blob: b6f88b374514e99eb988d3dad3e09b49b898c74f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef LIB_SVC_DIR_H_
#define LIB_SVC_DIR_H_
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <zircon/availability.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
typedef void(svc_connector_t)(void* context, const char* service_name, zx_handle_t service_request)
typedef struct svc_dir svc_dir_t ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(1);
// During Fuchsia API level 10, this library went through an API overhaul. It was simplified,
// removing redundancy and using clearer function and parameter names. Since there was only one
// client of this library, the C++ library |component::OutgoingDirectory|, it was safe to break the
// API of this library in the latest API level at the time (level 10). Accordingly, there's a split
// between the legacy API which is supported in API levels < 10 and the overhaul which was
// introduced in API level 10. Users should use the new API, as the older API will be deleted once
// Fuchsia API level 9 is no longer supported.
// Create an outgoing directory object in which service and directory nodes can be installed.
// This currently cannot fail, and returns ZX_OK.
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_directory_create(svc_dir_t** result) ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(10);
// Serve |dir| on the provided |request| handle. This function should
// only be called once and should be done after the directory has been populated.
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_directory_serve(svc_dir_t* dir, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
zx_handle_t request) ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(10);
// Adds a service named |name| to the given |dir| in the provided
// |path|.
// |path| should be a directory path delimited by "/". No leading nor trailing
// slash is allowed. If one is encountered, this function will return an
// error. If the path is empty or NULL, then the service will be installed
// under the root of |dir|.
// When a client requests the service, |handler| will be called on the async_t
// passed to |svc_dir_create|. The |context| will be passed to |handler| as its
// first argument.
// This may fail in the following ways:
// If an entry with the given |name| already exists, this returns ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS.
// If |name| is invalid, then ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS is returned.
// If |path| is malformed, then ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS is returned.
// Otherwise, this returns ZX_OK.
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_directory_add_service(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* path, size_t path_size,
const char* name, size_t name_size, void* context,
svc_connector_t handler) ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(10);
// Add a subdirectory named |name| to the given |dir| in the provided |path|.
// |subdir| should be a handle to a client end for a ||
// connection. When |dir| receives requests for |name|, it will forwards all
// requests to this handle.
// |path| should be a directory path delimited by "/". No leading nor trailing
// slash is allowed. If one is encountered, this function will return an
// error. If the path is empty or NULL, then the service will be installed
// under the root of |dir|.
// This may fail in the following ways:
// If |dir| or |name| is NULL, or |subdir| is an invalid handle, then ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS is
// returned. If an entry already exists under |name|, then ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS is returned.
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_directory_add_directory(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* path, size_t path_size,
const char* name, size_t name_size,
zx_handle_t subdir) ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(10);
// Remove the entry named |name| from the provided |path| under
// the given |dir|.
// This may fail in the following ways:
// If the entry does not exist, then ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND is returned.
// If |path| is malformed, or if either |path| or |name| is NULL, then ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS is
// returned.
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_directory_remove_entry(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* path, size_t path_size,
const char* name, size_t name_size)
// Destroy the provided directory. This currently cannot fail, and
// returns ZX_OK.
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_directory_destroy(svc_dir_t* dir) ZX_AVAILABLE_SINCE(10);
// All the functions listed below are deprecated as of Fuchsia API level 10. They should not be used
// by new clients.
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_create(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, zx_handle_t directory_request,
svc_dir_t** out_result)
/*added=*/1, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_create|. The new function does not serve the directory automatically. Instead use |svc_directory_serve| afterwards.");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_create_without_serve(svc_dir_t** result)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/7, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10, "Use |svc_directory_create|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_destroy(svc_dir_t* dir)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/1, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10, "Use |svc_directory_destroy|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_serve(svc_dir_t* dir, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
zx_handle_t request)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/7, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10, "Use |svc_directory_serve|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_add_service(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* type, const char* service_name,
void* context, svc_connector_t* handler)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/1, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_add_service|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_add_service_by_path(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* path,
const char* service_name, void* context,
svc_connector_t* handler)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/7, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_add_service|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_add_directory(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* name, zx_handle_t subdir)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/7, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_add_directory|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_add_directory_by_path(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* path,
const char* name, zx_handle_t subdir)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/9, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_add_directory|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_remove_service(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* type,
const char* service_name)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/1, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_remove_entry|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_remove_service_by_path(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* path,
const char* service_name)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/7, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_remove_entry|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_remove_directory(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* name)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/7, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_remove_entry|");
__EXPORT zx_status_t svc_dir_remove_entry_by_path(svc_dir_t* dir, const char* path,
const char* name)
ZX_REMOVED_SINCE(/*added=*/9, /*deprecated=*/10, /*removed=*/10,
"Use |svc_directory_remove_entry|");
#endif // LIB_SVC_DIR_H_