blob: f72f08d091d97670412e34fb128a83ec7d9040ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.usb.endpoint;
using zx;
using fuchsia.hardware.usb.request;
/// Bulk Endpoint Information
type BulkEndpointInfo = table {};
/// Control Endpoint Information
type ControlEndpointInfo = table {};
/// Isochronous Endpoint Information
type IsochronousEndpointInfo = table {
/// Lead time described in number of transfers.
1: lead_time uint64;
/// Interrupt Endpoint Information
type InterruptEndpointInfo = table {};
/// Endpoint Information
type EndpointInfo = flexible union {
/// Bulk endpoint information
1: bulk BulkEndpointInfo;
/// Control endpoint information
2: control ControlEndpointInfo;
/// Isochronous endpoint information
3: isochronous IsochronousEndpointInfo;
/// Interrupt endpoint information
4: interrupt InterruptEndpointInfo;
/// Arbitrary limit on the number of VMOs in one call to `RegisterVmos()` or `UnregisterVmos()`.
const VMO_VECTOR_MAX uint32 = 300;
/// Arbitrary limit on the number of Requests in one call to `QueueRequest()`.
const REQUEST_MAX uint32 = 300;
/// VMO information for registering VMOs. Only used for `RegisterVmos()` to convey the ID to register
/// a VMO to and its size.
type VmoInfo = table {
/// ID corresponding to the VMO to be registered.
1: id fuchsia.hardware.usb.request.VmoId;
/// Size of VMO to register.
2: size uint64;
/// VMO handle returned for registered VMOs. Only used as a return value for `UnregisterVmos()` to
/// associate a VMO handle with the VmoId it was registered to.
type VmoHandle = resource table {
/// ID corresponding to the registered VMO as passed in by `RegisterVmos()` through `VmoInfo`.
1: id fuchsia.hardware.usb.request.VmoId;
/// Handle to VMO.
2: vmo zx.Handle:VMO;
/// Completion
type Completion = resource table {
/// Request completed.
1: request fuchsia.hardware.usb.request.Request;
/// Completion status.
2: status zx.Status;
/// Bytes successfully transferred.
3: transfer_size uint64;
/// Endpoint Interface.
/// Pre-registered VMOs associated with the Endpoint are tied to the lifetime of the Endpoint. When
/// the Endpoint is closed, all outstanding registered VMOs are unregistered, references to their
/// handles dropped and any necessary actions for DisableEndpoint will be called.
closed protocol Endpoint {
/// Gets endpoint information
strict GetInfo() -> (struct {
info EndpointInfo;
}) error zx.Status;
/// Registers and pins VMOs to the vmo_ids. Returns
/// * vmo: Handles to successfully registered vmo_ids.
/// VMO IDs that are already are registered to will fail.
strict RegisterVmos(resource struct {
vmo_ids vector<VmoInfo>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX;
}) -> (resource struct {
vmos vector<VmoHandle>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX;
/// Unregisters the VMOs corresponding to the vmo_ids. Returns
/// * failed_vmo_ids: vmo_ids that failed to unregister.
/// * errors: Error values that correspond 1:1 to failed_vmo_ids above.
strict UnregisterVmos(struct {
vmo_ids vector<fuchsia.hardware.usb.request.VmoId>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX;
}) -> (resource struct {
failed_vmo_ids vector<fuchsia.hardware.usb.request.VmoId>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX;
errors vector<zx.Status>:VMO_VECTOR_MAX;
/// Submit Requests to queue. Processed starting with the 0th Request. Submitting a vector of
/// Requests allows for pre-buffering.
/// Clients are responsible for cache management and ensuring cache coherency.
/// After read requests:
/// - Call zx_cache_flush with ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA | ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_INVALIDATE on buffers that
/// have been mapped by the client.
/// - Call zx_vmo_op_range with ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN_INVALIDATE on all other buffers.
/// Note that writing to any portion of a buffer before OnCompletion is called for that buffer
/// can corrupt the received data.
/// Before write requests:
/// - Call zx_cache_flush with ZX_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA on buffers that have been mapped by the
/// client.
/// - Call zx_vmo_op_range with ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN on all other buffers.
/// Requests may be pre-buffered. In other words, requests may be queued for data that is not
/// present/ready in the buffer yet. The USB Endpoint Server consuming requests does not care
/// if the data in the buffer is ready or not and will always process requests on schedule. It
/// is the responsibility of the USB Endpoint Client that submits requests to ensure that data
/// is ready on schedule.
/// * Definition of "on schedule" varies for different endpoints and controllers. In general,
/// this will be communicated by the `lead_time` parameter returned by `GetInfo`.
strict QueueRequests(resource struct {
req vector<fuchsia.hardware.usb.request.Request>:REQUEST_MAX;
/// Called on a completion to notify the device driver of an completion event.
/// Note that if more than REQUEST_MAX successful requests with defer_completion == true have
/// been seen, driver may call OnCompletion multiple times when defer_completion == false is
/// seen (or failure happens) to return all seen requests to the client.
strict -> OnCompletion(resource struct {
completion vector<Completion>:REQUEST_MAX;
/// Cancels all requests. Returns
/// * ZX_ERR_IO_NOT_PRESENT: If device is not running, disconnected, or inactive.
/// * ZX_ERR_IO: If cancel failed due to an unsuccessful request.
strict CancelAll() -> () error zx.Status;