blob: 0e296c7f92cd99eebdf4d05446f8e5ee0ea57ddf [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
This tool uses the contents of fidlc .json files to create tags for .fidl files.
When run via fx fidltags, it looks in the existing build directory, and creates
a file named fidl-tags in the root of the source tree for use with your editor.
See `fx fidltags` for help.
import argparse
import fnmatch
import json
import os
import sys
class Tag(object):
def __init__(self, tag, file, line, column):
self.tag = tag
self.file = file
self.line = line
self.column = column
def __repr__(self):
return f"Tag({self.tag}, {self.file}, {self.line}, {self.column})"
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"--build-dir", required=True, help="Fuchsia build dir, e.g. out/default"
"--output", default="fidl-tags", help="Output name of the tags file"
return parser.parse_args()
def strip_library(name):
>>> strip_library("fuchsia.device/MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN")
>>> strip_library("SomethingGreat")
return name[name.rfind("/") + 1 :] # -1 + 1 returns the whole thing
def get_location_pieces(location_json):
file = location_json["filename"]
if file != "generated":
if file[:6] == "../../":
file = file[6:]
return (file, location_json["line"], location_json["column"])
def extract_consts(json):
>>> extract_consts([
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.device/MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../zircon/system/fidl/fuchsia-device/controller.fidl",
... "line": 11,
... "column": 14
... },
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint64"
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "32",
... "expression": "32"
... }
... }
... },
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.device/MAX_DEVICE_PATH_LEN",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../zircon/system/fidl/fuchsia-device/controller.fidl",
... "line": 13,
... "column": 22
... },
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint64"
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "1024",
... "expression": "1024"
... }
... }
... }
... ])
[Tag(MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN, zircon/system/fidl/fuchsia-device/controller.fidl, 11, 14),
Tag(MAX_DEVICE_PATH_LEN, zircon/system/fidl/fuchsia-device/controller.fidl, 13, 22)]
result = []
for c in json:
tag = strip_library(c["name"])
result.append(Tag(tag, *get_location_pieces(c["location"])))
return result
def extract_name_and_members(json):
Extracts the tags from enum_, struct_, or table_declarations. They're
similar enough that we can use the same function.
>>> extract_name_and_members([
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.wlan.device/SupportedPhy",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 10,
... "column": 6
... },
... "type": "uint32",
... "members": [
... {
... "name": "DSSS",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 11,
... "column": 5
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "0",
... "expression": "0"
... }
... }
... },
... {
... "name": "CCK",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 12,
... "column": 5
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "1",
... "expression": "1"
... }
... }
... },
... {
... "name": "OFDM",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 13,
... "column": 5
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "2",
... "expression": "2"
... }
... }
... },
... ]
... }])
[Tag(SupportedPhy, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 10, 6),
Tag(DSSS, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 11, 5),
Tag(CCK, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 12, 5),
Tag(OFDM, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 13, 5)]
Struct declarations:
>>> extract_name_and_members([
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.wlan.device/HtCapabilities",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 31,
... "column": 8
... },
... "members": [
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint16"
... },
... "name": "ht_capability_info",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 32,
... "column": 12
... },
... },
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint8"
... },
... "name": "ampdu_params",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 33,
... "column": 11
... },
... },
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "array",
... "element_type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint8"
... },
... "element_count": 16
... },
... "name": "supported_mcs_set",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 34,
... "column": 21
... },
... },
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint16"
... },
... "name": "ht_ext_capabilities",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 35,
... "column": 12
... },
... },
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint32"
... },
... "name": "tx_beamforming_capabilities",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 36,
... "column": 12
... },
... },
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint8"
... },
... "name": "asel_capabilities",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 37,
... "column": 11
... },
... }
... ],
... },
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.wlan.device/VhtCapabilities",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 40,
... "column": 8
... },
... "members": [
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint32"
... },
... "name": "vht_capability_info",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 41,
... "column": 12
... },
... },
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint64"
... },
... "name": "supported_vht_mcs_and_nss_set",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 42,
... "column": 12
... },
... }
... ],
... },
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.wlan.device/ChannelList",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 45,
... "column": 8
... },
... "members": [
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint16"
... },
... "name": "base_freq",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 46,
... "column": 12
... },
... },
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "vector",
... "element_type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint8"
... },
... "maybe_element_count": 200,
... },
... "name": "channels",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 47,
... "column": 23
... },
... },
... ],
... }
... ])
[Tag(HtCapabilities, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 31, 8),
Tag(ht_capability_info, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 32, 12),
Tag(ampdu_params, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 33, 11),
Tag(supported_mcs_set, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 34, 21),
Tag(ht_ext_capabilities, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 35, 12),
Tag(tx_beamforming_capabilities, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 36, 12),
