blob: 48955fa96b925b3a8088c73460ae5dd0f56e067d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/elfldltl/dynamic.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/fd.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/link.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/load.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/relocation.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/relro.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/resolve.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/self.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/soname.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/static-vector.h>
#include <lib/ld/decoded-module-in-memory.h>
#include <lib/ld/load-module.h>
#include <lib/ld/load.h>
#include <lib/ld/tls.h>
#include <lib/ld/tlsdesc.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include "allocator.h"
#include "bootstrap.h"
#include "mutable-abi.h"
#include "startup-diagnostics.h"
namespace ld {
// The startup dynamic linker always uses the default ELF layout.
using Elf = elfldltl::Elf<>;
using size_type = Elf::size_type;
using Addr = Elf::Addr;
using Addend = Elf::Addend;
using Ehdr = Elf::Ehdr;
using Phdr = Elf::Phdr;
using Sym = Elf::Sym;
using Dyn = Elf::Dyn;
using TlsDescGot = Elf::TlsDescGot;
// StartupLoadModule::Load returns this.
struct StartupLoadResult {
// This is the number of DT_NEEDED entries seen. Their strings can't be
// decoded without a second elfldltl::DecodeDynamic scan since the first one
// has to find DT_STRTAB and it might not be first. But the first scan
// counts how many entries there are, so the second scan can be
// short-circuited rather than always doing a full O(n) scan of all entries.
size_t needed_count = 0;
// These are only of interest for the main executable.
uintptr_t entry = 0; // Runtime entry point address.
std::optional<size_t> stack_size; // Requested initial stack size.
class TlsDescResolver {
// Handle an undefined weak TLSDESC reference. There are special runtime
// resolvers for this case: one for zero addend, and one for nonzero addend.
TlsDescGot operator()(Addend addend) const {
if (addend == 0) {
return {.function = kRuntimeUndefinedWeak};
return {
.function = kRuntimeUndefinedWeakAddend,
.value = cpp20::bit_cast<size_type>(addend),
// Handle a TLSDESC reference to a defined symbol. The runtime resolver just
// loads the static TLS offset from the value slot. When the relocation is
// applied the addend will be added to the value computed here from the
// symbol's value and module's PT_TLS offset.
template <class Definition>
fit::result<bool, TlsDescGot> operator()(Diagnostics& diag, const Definition& defn) const {
return fit::ok(TlsDescGot{
.function = kRuntimeStatic,
.value = defn.symbol().value + defn.static_tls_bias(),
static inline const Addr kRuntimeStatic{
static inline const Addr kRuntimeUndefinedWeak{
static inline const Addr kRuntimeUndefinedWeakAddend{
inline constexpr TlsDescResolver kTlsDescResolver{};
// StartupLoadModule is the LoadModule type used in the startup dynamic linker.
// Its LoadInfo uses fixed storage bounded by kMaxSegments. The Module is
// allocated separately using the initial-exec allocator.
using StartupLoadModuleBase = LoadModule<DecodedModuleInMemory<>>;
template <class Loader>
struct StartupLoadModule : public StartupLoadModuleBase,
fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<StartupLoadModule<Loader>*> {
using List = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<StartupLoadModule*>;
using PreloadedModulesList = std::pair<List, cpp20::span<const Dyn>>;
using NeededCountObserver = elfldltl::DynamicTagCountObserver<Elf, elfldltl::ElfDynTag::kNeeded>;
StartupLoadModule() = delete;
StartupLoadModule(StartupLoadModule&&) = default;
template <typename... LoaderArgs>
explicit StartupLoadModule(const elfldltl::Soname<>& name, LoaderArgs&&... loader_args)
: StartupLoadModuleBase{name}, loader_{std::forward<LoaderArgs>(loader_args)...} {}
// This uses the given scratch allocator to create a new module object.
