blob: afb9836da25b52b81859c7bdc2d5a6b1d680f82d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
if (is_host) {
binary_sources = [
binary_deps = [
# Main executable target.
python_binary("fxtest-rewrite") {
enable_mypy = true
# Unbuffer so output can be piped to other programs nicely.
unbuffered_output = true
main_source = ""
output_name = "fxtest_rewrite.pyz"
sources = binary_sources
deps = binary_deps
main_module_tests = [
foreach(test_name, main_module_tests) {
target = "${test_name}_test"
main_source = "tests/${test_name}"
python_host_test(target) {
# TODO( Re-enable when flake is addressed
if (test_name != "main") {
enable_mypy = true
} else {
enable_mypy = false
main_source = main_source
main_callable = "unittest.main"
extra_args = [ "-v" ]
test_dir = "$root_out_dir/test_data/fxtest-rewrite-tests"
sources = binary_sources + [ "" ]
libraries = binary_deps + [ "//third_party/parameterized" ]
deps = [
host_test_data("test_data") {
sources = [
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/test_data/fxtest-rewrite-tests/test_data/build_output/{{source_file_part}}" ]
host_test_data("test_deps") {
sources = [ "$root_build_dir/host-tools/dldist" ]
outputs = [
deps = [ "//scripts/fxtest/scripts:install" ]
# Rename the resulting .pyz for the host tool
copy("copy") {
deps = [ ":fxtest-rewrite" ]
sources = [ "${target_out_dir}/fxtest_rewrite.pyz" ]
outputs = [ "${root_out_dir}/test2" ]
install_host_tools("install") {
deps = [ ":copy" ]
outputs = [ "test2" ]