the services in `services`.
/// Incoming connections will request the `channel mode` provided.
pub fn advertise(
proxy: bredr::ProfileProxy,
services: Vec<bredr::ServiceDefinition>,
channel_params: bredr::ChannelParameters,
) -> Result<Self> {
if services.is_empty() {
return Ok(Self::new(proxy));
let (connect_client, connection_receiver) = create_request_stream()?;
let advertisement = proxy
.advertise(bredr::ProfileAdvertiseRequest {
services: Some(services),
parameters: Some(channel_params),
receiver: Some(connect_client),
Ok(Self {
advertisement: Some(advertisement),
connection_receiver: Some(connection_receiver),
pub fn add_search(
&mut self,
service_uuid: bredr::ServiceClassProfileIdentifier,
attributes: Option<Vec<u16>>,
) -> Result<()> {
if self.terminated {
return Err(Error::AlreadyTerminated);
let (results_client, results_stream) = create_request_stream()?; {
service_uuid: Some(service_uuid),
attr_ids: attributes,
results: Some(results_client),
if let Some(waker) = self.stream_waker.take() {
// TODO( Consider adding a shutdown method to revoke the active
// advertisement.
impl FusedStream for ProfileClient {
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
impl Stream for ProfileClient {
type Item = Result<ProfileEvent>;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
if self.terminated {
panic!("Profile polled after terminated");
if let Some(advertisement) = self.advertisement.as_mut() {
if let Poll::Ready(_result) = advertisement.poll_unpin(cx) {
// TODO( Consider returning to the client of the
// library. Not required by any profiles right now.
self.advertisement = None;
if let Some(receiver) = self.connection_receiver.as_mut() {
if let Poll::Ready(item) = receiver.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
match item {
Some(Ok(request)) => return Poll::Ready(Some(request.try_into())),
Some(Err(e)) => return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(Error::connection_receiver(e)))),
None => {
self.terminated = true;
return Poll::Ready(None);
for search in &mut self.searches {
if let Poll::Ready(item) = search.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
match item {
Some(Ok(request)) => return Poll::Ready(Some(request.try_into())),
Some(Err(e)) => return Poll::Ready(Some(Err(Error::search_result(e)))),
None => {
self.terminated = true;
return Poll::Ready(None);
// Return pending, store the waker to wake if a new poll target is added.
self.stream_waker = Some(cx.waker().clone());
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_bluetooth::types::Uuid;
use futures::Future;
use futures_test::task::new_count_waker;
use std::pin::pin;
fn make_profile_service_definition(service_uuid: Uuid) -> bredr::ServiceDefinition {
bredr::ServiceDefinition {
service_class_uuids: Some(vec![service_uuid.into()]),
protocol_descriptor_list: Some(vec![
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: Some(bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::L2Cap),
params: Some(vec![bredr::DataElement::Uint16(bredr::PSM_AVDTP)]),
bredr::ProtocolDescriptor {
protocol: Some(bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::Avdtp),
params: Some(vec![bredr::DataElement::Uint16(0x0103)]), // Indicate v1.3
profile_descriptors: Some(vec![bredr::ProfileDescriptor {
profile_id: Some(bredr::ServiceClassProfileIdentifier::AdvancedAudioDistribution),
major_version: Some(1),
minor_version: Some(2),
fn service_advertisement_result_is_no_op() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (proxy, mut profile_stream) = create_proxy_and_stream::<bredr::ProfileMarker>()
.expect("Profile proxy should be created");
let source_uuid =
let defs = vec![make_profile_service_definition(source_uuid)];
let channel_params = bredr::ChannelParameters {
channel_mode: Some(bredr::ChannelMode::Basic),
let mut profile = ProfileClient::advertise(proxy, defs.clone(), channel_params.clone())
.expect("Advertise succeeds");
let (_connect_proxy, adv_responder) = expect_advertisement_registration(
&mut exec,
&mut profile_stream,
let event_fut =;
let mut event_fut = pin!(event_fut);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut event_fut).is_pending());
// The lifetime of the advertisement is not tied to the `Advertise` response. The
// `ProfileClient` stream should still be active.
.expect("able to respond");
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut event_fut) {
Poll::Pending => {}
x => panic!("Expected pending but got {x:?}"),
fn connection_request_relayed_to_stream() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (proxy, mut profile_stream) = create_proxy_and_stream::<bredr::ProfileMarker>()
.expect("Profile proxy should be created");
let source_uuid =
let defs = vec![make_profile_service_definition(source_uuid)];
let channel_params = bredr::ChannelParameters {
channel_mode: Some(bredr::ChannelMode::Basic),
let mut profile = ProfileClient::advertise(proxy, defs.clone(), channel_params.clone())
.expect("Advertise succeeds");
let (connect_proxy, _adv_responder) = expect_advertisement_registration(
&mut exec,
&mut profile_stream,
let remote_peer = PeerId(12343);
let event_fut =;
let mut event_fut = pin!(event_fut);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut event_fut).is_pending());
let (_local, remote) = Channel::create();
.connected(&remote_peer.into(), bredr::Channel::try_from(remote).unwrap(), &[])
.expect("connection should work");
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut event_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(ProfileEvent::PeerConnected { id, .. }))) => {
assert_eq!(id, remote_peer);
x => panic!("Expected an error from the advertisement, got {:?}", x),
// Stream should error and terminate when the advertisement is disconnected.
