blob: cd1155c7cc64f6dc376c44ddcd32b34075c58cff [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a `prebuilt_package_with_flavors` target, which allows choosing a
# specific flavor of the target to use in the build.
# Parameters
# available_flavors (required)
# Must be set if and only if `default_flavor` is set.
# A `"custom"` flavor corresponding to `custom_package_path` is appended.
# See `flavors` in the `prebuilt_package_with_flavors()` documentation.
# default_flavor (required; string)
# The name of the default flavor in available_flavors to use if not overridden.
# Must be set if and only if `flavors` is set.
# See `default` in the `prebuilt_package_with_flavors()` documentation.
# custom_package_path (required)
# [path]: The path to the package inside a custom chromium build output directory.
# repository (required; string)
# The repository host name part of the package URL.
# See
# for more details.
# selections (optional; list)
# Flavor choice. This allows flavor to be changed based on other build args. See
# //build/packages/prebuilt_package_with_flavors.gni
# deps (optional)
# testonly (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# Usual GN meanings.
template("generate_package_flavors") {
"The available flavors must be specified")
"The default flavor must be specified")
"A custom package path must be specified")
assert(defined(invoker.repository), "The Repository must be specified")
"Custom package names are not supported")
_base_target_name = target_name
prebuilt_package_with_flavors("${target_name}_pkg") {
if (!defined(visibility)) {
visibility = []
visibility += [ ":${invoker.target_name}" ]
# Override the default behavior, which would include "_pkg".
package_name = _base_target_name
default = invoker.default_flavor
flavors = invoker.available_flavors
flavors += [
name = "custom"
archive = "${invoker.chromium_build_dir}${invoker.custom_package_path}"
# Custom builds are never production-safe.
production_safe = false
# Generates a prebuilt_package_with_flavors target for packages related to the
# fuchsia.web` FIDL Protocol.
# Parameters
# prebuilt_archive_base_path (required)
# [path]: Base path for the prebuilt archive.
# See the `generate_package_flavors` template for documentation of other
# parameters.
template("generate_fuchsia_web_package_flavors") {
"A prebuilt archive base path must be specified")
generate_package_flavors("${target_name}") {
default_flavor = "canary"
available_flavors = [
name = "canary"
archive = "${invoker.prebuilt_archive_base_path}/arch/$target_cpu/${target_name}.far"
# TODO( Add support for overriding this.
production_safe = false
# Always use the custom build when the GN arg is specified.
if (chromium_build_dir != "") {
print("Using ${target_name} prebuilts from ", chromium_build_dir)
selections = [
name = target_name
flavor = "custom"