template <class Allocator, typename... LoaderArgs>
static StartupLoadModule* New(Diagnostics& diag, Allocator& allocator,
const elfldltl::Soname<>& name, LoaderArgs&&... loader_args) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
StartupLoadModule* module =
new (allocator, ac) StartupLoadModule{name, std::forward<LoaderArgs>(loader_args)...};
CheckAlloc(diag, ac, "temporary module data structure");
return module;
// Read the file and use Loader::Load on it. If at least partially
// successful, this uses the given initial-exec allocator to set up the
// passive ABI module in this->module(). The allocator only guarantees two
// mutable allocations at a time, so the caller must then promptly splice it
// into the link_map list before the next Load call allocates the next one.
template <class Allocator, class File>
[[nodiscard]] StartupLoadResult Load(Diagnostics& diag, Allocator& allocator, File&& file,
uint32_t symbolizer_modid, size_type& max_tls_modid) {
// Diagnostics sent to diag during loading will be prefixed with the module
// name, unless the name is empty as it is for the main executable.
ScopedModuleDiagnostics module_diag(diag, this->name().str());
// Allocate the Module object first.
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
this->NewModule(symbolizer_modid, allocator, ac);
CheckAlloc(diag, ac, "passive ABI module");
// All modules allocated by StartupModule are part of the initial exec set
// and their symbols are inherently visible.
decoded().module().symbols_visible = true;
// Read the file header and program headers into stack buffers and map in
// the image. This fills in load_info() as well as the module vaddr bounds
// and phdrs fields. Note that module().phdrs might remain empty if the
// phdrs aren't in the load image, so DecodeFromMemory will keep using the
// stack copy read from the file instead.
auto headers = decoded().LoadFromFile(diag, loader_, std::forward<File>(file));
if (!headers) [[unlikely]] {
return {};
// Now that there is a Memory object to use, decode everything else.
StartupLoadResult result;
if (auto decode_result = decoded().DecodeFromMemory( //
diag, memory(), loader_.page_size(), *headers, max_tls_modid,
NeededCountObserver(result.needed_count))) [[likely]] {
// Save the span of Dyn entries for LoadDeps to scan later. With that,
// everything is now prepared to proceed with loading dependencies and
// performing relocation.
dynamic_ = decode_result->dynamic;
// The caller may also want these fields for a main executable.
result.entry = decode_result->entry + loader_.load_bias();
result.stack_size = decode_result->stack_size;
return result;
// If a module is constructed manually rather than by Load, this points it at
// its PT_DYNAMIC segment in memory.
void set_dynamic(cpp20::span<const Dyn> dynamic) { dynamic_ = dynamic; }
void Relocate(Diagnostics& diag, const List& modules) {
elfldltl::RelocateRelative(diag, memory(), reloc_info(), load_bias());
auto resolver = elfldltl::MakeSymbolResolver(*this, modules, diag, kTlsDescResolver);
elfldltl::RelocateSymbolic(memory(), diag, reloc_info(), symbol_info(), load_bias(), resolver);
// Since later failures will be fatal anyway, we can go ahead and commit the
// mappings so the Loader destructor won't unmap the module. Transferring
// ownership of the mappings and ending the lifetime of the Loader object is
// part of preparing to apply RELRO protections. But we have no need to hold
// onto the Loader::Relro capability any longer.
void CommitAndProtectRelro(Diagnostics& diag) {
std::ignore = decoded().CommitLoader(std::move(loader_)).Commit(diag);
List MakeList() {
List list;
return list;
// This is only valid until CommitAndProtectRelro() is called.
auto& memory() { return loader_.memory(); }
template <typename ScratchAllocator, typename InitialExecAllocator, typename GetDepFile,
typename... LoaderArgs>
static void LinkModules(Diagnostics& diag, ScratchAllocator& scratch,
InitialExecAllocator& initial_exec, StartupLoadModule* main_executable,
GetDepFile&& get_dep_file,
std::initializer_list<BootstrapModule> preloaded_module_list,
size_t executable_needed_count, LoaderArgs&&... loader_args) {
main_executable->decoded().module().symbols_visible = true;
// The main executable implicitly can use static TLS and doesn't have to
// have DF_STATIC_TLS set at link time.
main_executable->module().symbols.flags() | elfldltl::ElfDynFlags::kStaticTls);
List modules = main_executable->MakeList();
List preloaded_modules =
MakePreloadedList(diag, scratch, preloaded_module_list, loader_args...);
// This will be incremented by each Load() of a module that has a PT_TLS.
size_type max_tls_modid = main_executable->tls_module_id();
LoadDeps(diag, scratch, initial_exec, modules, preloaded_modules, executable_needed_count,
std::forward<GetDepFile>(get_dep_file), max_tls_modid, loader_args...);
// This assigns static TLS offsets, so it must happen before relocation.
