blob: d4d0d85eb34169f8cf2b7cba6b35fabd0e34d195 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/analyzer.h>
#include <zircon/availability.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// Note: the formatting of this defines here is designed for the cppdocgen tool to group the
// defines into one section and list the definitions of them in one chunk.
// # Spawn flag macros
// The [fdio_spawn()] and [fdio_spawn_etc()] functions allow some or all of the environment of the
// running process to be shared with the process being spawned. These macros define bits that can
// be combined in the `flags` parameter.
// Provides the spawned process with the job in which the process was created.
// The spawned process receives the job using the `PA_JOB_DEFAULT` process argument.
// Provides the spawned process with the shared library loader resolved via fuchsia.process.Resolver
// (if resolved), or that which is used by this process.
// The shared library loader is passed as `PA_LDSVC_LOADER`.
// Clones the filesystem namespace into the spawned process.
// Clones file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 into the spawned process.
// Skips any of these file descriptors that are closed without generating an error.
// Clones the environment into the spawned process.
// Clones the process-global UTC clock into the spawned process.
// Clones all of the above into the spawned process.
#define FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_JOB ((uint32_t)0x0001u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_DEFAULT_LDSVC ((uint32_t)0x0002u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_NAMESPACE ((uint32_t)0x0004u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_STDIO ((uint32_t)0x0008u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_ENVIRON ((uint32_t)0x0010u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_UTC_CLOCK ((uint32_t)0x0020u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_ALL ((uint32_t)0xFFFFu)
// Spawn a process in the given job.
// The program for the process is loaded from the given `path` and passed `argv`. The aspects of
// this process' environment indicated by `flags` are shared with the process. If the target program
// begins with `#!resolve ` then the binary is resolved by url via `fuchsia.process.Resolver`.
// The `argv` array must be terminated with a null pointer.
// If `job` is `ZX_HANDLE_INVALID`, then the process is spawned in `zx_job_default()`. Does not take
// ownership of `job`.
// Upon success, `process_out` will be a handle to the process.
// # Errors
// * `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`: `path` cannot be opened.
// * `ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE`: `path` cannot be opened as an executable VMO.
// * `ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED`: Cannot connect to `fuchsia.process.Launcher`.
// Returns the result of [fdio_spawn_vmo()] in all other cases.
zx_status_t fdio_spawn(ZX_HANDLE_USE zx_handle_t job, uint32_t flags, const char* path,
const char* const* argv, ZX_HANDLE_ACQUIRE zx_handle_t* process_out)
// Note: the formatting of this defines here is designed for the cppdocgen tool to group the
// defines into one section and list the definitions of them in one chunk.
// # Spawn action command macros
// The [fdio_spawn_etc()] function allows the running process to control the file descriptor table
// in the process being spawned. These values are put into the `action` field of
// `fdio_spawn_action_t` to indicate which action is requested and which of the union subfields to
// use.
// Duplicate a descriptor `local_fd` into `target_fd` in the spawned process. Uses the `fd` entry in
// the `fdio_spawn_action_t` union.
// Transfer local descriptor `local_fd` into `target_fd` in the spawned process.
// This action will fail if `local_fd` is not a valid `local_fd`, if `local_fd` has been duplicated,
// if `local_fd` is being used in an io operation, or if `local_fd` does not support this operation.
// From the point of view of the calling process, the `local_fd` will appear to have been closed,
// regardless of whether the `fdio_spawn_etc` call succeeds.
// Uses the `fd` entry in the `fdio_spawn_action_t` union.
// Add the given entry to the namespace of the spawned process.
// If `FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_NAMESPACE` is specified via `flags`, the namespace entry is added to the
// cloned namespace from the calling process.
// The namespace entries are added in the order they appear in the action list. If
// `FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_NAMESPACE` is specified via `flags`, the entries from the calling process are
// added before any entries specified with `FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_ADD_NS_ENTRY`.
// The spawned process decides how to process and interpret the namespace entries. Typically, the
// spawned process with disregard duplicate entries (i.e., the first entry for a given name wins)
// and will ignore nested entries (e.g., `/foo/bar` when `/foo` has already been added to the
// namespace).
// To override or replace an entry in the namespace of the calling process, use
// `fdio_ns_export_root` to export the namespace table of the calling process and construct the
// namespace for the spawned process explicitly using `FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_ADD_NS_ENTRY`.
// The given handle will be closed regardless of whether the `fdio_spawn_etc` call succeeds.
// Uses the `ns` entry in the `fdio_spawn_action_t` union.
// Add the given handle to the process arguments of the spawned process.
// The given handle will be closed regardless of whether the `fdio_spawn_etc` call succeeds.
// Uses the `h` entry in the `fdio_spawn_action_t` union.
// Sets the name of the spawned process to the given name.
// Overrides the default of use the first argument to name the process.
// Uses the `name` entry in the `fdio_spawn_action_t` union.
// Shares the given directory by installing it into the namespace of spawned process.
// Uses the `dir` entry in the `fdio_spawn_action_t` union
#define FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_CLONE_FD ((uint32_t)0x0001u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_TRANSFER_FD ((uint32_t)0x0002u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_ADD_NS_ENTRY ((uint32_t)0x0003u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_ADD_HANDLE ((uint32_t)0x0004u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_SET_NAME ((uint32_t)0x0005u)
#define FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_CLONE_DIR ((uint32_t)0x0006u)
// Instructs `fdio_spawn_etc` which actions to take.
typedef struct fdio_spawn_action fdio_spawn_action_t;
struct fdio_spawn_action {
// The action to take.
// See `FDIO_SPAWN_ACTION_*` above. If `action` is invalid, the action will be ignored (rather
// than generate an error).
uint32_t action;
union {
struct {
// The file descriptor in this process to clone or transfer.
int local_fd;
// The file descriptor in the spawned process that will receive the clone or transfer.
int target_fd;
struct {
// The prefix in which to install the given handle in the namespace of the spawned process.
const char* prefix;
// The handle to install with the given prefix in the namespace of the spawned process.
zx_handle_t handle;
struct {
// The process argument identifier of the handle to pass to the spawned process.
uint32_t id;
// The handle to pass to the process on startup.
zx_handle_t handle;
struct {
// The name to assign to the spawned process.
const char* data;
struct {
// The directory to share with the spawned process. `prefix` may match zero or more entries in
// the callers flat namespace.
const char* prefix;
// The maximum size for error messages from [fdio_spawn_etc()] including the null terminator.
#define FDIO_SPAWN_ERR_MSG_MAX_LENGTH ((size_t)1024u)
// Spawn a process in the given job.
// The binary for the process is loaded from the given `path` and passed `argv`. The aspects of this
// process' environment indicated by `clone` are shared with the process.
// The spawned process is also given `environ` as its environment and the given `actions` are
// applied when creating the process.
// The `argv` array must be terminated with a null pointer.
// If non-null, the `environ` array must be terminated with a null pointer.
// If non-null, the `err_msg_out` buffer must have space for `FDIO_SPAWN_ERR_MSG_MAX_LENGTH` bytes.
// If both `FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_ENVIRON` and `environ` are specified, then the spawned process is given
// `environ` as its environment. If both `FDIO_SPAWN_CLONE_STDIO` and `actions` that target any of
// fds 0, 1, and 2 are specified, then the actions that target those fds will control their
// semantics in the spawned process.
// If `job` is `ZX_HANDLE_INVALID`, then the process is spawned in `zx_job_default()`. Does not take
// ownership of `job`.
// Upon success, `process_out` will be a handle to the process. Upon failure, if `err_msg_out` is
// not null, an error message will be we written to `err_msg_out`, including a null terminator.
// # Errors
// * `ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND`: `path` cannot be opened.
// * `ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE`: `path` cannot be opened as an executable VMO.
// * `ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED`: Cannot connect to `fuchsia.process.Launcher`.
// Returns the result of [fdio_spawn_vmo()] in all other cases.
zx_status_t fdio_spawn_etc(ZX_HANDLE_USE zx_handle_t job, uint32_t flags, const char* path,
const char* const* argv, const char* const* environ, size_t action_count,
ZX_HANDLE_RELEASE const fdio_spawn_action_t* actions,
ZX_HANDLE_ACQUIRE zx_handle_t* process_out,
// Spawn a process using the given executable in the given job.
// See [fdio_spawn_etc()] for details. Rather than loading the binary for the process from a path,
// this function receives the binary as the contents of a vmo.
// Always consumes `executable_vmo`.
// # Errors
// * `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS`: any supplied action is invalid, or the process name is unset.
// * `ZX_ERR_IO_INVALID`: the recursion limit is hit resolving the executable name.
// * `ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE`: `executable_vmo` is not a valid handle.
// * `ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE`: `executable_vmo` is not a VMO handle.
// * `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED`: `executable_vmo` is not readable.
// * `ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE`: `executable_vmo` is smaller than the resolver prefix.
// * `ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED`: Cannot connect to `fuchsia.process.Launcher`.
// * `ZX_ERR_INTERNAL`: A dependency needed to launch the process was unavailable. Most commonly
// this indicates a failure attempting to resolve a `#!resolve ` line using
// `fuchsia.process.Resolver`.
// May return other errors.
zx_status_t fdio_spawn_vmo(ZX_HANDLE_USE zx_handle_t job, uint32_t flags,
zx_handle_t executable_vmo, const char* const* argv,
const char* const* environ, size_t action_count,
ZX_HANDLE_RELEASE const fdio_spawn_action_t* actions,
ZX_HANDLE_ACQUIRE zx_handle_t* process_out,
#endif // LIB_FDIO_SPAWN_H_