Tag(asel_capabilities, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 37, 11),
Tag(VhtCapabilities, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 40, 8),
Tag(vht_capability_info, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 41, 12),
Tag(supported_vht_mcs_and_nss_set, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 42, 12),
Tag(ChannelList, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 45, 8),
Tag(base_freq, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 46, 12),
Tag(channels, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 47, 23)]
Tables declarations:
>>> extract_name_and_members([
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.test.breakpoints/EventPayload",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl",
... "line": 59,
... "column": 7
... },
... "members": [
... {
... "name": "routing_payload",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl",
... "line": 61,
... "column": 23
... },
... },
... {
... "name": "use_capability_payload",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl",
... "line": 64,
... "column": 29
... },
... }
... ],
... },
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.test.breakpoints/RoutingPayload",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl",
... "line": 68,
... "column": 7
... },
... "members": [
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "identifier",
... "identifier": "fuchsia.test.breakpoints/RoutingProtocol",
... },
... "name": "routing_protocol",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl",
... "line": 71,
... "column": 24
... },
... },
... {
... "ordinal": 2,
... "type": {
... "kind": "string",
... "maybe_element_count": 50,
... },
... "name": "capability",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl",
... "line": 74,
... "column": 37
... },
... "size": 16,
... "max_out_of_line": 56,
... "alignment": 8,
... "max_handles": 0
... }
... ],
... },
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.test.breakpoints/UseCapabilityPayload",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl",
... "line": 78,
... "column": 7
... },
... "members": [
... {
... "type": {
... "kind": "string",
... "maybe_element_count": 50,
... },
... "name": "capability",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl",
... "line": 80,
... "column": 37
... },
... }
... ],
... },
... ])
[Tag(EventPayload, src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl, 59, 7),
Tag(routing_payload, src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl, 61, 23),
Tag(use_capability_payload, src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl, 64, 29),
Tag(RoutingPayload, src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl, 68, 7),
Tag(routing_protocol, src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl, 71, 24),
Tag(capability, src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl, 74, 37),
Tag(UseCapabilityPayload, src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl, 78, 7),
Tag(capability, src/sys/component_manager/tests/fidl/breakpoints.fidl, 80, 37)]
Bits declarations:
>>> extract_name_and_members([
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.io2/ConnectionInfoQuery",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 33,
... "column": 6,
... "length": 19
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ],
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint64"
... },
... "mask": "7",
... "members": [
... {
... "name": "REPRESENTATION",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 35,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 14
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "1",
... "expression": "0x1",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "1",
... "expression": "0x1"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": " Requests [`ConnectionInfo.representation`]."
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "RIGHTS",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 38,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 6
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "2",
... "expression": "0x2",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "2",
... "expression": "0x2"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": " Requests [`ConnectionInfo.rights`]."
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 41,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 20
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "4",
... "expression": "0x4",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "4",
... "expression": "0x4"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ]
... }
... ],
... "strict": True
... },
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.io2/NodeProtocols",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 102,
... "column": 6,
... "length": 13
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ],
... "type": {
... "kind": "primitive",
... "subtype": "uint64"
... },
... "mask": "805306495",
... "members": [
... {
... "name": "CONNECTOR",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 106,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 9
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "1",
... "expression": "0x1",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "1",
... "expression": "0x1"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "DIRECTORY",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 110,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 9
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "2",
... "expression": "0x2",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "2",
... "expression": "0x2"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "FILE",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 114,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 4
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "4",
... "expression": "0x4",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "4",
... "expression": "0x4"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "MEMORY",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 121,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 6
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "8",
... "expression": "0x8",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "8",
... "expression": "0x8"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "POSIX_SOCKET",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 125,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 12
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "16",
... "expression": "0x10",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "16",
... "expression": "0x10"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "PIPE",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 129,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 4
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "32",
