blob: 47c25fe6a0e141a3d7f70fef2a64a41dd2af1694 [file] [log] [blame]
# Reference at
requires = [
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "fxtest"
description = "Python binary for running Fuchsia tests"
requires-python = ">=3.11"
dynamic = ["version"]
readme = ""
keywords = ["fuchsia", "test"]
dependencies = []
# Testing related dependencies
test = [
"colorama==0.4.6", # for testing
"jellyfish==0.11.0", # for type checking
"parameterized==0.9.0", # for testing
# Coding guidelines related dependencies
guidelines = [
"coverage==7.2.7", # for measuring code coverage using unit tests
"pylint==2.17.4", # for code linting
"isort==5.12.0", # for sorting imports
"autoflake==2.1.1", # for removeing unused imports and unused variables
"types-colorama==0.4.6", # for type checking
"jellyfish==0.11.0", # for type checking
where = ["."] # list of folders that contain the packages (["."] by default)
# Reference at
profile = "google"
line_length = 80