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(None) => {}
x => panic!("Expected profile to end on advertisement drop, got {:?}", x),
fn expect_advertisement_registration(
exec: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
profile_stream: &mut bredr::ProfileRequestStream,
expected_defs: Vec<bredr::ServiceDefinition>,
expected_params: Option<bredr::ChannelParameters>,
) -> (bredr::ConnectionReceiverProxy, bredr::ProfileAdvertiseResponder) {
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise { payload, responder }))) => {
assert_eq!(, expected_defs);
assert_eq!(payload.parameters, expected_params);
payload.receiver.unwrap().into_proxy().expect("proxy for connection receiver"),
x => panic!("Expected ready advertisement request, got {:?}", x),
fn expect_search_registration(
exec: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
profile_stream: &mut bredr::ProfileRequestStream,
search_uuid: bredr::ServiceClassProfileIdentifier,
search_attrs: &[u16],
) -> bredr::SearchResultsProxy {
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Search { payload, .. }))) => {
let bredr::ProfileSearchRequest {
service_uuid: Some(service_uuid),
results: Some(results),
} = payload
else {
panic!("invalid parameters");
let attr_ids = attr_ids.unwrap_or_default();
assert_eq!(&attr_ids[..], search_attrs);
assert_eq!(service_uuid, search_uuid);
results.into_proxy().expect("proxy from client end")
x => panic!("Expected ready request for a search, got: {:?}", x),
fn responds_to_search_results() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (proxy, mut profile_stream) = create_proxy_and_stream::<bredr::ProfileMarker>()
.expect("Profile proxy should be created");
let mut profile = ProfileClient::new(proxy);
let search_attrs = vec![bredr::ATTR_BLUETOOTH_PROFILE_DESCRIPTOR_LIST];
let source_uuid = bredr::ServiceClassProfileIdentifier::AudioSource;
.add_search(source_uuid, Some(search_attrs.clone()))
.expect("adding search succeeds");
let sink_uuid = bredr::ServiceClassProfileIdentifier::AudioSink;
profile.add_search(sink_uuid, Some(search_attrs.clone())).expect("adding search succeeds");
// Get the search clients out
let source_results_proxy = expect_search_registration(
&mut exec,
&mut profile_stream,
let sink_results_proxy = expect_search_registration(
&mut exec,
&mut profile_stream,
// Send a search request, process the request (by polling event stream) and confirm it responds.
// Report a search result, which should be replied to.
let attributes = &[];
let found_peer_id = PeerId(1);
let results_fut =
source_results_proxy.service_found(&found_peer_id.into(), None, attributes);
let mut results_fut = pin!(results_fut);
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(ProfileEvent::SearchResult { id, .. }))) => {
assert_eq!(found_peer_id, id);
x => panic!("Expected search result to be ready: {:?}", x),
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut results_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
x => panic!("Expected a response from the source result, got {:?}", x),
let results_fut = sink_results_proxy.service_found(&found_peer_id.into(), None, attributes);
let mut results_fut = pin!(results_fut);
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(ProfileEvent::SearchResult { id, .. }))) => {
assert_eq!(found_peer_id, id);
x => panic!("Expected search result to be ready: {:?}", x),
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut results_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
x => panic!("Expected a response from the sink result, got {:?}", x),
// Stream should error and terminate when one of the result streams is disconnected.
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(None) => {}
x => panic!("Expected profile to end on search result drop, got {:?}", x),
// Adding a search after termination should fail.
assert!(profile.add_search(sink_uuid, None).is_err());
fn waker_gets_awoken_when_search_added() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (proxy, mut profile_stream) = create_proxy_and_stream::<bredr::ProfileMarker>()
.expect("Profile proxy should be created");
let mut profile = ProfileClient::new(proxy);
// Polling the ProfileClient stream before any poll targets have been added should save
// a waker to be awoken when a new search is added.
let profile_fut =;
let (waker, profile_fut_wake_count) = new_count_waker();
let mut counting_ctx = Context::from_waker(&waker);
let profile_fut = pin!(profile_fut);
assert!(profile_fut.poll(&mut counting_ctx).is_pending());
// Since there are no poll targets, save the initial count. We expect this count
// to change when a new poll target is added.
let initial_count = profile_fut_wake_count.get();
// Adding a search should be OK. We expect to get the search request and the
// waker should be awoken.
let source_uuid = bredr::ServiceClassProfileIdentifier::AudioSource;
profile.add_search(source_uuid, None).expect("adding search succeeds");
let search_proxy =
expect_search_registration(&mut exec, &mut profile_stream, source_uuid, &[]);
// Since we've added a search, we expect the wake count to increase by one.
let after_search_count = profile_fut_wake_count.get();
assert_eq!(after_search_count, initial_count + 1);
// Reporting a search result should work as intended. The stream should produce an event.
let attributes = &[];
let found_peer_id = PeerId(123);
let results_fut = search_proxy.service_found(&found_peer_id.into(), None, attributes);
let mut results_fut = pin!(results_fut);
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(ProfileEvent::SearchResult { id, .. }))) => {
assert_eq!(found_peer_id, id);
x => panic!("Expected search result to be ready: {:?}", x),
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut results_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(())) => {}
x => panic!("Expected a response from the source result, got {:?}", x),