PopulateAbiTls(diag, initial_exec, modules, max_tls_modid);
RelocateModules(diag, modules);
PopulateAbiLoadedModules(modules, std::move(preloaded_modules));
CommitModules(diag, std::move(modules));
void Preload(Diagnostics& diag, Module& module, cpp20::span<const Dyn> dynamic) {
dynamic_ = dynamic;
// Scan the phdrs to populate the LoadInfo just so it can be used for
// things like symbolizer markup.
elfldltl::DecodePhdrs(diag, module.phdrs.get(),
bool IsLoaded() const { return decoded().HasModule(); }
template <typename Allocator, typename... LoaderArgs>
static List MakePreloadedList(Diagnostics& diag, Allocator& allocator,
std::initializer_list<BootstrapModule> modules,
LoaderArgs&&... loader_args) {
List preloaded_modules;
for (const auto& [module, dyn] : modules) {
StartupLoadModule* m = New(diag, allocator, module.soname, loader_args...);
m->Preload(diag, module, dyn);
return preloaded_modules;
void AddToPassiveAbi(typename List::iterator it, bool symbols_visible) {
decoded().module().symbols_visible = symbols_visible;
auto& ins_link_map = it->decoded().module().link_map;
auto& this_link_map = decoded().module().link_map; = &this_link_map;
this_link_map.prev = &ins_link_map;
// If `soname` is found in `preloaded_modules` it will be removed from that
// list and pushed into `modules`, making the symbols from those modules
// visible to the program.
static bool FindModule(List& modules, List& preloaded_modules, const elfldltl::Soname<>& soname) {
if (std::find(modules.begin(), modules.end(), soname) != modules.end()) {
return true;
if (auto found = std::find(preloaded_modules.begin(), preloaded_modules.end(), soname);
found != preloaded_modules.end()) {
// TODO( Mark this preloaded_module as having it's symbols visible
// to the program.
return true;
return false;
template <typename Allocator, typename... LoaderArgs>
void EnqueueDeps(Diagnostics& diag, Allocator& allocator, List& modules, List& preloaded_modules,
size_t needed_count, LoaderArgs&&... loader_args) {
auto handle_needed = [&](std::string_view soname_str) {
assert(needed_count > 0);
elfldltl::Soname<> soname{soname_str};
if (!FindModule(modules, preloaded_modules, soname)) {
modules.push_back(New(diag, allocator, soname, loader_args...));
return --needed_count > 0;
auto observer = elfldltl::DynamicNeededObserver(symbol_info(), handle_needed);
elfldltl::DecodeDynamic(diag, memory(), dynamic_, observer);
// `get_dep_file` is called as `std::optional<File>(std::string_view)`.
// File must meet the requirements of a File type described in
// lib/elfldltl/memory.h.
template <typename ScratchAllocator, typename InitialExecAllocator, typename GetDepFile,
typename... LoaderArgs>
static void LoadDeps(Diagnostics& diag, ScratchAllocator& scratch,
InitialExecAllocator& initial_exec, List& modules, List& preloaded_modules,
size_t needed_count, GetDepFile&& get_dep_file, size_type& max_tls_modid,
LoaderArgs&&... loader_args) {
// Note, this assumes that ModuleList iterators are not invalidated after
// push_back(), done by `EnqueueDeps`. This is true of lists and
// StaticVector. No assumptions are made on the validity of the end()
// iterator, so it is checked at every iteration.
uint32_t symbolizer_modid = 0;
for (auto it = modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); it++) {
const bool was_already_loaded = it->IsLoaded();
if (was_already_loaded) {
it->decoded().module().symbolizer_modid = symbolizer_modid++;
} else if (auto file = get_dep_file(it->name())) {
needed_count =
it->Load(diag, initial_exec, *file, symbolizer_modid++, max_tls_modid).needed_count;
} else {
// The main executable is always first in the list, so its prev is
// already correct and adding the second module will set its next.
