blob: a5aa78c383c40cc4eabfd771023f13e9c33a3532 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Provides facilities for migrating from Netstack2 to Netstack3.
/// This library provides the protocols necessary to conduct the network stack
/// migration to the newer version. It will be removed as soon as migration is
/// completed across all users, and it's not intended to be used beyond that.
/// At the time of its introduction there aren't platform-wide mechanisms to
/// achieve this, so this one-off library was created to achieve the migration
/// goals.
/// It should not be extended to serve other uses and, if there appears a
/// central platform-wide mechanism to achieve this before migration is fully
/// completed it might be deleted before then.
// TODO( Remove this library as soon as migration is
// completed.
/// Known Network Stack versions.
type NetstackVersion = strict enum {
/// A wrapper type around [`NetstackVersion`] providing optionality for
/// [`Control`] methods.
type VersionSetting = struct {
version NetstackVersion;
/// Provides access to controlling netstack migration configuration.
closed protocol Control {
/// Sets the automated target network stack version.
/// Takes effect on next boot.
/// + request `version` requested network stack version. If unset, the
/// automated version preference is cleared.
strict SetAutomatedNetstackVersion(struct {
version box<VersionSetting>;
}) -> ();
/// Sets user selection target network stack version.
/// Takes effect on next boot.
/// If set, the user netstack version preference always takes precedence
/// over the automated version selection.
/// + request `version` requested network stack version. If unset, the user
/// version preference is cleared.
strict SetUserNetstackVersion(struct {
version box<VersionSetting>;
}) -> ();
/// Provides access to reading netstack migration configuration.
closed protocol State {
/// Gets the target network stack version.
/// - response `in_effect_version` the configurations currently in effect.
strict GetNetstackVersion() -> (struct {
in_effect_version struct {
/// The value of the netstack version setting at boot time. This
/// reflects the currently running netstack.
current_boot NetstackVersion;
/// The automated netstack version selected. If set and no `user`
/// version is set, it'll be applied on next boot. This reflects the
/// last applied configuration through
/// [`Control.SetAutomatedNetstackVersion`].
automated box<VersionSetting>;
/// The user netstack version selected. If set, it'll be applied on
/// next boot. The `user` version always takes predence over the
/// `automated` version. This reflects the last applied
/// configuration through [`Control.SetUserNetstackVersion`].
user box<VersionSetting>;