blob: 32053f172e0260a9ea287d71813ea02f9ecffb8e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Script to check C and C++ file header guards.
This script accepts a list of file or directory arguments. If a given
path is a file, it runs the checker on it. If the path is a directory,
it runs the checker on all files in that directory.
In addition, this script checks for potential header guard
collisions. This is useful since we munge / to _, and so
both want to use LIB_ABC_XYZ_XYZ_H_ as a header guard.
import argparse
import collections
import fileinput
import os.path
import re
import string
import sys
FUCHSIA_ROOT = os.path.dirname( # $root
os.path.dirname( # scripts
os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # style
sysroot_prefix = re.compile("^(" + "|".join(SYSROOT_PREFIXES) + ")_")
public_prefix = re.compile("^(" + "|".join(PUBLIC_PREFIXES) + ")_")
all_header_guards = collections.defaultdict(list)
pragma_once = re.compile("^#pragma once$")
disallowed_header_characters = re.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")
def adjust_for_location(header_guard):
"""Remove internal location prefix from public headers if applicable."""
# Remove public prefixes
header_guard = public_prefix.sub("", header_guard, 1)
# Replace sysroot prefixes
header_guard = sysroot_prefix.sub("SYSROOT_", header_guard, 1)
return header_guard
def header_guard_from_path(path):
"""Compute the header guard from the path"""
assert path.startswith(FUCHSIA_ROOT)
relative_path = path[len(FUCHSIA_ROOT) :].strip("/")
upper_path = relative_path.upper()
header_guard = re.sub(disallowed_header_characters, "_", upper_path) + "_"
header_guard = adjust_for_location(header_guard)
return header_guard
def check_file(path, fix_guards=False):
"""Check whether the file has a correct header guard.
A header guard can either be a #pragma once, or else a matching set of
#ifndef PATH_TO_FILE_
#define PATH_TO_FILE_
#endif // PATH_TO_FILE_
preprocessor directives, where both '.' and '/' in the path are
mapped to '_', and a trailing '_' is appended.
In either the #pragma once case or the header guard case, it is
assumed that there is no trailing or leading whitespace.
# Only check .h files
if path[-2:] != ".h":
return True
header_guard = header_guard_from_path(path)
ifndef = re.compile("^#ifndef %s$" % header_guard)
define = re.compile("^#define %s$" % header_guard)
endif = re.compile("^#endif +// *%s$" % header_guard)
found_pragma_once = False
found_ifndef = False
found_define = False
found_endif = False
with open(path, "r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
match = pragma_once.match(line)
if match:
if found_pragma_once:
print("%s contains multiple #pragma once" % path)
return False
found_pragma_once = True
match = ifndef.match(line)
if match:
if found_ifndef:
print("%s contains multiple ifndef header guards" % path)
return False
found_ifndef = True
match = define.match(line)
if match:
if found_define:
print("%s contains multiple define header guards" % path)
return False
found_define = True
match = endif.match(line)
if match:
if found_endif:
print("%s contains multiple endif header guards" % path)
return False
found_endif = True
if found_pragma_once:
if found_ifndef or found_define or found_endif:
print("%s contains both #pragma once and header guards" % path)
return False
if not fix_guards:
return True
if found_ifndef and found_define and found_endif:
return True
if not found_ifndef:
print("%s did not contain ifndef part of its header guard" % path)
elif not found_define:
print("%s did not contain define part of its header guard" % path)
elif not found_endif:
print("%s did not contain endif part of its header guard" % path)
elif fix_guards:
if found_pragma_once:
print("%s contained #pragma once instead of a header guard" % path)
"%s did not contain a header guard or the header guard did "
"not match the file path" % path
"%s contained neither a proper header guard nor #pragma once" % path
header_guards_fixed = False
if fix_guards:
header_guards_fixed = fix_header_guard(path, header_guard)
if not header_guards_fixed:
"Allowable header guard values are %s"
% list(all_header_guards.keys())
return False
def fix_header_guard(path, header_guard):
"""Attempt to fix the header guard in the given file."""
ifndef = re.compile("^#ifndef [^\s]+_H_$")
define = re.compile("^#define [^\s]+_H_$")
endif = re.compile("^#endif +// *[^\s]+_H_$")
fixed_ifndef = False
fixed_define = False
fixed_endif = False
fixed_pragma_once = False
for line in fileinput.input(path, inplace=1):
(new_line, changes) = re.subn(ifndef, "#ifndef %s" % header_guard, line)
if changes:
fixed_ifndef = True
(new_line, changes) = re.subn(define, "#define %s" % header_guard, line)
if changes:
fixed_define = True
(new_line, changes) = re.subn(
endif, "#endif // %s" % header_guard, line
if changes:
fixed_endif = True
if pragma_once.match(line):
fixed_pragma_once = True
sys.stdout.write("#ifndef %s\n" % header_guard)
sys.stdout.write("#define %s\n" % header_guard)
if fixed_pragma_once:
with open(path, "a") as file:
file.write("#endif // %s\n" % header_guard)
if (fixed_ifndef and fixed_define and fixed_endif) or fixed_pragma_once:
return True
print("Not fixed...")
return False
def check_dir(p, fix_guards=False):
"""Walk recursively over a directory checking .h files"""
def prune(d):
if d[0] == "." or d == "third_party":
return True
return False
for root, dirs, paths in os.walk(p):
# Prune dot directories like .git
[dirs.remove(d) for d in list(dirs) if prune(d)]
for path in paths:
check_file(os.path.join(root, path), fix_guards=fix_guards)
def check_collisions():
for header_guard, paths in all_header_guards.items():
if len(paths) == 1:
print("Multiple files could use %s as a header guard:" % header_guard)
for path in paths:
print(" %s" % path)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
"--fix", help="Correct wrong header guards", action="store_true"
(arg_results, other_args) = parser.parse_known_args()
fix_guards = arg_results.fix
for p in other_args:
p = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(p))
if os.path.isdir(p):
check_dir(p, fix_guards=fix_guards)
check_file(p, fix_guards=fix_guards)
if __name__ == "__main__":