blob: 6d6de6ca9ce60938905eef90ec6535ccab889c1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/internal/logging.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/message.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fit/traits.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
// An interface for receiving FIDL messages.
// Used by |MessageReader| to call back into its client whenever it reads a
// message from the channel.
class MessageHandler {
virtual ~MessageHandler();
// A new message has arrived.
// The memory backing the message will remain valid until this method returns,
// at which point the memory might or might not be deallocated.
virtual zx_status_t OnMessage(HLCPPIncomingMessage message) = 0;
// The channel from which the messages were being read is gone.
// The channel's peer might have been closed or the |MessageReader| might have
// unbound from the channel. In either case, implementations that keep
// per-channel state should reset their state when this method is called.
virtual void OnChannelGone();
// A light-weight callback type specialized to functions taking
// a single |fidl::Message| argument, and returning |zx_status_t|.
// Additionally, it decodes the message using the given |fidl_type_t*|
// before passing the decoded message to the wrapped |Callable&& target|.
// This callback type uses less binary size than |fit::callback|,
// due to a smaller ops table and lack of a move operation.
// Similar to |fit::callback|, it disposes any lambda captures immediately
// after being invoked, hence it is single-use only.
class SingleUseMessageHandler {
// This is the maximum size we allocate for storing a lambda.
// The generated code always captures a `fit::function` passed by the user,
// similar to the following:
// // Given FIDL method `FidlMethod() -> (string ret)`
// void FidlMethod(fit::function<zx_status_t(std::string ret)> callback) {
// proxy_controller.Send(request, std::make_unique<SingleUseMessageHandler>(
// [callback = std::move(callback)](fidl::Message&& message) {
// std::string ret = fidl::DecodeAs<std::string>(message);
// callback(ret);
// },
// &coding_table_for_the_response_type
// ));
// }
// Hence we only allocate as much as the size of the capture, here a `fit::function`.
constexpr static size_t kCallableSize =
sizeof(fit::function<zx_status_t(fidl::HLCPPIncomingMessage&& message)>);
template <
typename Callable,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_same<typename fit::callable_traits<Callable>::return_type, zx_status_t>::value>,
typename =
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename fit::callable_traits<Callable>::args,
constexpr explicit SingleUseMessageHandler(Callable&& target, const fidl_type_t* type) {
static_assert(sizeof(Callable) <= kCallableSize,
"Callable is too big to store in a SingleUseMessageHandler");
new (&storage_) Callable(std::forward<Callable>(target));
invoke_ = InvokeImpl<Callable>;
destroy_ = DestroyImpl<Callable>;
type_ = type;
SingleUseMessageHandler(const SingleUseMessageHandler&) = delete;
SingleUseMessageHandler& operator=(const SingleUseMessageHandler&) = delete;
SingleUseMessageHandler(SingleUseMessageHandler&&) = delete;
SingleUseMessageHandler& operator=(SingleUseMessageHandler&&) = delete;
zx_status_t operator()(fidl::HLCPPIncomingMessage message) {
if (type_ != nullptr) {
const char* error_msg = nullptr;
zx_status_t status = message.Decode(type_, &error_msg);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FIDL_REPORT_DECODING_ERROR(message, type_, error_msg);
return status;
} else if (unlikely(!message.has_only_header())) {
zx_status_t status = invoke_(this, std::move(message));
invoke_ = nullptr;
return status;
~SingleUseMessageHandler() {
if (invoke_)
template <typename Callable>
static zx_status_t InvokeImpl(SingleUseMessageHandler* handler,
fidl::HLCPPIncomingMessage&& message) {
auto& target = *reinterpret_cast<Callable*>(&handler->storage_);
return target(std::move(message));
template <typename Callable>
static void DestroyImpl(SingleUseMessageHandler* handler) {
auto& target = *reinterpret_cast<Callable*>(&handler->storage_);
typename std::aligned_storage<kCallableSize>::type storage_;
zx_status_t (*invoke_)(SingleUseMessageHandler* handler, fidl::HLCPPIncomingMessage&&) = nullptr;
void (*destroy_)(SingleUseMessageHandler* handler) = nullptr;
const fidl_type_t* type_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl