blob: cf4d87852b029048303b592bb199c8863487432d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dlfcn.h> // for RTLD_* macros
#include <lib/elfldltl/soname.h>
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include "diagnostics.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "module.h"
namespace dl {
enum OpenSymbolScope : int {
kLocal = RTLD_LOCAL,
kGlobal = RTLD_GLOBAL,
enum OpenBindingMode : int {
kNow = RTLD_NOW,
// RTLD_LAZY functionality is not supported, but keep the flag definition
// because it's a legitimate flag that can be passed in.
kLazy = RTLD_LAZY,
enum OpenFlags : int {
kNoload = RTLD_NOLOAD,
kNodelete = RTLD_NODELETE,
// TODO( support glibc's RTLD_DEEPBIND flag.
// Masks used to validate flag values.
inline constexpr int kOpenSymbolScopeMask = OpenSymbolScope::kLocal | OpenSymbolScope::kGlobal;
inline constexpr int kOpenBindingModeMask = OpenBindingMode::kLazy | OpenBindingMode::kNow;
inline constexpr int kOpenFlagsMask = OpenFlags::kNoload | OpenFlags::kNodelete;
class RuntimeDynamicLinker {
using Soname = elfldltl::Soname<>;
// Not copyable, not movable
RuntimeDynamicLinker() = default;
RuntimeDynamicLinker(const RuntimeDynamicLinker&) = delete;
RuntimeDynamicLinker(RuntimeDynamicLinker&&) = delete;
// Attempt to find the loaded module with the given name, returning a nullptr
// if the module was not found.
ModuleHandle* FindModule(Soname name);
// Lookup a symbol from the given module, returning a pointer to it in memory,
// or an error if not found (ie undefined symbol).
fit::result<Error, void*> LookupSymbol(ModuleHandle* module, const char* ref);
// TODO( Add a test exercising the system error
// case and include it as an example for the fit::error{Error} description.
// Open `file` with the given `mode`, returning a pointer to the loaded module
// for the file. The `retrieve_file` argument is passed on to LoadModule.Load
// and is called as a
// `fit::result<std::optional<Error>, File>(Diagnostics&, std::string_view)`
// with the following semantics:
// - fit::error{std::nullopt} is a not found error
// - fit::error{Error} is an error type that can be passed to
// Diagnostics::SystemError (see <lib/elfldltl/diagnostics.h>) to give
// more context to the error message.
// - fit::ok{File} is the found elfldltl File API type for the module
// (see <lib/elfldltl/memory.h>).
// The Diagnostics reference passed to `retrieve_file` is not used by the
// function itself to report its errors, but is plumbed into the created File
// API object that will use it for reporting file read errors.
template <class Loader, typename RetrieveFile>
fit::result<Error, void*> Open(const char* file, int mode, RetrieveFile&& retrieve_file) {
auto already_loaded = CheckOpen(file, mode);
if (already_loaded.is_error()) [[unlikely]] {
return already_loaded.take_error();
// If the module for `file` was found, return a reference to it.
if (already_loaded.value()) {
return fit::ok(already_loaded.value());
// A ModuleHandle for `file` does not yet exist; proceed to loading the
// file and all it's dependencies.
// Use a non-scoped diagnostics object for the main module. Because errors
// are generated on this module directly, it's name does not need to be
// prefixed to the error, as is the case using ld::ScopedModuleDiagnostics.
dl::Diagnostics diag;
auto load_modules = Load<Loader>(diag, Soname{file}, std::forward<RetrieveFile>(retrieve_file));
if (load_modules.is_empty()) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.take_error();
if (!Relocate(diag, load_modules)) {
return diag.take_error();
// TODO(caslyn): These are actions needed to return a reference to the main
// module back to the caller and add the loaded modules to the dynamic
// linker's bookkeeping. This will be abstracted away into another function
// eventually.
while (!load_modules.is_empty()) {
auto load_module = load_modules.pop_front();
auto module = std::move(*load_module).take_module();
// TODO(caslyn): This assumes the dlopen-ed module is the first module in
// loaded_modules_.
return diag.ok(&loaded_modules_.front());
// Perform basic argument checking and check whether a module for `file` was
// already loaded. An error is returned if bad input was given. Otherwise,
// return a reference to the module if it was already loaded, or nullptr if
// a module for `file` was not found.
fit::result<Error, ModuleHandle*> CheckOpen(const char* file, int mode);
// Load the main module and all its dependencies, returning the list of all
// loaded modules. Starting with the main file that was `dlopen`-ed, a
// LoadModule is created for each file that is to be loaded, decoded, and its
// dependencies parsed and enqueued to be processed in the same manner.
// The `retrieve_file` argument is a callable passed down from `Open` and is
// invoked to retrieve the module's file from the file system for processing.
template <class Loader, typename RetrieveFile>
static ModuleList<LoadModule<Loader>> Load(Diagnostics& diag, Soname soname,
RetrieveFile&& retrieve_file) {
static_assert(std::is_invocable_v<RetrieveFile, Diagnostics&, std::string_view>);
// This is the list of modules to load and process. The first module of this
// list will always be the main file that was `dlopen`-ed.
ModuleList<LoadModule<Loader>> pending_modules;
// TODO( Separate LoadModule::Create and
// ModuleHandle::Create so that failed allocations can be handled
// separately.
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto main_module = LoadModule<Loader>::Create(soname, ac);
if (!ac.check()) [[unlikely]] {
diag.OutOfMemory("LoadModule", sizeof(LoadModule<Loader>));
return {};
// TODO( This needs to handle if a dep is
// already loaded.
// Iterate over the pending modules that need to be loaded and dependencies
// enqueued, appending each new dependency to the pending_modules list so
// it can eventually be loaded and processed.
for (auto it = pending_modules.begin(); it != pending_modules.end(); it++) {
auto file = retrieve_file(diag, it->name().str());
if (file.is_error()) [[unlikely]] {
return {};
auto result = it->Load(diag, *std::move(file));
if (!result) [[unlikely]] {
return {};
for (const auto& needed_entry : *result) {
// Skip if this dependency was already added to the pending_modules list.
if (std::find(pending_modules.begin(), pending_modules.end(), needed_entry) !=
pending_modules.end()) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto load_module = LoadModule<Loader>::Create(needed_entry, ac);
if (!ac.check()) [[unlikely]] {
diag.OutOfMemory("LoadModule", sizeof(LoadModule<Loader>));
return {};
return pending_modules;
// TODO( Include global modules in `modules`.
// Perform relocations on all pending modules to be loaded. Return a boolean
// if relocations succeeded on all modules.
template <class Loader>
bool Relocate(Diagnostics& diag, ModuleList<LoadModule<Loader>>& modules) {
// Scope diagnostics to the root module so that its name will prefix error
// messages.
auto relocate = [&](auto& module) -> bool {
ld::ScopedModuleDiagnostics root_module_diag{diag,};
return module.Relocate(diag, modules);
return std::all_of(std::begin(modules), std::end(modules), relocate);
// The RuntimeDynamicLinker owns the list of all 'live' modules that have been
// loaded into the system image.
// TODO( support startup modules
ModuleList<ModuleHandle> loaded_modules_;
} // namespace dl