if (it != modules.begin()) {
it->AddToPassiveAbi(std::prev(it), true);
// Referenced preloaded modules can't have DT_NEEDED, do don't bother
// enqueuing their deps.
if (was_already_loaded) {
it->EnqueueDeps(diag, scratch, modules, preloaded_modules, needed_count, loader_args...);
static void RelocateModules(Diagnostics& diag, List& modules) {
for (auto& module : modules) {
ScopedModuleDiagnostics module_diag{diag,};
module.Relocate(diag, modules);
static void CommitModules(Diagnostics& diag, List modules) {
while (!modules.is_empty()) {
auto* module = modules.pop_front();*module);
// The `operator delete` this calls does nothing since the scratch
// allocator doesn't support deallocation per se since the scratch
// memory will be deallocated en masse, but this calls destructors.
delete module;
static void PopulateAbiLoadedModules(List& modules, List preloaded_modules) {
// We want to add the remaining modules to the list. Their symbols aren't
// visible for symbolic resolution, but the program can still use their
// functions even with no relocations resolving to their symbols.
// Therefore, we need to add these modules to the global module list so
// they can still be seen by dl_iterate_phdr for unwinding purposes. For
// example, TLSDESC implementation code lives in the dynamic linker and
// will be called as part of the TLS implementation without ever having a
// DT_NEEDED on On systems other than Fuchsia it may also be
// possible to get code from the vDSO without an explicit DT_NEEDED, which
// is common on Linux.
auto last = std::prev(modules.end());
modules.splice(modules.end(), preloaded_modules);
for (auto next = std::next(last), end = modules.end(); next != end; last = next, next++) {
// Assign increasing symbolizer module IDs to the preloaded module now,
// so the ID order matches the list order. Its module() is still mutable
// since it's in .bss rather than coming from the InitialExecAllocator.
next->decoded().module().symbolizer_modid = last->module().symbolizer_modid + 1;
next->AddToPassiveAbi(last, false);
ld::mutable_abi.loaded_modules = &modules.begin()->module();
static void PopulateAbiRdebug(const List& modules) {
ld::mutable_r_debug.version = elfldltl::kRDebugVersion; = &modules.begin()->module().link_map;
assert(ld::mutable_r_debug.state == elfldltl::RDebugState::kConsistent);
ld::mutable_r_debug.ldbase = elfldltl::Self<>::LoadBias();
// The passive ABI's TlsModule structs are allocated in a contiguous array
// indexed by TLS module ID, so they cannot be built up piecemeal in their
// final locations. Instead, they're stored directly in the LoadModule when
// a module has one. This collects all those and copies them into the
// passive ABI's array.
template <typename InitialExecAllocator>
static void PopulateAbiTls(Diagnostics& diag, InitialExecAllocator& initial_exec_allocator,
List& modules, size_type max_tls_modid) {
if (max_tls_modid > 0) {
auto new_array = [&diag, &initial_exec_allocator, max_tls_modid](auto& result) {
using T = typename std::decay_t<decltype(result.front())>;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
T* array = new (initial_exec_allocator, ac) T[max_tls_modid];
CheckAlloc(diag, ac, "passive ABI for TLS modules");
result = {array, max_tls_modid};
cpp20::span<TlsModule> tls_modules;
cpp20::span<Addr> tls_offsets;
for (StartupLoadModule& module : modules) {
if (module.AssignStaticTls(mutable_abi.static_tls_layout)) {
const size_t idx = module.tls_module_id() - 1;
tls_modules[idx] = module.tls_module();
tls_offsets[idx] = module.static_tls_bias();
if (module.tls_module_id() == max_tls_modid) {
// Don't keep scanning the list if there aren't any more.
mutable_abi.static_tls_modules = tls_modules;
mutable_abi.static_tls_offsets = tls_offsets;
Loader loader_; // Must be initialized by constructor.
cpp20::span<const Dyn> dynamic_;
} // namespace ld