blob: 811b6c8944f4c8abcb620ccda7597478f86b4a64 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Checks a shac Starlark file for fuchsia-specific issues.
Since Starlark's syntax is a subset of Python's, we can use the Python ast
library to parse Starlark.
import ast
import collections
import json
import sys
COMMON_DOT_STAR = "scripts/shac/"
# Add a comment of this form after the closing parenthesis of a `print()` call
# to allow it to be committed.
ALLOW_PRINT_DIRECTIVE = "# allow-print"
def main():
findings = collections.defaultdict(list)
path = sys.argv[1]
with open(path) as f:
contents =
lines = contents.splitlines()
tree = ast.parse(contents)
for node in ast.walk(tree):
if (
isinstance(node, ast.Call)
and ast.unparse(node.func) == "ctx.emit.finding"
and not any(kw.arg == "message" for kw in node.keywords)
# shac requires `message` except for findings emitted by formatters,
# in which case it provides a default message saying to run `shac
# fmt`. However, `shac fmt` isn't exposed to fuchsia developers
# directly, instead they should use `fx format-code`, so we should
# never fall back to the default message.
"`message` argument to `ctx.emit.finding()` must be set."
if (
isinstance(node, ast.Call)
and ast.unparse(node.func) == "print"
and not lines[node.end_lineno - 1].endswith(ALLOW_PRINT_DIRECTIVE)
"Do not commit shac check code that calls `print()`, "
"it's only to be used for debugging."
if (
isinstance(node, ast.Call)
and ast.unparse(node.func) == "ctx.os.exec"
and path != COMMON_DOT_STAR
# All paths passed to `os_exec()` must be absolute in order for
# inherited checks in //vendor repositories to work. It's nontrivial
# to validate that statically, so instead we validate it at runtime
# in a custom wrapper function, and statically enforce that that
# wrapper function is used instead of `os_exec()`.
f"Don't call `ctx.os.exec()` directly, call `os_exec()` "
f"from //{COMMON_DOT_STAR}."
"message": msg,
"line": node.lineno,
"col": node.col_offset + 1,
"end_line": node.end_lineno,
"end_col": node.end_col_offset + 1,
for node, msgs in findings.items()
for msg in msgs
if __name__ == "__main__":