blob: 1349a8b629ec09ae3c6785bad971172e326317c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/component/config/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/component/decl/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/component/test/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/io/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/mem/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fdio/namespace.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/outgoing_directory.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/service_directory.h>
#include <zircon/availability.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
// This file contains structs used by the RealmBuilder library to create realms.
namespace component_testing {
class LocalComponentImpl;
namespace internal {
class LocalComponentInstance;
class LocalComponentRunner;
} // namespace internal
using DependencyType = fuchsia::component::decl::DependencyType;
// A protocol capability. The name refers to the name of the FIDL protocol,
// e.g. `fuchsia.logger.LogSink`.
// See:
struct Protocol final {
std::string_view name;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> as = cpp17::nullopt;
cpp17::optional<DependencyType> type = cpp17::nullopt;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> path = cpp17::nullopt;
// A service capability. The name refers to the name of the FIDL service,
// e.g. `fuchsia.examples.EchoService`.
// See:
struct Service final {
std::string_view name;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> as = cpp17::nullopt;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> path = cpp17::nullopt;
// A directory capability.
// See:
struct Directory final {
std::string_view name;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> as = cpp17::nullopt;
cpp17::optional<DependencyType> type = cpp17::nullopt;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> subdir = cpp17::nullopt;
cpp17::optional<fuchsia::io::Operations> rights = cpp17::nullopt;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> path = cpp17::nullopt;
// A storage capability.
// See:
struct Storage final {
std::string_view name;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> as = cpp17::nullopt;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> path = cpp17::nullopt;
// Routing information for a configuration capability.
struct Config final {
std::string_view name;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> as = cpp17::nullopt;
// Routing information for a dictionary capability.
struct Dictionary final {
std::string_view name;
cpp17::optional<std::string_view> as = cpp17::nullopt;
// A capability to be routed from one component to another.
// See:
using Capability = cpp17::variant<Protocol, Service, Directory, Storage, Config, Dictionary>;
// [START mock_handles_cpp]
// Handles provided to mock component.
class LocalComponentHandles final {
LocalComponentHandles(fdio_ns_t* ns, sys::OutgoingDirectory outgoing_dir);
LocalComponentHandles(LocalComponentHandles&&) noexcept;
LocalComponentHandles& operator=(LocalComponentHandles&&) noexcept;
LocalComponentHandles(LocalComponentHandles&) = delete;
LocalComponentHandles& operator=(LocalComponentHandles&) = delete;
// Returns the namespace provided to the mock component. The returned pointer
// will be invalid once *this is destroyed.
fdio_ns_t* ns();
// Returns a wrapper around the component's outgoing directory. The mock
// component may publish capabilities using the returned object. The returned
// pointer will be invalid once *this is destroyed.
sys::OutgoingDirectory* outgoing();
// Convenience method to construct a ServiceDirectory by opening a handle to
// "/svc" in the namespace object returned by `ns()`.
sys::ServiceDirectory svc();
friend LocalComponentImpl;
friend internal::LocalComponentInstance;
friend internal::LocalComponentRunner;
// Called by LocalComponentImpl::Exit().
void Exit(zx_status_t return_code = ZX_OK);
fit::function<void(zx_status_t)> on_exit_;
fdio_ns_t* namespace_;
sys::OutgoingDirectory outgoing_dir_;
// [END mock_handles_cpp]
// [START mock_interface_cpp]
// The interface for backing implementations of components with a Source of Mock.
class LocalComponentImpl {
virtual ~LocalComponentImpl();
// Invoked when the Component Manager issues a Start request to the component.
// |mock_handles| contains the outgoing directory and namespace of
// the component.
virtual void OnStart() = 0;
// The LocalComponentImpl derived class may override this method to be informed if
// ComponentController::Stop() was called on the controller associated with
// the component instance. The ComponentController binding will be dropped
// automatically, immediately after LocalComponentImpl::OnStop() returns.
virtual void OnStop() {}
// The component can call this method to terminate its instance. This will
// release the handles, and drop the |ComponentController|, informing
// component manager that the component has stopped. Calling |Exit()| will
// also cause the Realm to drop the |LocalComponentImpl|, which should
// destruct the component, and the handles and bindings held by the component.
// Therefore the |LocalComponentImpl| should not do anything else after
// calling |Exit()|.
// This method is not valid until |OnStart()| is invoked.
void Exit(zx_status_t return_code = ZX_OK);
// Returns the namespace provided to the mock component.
// This method is not valid until |OnStart()| is invoked.
fdio_ns_t* ns();
// Returns a wrapper around the component's outgoing directory. The mock
// component may publish capabilities using the returned object.
// This method is not valid until |OnStart()| is invoked.
sys::OutgoingDirectory* outgoing();
// Convenience method to construct a ServiceDirectory by opening a handle to
// "/svc" in the namespace object returned by `ns()`.
// This method is not valid until |OnStart()| is invoked.
sys::ServiceDirectory svc();
friend internal::LocalComponentRunner;
// The |LocalComponentHandles| are set by the |LocalComponentRunner| after
// construction by the factory, and before calling |OnStart()|
std::unique_ptr<LocalComponentHandles> handles_;
// [END mock_interface_cpp]
// The use of this class is DEPRECATED.
// The interface for backing implementations of components with a Source of Mock
// when added by deprecated method AddLocalChild(..., LocalComponent*, ...).
// TODO( Remove class when build support for API level 16 is removed.
class LocalComponent {
virtual ~LocalComponent();
// Invoked when the Component Manager issues a Start request to the component.
// |mock_handles| contains the outgoing directory and namespace of
// the component.
virtual void Start(std::unique_ptr<LocalComponentHandles> mock_handles) = 0;
} ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(1, 9, 17, "Use LocalComponentFactory instead.");
// Type for a function that returns a new |LocalComponentImpl| when component
// manager requests a new component instance.