... "expression": "0x20",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "32",
... "expression": "0x20"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "DEBUGLOG",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 133,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 8
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "64",
... "expression": "0x40",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "64",
... "expression": "0x40"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Doc",
... "value": ""
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "DEVICE",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 136,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 6
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "268435456",
... "expression": "0x10000000",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "268435456",
... "expression": "0x10000000"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Deprecated",
... "value": "devices will be services in the future"
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "TTY",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl",
... "line": 139,
... "column": 5,
... "length": 3
... },
... "value": {
... "kind": "literal",
... "value": "536870912",
... "expression": "0x20000000",
... "literal": {
... "kind": "numeric",
... "value": "536870912",
... "expression": "0x20000000"
... }
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Deprecated",
... "value": "tty functionalities may be covered by a tty service"
... }
... ]
... }
... ],
... "strict": True
... }])
[Tag(ConnectionInfoQuery, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 33, 6),
Tag(REPRESENTATION, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 35, 5),
Tag(RIGHTS, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 38, 5),
Tag(AVAILABLE_OPERATIONS, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 41, 5),
Tag(NodeProtocols, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 102, 6),
Tag(CONNECTOR, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 106, 5),
Tag(DIRECTORY, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 110, 5),
Tag(FILE, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 114, 5),
Tag(MEMORY, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 121, 5),
Tag(POSIX_SOCKET, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 125, 5),
Tag(PIPE, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 129, 5),
Tag(DEBUGLOG, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 133, 5),
Tag(DEVICE, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 136, 5),
Tag(TTY, sdk/fidl/fuchsia.io2/connection-info.fidl, 139, 5)]
result = []
for x in json:
tag = strip_library(x["name"])
result.append(Tag(tag, *get_location_pieces(x["location"])))
for member in x["members"]:
Tag(member["name"], *get_location_pieces(member["location"]))
return result
def extract_protocols(json):
>>> extract_protocols([
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.wlan.device/Phy",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 112,
... "column": 10
... },
... "methods": [
... {
... "name": "Query",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 113,
... "column": 5
... },
... },
... {
... "name": "CreateIface",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 114,
... "column": 5
... },
... },
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "fuchsia.wlan.device/Connector",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 123,
... "column": 10
... },
... "methods": [
... {
... "name": "Connect",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl",
... "line": 124,
... "column": 5
... },
... }
... ]
... },
... ])
[Tag(Phy, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 112, 10),
Tag(Query, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 113, 5),
Tag(CreateIface, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 114, 5),
Tag(Connector, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 123, 10),
Tag(Connect, garnet/lib/wlan/fidl/phy.fidl, 124, 5)]
Some special handling for Transport=Syscall to add the leading zx_ as an
alternate name.
>>> extract_protocols([
... {
... "name": "zz/profile",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../zircon/syscalls/profile.fidl",
... "line": 38,
... "column": 10
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Transport",
... "value": "Syscall"
... }
... ],
... "methods": [
... {
... "name": "profile_create",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../zircon/syscalls/profile.fidl",
... "line": 41,
... "column": 5
... },
... }
... ]
... },
... {
... "name": "zz/socket",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../zircon/syscalls/socket.fidl",
... "line": 9,
... "column": 10
... },
... "maybe_attributes": [
... {
... "name": "Transport",
... "value": "Syscall"
... }
... ],
... "methods": [
... {
... "name": "socket_create",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../zircon/syscalls/socket.fidl",
... "line": 11,
... "column": 5
... },
... },
... {
... "name": "socket_write",
... "location": {
... "filename": "../../zircon/syscalls/socket.fidl",
... "line": 15,
... "column": 5
... },
... },
... ]
... },
... ])
[Tag(profile, zircon/syscalls/profile.fidl, 38, 10),
Tag(profile_create, zircon/syscalls/profile.fidl, 41, 5),
Tag(zx_profile_create, zircon/syscalls/profile.fidl, 41, 5),
Tag(socket, zircon/syscalls/socket.fidl, 9, 10),
Tag(socket_create, zircon/syscalls/socket.fidl, 11, 5),
Tag(zx_socket_create, zircon/syscalls/socket.fidl, 11, 5),
Tag(socket_write, zircon/syscalls/socket.fidl, 15, 5),
Tag(zx_socket_write, zircon/syscalls/socket.fidl, 15, 5)]
def is_transport_syscall(x):
attribs = x.get("maybe_attributes", [])
for attrib in attribs:
if (
attrib.get("name") == "Transport"
and attrib.get("value") == "Syscall"
return True
return False
result = []
for i in json:
tag = strip_library(i["name"])
is_syscall = is_transport_syscall(i)
result.append(Tag(tag, *get_location_pieces(i["location"])))
for method in i["methods"]:
Tag(method["name"], *get_location_pieces(method["location"]))
if is_syscall:
"zx_" + method["name"],
return result
def get_tags(json, tags):
def get_syscall_tags(json, tags):
def main():
args = parse_args()
matches = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(args.build_dir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*.fidl.json"):
matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
# Include the syscalls ir file too.
os.path.join(args.build_dir, "gen", "zircon", "vdso", "zx.fidl.json")
tags = []
for filename in matches:
with open(filename) as f:
get_tags(json.load(f), tags)
tags = [x for x in tags if x.file != "generated"]
tags.sort(key=lambda x: x.tag)
with open(args.output, "w") as f:
f.write("!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t1\tgenerated by\n")
for t in tags:
"%s\t%s\t/\%%%dl\%%%dc/\n" % (t.tag, t.file, t.line, t.column)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "test":
import doctest