// See |Realm.AddLocalChild| for more details.
using LocalComponentFactory = fit::function<std::unique_ptr<LocalComponentImpl>()>;
// Type for either variation of implementation passed to AddLocalChild(): the
// deprecated raw pointer, or one of the valid callback functions.
#if __Fuchsia_API_level__ < 17
// TODO( Remove variant when build support for API level 16 is removed.
// Ignore warnings caused by the use of the deprecated `LocalComponent` type as it is part of the
// implementation that supports the deprecated type.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
using LocalComponentKind = cpp17::variant<LocalComponent*, LocalComponentFactory>;
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
using LocalComponentKind = cpp17::variant<LocalComponentFactory>;
using StartupMode = fuchsia::component::decl::StartupMode;
struct ChildOptions {
// Flag used to determine if component should be started eagerly or not.
// If started eagerly, then it will start as soon as it's resolved.
// Otherwise, the component will start once another component requests
// a capability that it offers.
StartupMode startup_mode = StartupMode::LAZY;
// The environment for the child to run in. The environment specified
// by this field must already exist by the time this is set.
// Otherwise, calls to AddChild will panic. The referenced string must outlive
// this object.
std::string_view environment;
#if __Fuchsia_API_level__ >= 13
// Structured Configuration overrides to be applied to the child.
// Only keys declared by the child component as overridable by parent may
// be provided.
using ConfigOverride = fuchsia::component::decl::ConfigOverride;
std::vector<ConfigOverride> config_overrides;
struct SelfRef {};
// If this is used for the root Realm, then this endpoint refers to the test
// component itself. This used to route capabilities to/from the test component.
// If this ise used in a sub Realm, then `Parent` will refer to its parent Realm.
struct ParentRef {};
struct ChildRef {
std::string_view name;
struct CollectionRef {
std::string_view name;
// Only valid as the source of a route; routes the capabilities from the framework.
struct FrameworkRef {};
// Only valid as the source of a route; routes the capabilities with a source of
// "void".
struct VoidRef {};
using Ref = cpp17::variant<ParentRef, ChildRef, CollectionRef, FrameworkRef, VoidRef, SelfRef>;
struct Route {
std::vector<Capability> capabilities;
Ref source;
std::vector<Ref> targets;
// A type that specifies the content of a binary file for
// |Realm.RouteReadOnlyDirectory|.
struct BinaryContents {
// Pointer to bytes of content.
const void* buffer;
// Size of content. Only bytes up to this size will be stored.
size_t size;
// Offset (optional) to start writing content from |buffer|.
size_t offset = 0;
// An in-memory directory passed to |Realm.RouteReadOnlyDirectory| to
// create directories with files at runtime.
// This is useful if a test needs to configure the content of a Directory
// capability provided to a component under test in a Realm.
class DirectoryContents {
DirectoryContents() = default;
// Add a file to this directory with |contents| at destination |path|.
// Paths can include slashes, e.g. "foo/bar.txt". However, neither a leading
// nor a trailing slash must be supplied.
DirectoryContents& AddFile(std::string_view path, BinaryContents contents);
// Same as above but allows for a string type for the contents.
DirectoryContents& AddFile(std::string_view path, std::string_view contents);
// Friend class needed in order to invoke |TakeAsFidl|.
friend class Realm;
// Take this object and convert it to its FIDL counterpart. Invoking this method
// resets this object, erasing all previously-added file entries.
fuchsia::component::test::DirectoryContents TakeAsFidl();
fuchsia::component::test::DirectoryContents contents_;
// Defines a structured configuration value. Used to replace configuration values of existing
// fields of a component.
// # Example
// ```
// realm_builder.SetConfigValue(echo_server, "echo_string", ConfigValue::String("Hi!"));
// ```
class ConfigValue {
ConfigValue() = delete;
// Implicit type conversion is allowed here to transparently wrap unambiguous types.
// NOLINTBEGIN(google-explicit-constructor)
ConfigValue(const char* value);
ConfigValue(std::string value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<bool> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<uint8_t> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<uint16_t> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<uint32_t> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<uint64_t> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<int8_t> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<int16_t> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<int32_t> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<int64_t> value);
ConfigValue(std::vector<std::string> value);
// NOLINTEND(google-explicit-constructor)
ConfigValue(ConfigValue&&) noexcept;
ConfigValue& operator=(ConfigValue&&) noexcept;
ConfigValue(const ConfigValue&) = delete;
ConfigValue& operator=(const ConfigValue&) = delete;
static ConfigValue Bool(bool value);
static ConfigValue Uint8(uint8_t value);
static ConfigValue Uint16(uint16_t value);
static ConfigValue Uint32(uint32_t value);
static ConfigValue Uint64(uint64_t value);
static ConfigValue Int8(int8_t value);
static ConfigValue Int16(int16_t value);
static ConfigValue Int32(int32_t value);
static ConfigValue Int64(int64_t value);
// Friend class needed in order to invoke |TakeAsFidl|.
friend class Realm;
#if __Fuchsia_API_level__ < 13
fuchsia::component::config::ValueSpec TakeAsFidl();
explicit ConfigValue(fuchsia::component::config::ValueSpec spec);
fuchsia::component::config::ValueSpec spec;
#elif __Fuchsia_API_level__ >= 13
fuchsia::component::decl::ConfigValueSpec TakeAsFidl();
explicit ConfigValue(fuchsia::component::decl::ConfigValueSpec spec);
fuchsia::component::decl::ConfigValueSpec spec;
// Defines a configuration capability.
struct ConfigCapability {
std::string name;
ConfigValue value;
} // namespace component_testing